The plan I have to propose is based upon the following self-
evident truisms—namely, that if the occupiers of the soil in Irel-
land are ignorant of the true principles and practice of agricul-
ture, the natural remedy for such ignorance is to give them in-
struction: and if they are to be instructed, it becomes equally
evident there must be some one to instruct them. This reason-
ing seems so clear and conclusive, that it may appear necessary
to allude to some of the causes which tend to prevent the ap-
pointment of such instructors, in order to account for their not
being, before this, located upon every considerable estate; for
although a great many landlords have appointed such instruc-
tors, under the name of agriculturists, for the instruction of
their tenants, yet by far the greater number, though at present
roused to pay some attention to the improvement of their estates,
have not yet been induced to avail themselves of the services of
this description of persons on their properties. The cause of
the backwardness of landlords in this respect appears to me to
be the following:--From the failure of the many attempts that
have been heretofore made to improve the condition of the small
farmers of Ireland, a very general impression prevails, that
every endeavour to accomplish it is but so much labour lost ;
which belief, chiming in with the natural indolence and want of
business-like habits of the great majority of landlords, indis
poses them generally (notwithstanding many splendid examples
to the contrary) to embark in any undertaking where a certain
expense must inevitably be incurred, and where success, in their
opinion, is so very problematical.
Besides this expense, however, there is another great dis-
couragement in the trouble of supplying seeds, bone-dust,
guano, &c., to the poorer tenants, without which (and perhaps
even a loan of cash) it would, in general, be wholly impossible
for them to follow the instructions given to them; and besides
the great trouble in the delivery and keeping the account of these
loans, there is also the apprehension that it may be difficult, if
not impossible, to recover payment of such advances. There
are discouragements to the general appointment of agricultu-
rists, which will, on consideration, full account for the num-
ber of those who, though they cannot deny the force of the
reasoning in favour of the appointment, have, nevertheless, to the
present time, delayed or absolutely declined to adopt a plan so
clearly supported by argument.
Taking these facts and circumstances into consideration, it
occurred to me, when consulted by the Earl of Clancarty, to
recommend to his lordship the appointment of an agriculturist
to the union agricultural society he was about to establish at
Ballinasloe, whose duty it would be to revisit the estates of such
gentlemen, belonging to the society, as chose to avail them-
selves of his services, for any specified time they might think
proper, paying him his wages for the time required, by which
means the subscription funds of the society would be left avail-
able for other necessary objects.
This plan, it will be obvious upon the slightest considera-
tion, went far to meet the discouragements just mentioned,
which appeared to deter individual landlords from engaging an
agriculturist specially for his own property; for in the first
place, it greatly lessened the expense and trouble by bringing
within his reach a well-qualified man, whom, for an outlay of
four or five guineas, he might procure to go round every tenant
on his estate ; and one general committee would in all proba-
bility, be able to free him from the labour of loans, &c. ; or
upon the plan of the Rev. W. Eames, of Clonfadforan Glebe,
he might, perhaps, be able to get that duty performed by the
loan fund of the district, and all risk of not being paid for is
advances thereby removed. Thus the appointment of agricul-
turists to union agricultural societies seems calculated (by
setting aside the objections which landlords have heretofore
been deterred by) to facilitate the introduction of the agricul-
turist upon estates where he would otherwise never have
gained admittance ; and if the plan became adopted in every
union, it would bring the best agricultural information within
reach of the most remote inhabitant in the kingdom.
It would further provide a confidential agent in each union,
capable of affording the most valuable statistical information;
would facilitate the establishing of lending libraries ; depots of
breeding stock ; museums of agricultural implements ; and any
other such measures as might hereafter be determined on, when
sufficient funds were obtained.
But it is not by arguments alone the value of the plan for ap-
pointing agriculturists to agricultural union societies is to be
estimated ; the case referred to of Ballinasloe, affords such
facts as place the matter beyond contradiction, and will I think,
fully justify me in laying before you the statements made by
Mr. Clapperton, the agriculturist there, at the last meeting
of the society, in the third year from its formation ; upon
which occasion Mr. Clapperton being called upon, spoke, as
follows, addressing the Earl of Clancarty.
