An occurrence of a tragic character, involving the death of Mr. Arthur Allen, Collector of Taxes in this town has just taken place. His dead body was found yesterday, lying on the railway road, covered with wounds of a frightful character. The body was transferred to one of the waiting rooms, where further investigation showed that the deceased had evidently been violently knocked down by a train in the narrow space between the carriages and the platform, and the present inference is that the deplorable mishap took place when the deceased was leaving the compartment which he had travelled in. It is apparent that a single blow of one of the carriages by which the deceased was felled to the ground occasioned the terrible wound, by which the skull was so much broken that part of the brain had escaped. His chest was also crushed in, both his arms were broken, one of his thighs also was smashed, each hand was mangled in a lamentable manner, and there were contusions and wounds of lesser importance on other parts of the body. Death bad manifestly been instantaneous, and the medical evidence is that the immediate cause was the wounds on the head and chest.
Lurgan, Wednesday. Shortly after 10 o'clock p.m. last night, the inquest on the body Mr. Arthur Allen, income-tax collector, Lurgan, who came to his death in such a sad manner about 2 o'clock, a.m., Monday morning, at the railway station in this town, being knocked down and frightfully mutilated and killed by the train in which he had travelled from Portadown to Lurgan, was held. Terence Breen in the employment of the Great Northern Company at Lurgan Station, deposed that on coming to his work about half-past seven o'clock on that (Monday) morning, and when passing down between the two sets of rails, he noticed a dark thing lying on the rails, which proved to be the dead body of Mr Arthur Allen lying on the broad of his back between the road and the rail which runs alongside of the platform at which trains going to Belfast pull up. When witness first noticed the 'dark object' on the ground he saw it was the body of a man, but owing to the blood and the wounds be could not then say whose body it was. One of the deceased's legs was caught in the wirework connected with the platform, and his head was turned in the direction towards Belfast. There was a great deal of blood on deceased's face, and his clothes were all torn. Witness had known the deceased for a considerable time, and had beard that he was a 'collector of income-tax, and he was unmarried. Constable Patrick M'Laughlin, Queen Street Station, Lurgan, whose duty it is to attend on the arrival and despatch of the various trains from Lurgan Railway Station, deposed, in answer to the Coroner, that he saw the deceased on the engine train which left Lurgan for Portadown on Sunday night at 10.48 p.m., and afterwards on the railway platform at Portadown. To a Juror: Deceased appeared perfectly sober when he saw him. I didn't notice anything wrong with him more than usual. James Walker, the engine driver, was also examined. He deposed that be was in charge of the engine which left Lurgan at 10.48 p.m. on Sunday night, and there was no one on the engine except the stoker and witness. There were three persons on the front engine the driver, the stoker, and a man named Crawford, an employ of the railway company. A fourth man could not readily have been on the engine without witness seeing him. He said he only knew the deceased by sight. The railway officials could throw no light whatever on the sad occurrence. The following verdict was found : That the deceased, Arthur Allen, died from the effects of injuries received by being run over by a train travelling on the Great Northern Railway at Lurgan aforesaid; but to how the deceased came there, there is no evidence to show, and the jury are of the opinion that evidence should have been given by some of the railway officials which has been kept back.
There was laid to rest in the burial-ground of the First Presbyterian Church, Lurgan, on Friday morning, the mortal remains of a most estimable lady, Miss Katherine Boyd Mercer, daughter of the late Mr. Henry Mercer, of Farm Lodge. Miss Mercer had been in a delicate state of health for some time past, and she, after much suffering, passed away peacefully on the 10th inst. at her (and her sister's)residence, Rathmore, Lurgan. The deceased lady was much loved by all her relatives and friends, and was at all times a true and generous friend to the poor, who will miss her sorely. The funeral, by the express desire of the deceased lady was strictly private.
William Monroe was indicted for the alleged manslaughter of William Lavery of Lurgan, knocking him down for interfering with him while engaged in wife beating. The jury acquitted the prisoner.
ST. PATRICK'S DAY 19 March 1892
The festival of St. Patrick's Day was commemorated in characteristic form by the Nationalists of this town and the surrounding neighbourhood. Sufficient information had reached the ears of those charged with the preservation of the public peace to induce them, in view of the riotous outbreaks on the occasion of those "party" anniversaries in Lurgan in former years. to adopt adequate measures to prevent a recurrence of anything of the kind this year. It must be admitted that it was rather to the surprise of the inhabitants generally that an additional constabulary force of no less than 130 men arrived in the town last night. In reference to this drafting into the town of extra police, it is only right to mention that a rather sore feeling prevails among the inhabitants of the town, owing to the fact that these extra police have of late years been habitually brought to Lurgan on such anniversaries as the Twelfth of July and St. Patrick's Day, without the slightest consultation with, or even the cognisance of, the local magistrates, and it is felt by the inhabitants of all creeds that this is not as it should be. The supreme charge of the police arrangements was in the hands of Mr. Beresford, RM., and County-Inspector Dobbyr assisted by District-Inspectors Gray (Lurgan), Brownrigg and Cahill. The Nationalist turn out today was of the usual nature. The contingents from the country districts: Ballynarry, Derrytagh, Aghagailon, and Halftown, marched into Lurgan, and, with the town detachments, marched out to the Moyntaghs. The entire day was spent in marching and counter-marching, but there was no attempt to hold an organised meeting, and the proceedings from beginning to end, were of the most aimless character. Up to the present no disturbance has taken place.
