Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

1 April, 1845  


March 25, at No. 6, Mountjoy-square, East, the lady of Wm. Humphreys, Esq., of Ballyhaise House, county of Cavan, of a daughter.



On the 18th instant, at Kilkeel Church, by the Rev. J. F. Close, Rector, Mr. George M'Cracken, Newry, to Jane, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John Wright, Kilkeel.

On the 17th March, at Killyman Church, by the Rev. Wm. Quain, George Stewart, Esq., Belfast, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late David Scott, Esq., Dublin.

On the 12th March, at Hillsborough church, by the Venera- ble Archdeacon Mant, Mr. Richard Evans, chemist, Manches- ter, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Gilmore, Belfast.

On the 15th March, by the Rev. A. G. Ross, of Markethill, Mr. William Kitson, of Brackley, to Miss Turner, of Corhammock, county Armagh.

March 20, in Middletown Church, by the Rev. Thos. Jervis White, Thomas, eldest son of the late James Wensley Bond, of Cartronard, in the county of Longford, Esq., to Charlotte Stanley, eldest daughter of Henry Coote Bond, of Bondville, in the county of Armagh, Esq.

On the 29th ult., at Maguiresbridge, by the Rev. T. W. Rowe, John Nixon, Esq., Garrohill, to Miss Margaret Smyth, Littlehill, near Maguiresbridge [Co Fermanagh].

On the 27th ult., by the Rev. Wm. Sweeney, Presbyterian Minister of Croghan, Wm. C. MíBride, Esq. of Alistragh, Armagh, to Mary Jane, daughter of Charles Magee, Esq., Tully, Killesandra [Co Cavan].

On the 26th ult., in the parish church of Kilmore, by the Rev. Henry Cobb, Mr. John Hutchinson, eldest son of Mr. Samuel Hutchinson, Fruithill, to Miss Maria, only daughter of Mr. William Morison, Willmount, both of the county Armagh.

On the 19th ult., in Templemahery Church, by the Rev. M. Burke, Mr. James Jones, of Drumboe, near Lowtherstown [Co Fermanagh], to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. Robert Evans, of Glenarn, near Lack [Co Fermanagh].

March 22, in Tynan Church, by the Rev. Thomas Gervis White, Robert Todd Houston, Esq., Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, to Mary, widow of the late Dr. Allan, and only child of the late Captain Moore, of Drummond, county of Tyrone.

On the 25th ult., at Honeybark, by the Rev. William Emslie, of the Free Church, Inch [Co Down?], George Troup, Esq., of the "Banner of Ulster", to Helen, third daughter of William Emslie, Esq., merchant, Aberdeen.

On the 27th ult., at Keady, by the brideís father, the Rev. Henry Jackson Dobbin, of Ballymena [Co Antrim], to Anne, daughter of the Rev. Joseph Jenkins.

On the 25th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Edgar, William Moffat, Esq., M.D., of Belfast, to Mary, eldest daughter of the Rev. Thomas Heron, of Springbank, County Derry.

On the 24th inst., in the Cathedral of Lisburn, by the Very Rev. the Dean of Ross, Mr. Arthur Morgan, to Catherine, daughter of Mr. James Vernon, both of Lisburn.

The preliminaries for a matrimonial alliance have been concluded between Wm. Archdall, Esq., high sheriff of Enniskillen, brother to Cap- tain Mervyn Archdall, M.P., and Emily Mary, the eldest daughter of the Hon. and Rev. J. C. Maude, and niece to Viscount Hawarden. The marriage is to take place early in the present month at Enniskillen church, when the ceremony will be performed by the brideís uncle, the Hon. and Very Rev. Robert W. Maude, Dean of Clogher and Archdeacon of Dublin.



On the 11th inst., Mrs. Stewart, of Hillhall, near Lisburn. The deceased was the daughter of the late Rev. S. Edgar, of Loughagery, and sister to the Rev. S. Edgar, of Armagh.-- The disorder, which terminated in her dissolution, was tedious and distressing. This, however, she bore with distinguished resignation, founded on the atonement of Emanuel, the only ground of hope, and on the prospect of immortality, the only source of consolation in the hour of death. In her life, she was cheerful, pious, and affectionate, full of information, and excelling in conversation. She was, in consequence, the delight of her many friends and acquaintances. She has escaped through the dark portals of death to the regions of endless life, and light, and glory.