"My lord, I am happy to say I receive the most ample and
efficient support from both landlords and agents, in trying to
accomplish the philanthropic designs of this institution ; which,
when coupled with the efforts and energies of the small far-
mers, furnishes efficient machinery to work the society onward
in the general march of improvement, with a steady and pro-
gressive motion. The landed proprietary in this union, beyond
a doubt, have done much in opening up facilities for improve-
ments, which were otherwise impracticable; but the small far-
mers have done a good deal more in carrying into practical
effect the improvements for which these facilities opened the
door; and of whom I can safely affirm, in the hearing of this
noble assembly, and in the face of the world, that in very
many instances their zeal and energy surpass their ability. It
has, I presume, been an hundred times asserted and re-asserted,
that the small farmers of Ireland are so tenaciously wedded to
systems derived from their forefathers, that it is with difficulty
they can be persuaded to abandon them ; but as far as my ex-
perience goes in the matter, I have invariably found that all
which is requisite to obtain their ready assent to carry into
practical effect (as far as their circumstances will admit of) the
improved system of agriculture, is to meet them on equable
and friendly terms ; for any thing in the shape of pride or
superciliousness on the part of an agriculturist, my lords and
gentlemen, I am persuaded would neutralize the very best ad-
vice ; but only meet them on fair ground, and I presume there
is not a race of men in this extended universe will evince a
more kindly and tractable disposition than the small farmers in
Ireland. This year, as far as I am concerned, they have ma-
nifested the deepest interest in green-cropping generally, but
particularly in the sowing of turnips, for which operation the
weather has seldom been less propitious, and indeed was in every
way calculated to blunt their energies, and even obviate their
very best intentions ; but to their credit be it spoken, their
anxiety was so intense to realize that invaluable crop (turnips),
that a failure was no sooner indicated and rendered apparent,
that than the seed was re-sown, and in many instances, several
times repeated. But this feature, my lords and gentlemen,
was by no means attributable to the seed, but the fault of the
season. But, to proceed,--we have this year 702 turnip
growers, 32 of mangel-wurzel, 275 of rape, 454 of vetches,
and 296 of clover and grass ; exhibiting an increase over last
year of 227 turnip growers, 17 of mangel-wurzel, 131 of
rape, 159 of vetches, and 109 of clover and grass. And the
extra breadth of ground under these crops is fully in proportion
with the extra number of persons who have sown them. We
have an increase of 34 acres of turnips, 3 acres of mangel,
156 acres of rape, 11 acres of vetches, and 146 acres of clo-
ver and grass; giving a total increase of green crops over
last year of 351 Irish acres; and the total breadth of ground
under the different green crops this year is the following, viz:
under turnips, 146 acres; under mangel, 5 acres ; under rape,
306 acres; under vetches, 58 acres; under clover and grass,
363 acres; giving a total breadth of ground under green crops
of 880 acres, adequate to support throughout the year about
2,000 head of black cattle. In furrow draining, there are
executed since November last, 17,484 Irish perches, calculated
to put a drain in every perch over an extent of 109 acres. Seeing
we have such an ample quantity of green crops and other im-
provements effected, my lords and gentlemen, it may be a na-
tural inquiry, what fruits have they or are they likely to pro-
duce. The benefits derivable from furrow draining, recently
executed, are not as yet developed in the scale of remune-
ration ; but the earth will, in due time, make an ample return
from ehr prolific bosom for every farthing invested, to carry
off the surplus water, by which her productive powers were
chained down with the iron fetters of sterility; but the benefits
already derived are in many instances strikingly exemplified.
Much ground (to say the least of it) that was lying compara-
tively waste, useless to the farmer, and a burden upon the rest
of the farm, is now brought under profitable cultivation, and
paying for itself; and I consider that every acre of such
ground, which is brought from a state of sterility to a state of
fertility and productiveness upon an eight-acre farm (and more
or less in proportion), reduces the rent upon the entire farm
fully two shillings per acre, taking the average rent at £1 per
acre. The good effected in this respect is both felt and seen,
although as yet upon a moderate scale; and there are many
farmers present can bear ample attestation to the truth of other
statements I am about to make, viz., that many who did not
possess a cow for several preceding years, have now realized
one; others, who had only one, have now tow, with a pro-
portional increase of minor stock ; and many of them can send
potatoes to market now, who could not previously raise an
adequate supply for their own families. And I can tell you
more, my lords and gentlemen, I know a good many instances
(and many here know it as well as I do), where the farmers
would have been put out of their farms before this, had it not
been for the improved system of husbandry which they adopted.