The TOWN COMMISSIONERS OF LURGAN are prepared to receive TENDERS for the SUPPLY of about 1050 Tons of CAST IRON PIPES. Copies of the Specifications and Drawings may be obtained from the undersigned on payment of One Guinea, which will ha returned on receipt of bona-fide Tender. Sealed Tenders addressed to the Chairman and Town Commissioners, to be delivered at the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall , Lurgan on or before the 22nd day of April 1892. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted.
ROSS CAMPBELL, Town Clerk; Town CLERK'S OFFICE, Town HALL, LUGAN, April 4, 1892.
On Monday day evening last a deputation of farmers were introduced by Mr. John Johnston, to a committee of the Town Commissioners for the purpose of explaining their grievances with respect to what they consider excessive charges on produce passing through the markets in Banbridge. Dr. Robert B. M'Clelland, J.P., chairman, presided. Mr. Johnston stated the object of the deputution and requested that Mr. William Mulligan, of Annaclone, be heard as the first to explain the farmers' grievances. Mr. Mulligan said he considered it a great injustice to the farmers to have to pay at the rate of 1d per bag for potatoes, while a whole cartload, if loose in the cart only costs 3d. 20 cwt. in 20 bags costs 1s 3d. He thought the Town Commissioners of Banbridge sensible men and interested in the welfare of the town should encourage farmers by levying tolls on a moderate scale, and cope with Lurgan and Portadown. The farmers in this neighbourhood did not want to boycott the Town Commissioners, but the farmers must look after their own interests. He suggested that instead of paying 3d per cart, 2d ought to suffice, and not be reducing the town rates by excessive market tolls. Mr. John Graham concurred with the foregoing remarks.
Mr. Robert Taylor said he complained of the tolls on pork. He found that in Lurgan and Portadown 2d per pig was charged, while in Banbridge 4d per pig had to be paid. He considered this a great hardship and one that should be remedied. He observed in the last account published that the Town Commissioners had a net profit of £50. Now. instead of reducing this. he thought it would be much more becoming to the Town Commissioners to reduce the tolls, and compete with other towns, and if any over-plus was then on hands it should be spent in better market accommodation, Mr. John T. Dixon, speaking on the subject, said the farmers were the backbone of the town, and should be encouraged. Both farmer and merchant should be in unison, as the merchant cannot do without the farmer and, instead of driving the farmer to other towns some concession should be made.
Messrs: William Mulligan (Cappagh), James Potts, James Wilson, W. J. Doloughan, John Johnston, and others having addressed the meeting, the deputation, after returning thanks for the hearing, retired and after some discussion. it was decided to adjourn till Thursday evening, in the meantime Mr. Harvey (weighmaster) to prepare statistics, taking his average for three years.
Wanted a Master to teach Mathematics and assist in teaching some Junior Classes in Watt's Endowed School, Lurgan; board and residence will be provided, and a salary of £100 per year. Also a Master to teach good French, and assist similarly in general work; salary, besides board and residence, £80 per year. Apply to the Head Master, Watt's Endowed School, Lurgan.
The premises in Church Place, Lurgan lately occupied by Mr. Thomas Emerson, deceased. To be Sold by Public Auction in the Town Hall, Lurgan, on Tuesday 25th June 1892 at Twelve O'Clock. All that large three story dwelling house and Licenced Premises, No. 3 Church Place, Lurgan as occupied till his death by Mr. Thomas Edison. And also that three story house at present let at £25 per annum. The entire premises have been recently built in a most substantial manner and are in complete repair. They occupy a very central position in the leading thorough-fare of the town, next door but one to the street leading to the Railway Station. The licensed house which has been used in the Spirit Business for over 50 years, contains, shop with two windows, Bottling Cellar underneath, 6 rooms upstairs, kitchen, pantry &co. In rere there is a large enclosed yard containing 4 Haylofts, stabling for 30 horses and two byres. There is also a Garden. The adjoining house contains: shop, cellar, 5 rooms. kitchen and scullery, has enclosed yard with stabling for 3 horses and two lofts. A lease of 50 years of the entire premises will be given at an annual rent of £60. For further particulars apply to T. G. Menary, Solicitor, Lurgan or Robert Thompson, Auctioneer, Lurgan.
Inspector Taylor, S.P.C.A., summoned Thomas Hutton (Portadown) for having cruelly ill-treated a horse by causing it to work while suffering pain from a sore on its back. Mr. W. S. Osborne prosecuted. The inspector stated that he had observed the animal drawing a cart, and it appeared to be in great pain. He examined it, and found a large inflamed sore under the collar. There was blood on the collar. The defendant was ordered to pay the costs of the court. The same complainant summoned Margaret Cumberton (Lurgan) for having cruelly ill-treated a cow, by bringing it to the market on the morning on which it had calved. Mr. F. Kerr defended. A fine of 5s, and 10s costs, was imposed.