Suddenly, at Armagh, on the 20th instant, Hesse Jane, the beloved wife of Robert Turle, Esq., organist of the Armagh Cathedral and daughter of the late Thomas Greer, of Belfast, Esq., deeply and sincerely regretted by a numerous circle of sorrowing friends.

On the 12th inst. a man named JOHN M'NEILL drank a quantity of whiskey in Loughgall, and when a little out of that town, on his way home, he went into a house, and instantly dropped dead. A Coroner's inquest was held on the body, and a verdict returned accordingly.

On the 31st ult., at Avon Lodge, Armagh, Major Thomas Shaw, aged 75 years, universally respected and regretted.

On Friday last, in Thomas-street, in this city, Mr. Hans Gordon, after an illness of only two days.

On Tuesday evening last, an industrious man of the name of HIGGINS, who resided in Tonystick, in this town, went to bed in his usual good health about 9 o'clock, and on his wife retiring to rest, in about two hours afterwards, she found him dead. He has left a wife and two children to deplore his loss.



The sixth annual meeting of this invaluable society was held on Thursday in the Round Room of the Rotunda. The attendance was numerous and most influential, as will appear by the fol- lowing list of the names of those who occupied seats on and around the platform :-- [Transcriber's note: Names, which were run in a very long paragraph in the original Armagh Guardian article, have been itemized and listed in alphabetical order in this transcription.] ARMAGH, Venerable Archdeacon of; CASHEL, Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of; CLOGHER, Venerable Archdeacon of; DERRY, Venerable Archdeacon of; DOWN, CONNOR, and DROMORE, the Lord Bishop of; DOWN, Venerable Archdeacon of; EMLY, Archdeacon of; KILDARE, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of; KILDARE, Venerable Archdeacon of; KILDARE, Very Rev. the Dean of; ADAMS, Rev. A.; ALCOCK, Rev. A.; BAKER, Rev. R.; BAKER, Rev. T.; BLACK, Rev. G.; BOLTON, Rev. -----; BOOKER, Rev. J.; BREDIN, Rev. A.; BROOKE, Rev. R.S.; BURKE, Rev. -----; CALWELL, Rev. J.; CAMPBELL, Rev. A.; CHATOR, Rev. F.; CLEAVER, Rev. W.; CONNOLLY, Rev. R.; CORVAN, Rev. J.; CROZIER, Rev. G.; DAY, Rev. ; DeBUTTS, Rev. G.; DICKSON, Rev. R.; DRURY, Rev. J.; DUDGEON, Rev. M. T.; DUNBAR, Rev. H.; FETHERSTONE, Rev. C.; FINLAY, Rev. J. W.; FISHBOURNE, Rev. R.; FOSTER, Rev. A.; GELSTON, Rev. H.; GEORGE, Rev. G.; GREGG, Rev. T.; HACKETT, Rev. J. W.; HALLAHAN, Rev. R. H.; HANDS, Rev. J.; HARPUR, Rev. T.; HEMPHILL, Rev. R.; HORT, Rev. J.; HUDSON, Rev. A.; HUNT, Rev. H.; IRWIN, Rev. J.; JACOB, Rev. H. T.; KELLY, Rev. J.; KENNEDY, Rev. T. L.; KINGSTON, Rev. T.; KRAUSE, Rev. W. H.; LAWRIE, Rev. G.; LEATHLEY, Rev. J. T.; LEEPER, Rev. A.; LEET, Rev. E.; LESLIE, Rev. C.; LIDDIARD, Rev. H.; LONG, Rev. W. D.; LOWE, Rev. J. B.; MíGHEE, Rev. R. J.; MACARTNEY, Rev. H. A.; MACARTNEY, Rev. H. B.; MACNAMARA, Rev. G. S.; MACONCHY, Rev. W.; MAGEE, Venerable Archdeacon; MANT, Rev. W. B.; MARKS, Rev. Dr.; MILLS, Rev. W.; MINCHIN, Rev. C. H.; MOLLOY, Rev. W. J.; MONSELL, Rev. J.; MOORE, Rev. W.; MORGAN, Rev. M.; NEVILLE, Rev. W. A.; NIXON, Rev. R. H.; O'MEARA, Rev. E.; O'SULLIVAN, Rev. S.; PRESTON, Rev. P.; PRIOR, Rev. H. E.; SCOTT, Rev. G.; SCOTT, Rev. J.; SINGER, Rev. Doctor, S.F.T.C.D.; SINGLETON, Rev. W.; SMITH, Rev. H.; STACK, Rev. R.; STRAIN, Rev. L. H.; STUART, Rev. H.; THOMAS, Rev. A.; THOMAS, Rev. F. T.; TODD, Rev. Doctor, F.T.C.D.; TRENCH, Rev. Dr.; VERSCHOYLE, Rev. H.; WALKER, Rev. S. H.; WHARTON, Rev. J.; WHITE, Rev. T. H.; WHITESTONE, Rev. J.; WILLIAMSON, Rev. A.; WILSON, Rev. H.; WRIGHT, Rev. J.; WRIGHT, Rev. R.; YOUNG, Rev. G.; BANDON, Earl of, Lord Bernard, M.P.; BRENNAN, John, Esq.; BROOKE, W., Esq., Q.C.; BURROUGHS, Edward, Esq.; COBBE, C. Jun., Esq.; COLLES, M., Esq.; COURTNEY, H. Esq.; CRAMPTON, Hon. Judge; CRAWFORD, Major; FERRIER, A. Esq.; FITZGERALD, Captain; GROGAN, Edward, Esq., M.P.; HAMILTON, Alexander, Esq.; HAMILTON, George A., Esq., M.P.; HOGAN, J. Esq.; HUDSON, Richard, Esq.; LATOUCHE, J. G. D., Esq.; LITTON, Dr.; MACARTNEY, George, Esq., Lissonoure Castle; MAXWELL, Honourable Somerset; NAPIER, Joseph, Esq., Q.C.; SHAW, Right Hon. F., M.P.; SYNGE, John, Esq.; TAYLOR, Captain, M.P.; WOODS, George, Esq.; &c.