Green-cropping and house-feeding have also stamped their
character very preceptibly upon both the quantity and quality
of the dung-hill, the virtues of which are also being exemplified
in the increase of manured ground, and the quantity and
quality of the produce. In fine, green-cropping and house-
feeding are the most rich and fertile sources of acquiring an
adequate supply of manure to answer all the demands of the
farm; and in the absence of that, the best farmer is inadequate
to farm upon a remunerating scale."
Now, taking 1730, the number of persons stated by Mr.
Clapperton to have become converts to the new system, to be
able, after being fairly embarked in that system, to manure
merely two acres more than they formerly did, this would make
an extra quantity of manured land equal to 3,460 acres, which
would be qualified, according to the four-course rotation, to
give, after the manured crop, a crop of wheat or oats, laid
down with clover and grass for next year's soiling, and another
grain crop after the clover, which four crops would, upon an
average, be worth above £7 10s per acre, Irish mearure [sic], or
£30 for the four crops; which multiplied by the 3,460, comes to
above £1,00,000 (at a valuation nearly one-third under the
fair estimate), brought into a small district by the exertions of
one man, in a little more than two and a half years, at an ex-
pense not much exceeding £160, which his wages would about
amount to for that time. But this is far from being a true
estimate of the benefit likely to be derived; for the number of
converts will be increasing from year to year, and the produce
of the land will be augmented by the new converts likely to
follow the successful examples given them by so many of their
neighbours, until the mind is actually lost in astonishment in
the contemplation of results of such magnitude, arising out of
an outlay apparently so inadequate; and a contribution of £50
annually towards the wages of an agriculturist, in each union,
would most probably be the means of inducing the resident
gentry in each district to unite to provide means of making the
appointment practically useful, by providing an advance of ma-
nure, seeds, &c., and in some cases, money, in order to enable
the poorer classes to avail themselves of the instructions afforded
them. If it is calculated what the return to government, in the
revenue, from the additional outlay of £100,000, in any one
district, expended in whatever way it may, the contribution of
£50 in each will appear to be a profitable investment for the
public, instead of an expense, and this is the true way of view-
ing the matter in. It may be further said, in favour of this,
that the education thus afforded to the farmer and his family,
upon their own farms, is precisely the education suited to their
They learn to be useful members of society in the
condition in which Providence has placed them; and, by honest
industry and the practice of what they are taught, the means
of advancement in the world are placed within their reach. It
is a common error to suppose that this mode of proceeding
tends to pauperize an estate, by sanctioning and encouraging
small farms, and that the true way to have a rich tenantry is,
to divide the land into large farms, and turn off the small
holders ; no doubt this process, however repugnant to the bet-
ter feelings of human nature, would be effective, if new tenants
could be got to occupy these large farms with capital suited to
their cultivation.
There may, perhaps, be some parts of Ireland where such capital is to be met with; but in general, such
tenants could not be had, were this plan extensively acted on.
In such cases, with all deference to the judgment of those
who adopt the clearance system, they are, under such circum-
stances, taking the direct way to impoverish their estates, in
place of enriching them. To give a man a larger farm than
he has the capital to cultivate, very nearly resembles the prac-
tice of Indian princes, who make a present of an elephant to
the courtier they wish to ruin—the expense beggars him: so it
is with the large farm the rent must be paid, which is just as
eating an evil as the elephant ; and the tenant who has not the
capital to support it, is broke. It will be found, I think, when
the subject is well considered, that it is not large farms make
a wealthy tenantry, but it is a wealthy tenantry that make the
large farms. Therefore, those landlords who wish for large
farms, which, in this view of the case, every landlord will natu-
rally do, his first exertions must be to improve the circum-
stances of the farmers he had ; and, as they can only better
their circumstances by improved cultivation, his first object
should be to give them agricultural instruction. Knowledge is
power; and the power of making three acres of land produce as
much as nine, with one-third of the rent, and much less expense
in other respects, must be degrees effect an improvement in a
certain proportion of any tenantry. Suppose this knowledge is
pretty generally diffused over any particular district, the value
of land (to those who have improved) is enhanced, by their
knowing, from experience, what an increased return can be had
from it. If any tenant who adheres to old prejudices gets into
difficulties, or wishes to emigrate, the man who has improved
is the person who will give the highest price for his farm, from
knowing what he can make of it; and, by what he had made,
is, also, the person best able to pay for it. Thus, the improver
extends his farm from time to time, as opportunity offers. On
the other hand, suppose that no such opportunity occurs—that
no one wishes to emigrate, or may be forced to sell from being
in difficulties, then the improver, having acquired a little capi-
tal, and knowing he can part with his own farm to advantage,
from its high state of cultivation, looks round to other localities
where agriculture is less understood, and where land, there-
fore, may be obtained on cheaper terms ; he sells his own farm,
and purchases, elsewhere, one twice or three times the size,
which his skill and exertions will soon double the value of; and
his old farm goes to increase the farm of some of his neigh-
bours whom he leaves behind him ; and thus, in any case, the
acquisition of capital leads to the increase of the holdings as
I have stated.
