These sessions commenced on Tuesday, the 1st inst., before
EDWARD TICKELL, Esq., Q.C., and the following Magistrates
and M. SINGLETON, Esqrs.
The following is the Grand Jury :-
Charles M'Anally, Esq., foreman; Messrs. Robert Hardy,
Wm. Gillis, Wm. Orr, Patrick Cavanaugh, Henry Hardy, Alex.
Small, Wm. Martin, David Ochiltree, Samuel Byers, Mathew
Ochiltree, George Scott, Crozier Christy, John Moody, Gilbert
Marshall, Thomas M'Creery, John Clements, James Black,
Robert Gray, Andrew Marshall, M. Pollard, Joseph
Stevenson, and Hugh Naverty.
There were only eleven crown entries, none of which were of
any importance. There were sixteen civil bill ejectments,
and two hundred and seventy civil bill entries. The business
was finished about four o'clock on Thursday evening.
On Friday last the sessions for this division commenced. E.
TICKELL, Esq., Assistant Barrister, took his seat on the bench
at half-past nine o'clock, when the following grand jury was
sworn :--
George Barnes, Esq., foreman; Messrs. George Armstrong,
Joseph Mathews, Wm. Christian, George Cochran, M. R.
Bell, Wm. Gardiner, Sinclair Carrol, Robert Barnes, Stephenson
Riggs, Richard C. Vogan, John M'Watters, Robert M'Endow,
sen., James Wiltshire, W. H. Leathem, Philip Keenan,
Robert Gilmore, James Stanley, Thomas Armstrong, Hugh
Treanor, John Macarney, Wm. Boyd, sen., John Clarke Adams.
REGISTRY. Conservatives 10. Liberals 10.
One hundred and thirty four persons registered to keep fire
arms. Seven applications for spirit licenses, and only three
granted. There were five hundred and forty civil bills.
David Proctor, absconding from the poor-house and taking
wearing apparel. To be imprisoned one day.
Robert Watson, for stealing potatoes. Three months' imprisonment, at hard labor.
Francis M'Bride, for stealing a watch. To be imprisoned
one month, last week solitary confinement.
Thomas Lappin, for stealing flax, the property of J.C.
M'Kinstry, Esq., three calendar months imprisonment at hard
Margaret Breen, for entering a dwelling-house with intent to
steal. To be imprisoned one calendar month at hard labour.
Henry Robinson, for a malicious assault. To be imprisoned
three calendar months at hard labour, and to give bail to keep
the peace.
James Quin, for an assault.--Fined sixpence.
Edward M'Bride, for stealing a coat. One month's im-
prisonment at hard labour.
Same person for stealing a pair of shoes. One month's im-
prisonment after former sentence.
The Queen at the prosecution of John Stanley, jun.,
Esq., Solicitor, a. Francis Wilson Heath, Esq.
It is in the recollection of our readers that informations were
granted in this case against Mr. Heath, on the 13th ultimo,
for having abstracted from the office of Mr. John Stanley
certain letters and copies of letters, the property of Mr.
Stanley, which informations were returned to the present ses-
sions. True bills were found by the grand jury, and the trial
having been expected to take place on Saturday morning, the
Court-house was much crowded from the great interest this
case had excited in this city and neighbourhood; however,
when the traverser was called on to plead to the indictment,
a writ of certiorari was handed in by him to the court, removing
the proceedings to the Court of the Queen's Bench.
The learned Assistant Barrister, Edward Tickell, Esq.,
Q.C., directed the proper return to be made to the writ, and
required the traverser to enter into a recognizance with two
sureties in the usual manner. Thus, the matter rests for the
present, and the trial will take place either at Dublin or at our
next assizes. Ross S. Moore, Esq., appeared as counsel on
behalf of Mr. Stanley.
The Rev. MR. EVANS, has left Armagh for the Vicarage,
Restrevor, and is to be replaced by Rev. MR. JONES, from
R.M. has been removed to Swanlinbar [Co Cavan] from Enniskillen
[Co Fermanagh].
At a meeting of the inhabitants of
Clogher [Co Mayo], held last week, it was resolved to present Dr.
LEEPER with a piece of plate, on account of his removal from that
place to the medical superintendence of Keady dispensary.
We understand WM. PATON and WM BLACKER, Esqrs.,
are noticed to attend in London to give general information in
a Committee of the House of Commons relative to the merits
of the Newry and Enniskillen Railway scheme, and more particularly that part of it between Newry and Armagh. WM.
DARGAN, Esq., the respectable railway contractor is also to go,
whose general information on such subjects will be of great importance. ROBT. M'ENDOW and WM. KIRK, Esqrs., have also
been noticed.
The former gentleman's connection with the
Ulster Steam Carrying Company, and knowledge and experience of the general traffic of Armagh and neighbouring towns
will be most valuable; the latter gentleman will furnish information as to the advantages of this line to the bleachers on the
Callon river, and the inhabitants of Keady.