In our obituary of this day we have the melancholy duty of announcing the early and sudden death of Mrs. TURLE, which sad event has cast a complete gloom over our city, as well from the high esteem and respect in which she was held by all classes of her fellow-citizens, as from the awful sudden nature of her decease. On Thursday last she was in the best possible health and spirits, had been out the greater part of the morning, and a few minutes before four o'clock returned to her residence, and there without a moment's warning or the slightest premonitory symptom, she, in the prime of life, and in the enjoyment of every earthly happiness, was called by the dispensations of an all- wise Providence to another and a better world. The far more than common sympathy that is evinced by all is the best evidence of the amiability of her disposition, and of her many virtues. Those who enjoyed the pleasure of her acquaintance will long mourn an affectionate, sincere, and zealous friend; whilst those who were so fortunate as to stand in a more intimate relation with her, can alone have their bleeding wounds healed by that Physician who is never called upon in vain. She has left a memory that will be long and affectionately cherished by all who knew her, and her death has created a blank that will not easily be filled up. Truly in the midst of life we are in death.

We regret to announce the death of General Robert Browne Clayton, in his 74th year, of Adlington Hall, Lancashire, and of Carrickbourne, county Wexford, Ireland. He was colonel of the 12th Light Dragoons.



The scholars of the Richmount school, together with David Love, Esq., the disinterested patron of the school, and the committee held a soiree in the School-house, on Tuesday, 20th March, when nearly 200 respectable persons sat down to tea at 6 o'clock, in the evening. When tea was over, the chair was taken by James M'Cann, Esq., one of the committee, and addresses were delivered by Mr. Foster, of Tartaraghan, on the improvement of education and its utility to man, and Mr. Spence of Stewartstown, on the conviviality of tea meetings, and also by Mr. A. Hewett, the much respected teacher of the school, in a most lucid and eloquent speech on social intercourse, after which the patron and committee signified their intention of providing globes for the use of the Richmount school. At an early hour the meeting separated, highly delig hted [sic] with the evening's entertainment.



Mr. JEREMIAH MEGARRY has succeeded Mr. WALKER, as Postmaster of Blackwatertown. This appointment reflects credit on the Post-office authorities, as Mr. MEGARRY, we are sure, will prove a trustworthy officer.