There can be no truth more certain than this, that, as a ge-
neral principle, capital will find room for itself, and go where
it will yield the best return. The colonization schemes of the
present day, in New Zealand and elsewhere, are all examples
that capital will find room for itself, and are no more than in-
stances, upon a large scale, of the principle contended for, and
which is demonstrated in a small way by what has been said of
the small farmer, whose improved knowledge is in itself an ac-
quired capital, which he will not fail to turn to advantage in
some way or other. The truth of what has been thus advanced
could be substantiated by numerous examples on the Earl of
Gosford's estates. The premium men who have most distin-
guished themselves have invariably increased their farms 3where
they had the opportunity of so doing. Many more are waiting
that opportunity ; and many have sold their farms under Lord
Gosford, and have purchased larger farms at lower rents else-
wheere ; and some have obtained valuable farms, without pur-
chase, from landlords who have been anxious to establish exam-
ples of improved cultivation on their estates. Thus, the spread-
ing of the populatation [sic], however different the causes which
may bring it about, in every case tends to enlarge the farms of
those who remain stationary, whilst bettering greatly the
condition of those who remove.
But the state of things near large towns, where capital
abounds, affords still more convincing proof of what I assert,
because it is there visible to the eye. No one can there see the
miserable cottier starving upon two or three acres of land,
clinging to it with desperate tenacity, as his only hope of exis-
tence. If such small portions exist, they are in the hands of
the market gardener, whose knowledge enables him to buy out
the cottier, who may have escaped the acquisitiveness of the
adjoining farmer. The cottier becomes the labourer, and the
capital of the vicinity affords him constant employment ; that
division of labour which capital is sure to produce has been
brought into existence, and improvement, proceeding in confor-
mity to natural laws, progresses, with benefit to all and injury
to none. but to make large farms where there is not capital to
occupy them, and to turn out cottiers where there is not capital
to employ them, is acting in opposition to natural laws—is
forcing a state of things which the advancement of the country
is not adequate to maintain, and which must be attended with
loss to the proprietors if they cannot get tenants with adequate
means ; and with misery to the poor people, who, in losing their
patch of land, are obliged to part with all they can rely on for
employment, without having any prospect of such a permanent
demand for their labour as may render them independent of that
resource they have lost.
In every point of view, therefore, the location of an agricul-
turist seems best suited to the present circumstances of Ireland.
The information he gives, as has been already alluded to, suits
the peasant for his place in society and makes him a valuable
member of the community, without elevating him so much
above his former circumstances as to make him unsuited to them,
which is the case with many of those trained in agricultural
schools, where they acquire different branches of learning,
which, however advantageous to the individual, disqualify him
for returning to his father's cabin and few acres of land, to make
the most of his acquirements. The local is unsuited to him.
He leaves it in disgust to seek a situation better suited to him,
and his father and his farm are left as they are. To take a
large farm he has not capital ; to sink into a small one he can-
not brook ; and if he cannot get a situation as land-steward or
agriculturist, which his want of experience and knowledge of
the world are great obstacles to his obtaining, his Irish history
ends by his becoming an emigrant to America, leaving his
native land, without benefit from him or his education, to advance or retrogade as other circumstances may happen to
promote or retard it.