We are almost
quite certain that a Committee of the House of Commons will
report favourably on this line, when a proper representation of
its merits is laid before them, which the above gentlemen are
eminently qualified to do. The Newry committee have made a
wise selection as far as Armagh is concerned. The common
sense of the inhabitants of both Newry and Armagh ought to be
aroused and applied to this all-important branch, for both ought
to regard it as a matter of the utmost importance--the carrying
out this scheme. It is a cause of regret that the inhabitants of
Armagh have not been as active as their Newry neighbours in
forwarding this undertaking.
A FEW YOUNG MEN, of good conduct, who have been
well instructed in Agriculture, at the Earl of CALEDON's
Model Farm, are now qualified to go out as working Stewards,
at moderate wages. They all write good hands, and can keep
farm accounts correctly.
Application to be made to HENRY L. PRENTICE, Esq.
Caledon, March 22, 1845.
On Tues-
day, about twelve o'clock at noon, six or seven armed men at-
tacked William Ryan, Esq., of Ballymackeogh, near Newport,
in the county of Tipperary, upon his own land, and severely
beat him. Mr. Ryan, on perceiving the assassins coming
towards him, made to a small house to defend himself, the door
of which they broke in, and a desperate conflict ensued. Mr.
Ryan fired his double-barrelled gun, and, it is believed, either
shot or wounded some of them. The party, however, by their
numbers overpowered him, and beat and cut him in a desperate
manner, and then retreated. The Newport police having re-
ceived information of the outrage, three of them accompanied
by Carbery Scully, Esq., J.P., and Mr. Lewis, the active sub-
inspector, pursued the ruffians, and after a chase of six miles,
came up with them near Cappamore, in the county of Limerick,
when a little battle ensued. Six of their guns, and Mr. Ryan's double-
barrelled gun were taken from them. All the fellows are known
and from near Nenagh. Mr Scully the magistrate, Mr. Lewis
and the police behaved most gallantly. One of the police is dan-
gerously wounded. Mr. Ryan is out of danger.--D.E. Packet.
On Thursday last, an inquest
was held by GEORGE HENRY, Esq., Coroner, on the body of a
young man named ALEXANDER BECK, of Hamiltonsbawn.--
Deceased it appeared had drank a large quantity of spirituous
liquor, which caused his death. Verdict accordingly.
Lord CALEDON passed through this city (Armagh)last week (having
changed horses at WILTSHIRE's hotel) en route for Caledon,
from England.
Yesterday the Earl of BELMORE passed through this city for
Lord CALEDON's residence. His Lordship changed horses at
WILTSHIRE's hotel.
Viscount ACHESON, M.P., and suite, arrived at Gosford
Castle on Saturday evening from Warlingham Hall, England.
JOHN BOYD, Esq., M.P., passed through this city on Satur-
day last on his way to Coleraine.
WM. PATON, Esq., Seneschal of Armagh, has received the
following letter from Colonel RAWDON, M.P., in answer to the
memorial lately forwarded from this city, respecting the closing
(of) the Post Office on Sundays :--
General Post Office, 4th April, 1845.
SIR, The Postmaster-General has had under consideration
the memorial forwarded by you, from the inhabitants of Armagh, praying that the Post Office at that place may be partially closed on Sundays, and his lordship commands me to acquaint you, that as it appears to be the general wish of the inhabitants, he has directed that the Armagh Post Office may be
closed on Sundays, between the hours of 9 a.m., and 8 p.m.,
(the Letter-box being kept open as usual for the receipt of
stamped and unpaid letters,) and that there be only one delivery
by the letter carriers on that day, at 7 a.m.
His lordship directs me however to add, that if any complaint
is hereafter made on the subject of the change, the matter must
be reconsidered.
I am, Sir, your obedient, humble servant,
Colonel Rawdon, M.P.
3, Great Stanhope-street, London.
On Monday last, a number of the
friends of Mr. James Alexander Henderson gave him a public
entertainment, in the Newry Arms' Hotel, on the occasion of his
departure from this town for the scene of his future public labors
--Belfast. At 6 o'clock, upwards of 30 Gentlemen, of all deno-
minations--belonging chiefly to the mercantile and learned pro-
fessions--sat down to dinner. The viands included every rarity
of the seasonóthe whole served up in the very best style. The
wines, too, were excellent and in profusion. It is not necessary
to enter into a report of the after-dinner proceedings, particularly
as the marked compliment thus conferred on their youthful guest,
by so many of his respected townsmen, emanated entirely from
feelings of esteem for his private and personal character. It is
sufficient to say, that the sentiments put forth and the speeches
delivered were highly flattering to the individuals to whome [sic]
principally they had reference.--Newry Telegraph.
We have been requested by
Mr. Fraser, the respectable Surveyor of the County Down, to state
that, although he expressed himself satisfied with the proceeding of
the Railway meeting held in that town on Friday last, as far as
regarded the line from Belfast to Downpatrick, yet, at the same time,
he wished it to be distinctly understood that he considered the
project incomplete, unless the whole of the County of Down were
opened up by the extension of the line to Newry.