1ST JULY IN LURGAN 6 July 1892
The First of July in Lurgan, in the the year 1892, will be long remembered as one of the most orderly anniversaries it has ever been our duty to chronicle. There were no extra police drafted in to preserve the peace and none were required. In previous years it had been the custom various drumming parties and bands to make the parade of the town and round the church at their own sweet wont in detached contingents. On the present occasion it bad been ordered that all the town parties should rendezvous at the end of Queen Street, where they would meet the Waringstown, Dollingstown, and other country lodges, and in one large party preceded down the main street and round the church. This programme was carried out to the letter, and the crowd which took part in the parade was of enormous proportions. While coming round the church a trifling little incident occurred, which, had the blackguardly offender not been promptly arrested, as he was by District Inspector Gray, there might have been bad results. With this solitary little episode, which only lasted for a moment, and is not worth mentioning, the parade was one of the best and most orderly, considering its vast proportions, that has taken place in Lurgan on a First of July for very many years. We congratulate all concerned on the absence of rowdy conduct or drunkenness. There was scarcely an appearance of either, though, as a matter of course, the vast crowd was mainly made up of our artisan population, out to spend the evening, in a great number of cases, accompanied by their wives and little ones. By half-past ten o'clock the streets, were quite cleared, and the town resumed its wonted quiet.
The usual weekly meeting of the Lurgan Board of Guardians was held in the Workhouse on Thursday. The Guardians present were:- Mr. John Johnston, J.P. (Chairman) Mr. John Macoun, V.C.; Mr. George R. Carrick, J.P.; Mr. John Collen, JP.; Mr. Thos. Bleakley.; Mr. Joseph Macoun, Mr. John McNally J.P. ; Mr. C. Stevenson, Mr. William Orr, Mr. John Malcolmson, Jr.; Mr. J. Magennis, Mr. R. Taylor, Mr. Nelson Ruddell, Mr. R. Waddell, J.P.; Mr. W. W. M'Clure. J.P; Mr. Stafford Gorman, Mr. J. L. Douie, .J P.; Mr. W. J. Looke, J.P. ; and Mr. Sinnamon.
At the suggestion of Mr. Nelson Ruddell, a committee consisting of Messrs. McNally and Nelson Ruddell were appointed to examine the inmates throughout the house and see if any of them were fit for work outside, and if so, to have them turned out. Mr. Orr said that when there was a hunt over the house for such cases some years ago they hid, and the inspecting committee never saw them at all. The Clerk said he was quite satisfied that there were no persons in the house fit to work, except one man who was leaving tomorrow.
On Tuesday morning it was discovered that the offices of Messrs. Johnston, Allen, & Co., Victoria Street, Weaving Factory, had been broken into during the previous night, and the drawers ransacked and the safe tampered with. The burglars were evidently after cash, and cash alone, for, so far as can yet be ascertained, nothing has been taken from the premises, and the visitors had their trouble for nothing, as the safe resisted their efforts, and no money was to be found lying about. During yesterday a newsboy named Griffin informed the police that, in company with other lads, he was coming from a wake very early on Tuesday morning, when be saw a man come over the wall of the factory, and be gave a description of the man to the police, describing him as having a cap, bushy brown whiskers, and walking with a slight halt. Yesterday, Constable Michael Cannon saw a person answering this description in the Mall and on questioning him was unable to get satisfactory answers. The man, who now states he is Peter McGivern, of Newry, acknowledges having been in Lurgan since Monday last, and states that he is a painter out of work. He, however, has given himself several names, and is evidently a loose fish. He was brought before Dr. Magennis, J.P., today, and as he is clearly identified by newsboy, Griffin, McGivern was remanded to Armagh gaol, in order that enquiry may be made regarding him.
All the labourers engaged on the Lurgan Waterworks threw down their implements and proclaimed a strike on Monday morning. The new scheme, by which it is intended to supply this town with water from Lough Neagh, includes a contract for the laying of 20,000 yards of pipes along county highways and through the streets. This work was commenced about three weeks ago. The contractor paid the labourers engaged in the excavations only 12s a week. Against this remuneration the workmen struck, and remained on strike for a week. The dispute was settled at the end of the week before last, by the employer undertaking to pay 15s a week minimum standard. On Saturday, however, he refused abide by this condition, and rewarded a number of the navvies with 13s and 14s. A largely attended labour meeting was convened on Lough Neagh shore yesterday afternoon, the chair was taken by Mr Richard M'Ghee, President of the Dock Labourers’ Union, and addresses were delivered by the Rev Alexander Webster, of Aberdeen, and James Smyth and Michael McKeown of Belfast. Over 500 men adopted resolutions pledging themselves to not accept employment in the waterworks until minimum wages of 15s has been established, and agreeing to demand an increase of a 3s a week on the remuneration at present paid in other branches of labour throughout the district. A large number of men attended the works this morning, and waited upon the contractor, when their interests were warmly advocated by the Rev A Webster, and by Messrs M'Ghee and Smyth. The employer declined to bind himself to the wages demanded, and the labourers threw down their tools and marched into Lurgan in a body. The tide of public sympathy is with the workmen, and the dispute has engendered considerable agitation in the neighbourhood.