On Wednesday, the 2d of APRIL next, by order of Mr. James Smyth, who is retiring from business, at his house, in Upper English-street, (for many years established in the Seed Trade.) THE HOUSE FURNITURE comprises--Sofa; Mahogany, Parlour, Drawing-Room, and Bed-Room Chairs; Side Board; Dining, Card, and Work Tables; Window Curtains; Pier and Chimney Glasses; Two Eight-day Clocks; Hall Lamp; Mahogany Four-post and other Bedsteads; Feather Beds and Bedding; Nests Mahogany Drawers; Wardrobes; Clothes Presses; Dressing Tables; Dressing Glasses; Basin Stands; Commodes; Fenders and Fire Irons; Delf, China and Glass; Kitchen Furniture, &c. ALSO, THE SHOP FIXTURES--Drawers, Counters, Desks, Beams, Scales, &c., &c. Sale to commence at 11 o'Clock, A. M. Terms at Sale, J. T. ANDREWS, Auctioneer. Armagh, 17th March, 1845.



With the assizes a number of pickpockets arrived in Cork, and with a view of protecting the public, and punishing the depredations of these light-fingered gentry, Sub-inspector Walker directed a few of the constabu- lary to perambulate the streets in colored clothes. This pre- cautionary measure has not, however, been altogether success- ful; for on Saturday the pocket of a gentleman, Charles Putland, Esq., was picked in Patrick-street of a pocket-book containing an acceptance on the Carlow bank of £225 5s.; nine one pound notes, and one thirty-shilling note, all of the Bank of Ireland.óCork Constitution.



The person who wrote the threatening notice that was served on Mr. LEONARD, of Callowhill, has been apprehended; the writer is a National school-master, living in the neighbourhood. The pistol which was taken from Mr. LEONARD by the "Molly Maguires" has also been found; it was concealed in a bed be- longing to one of the party.



On Saturday night last, or early on Sunday morning, a large turf stack at Ardunchin house, the residence of Rev. SYDNEY SMITH, D.D., rector of the parish of Aughalurcher, county Fermanagh, was discovered to be on fire, by a man who had been attending a sick cow. Fearing to go himself to the place where he discovered the fire, he went for a person who is in the employ of Dr. SMITH, and they gave the alarm to the inmates of the dwelling-house, when a messenger was despatched to Brookboroí to procure assistance. The constabulary, under Captain ORMSBY, together with Lieutenant JOHN HILL and his party proceeded to the conflagration, and by the aid of numbers of the surrounding peasantry the dwelling-house and offices were saved from being consumed. A man who was lately discharged from the employ of Dr. SMITH is strongly accused of being guilty of the offence. The supposed incendiary was seen with his father at the turf-stack, on the night in question, and has since been taken into custody, and committed for trial by the Brookboroí bench of Magistrates.



The following appointments of Churchwardens for the en- suing year, for the respective parishes and districts mentioned, were made at the annual vestries on Easter Monday last:--

ARMAGH.--Messrs. James Riddal and Thomas Armstrong, of Armagh.*

MOY--PARISH OF CLONFECLE.--Messrs. Thomas Wilford of Moy; and George Patterson, jun., of Grange.

DERRYGORTREAVY--PARISH OF CLONFECLE.--Messrs. Andrew Anderson of Carrowcolman ; and William Young of Mullalongfield.

BENBURB--PARISH OF CLONFECLE.--Messrs. Henry Marshall of Benburb; and Samuel Irwin of Carrowbeg.

KILLIMAN.--Messrs. Thomas Hazleton, of Bugban; and William Dawson, of Bovain.

MILLTOWN--PARISH OF TARTARAGHAN.--Messrs. Robert Croan, of Derry; and John Jackson, of Clonmacate.

CLONOR.--Messrs. William Abernethy, of Aghagallagh ; and Alexander Lee, of Clonor.

STEWARTSTOWN--PARISH OF DONAHENDY.--Messrs. Robt. Corrigan, of Donaghendy ; and Hammond Higginson, of Cloghfinn.

CHARLEMONT--PARISH OF LOUGHGALL.--Messrs. David Alderdice, jun., of Charlemont; and Joseph Hall, of Cor and Dunavally.