Emigration is, no doubt, the natural vent for our population ;
but no country can be reasonably said to be over-peopled until
the soil has been brought to something near its maximum state
of cultivation, and found insufficient for the support of its in-
There is no truth more clear than that capital is the result of
labour ; for man brought nothing in the world, and, therefore,
there was nothing but his labour to produce it. To part, there-
fore, with the labourer is, to part with that which produces the
wealth of the country ; and if the country affords the means of
employment, it seems to me the government, as acting for the
good of the community, ought first to endeavour to make that
employment available; and ought not, until all means of ac-
complishing this have failed, to encourage the emigration of a
population able and willing to work, for the cultivation and
improvement of foreign lands, which is so much wanted for the
cultivation and improvement of our own. If the population is
kept profitably employed, capital will so increase, that it will
have to find room for itself elsewhere ; and those who are
possessed of it will find means to export themselves, without
any other inducement than their own interest ; and there will be
always enough of growing population and capital coming for-
ward to take its place ; so the wealth and property of the coun-
try will always remain full, even to overflowing.
The present state of Ireland does not, I regret to say, furnish
an example of this desirable state of things; but it, nevertheless,
exhibits very striking proofs of the correctness of the doctrines
here insisted on ; for of what class are the great body of emi-
grants usually composed? Are they not those possessed of a
certain amount of capital, which, they hope to lay out to more
permanent advantage elsewhere than they can at home ; or
those better educated, who wish to take their talents and ac-
quirements to a better market ; or the able-bodied labourer,
whose capital is his health and strength, who seeks elsewhere
the occupation and employment which he cannot here obtain?
It is a common complaint, that those only leave the country
whom it would be most desirable to keep in it; and this fact
is often accounted for according to the opposite views of reli-
gious and party feelings. But the whole seems to take place in
strict conformity with the admitted law of nature ; that capital
will always find room for itself ; and all those people obey this
law in taking their capital voluntarily, whether it be monetary,
mental, or corporeal, to the best market. But to force emigra-
tion prematurely, by bounties and other inducements, seems to
me to be little better than the clearance system, sanctioned in the
gross, though it is denounced in detail; and will probably cost
more than would provide employment at home in a manner more
beneficial to the country, and more satisfactory to the persons
for whose benefit it is proposed. WM. BLACKER
The Lord Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls, and Mr.
Henn, Master in Chancery, entered the court and took their
seats upon the bench at half-past one o'clock.
The following gentlemen were then called to the bar,
having taken the usual oaths in the Court of the Queen's
Bench :--
(Those marked with an asterisk are Roman Catholics.]
Henry O'Malley, Esq., second of Sir Samuel O'Malley, of
Kilboyne, in the county of Mayo, Bart. ; William F. Holland,
Esq., eldest son of Frederick Holland, late of Ballyvoreen,
county Limerick, deceased ; *John Levy, Esq., eldest son of
Patrick Levy, late of Glanagh, county Longford, Esq., de-
ceased; Robert Haliday, Esq., third son of Robert Haliday,
late of Belfast, Esq., deceased; George William Grogan, Esq.,
fourth son of John Grogan, of Harcourt-street, Dublin, Barris-
ter-at-law; William Patrick Carr, Esq., second son of the
Rev. George Carr, of New Ross, county Wexford, clerk ;
Benjamin Forbes Mosse, Esq., eldest son of Thomas Mosse,
of Knockfinne, Queen's county, Esq.; *John O'Hagan, Esq.,
second son of John A. O'Hagan, Esq., late of Newry, county
Down, woollen-draper, deceased ; George Augustus Frederick
Robinson, Esq., only son of the Rev. Hugh Robinson, late of
New Norfolk, in the Island of Van Dieman's Land, govern-
ment chaplain, deceased; John Pitt Kennedy, Esq., only son
of Thomas Kennedy, late of the city of Londonderry, de-
ceased; Edward Blackburne, Esq., third son of the Right Hon.
Francis Blackburne, of Merrion-square, Master of the Rolls;
*William Hackett, Esq., third son of Wm. Hackett of
Halifax, in the province of Nova Scotia, North America, Esq.;
John Frazer, Esq., fifth son of John Frazer, of Dromore,
county Down, Esq. deceased.
Importers of Damasks, Moreens, London Chintzes,
RESPECTFULLY inform the Nobility and Gentry, that
their Warerooms are replete with a beautiful, varied and
extensive stock in
Foreign Tapestries, Challis and Chintzes ; Swiss
Muslin Curtains, Plain and Embossed ; Rich
Embossed Velvet and Chintz Table Covers ; Utrecht
Velvets, Chinese Tapestries, &c., &c.
Patent Gold Tarare Muslin Curtains; Cocoa Matting,
Foot Mats, &c.