Yesterday the people of Lurgan enjoyed their annual general holiday, and if any estimate may be formed as to the amount of pleasure afforded by the occasion by the number of persons who participated in it, certainly this year's outing may fairly be considered, the most satisfactory and successful ever organised in the town. From shortly after seven in the morning excursion after excursion train left the station, all apparently packed to their utmost capacity by eager pleasure-seekers, and although Portrush was the point officially fixed on as the place of rendezvous, the facilities afforded by the Great Northern Railway Company and the exceptional cheapness of the fares induced many to patronise other places of interest, Dublin and Warrenpoint evidently being the favourites. Indeed the liberality with which the railway company met the convenience of the excursionists was the theme of universal commendation, and it is almost needless to say their courteous officials at Lurgan station well seconded the company's efforts. During the day the town presented an absolutely deserted appearance, all the business houses with a couple of notable though unenviable exceptions, having closed for the purpose of affording their employees the chance of enjoying a run in "woods afresh and pastures new" with its attendant blessing of a breath of fresh air. No doubt their generosity will be more than repaid by the renewed vigour with which all hands will return to their every day occupations of life, and thus in a material sense even the annual holiday will have conduced to good and practical purposes.
The weekly meeting of the Lurgan Board of Guardians was held on Thursday week in the Board-room of the Workhouse, Lurgan. Mr. John Macoun V.C., presided. Mr. Orr said he thought they should revise the out-door relief list and see if any of the cases could be struck off. The Chairman: I think it would be well. Mr. Sinnamon: You should have done that long ago. Relieving-Officer Anderson, replying to Mr. Orr, said the blind man chargeable to Portadown was getting into debt, and he would have to come into the house again. Of course his keep in the house would cost more than the Guardians were giving him now.
Mr. Orr: lt would be better to incur that expense. It would be cheaper in the end.
Mr. Anderson: It would be cheaper in a great many cases, because a great many of them would not come into the house, but this man is unable to do anything for himself.
Mr. Sinnamon: lf the poor old man or woman are not to come in are they to die with hunger?
Mr. Orr: ln 1872 our outdoor relief amounted to £67, and now it is nearly £1,000.
Mr. Sinnamon: I sat here when there was no such thing as outdoor relief in the Union, but that is no reason why there should be no out-door relief now.
Mr. Orr: lt is only the fringe of the deserving poor that you relief. Now, in Portadown you could got plenty of cases that are really as deserving of out-door relief as those that are receiving it. At a subsequent stage of the Board's proceedings, The Clerk said he had completed the return asked for by Mr. M'Nally, showing the expense incurred for providing bread, beef, new milk, and coals for the workhouse from 1871 to 1892 inclusive, the expense and average cost per week for food and clothing and the expense annually for outdoor relief and children at nurse, as well as the occasional cases sent to the Eye and Ear Hospital in Belfast. In 1872 the out-door relief amounted to £67 19s 2d. From that year it had rapidly increased until in 1891 it amounted to £919 24s 6d, and for the half year ended March last the amount expended in outdoor relief reached the sum of £640 5s. The return would be referred for consideration to the committee, who were at present inquiring into the expenditure in connection with the house. Mr. M'Nally said the people were now beginning to know that it was not the wealthy people who paid the poor rates, and no owner of houses should say that they pay the rates because landlords when building houses calculate the rates they will have to pay, and charge it in the rent. When making some remarks in regard to this matter at a previous meeting, he attributed the high rates to the ornamental state in which the grounds around the workhouse were kept at the expense of the ratepayers, and the Master said that the shrubs and flowers in the grounds did not cost the ratepayers anything.
The Master: The remarks I then made were very proper, and I would make the same remarks again if anyone said anything about me.
Mr. Douie said he had been a guardian for a great many years and he found that while outdoor relief had increased very considerably, the numbers in the house remained about the same. The document which Mr. Donaldson had prepared would be a very valuable one for the Board to consider, and he was sure the guardians were obliged to Mr. M'Nally for moving in the matter. There were a great many persons getting out-door relief that were not deserving of it. The master asked Mr. M'Nally to explain to the Board in what way he had contributed to the great increase in the expenditure. He was there to carry out the Board's instructions and he had always done so to the best of his ability, and in the most economical way he possibly could, and he would respectfully ask Mr. M'Nally to explain how he had increased the rates.
Mr. Douie said he always considered that the Master deserved great credit for the way in which he kept the grounds attached to the house.
Mr. M'Nally declined to enter into a discussion with the Master on the subject. The other guardians might do so if they thought proper, but for his part he was more interested in the important question of the increase in the expenditure of the house. Mr. M'Nally then retired; and the subject dropped.
An old woman and her son, residents in the neighbourhood of Lurgan, as the result of the death of a near relative, have been suddenly and unexpectedly raised from a position of poverty to one of comparative wealth and independence.