DUNGANNON--PARISH OF DRUMGLASS--Messrs. Richard Murray, and Richard Simmons, of Dungannon.

LOUGHGALL--Messrs. John Carroll, of Drummond, and Samuel Taylor of Ballynick.

*The Armagh vestry voted for a porter's lodge for St. Mark's, to be built by subscription from the parishioners. Dr. Elrington kindly offered ground for the purpose, and gave a plan of a beautiful cottage. The following gentlemen consented to act as a committee to carry out the object:-- William Paton, George Robinson, Thomas Kidd, Thomas Dobbin, and John MíKinstry, Esqrs.



"The Church Education Society for Ireland has reached the close of the sixth year of its existence, and it now becomes the duty of your committee to lay before you a report of their pro- ceedings within the past year, together with a statement of the present position of the society, and a probable view of its future prospects.



The Queen at the prosecution of the Excise a. ten respectable Grocers in Portadown and vicinity. As the public seem to have been ignorant of the fact, that persons dealing in spirits or cordial, cannot sell tea on the same premises, it may be well for their benefit to state that a case came before M. SINGLETON and --- MALONEY, Stipendiary Magistrates, and JOSEPH NICHOLSON, Esqrs., which implicated ten of the most respectable dealers in the vicinity of Portadown, for, that they did sell tea and spirits in the same premises, contrary to the statute in that case made and provided.

P. M'CONNELL, Esq., of Tandragee, appeared for the excise, an informer came forward, named JOHN HADDEN, from Clare, and had, in his cross-examination several discrepancies, and could with very great difficulty make out even his own hand-writing, swore in one case that the amount of money paid was down in the figure 2d.

One of the Magistrates after looking at the book, stated "it may be the body, but I must say it has neither head nor tail of the figure." The Magistrates after going through the trial, which lasted several hours, fined the parties in £6 5s. each, but recommended a memorial to the board of excise as it was the first offence. Some of the parties signified their intention of appealing to the quarter sessions in consequence of several inaccuracies of the informer.



In the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors. Upon Motion of Mr. Hearn, Attorney for William Mairs and Henry Corrigan, Creditors of said Insolvent, and on reading the notes of hearing at Armagh, on the 19th February last, It is ordered by the Court, that the appointment of an Assignee in this Matter be fixed to take place before this Court, on Friday, the 15th day of April next, of which the Insolvent, and the several creditors of said Insol- vent, are to have fourteen days notice by service of this Order, said services to be made according to the usual rule of this Court.

By the Court,
Chief Clerk.

ADJOURNED SALE. In the Matter of BERNARD QUIN, an Insolvent. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, pursuant to adjournment, at the Court-house in the City of Armagh, on Saturday, the 5th day of April next, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, the Insolvent's interest in a Farm of Land in the Townland of Fairlamuckla, in the county of Armagh, containing upwards of five Acres, held from year to year under Walter M'Geough Bond, Esq., at the yearly rent of £2 11s.

These Lands are of good quality, well fenced and drained, and situated on the roadside from Armagh to Newtownhamilton ; and are within 4-1/2 miles of Armagh and Newtownhamilton, 3 of Keady, and 3-1/2 of Markethill. There is a substantial stone and lime House on the lands. The Sale is not subject to any Duty. Terms of Sale may be known on application to the As- signee's Attorney.

Dated this 15th day of March, 1845. JOHN VOGAN, Attorney for the Assignee, 7, North Cumberland-Street, Dublin, and Armagh.



The Queen Dowager has been pleased to give £20 to assist in purchasing a bell for the parish church of Killult, county Donegal, on the memorial of Rev. D. Irvine, Rector thereof, and Rev. Mr. Norman, Curate.



At a general meeting of the British Archaeological Associa- tion, held in London on the 12th inst., JOHN BELL, of Dungannon, Esq., was enrolled a member of that body.

On Wednesday, last, A. A. Murray, Esq., High Sheriff, County Monaghan, appointed Mr. Thomas Maguire, Governor of the County Gaol.

JOHNSTON ANDERSON, Esq., has been appointed Registrar of Marriages, under the new act.



Mr. LESLIE has written the following letter in reference to the late agrarian outrages in the County of Monaghan, which we noticed some time back :-- Leslie Hill, Armagh, March 17, 1845.