Last week a meadow belonging to
JOHN COPELAND, Esq., Prospect-Hill, Enniskillen, was
cut down, and looks remarkably well to be cut so early in
the season.
MAY 24.--Admitted, 19; discharged, 15; remaining, 450.
We have seen a letter from ANNE M'CRERY, (a pauper sent
to Canada by the guardians of this union.) She appears happy
at her change; is in a situation at 12s 6d a month; and recommends emigration to all who cannot reap the reward of industry
at home.
The next General Quarter
Sessions of the Peace for this county will be held as follows:--
Ballybot, 17th; Newtownhamilton, 20th ; Markethill, 23d ;
Armagh, 25th; and Lurgan 30th of June next.
On the 21st inst., at Chantilly Lodge, the lady of Ralph
Smith Obre, Esq., of a son and heir.
At Tempo Church, on Tuesday, 20th May, by the Rev. John
Whittaker, Mr. John Lemon, merchant, Enniskillen [Co
Fermanagh], to Jane, daughter of the late Mr. Robert
Armstrong, of Brookeborough.
Tuesday last, in
Colebrooke church, by the Rev. Butler Brooke, the marriage
of the Rev. P. L'Estrange, Rector and Vicar of Knockbride,
in the county Cavan, to Harriet Elizabeth Brooke, daughter
of the late Sir Henry and sister to the present Sir Arthur B.
Brooke, of Colebrooke, M.P., for the county Fermanagh,
took place, in the presence of the several members of the
Brooke family, and the elite of the county. After the
ceremony a sumptuous dejeune was given by Sir Arthur
and lady Brooke, when the happy pair left Colebrooke to
pass the honeymoon.
May 21, at Vicar's Hill, in this city, Mrs. George Benson.
On the 15th inst., Miss E. Tuthill, daughter of the Rev. Mr.
Tuthill, curate of Ballyshannon [Co Donegal].
February 28, at St. Helena, on his passage home from China,
aged 21 years, Henry William, third son of Samuel T. Potter,
Esq., of Bundoran [Co Donegal].
March 19, of cholera, Lieutenant and Adjutant John James
Ochiltree Stuart, 5th Regiment M.N.I., third son of the Hon.
A. G. Stuart, Lisdhu, county of Tyrone. By his death the
service has lost a bright ornament. He lived beloved and
respected, and his death is lamented by all who knew him.
On the 16th instant, of consumption, at his residence in
Ireland's entry Belfast, Mr. Thomas M'Ilwee, foreman,
"Protestant Journal," aged 25 years, much and deservedly
On Thursday last Mr. Atkinson, coroner, held
an inquest at Ballycastle [Co Antrim], on the body of Mrs.
Eliza Harding, wife of Lieutenant George Harding, of the
Coast Guards, stationed at Belarrig. This lady's death was
very sudden, and many unpleasant reports injurious to the
character of her husband were in circulation, owing to a
servant maid who left her service a short time previous to
her death. Many witnesses were examined, all of whom
bore testimony to Lieutenant Harding being a kind and
affectionate husband. Dr. Layng, of Ballycastle, who
was in the habit of attending the deceased for some years,
gave evidence as to her habits of living, and had seen her
in fits, which appeared to him to be delirium tremens.
Doctor Neilson made a post mortem examination, after
which he gave the following evidence—That on the left
breast there was the mark of a slight contusion, but it
was not of consequence, as producing any material
injury. The lungs were small, but in other respects
appeared healthy. The left extremity of the stomach was
very much inflamed, and the greater portion of the
smaller intestines were likewise in an inflamed state ;
the liver was gorged with blood. He was of opinion
that the state of the liver and also the inflamed state of
the stomach and intestines could be satisfactorily
accounted for from the intemperate habits of the
deceased ; and although there was no proof of excess
in drinking ardent spirits for some days prior to death,
he was of opinion, that a chronic state of inflammation
of the stomach and intestines had existed for some
time ; he was, however, of opinion that the immediate
cause of death was epilepsy. The jury returned as
their verdict that the deceased, Eliza Harding, came by
her death by the visitation of God.—Athlone
On the morning of Thursday last, a notice from the Molly
Maguires was found posted at Rossorry bridge, near
Enniskillen, cautioning people not give more than 3d. per
stone for potatoes, or 11d. per peck for meal, and if they
would they should never live to see Enniskillen. In my last
I noticed to you the murder of Mr. GALLAGHER of
Ballyconnell—his wife died on Sunday week, and on
Tuesday following his poor mother expired from fear and
grief; one of his children is also in a dangerous state.