Many years ago there lived at Doliingstown, near Lurgan, a Mrs. Hardy and her two sons, James and Christopher. James worked sometimes as a weaver and at other times as a labourer, and Christopher was by trade a maker of vinegar. About thirty years ago Christopher Hardy went to reside in London, and did not afterwards return to Ireland. His mother and brother James, however, still remained at Dollingstown. Their fortunes did not improve, and of late years, while James worked on at his humble avocations, the other, now a woman of more than seventy years of age, would often, have been reduced to dire straits had it not been for the assistance of kindly sympathisers.
In England, however, Christopher Hardy gradually made money as a manufacturer of vinegar. In the month of February, 1889, Christopher died, and about eight months ago the mother and brother of the deceased learned by a letter from the solicitor of the widow of Christopher that he had left a considerable amount of property. It was ultimately ascertained that the assets amounted to £5000 or £6000. As the result of tedious and difficult legal negotiations, the claim as successfully established, and Mrs. Hardy and her son James now find themselves in possession of the handsome sum of close on £3000. It is said an effort will be at once made to recover the remaining £3000 or £4000.
This being the last day fixed for receiving nominations a more than usual amount of activity was displayed amongst the partisans of the several candidates for the forthcoming Lurgan municipal elections. The following have been nominated for the five vacancies:- Messrs. James Malcolm, D.L. (chairman); William J. Fleming, Robert Hazalton, and Joseph P. Mathers, old Commissioners; Mr. Thomas Reburn J.P., who has formerly represented the ratepayers for an extended period, and acted in the capacity of chairman to the Board,; Mr. George J. Wate, Mr. S. M'Conville, and Mr. Wm. White, who have not before been before the electors. A more than usual amount of interest is evidently being taken in the coming election, that is, judging from the number of candidates and the voters will undoubtedly be well canvassed both before and on the day of polling. The day of election falling on a Saturday, a heavy poll may be expected. The aggregate number on the register is 691, but if those who are already nominated push their canvass, as may be expected, the individual polling will not be as heavy as on previous occasions.
Gentlemen, I beg to thank you for the renewal of the confidence reposed in me for so many years as one of your Municipal Representatives and for the emphatic manner of its expression on Saturday last. In the future as in the past, all matters conducive to the best interests of the town, shall receive my earnest attention. Your obedient servant, James Malcolm, Chairman of the Board of Guardians.
DESTRUCTIVE FIRE 21 November, 1892
LURGAN, Monday, November 21, 1892. A destructive fire took place early this morning. Shortly before two o'clock an alarm of fire was raised, and it was found that Sunnyside Factory, Victoria Street, the property of Mr. George A. Crawford, was on fire. The building is of recent construction, having an extended two storey frontage in Victoria Street. The factory which is attached to this building, extends for nearly 200 feet in the rear. Mr. Crawford carried out an extensive business in the hemstitching and handkerchief finishing, and also the aerated water and bottling business.
The fire brigade, under the superintendence of Mr. John Long, arrived shortly after three o’clock, but at this time it had become so utterly hopeless to save the main buildings that the exertions of the fire brigade were used successfully to save the adjoining buildings. The stabling and washing-houses were almost all that were not devoured in the flames. The building, which was filled with valuable machinery, has been completely gutted, nothing remaining but a portion of the walls, the front wall having fallen this evening. The destructive nature of the flames can be understood when a couple of hours after the fire was first noticed the entire roofs had fallen in.
In the two departments of his business Mr. Crawford gave employment to some 300 persons, who will severely feel being thrown out of work at this time of year. It may be mentioned that some time previous to the discovery of the fire a number of the operatives and their friends had left the veining works, in which a ball had been given by Mr. Crawford to the hands by way of celebrating the approaching marriage of a young woman who had been in his employment for a lengthened period, and who had a few days previously been presented with a handsome testimonial by her fellow-workers.
So far as can at present be ascertained, however, it would appear that the fire did not originate in the section of the buildings where the ball was held, but in the portion devoted to the bottling works. It is understood a considerable amount of the linen goods were saved, but the entire of the valuable hemstitching machinery, bottling, and aerated water apparatus and ingredients have been utterly consumed. The veining factory is said to be covered by insurance, but the bottling work only partially. A large concourse of people visited the scene of the fire during the day.
MALICIOUS BURNING 29 November 1892
The presentment sessions for the northern district of County Armagh and the barony of O'Neiland East were held in the Courthouse, Lurgan. The business of the sessions was opened at eleven o'clock. Mr. James Malcolm, D.L., J.P. Presiding. There were six cases tor malicious injuries, one of which created an unusual amount of interest. The circumstance connected with this case has been one of considerable contention in the district for some two or three years past, and might be said to have arisen out of the eviction of a man named John Heaney, in Derrytagh, by Lord Lurgan for non-payment of rent some two or three years back. So great was the turbulence in the district that a police protection station was established in the house from which Heaney was evicted. Mr. Christopher Stevenson purchased the property some time after the tenant-right from Lord Lurgan, and took advantage of the sale of the farm, consisting of some 21 acres, under the Ashbourne Act, but owing to the feelings of hostility created by the sympathisers of Heaney, he was unable to obtain a tenant for the house. On the 15th May last the dwelling-house, barn, and cow-house was wantonly and maliciously set fire to and consumed and Mr. Stevenson now claimed from the barony the sum of £85 for loss and injury sustained. Mr. Hugh Hayes, solicitor, appeared for the applicant, and Mr. Menary, solicitor, on behalf of a large number of cess-payers. Mr. Menary said that in reviewing the evidence he would not oppose the claim for malicious burning, but as he considered the amount claimed excessive he would examine witnesses to prove his contention.