DEAR SIR--An account having appeared in the newspapers of this week of agrarian disturbances, and threats against my- self, I beg of you to insert the following explanatory sketch of the affair, for the purpose of divesting it of the apparent mys- tery in which, at present, it seems enveloped. I had advanced some thousand pounds, from time to time, on the lands of Laragh, &c., near Carrickmacross, county Monaghan, and have lately become the proprietor of said lands, and the mills thereon, by assignment from the late owner, Mr. Wm. Oliver. Mr. J. Twigg (Dublin,) proprietor of extensive spinning-mills on the same property, rented three mills from me some months ago.ó Because the late ownerís son was dissatisfied, and was arrested under an execution (this is the only reason known), a notice was put on the mills, to the effect, that if Mr. Ledlie, Mr. Twigg's agent and conductor, did not give up the mills, and stop work, that he would be shot; and as for Dr. Leslie (as they called me,) he would be shot like a dog at his own hall- door. The mill-race was cut, and the mills stopped. A simi- lar notice was put on a manís door who was in my employment. In this state of affairs a letter was read in the chapel-yard to the crowd, forbidding any one to work for me! Mr. Ledlie was again noticed to quit working the mills. This threat was, on the public high-road, at night, verbally delivered to him. He served notice of usrrendering the mills to me, though fear.-- He said he did not wish becoming a martyr to the mistaken violence of a mob. On Tuesday last I visited the lands. One of my ploughmen left his work, and came to me to say, "that if he continued, he and his horses would be stuck; that people were gathering on the hill." I became alarmed for my own safety, and proceeded for protection to the nearest station of police (Ballytrane.) About three-quarters of a mile I was stopped on the way by a man, who, it appears, had seen me go away, and followed me. He wanted me back to Laragh, he said; he could not tell his business there ; would rather than a great deal have me where I was ten minutes before: I would see the hill covered with men, three on a ridge; they would soon settle with me. On looking round he saw my son coming up with a double gun, who had been told to follow me, as his informant said he saw a man follow me to raise the country and attack me. Mr. Wallace, R.M., held an investigation next day. Many persons were summoned. The case was to have been heard on Thursday last, at the Ballibay Petit Sessions. At the earnest solicitations of the Rev. Eugene Maguire, P.P., Mr. G. Ledlie, Mr. Meares, and Mr. Nun, solicitors, I allowed the case to remain over till next bench day, and to issue new summonses in the meantime, if necessary. These are some of the facts. Mr. Twigg was expending hundreds of pounds weekly in the neighbourhood in manufacturing industry. By the stoppage of the cloth-mills alone, from the threatening notices, two hun- dred hands will be thrown out of employment. They were occu- pied in the manufacture of brown Hollands, a new trade introduced into the country by Mr. Ledlie. Thus the tide of wealth that was flowing through our valleys, enriching our solitudes, and giving employment to our starving population, has been arrested by the blind fury of mob violence. The rights of property are to be decided by the caprice and ignorance of a misguided peasantry, and not by the laws of the land. Justice has been dethroned, and the sanguinary demon --mob power--installed in her stead. The voice of industry is to be heard no more in our valleys. Idleness and poverty will take the place of employment and wealth ; insteady of industry and peace we shall have idleness and fear. The Laragh stream, "that in winter never overflows, nor in summer never goes dry" (fed by a large lake, the head of the river Erin,)affording an immense and unfailing water-power, is now to flow unpro- ductive to the sea, instead of being a stream of wealth, an- nouncing the glad tidings of employment, as it travelled through our plains, and bringing happiness and fertility to the land.-- The wild injustice of revenge will banish confidence and capital from Laragh. The large mills erected thus will stand as mournful and silent testimonies of the blighting influence of popular storms--as monuments to the rising generation of the ignorance and barbarism of their fathers. Naked and hungry children will weep in idleness; old age will mourn for their sufferings, and every lover of his native land will deplore the calamity. I lowered the rents on the lands of Laragh, &c., twenty per cent., within the last year. I never dispossessed a tenant. I have always preferred paying for pauper emigration among my tenantry to making them a tax on home industry in a poor- house. "What private griefs they have I know not." Your insertion of this short sketch will much oblige me. I remain, with great respect, faithfully yours, DAVID LESLIE.

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