On the 22d instant, a party of the Molly Maguires visited the
houses of Francis Barton of Quibertragh near Blacklion [Co
Cavan], and John Nixon, of Duckfields, herdsmen. Both
persons being at the fair of Blacklion, the ruffians succeeded
in carrying away two muskets. Barton's wife made a spirited
resistance, holding the gun, till she was threatened with death.
The muskets belonged to the Largy corps of yeomanry. Much
praise is due Constable Gibson and his party who made every
possible exertion to apprehend the gang, but did not succeed,
although they searched the mountains for miles around. A
person named Dolan, who lives near Blacklion, has been
arrested on the suspicion of having acted as guide.
A man named M'Kiernan was shot near Ballinamore, on
Wednesday the 21st instant.
It is said that a man named Leonard, a tenant of the Earl of
Erne's, living near Knockninny, had his ditches levelled a few
nights ago. The cause is supposed to be jealousy towards
Leonard, who had recently an addition made to his farm by
his landlord, and which he was endeavouring to bring into a
state of cultivation.
On Thursday evening last
Mr. Thomas Bournes, son of Mr. James Bournes, of
Castleconner, county Sligo, and who recently obtained a good
property, left the quay of Ballina in a boat, in company with
the master of a vessel then lying in the river, and they did not
proceed far, when owing to some mismanagement, and the
party it is supposed, being somewhat intoxicated, the boat
was upset. All but Bournes escaped. The body was found
immediately after.—An inquest washeld [sic] on the body
on Saturday by Meredith Thompson, Esq., one of the
county Sligo coroners, and a verdict returned in accordance
with the evidence.—Mayo Constitution.
The successful candidates for Fellowship and Scholarship
in the University were declared on Monday. The following is
the order in which their names are announced :
Fellowships.—1. Richard Townsend, Esq., B.A. 2. Rev.
John William Stubbs, M.A. Mr. Townsend having been
elected unanimosly [sic], the contest at the Board lay
between Messrs. Stubbs and Ingram—the votes running
thus:--For Mr. Stubbs—The Provost, Dr. Singer, Dr. Moore,
and Dr. Todd. For Mr. Ingram—Dr. M'Donnell, Dr. Lloyd,
Mr. Macullagh, and Mr. Graves. The votes being thus equal,
Mr. Stubbs was elected by the casting vote of the Provost.
The premiums awarded to the successful candidates for Fel-
lowship were as follow [sic]:--Ingram, First Premium of
£100, together with Madden's Premium of £120. Dickson,
£60. Patten, £50. Wilcock, £30. Poole, £30.
Schorlasrships [sic].—Messrs. Parke, Charles; Doyne,
Richard ; Reilly, Francis; Wynne, Henry; Leslie, Thomas;
Hearne, William; Barnes, Thomas; Walker, Francis ;
Webb, Thomas; Vowell, William; Murphy, Nugent ;
At the close of the examination for the degree of Bachelor
of Arts, the candidates were classed as follows :--
THIRD CLASS—Richard H. Smith, Mr. Thomas
M'Mahon, John A. Dolan, Sch. ; Thomas Moeran, Pascal
Atkinson, Mr. William Hoyte, John Whiting, Richard
Fisher, Richard Frizelle, Sclr.
FOURTH CLASS—James Roger, Sch. ; David Barry,
Mr. N. Ball, Mr. Henry P. Vereker, Mr. Robert W.
Russell, Charles Haines, George S. Greer, John G.
Mulholland, Mr. Frederick F. Knox, Mr. Henry J. Tomb,
William J. Murdock, James W. Armstrong, Mr. Joseph
Greene, Mr. Robert Close, Sheffington Armstrong.
Unclassed Candidates who have been allowed the
examination :--
Gilbert Barrett, John W. Browne, Robert J. Clarke, Mr.
Edmund E. Davenport, Mr. Daniel De la Cherois, Mr.
Nicholas Cherois, John Devereux, John Dill, Mr.
Samuel A. Finnemore, Clermont Fortescue, Mr.