Mr. Christopher Stevenson, PLG said he owned the farm in Derrytagh South. There was upon the farm a dwelling-house and some out-housing. On the morning of the 15th May, Constable Forbes came to his residence in Derrytrasna, and informed him of the burning, and when he arrived at 7.30 the building was burning, and the roof was totally demolished. Being examined as to the cost, he considered it would take £85 to replace the building. The main house was 79 feet long, and consisted of five bays, and was built of mud, stone, and lime.
Acting-Sergeant O'Donnell, who was one of the constables stationed in the house when used as a protection station, was examined as to the condition of the interior of the house.
Frank Hendron, a carpenter, was examined as to the amount that would be required to rebuild the house, and in his estimate he afforded some amusement by the frequent mistakes made in his figures. He considered £20 18s. 5d. would be sufficient.
Mr. Cullen, ,J.P. (from the bench), thought if be could get doors completely furnished for 5s he would be a cheap tradesman.
The damages assessed were £42 10s, to come off the townland of Derrytagh South.
FACTORY FIRE 7 January 1892
A fire in a large hem-stitching factory in Lurgan owned by Mr James Malcolm, Deputy Lieutenant, the first of the kind in Ireland was today completely destroyed by fire. The damage is estimated at £11,000. Over 400 operators, have been rendered permanently idle.
On Thursday the 21st day of January, 1892, the BOARD of GUARDIANS will appoint a thoroughly capable man to take charge of the Engine and Boilers at the Workhouse, and be entirely responsible for their proper care and management. None need apply but those having practical experience. and who fully understand the working of Engine and Steam Boilers and have an intelligent acquaintance with the various pipes and connections attached thereto. The Salary has been fixed at Twelve Shillings per week, with Board and Apartments, and the person who may be appointed will be required to assist the Master in the general routine of the establishment. Applications in the candidates own handwriting, with testimonials, will be received by the undersigned, up to the hour of Eleven O'Clock on the 21st inst., when the attendance of candidates will be necessary. Any further information required can be obtained by applying to the Master.
By Order, J. DONALDSON. Clerk of Union. Boardroom, Workhouse, 7th January, 1892.
ON LEASE FOREVER 30 January 1892
To let, Building Ground, with 150 feet rear and about 500 feet frontage to Shankill Street, Lurgan. and about 1000 feet in New Street, adjoining; also about 8 acres besides for building purposes, one portion of which, containing about 2 acres, is very desirably situated for building a Woollen or other Factory, as the Great Northern Railway runs along one side of it and the Pound River along two of the remaining sides. In addition to the fore-going advantages, there is a copious and never-ending supply of spring water, and sand and gravel can be had at a cheap rate. Apply to JOSEPH MURPHY. Lurgan.
On Friday evening Mr. William Lynd exhibited and explained the marvellous talking machine, as perfected up to date, in the Town Hall to a large and appreciative audience. Mr Lynd is certainly an accomplished lecturer, in fact an ideal demonstrator and from start to finish, kept his audience in the best of humour by a most amusing descriptions of the various uses to which the phonograph may be put. A cornet solo, played originally in America, and some performances by the band of the Coldtream Guards, as well as baby's crying, fowl "clucking," &c., were reproduced from the phonograph; and, if hearty applause is to be accepted as a criterion, the audience were well pleased. By special request Mr. David Cousin, sang a verse of "Tell Her I Love Her so." and this was reproduced by the instrument immediately afterwards with marvellous accuracy and distinctness, the vocalist being heartily cheered for his contribution to the general enjoyment. In the early portion of the day Mr Lynd's, able assistant gave a lecture and demonstration on the instrument to school children, of whom some hundreds took advantage, the charge of admission being the nominal one of twopence. On the whole, we are pleased to state the exhibition of the phonograph in Lurgan was, in every sense a success.
The police at Edward Street Station received information that some ten or eleven pet rabbits, the property of Mr. J. Livingston, of Silverwood, near Lurgan, had been stolen from his warren. Acting on the information received. Acting-Sergeant Lynch proceeded to make inquiries in several places in the town, and eventually his attention was directed to two dead rabbits in the shop of a local dealer, and which were subsequently identified by Mr. Livingston as his property. It was then ascertained that the two rabbits in question had been sold to the dealer referred to by a man named Thomas Molloy, a weaver. who resides in Waring Street, Lurgan, and in whose house four or five other rabbits, also identified by Mr. Livingston, were discovered. Molloy was arrested, and brought before Dr. E. Magennis, JP and Mr. B. McGlynn, J.P. He was remanded in custody until the next Lurgan petty sessions. It is a curious fact that the key of Molloy's house was found near where the rabbits were stolen, having evidently been drooped there.
DANGER ON THE MONTIAGHS HIGH ROAD 14 March 1892 To the Editor. Sir May I, through your paper, call the attention of the Grand Jury of the County of Armagh and of the Lurgan police to a really life and death matter, the dangers attending the driving on the Montiaghs High Road. For four miles this road runs on a rampart through a cut-away bog, from six to twelve feet high in long lengths, without the slightest side protection, and sloping off to either side, where there are deep dykes, veritable death traps, its only protection its extremely dangerous condition generally, with one rough and deeply-cut car track in the centre, from which, on meeting another vehicle, it is risky to move. Even in daytime this road requires steady, careful driving, not to mention dark, frosty, or foggy nights; but this is not all. One constantly meets with drunken drivers returning home from Lurgan in the evening, and especially on market days, and these persons running races with each other. Upon a very late occasion one of them and his horse were both killed by going over the side; but on Thursday last, as I and my daughters were proceeding to a meeting, one of these men dashed before us, startling my horse, which gave a bound, and upset my trap, fortunately at one of the very few places where there was a bit of a hedge, only for which we would, trap horse, and all, most certainly have gone over. I escaped by being caught on the hedge, with my face well torn, but one of my daughters was pitched on her shoulder, and had her armbone broken close to or in the socket.
Driving on this road, as my profession requires, two or three times a week, and often at night, and hearing, as I constantly do, of fresh accidents occurring, I cannot help feeling like the Alpine guide, who fully expects one time or another to die with a broken neck, more especially seeing, as I do every time I enter my church, a monument put up to a much respected predecessor who was killed in this way; but, to add to these dangers, the very bad state of repair in which the road is kept and the large stones used, it takes a large part of my very small income to keep my traps in repair. I do plead most earnestly for my life, and the lives of those who have to travel . upon this road at all seasons, that the Grand Jury will look more carefully after it, and that the Lurgan police will be more particular in watching the return turf carts, to see that no drunken men be left in their Charge. Trusting that the importance of the matter will be a sufficient excuse for this long letter.
I am, dear sir, yours truly, Thomas B. Harpur Rector of the Montiaghs.
Robert Jones, Hill Street, and his wife, Sarah Jones were jointly charged by James Lawther with unlawfully purchasing yarn the property of the firm of Mathers & Bunting. Mr. Menary appeared to prosecute and Mr. Wellington Young, Belfast and Lisburn, to defend the prisoners. Mr. Menary briefly detailed the circumstances which led to the present prosecution being brought. William Baxter (the weaver to whom the yarn was entrusted by Mr. Lawther) had been before the Bench on last Court-day charged with fraudulently disposing of the goods, and there being no defence, and the magistrate taking into account certain circumstances which then transpired in evidence, ordered his detention during the sitting of the Court. They were now proceeding against the really more guilty parties, to wit, the receivers, and he quoted the section of the Linen Act which governed their proceedings in this case.
William Baxter then examined by Mr. Menary, and deposed that he was a weaver, and recently worked for Mathers & Bunting; got a chain and weft from their Mr. Lawther some time before Christmas, but could not exactly say when or how long before that date. He brought it home but did not beam it. His wife had since brought in the chain to Mathers & Bunting. Mr. Lawther had spoken to him about it and he had made excuses to him about the weft not being forthcoming. Had been prosecuted at last Petty Sessions for embezzling this yarn. Before that had gone to Jones about it. Had asked him if he bought weft He then asked him if he bad bought any recently from Maggie Baxter. and Jones said if he had be had given her the value of all she had bought. He asked him to give back the weft but his wife (Mrs Jones) pulled him back into the house and closed the door. Witness went back to Jones next morning as he knew the chain would have to be returned. He had not then seen Jones, but saw Mrs. Jones, and he told her if the weft was not returned both of them would get into trouble. She refused to give any and said if they had bought any from his (Baxter's) wife, they had paid her for it all it was worth. Jones was upstairs in bed at the time, at least Mrs. Jones said so. It was the weft be had got from Mathers & Bunting which his wife had disposed of. He had been frightened about the consequences when he had spoken to Mr. Lawther about it and lied to him on two occasions, he offered to pay him for it at 6d per week, but Lawther refused. After he (Baxter) was arrested, Mr. Lawther had said that if Baxter gave evidence about the receiver, he would let him off. Up until the time he was arrested and then liberated on bail, he had not mentioned the name of Jones to any person. He stated that on many occasions, his wife had sold yarns with his knowledge from Mathers & Bunting and a firm named Nelson that he had worked for previously.
Margaret Baxter, a weak, sickly-looking young woman deposed that she was the wife of William Baxter, and remembered him bringing home a chain sometime before Christmas. It was from Mathers & Bunting he brought it, She (witness) had sold that weft partly to Mr. Jones and partly to Mrs. Jones. She had sold it in about six lots altogether, but having a bad memory, could not remember the dates; however, she sold the lest spangle and two hanks the day before Christmas. She had always went by herself to Jones', and disposed of the whole of it to them. Her husband was lying sick at the time, and was being attended by Dr. Agnew. She herself was ill and they had a little child who had died, and that was the reason for the whole of it. After Mr Lawther had been talking to her husband, she went the nest morning to Mr. Jones and afterwards to Mrs. Jones and begged of them to return the weft and they would repay them its value by instalments. Mrs. Jones said her husband might put his spurs on, for she would get no yarn there. If Mrs. Jones stated she had nut bought the yarn from the witness it would, of course, be untrue.