Richard H. Hornbridge, Mr. Godfrey Massey, Mr. John
M. Massey, Mr. Robert M'Naghten, Mr. Walter Pigott,
Mr. Robert Roe, Thomas Russell, Mr. Russell Stanhope,
Mr. Henry Warren.
Mr. Robert Fowler, James B. Gilmore, Edward L.
Barrington, James W. Barlow, Richard H. Walsh.
Second Rank.—(None.)
CLASSICS.—First Rank.—Wm. Kidd, Thomas W.
Second Rank.—William W. Brady, George S. Fagan,
Francis Young.
Johnston G. Stoney, Morgan W. Crofton, Benjamin
Second Rank.—Thomas W. Luby, James Stevenson,
Horace Townsend, John J. Walkr, William B. Cobbe.
CLASSICS.—First Rank.—Mr. Richard A. O'Reilly,
Mr. Christopher L. Darby, Henry Brougham, George
Higginbotham, William Lewers, Steward B. Craig,
John J. Twigg, Wm. Weir, John R. M'Dowell.
Second Rank.—Mr. Edward Topping, Mr. John C.
Pounden, Thomas W. Luby, Henry Taylour, James
Stevenson, Henry W. Crofton, Daniel Baird, John J.
Walker, Laurence Kellett, William Halpin, William
Pennefather, Barre B. Bowling, Joseph E. Miller,
Robert M. Bradshaw, Henry W. Mathew, Hugh
M'Sorley, Wyndham F. Armstrong.
John Casement, James Johnson, William Fetherston,
Frederick R. Wynne, John England, Zacharias Barry,
Thomas Dunnett.
Second Rank.—Mr. Marshall Clarke, Mr. Samuel
Dopping, Thomas Ashe, James A. Dickinson, Robert
Cooke, Wentworth Erck, Henry Galbraith, Travers
Adamson, James A. Weir, Robert Carmichael.
CLASSICS—First Rank.—William Anderson,
William Malan, Benjamin Fausset, Edward C.
Carrol, Travers Adamson, J. A. Weir, Henry V.
Mackesy, Hugh Huddleston, Thomas Dunnett.
Second Rank.—Francis Hopkins, William Hopkins,
James Hewitt, George A. Crawford, Arthur Guinness,
Trevor Wheeler, Ambrose Cooke, Maurice C. Odell,
William Brassington, Lewis Richards, Abraham
Dawson, Charles Stringer, John Dunbar, Alexander
Waring, John Murray.
Mr. Edward Hughes, aged about 60, the Mayor of this
Borough, put a termination to his existence by piercing his
neck, under the left ear, with a penknife.
SARAH M'KEE was committed to our county
gaol on the 25th inst., by JOSHUA M. MAGEE, Esq., coroner,
for having, ont he 19th inst., at Kermon, wilfully murdered her
illegitimate child by exposing it to the cold and inclemency of
the weather. She is for trial at the ensuing assizes.
John Cooke and James Milligan, (two old offenders,) were
committed to our county gaol on the 21st inst., to take their
trial at Lurgan sessions for stealing a spade, the property of
the Guardians of the Lurgan Union Workhouse; and Bell
Walker, for buying, and having in her possession said spade,
knowing it to be stolen.
James M'Caghley was sentenced to one month's imprisonment
at Lurgan Petty Sessions, for absenting himself from his mas-
ter's employment.
John Foster, at Loughgall Petty Sessions was sentenced to
one month's hard labour for leaving his master--he being an
indentured apprentice.
From all parts of this county we learn
that the wheat crop promises a more abundant harvest this sea-
son than for the last thirty years past. In a field in the town-
land of Ballybrawley, within one mile of this city, the property
of Mr. WM. CAMPBELL, Auctioneer, the third year's crop,
without manure, may be seen in a thriving state, upwards of
twenty-nine inches long. Hitherto the dry weather in the month
of May had an injurious effect upon the crop, which was not the
case this year.
These crops are not so pro-
mising as the wheat, having scarcely yet covered the ground.--
The backward state of the flax crop is attributed, in a great
measure, to the inferior description of Russian seed imported
last year.
The potato crop in every party of the country is most pro-
mising.—Tipperary Vindicator.
A specimen of Italian Rye Grass,
grown on the Palace farm by Mr. ALLAN, lies at our office for
inspection. It measures in length four feet, and is very succu-
lent. The seed we are informed was purchased from Mr. ANDERSON
of Scotch-street.