Mr. Young then made a statement for the defence in doing so, he asked the Bench to disbelieve the witness Baxter as convicted thief and an acknowledged liar. His respectable clients (the Jones') were in the position of having their mouths closed, but no offence under this most stringent Linen Act had ever been alleged against them until this present charge was made. Mr. Young said he felt under a terrible disadvantage of addressing the Chairman and other gentlemen on the bench who, apart from their position as magistrates, were deeply interested in putting down this alleged illicit trade in yarns, their business instincts, their sympathy, and their advantage was most naturally strongly against any persons in the position of his clients. Mr. Young concluded a most ingenious and able defence by pressing home on the Bench the several weak spots is the case from his point of view—the defective ticket, the time having outrun the necessary four months, end, above all, the character of the evidence for the prosecution. Mr. Menary replied, showing that the complaint had been brought well within the period allowed by the Linen Act, that the legal technicalities introduced by Mr. Young were not relevant to the point at issue, and that the evidence was absolutely conclusive as to the guilt of both defendants.
The Chairman said the majority of the magistrates would convict the defendants, and they would be fined in a sum of £20 each. Mr Menary asked that his client. Mr. Lowther, be allowed one half the fines, as it was solely through him these parties were brought to justice. Mr. Magahan said the magistrates could only allow one third,and in case they did so. be presumed the prosecution would not ask for costs. Mr. Menary. We will be perfectly satisfied with one third, and we will not ask for costs. Mr. Young. We will appeal the case. No objection being made. the defendants entered into recognizance to prosecute their appeal at the next Quarter Sessions. Bail being accepted, Jones himself in £50 and two sureties of £25 each.
(London Evening Standard.)
The witch-finder, in the form of judge and jury, has lately been at work in Belfast It appears that a gentleman of Lurgan, growing weary of the slow and cautious methods of modern physicians, entrusted his case to a celebrated medicine-man of the neighbourhood, whoso methods seemingly find no place in the British Pharmacopoeia. But whether because it was too late, or because the disagreement of the rival practitioners extended even to their proscriptions, the "charmer" was unable to charm with sufficient wisdom, and the patient died. Hence the legal proceedings which has lately occupied wig and gown in Belfast.
Most of us matter-of-fact Saxons who read of the case in the brief paragraph of an English paper, will probably put it down as yet another example of the unfortunate methods and manners of the Sister Isle. We shall doubtless feel Pharisaically grateful that that sort of thing does not occur in this enlightened land and to some of us it may seem to furnish yet another argument against the fitness of the Celt for Home Rule. A free and independent voter who would prefer incantations and abracadabra to antipyrine and castor oil for the cure of his personal infirmities, might be expected to advocate no loss heterodox remedies for the varied ills of the body politic, to the confusion of political economy and the science of government. That sort of thing went out of England, say we, when our great-grandmothers gave up the manufacture of 'Plague-water' or 'Venice treacle' from their respective nine and fifty or sixty-two ingredients, thanks mainly to the enlightened energy of Matthew Hopkins, of Maningtree, an estimable gentleman who has not received due credit for the martyr-like constancy which led him at last to exemplify in his own person the treatment best calculated to eradicate the abominable heresy of witchcraft and all its horrible sect. But the Black Art dies hard.
A gas explosion of a very violent character took place at a late hour on Saturday night, in a house in William Street, occupied by Messrs. Clarke & Co., general clothiers and house furnishers, as a warehouse, store, and dwelling. It appears that the attention of Mr. Clarke was attracted by an unusual odour of coal gas in the hall, and he proceeded to discover the neighbourhood of the escape. He opened the parlour door, the room which the gas had accumulated, and called for a light. As an inmate of the house was proceeding to the kitchen to procure a light, a terrible explosion was heard. No light was necessary to produce it, for a burning jet remained in the in Gasalier in connection with which the escape had occurred, and opening of the kitchen door produced current which brought accumulated gas into contact with the jet. The result of the sudden explosion was that the parlour window was blown out and all the furniture smashed. The wall between the hall and the parlour was knocked down and the front door broken. In the rest the house, walls were cracked, ceilings broken, windows, woodwork and all, blown into the backyard, doors were forced, shelving and goods were thrown upon the floors in confused heaps, and all kinds of materials destroyed or injured. To add to the confusion, a fire broke out in the parlour, but this was promptly extinguished by neighbours who assembled. Mr. John Long, superintendent of the Fire Brigade, and Constable Moorehead were amongst the first to arrive on the scene. The house is the property Mr. Joseph Smith, Edward Street, and all the damage is covered by insurance.
The Parish Church, Lurgan, presented a scene on Saturday morning of a most unusual animation and interest. A pair were being married whose combined ages amounted to 158 years, that of the bride being 84. An immense crowd assembled towards the close of the service outside the church, and as the newly married pair left the sacred edifice they were pelted with boiled potatoes. The mob became so threatening that the police had to interfere, the couple being ultimately escorted to their residence by the constabulary.
The bi-monthly petty sessions for Lurgan and district were held in the Courthouse, William Street, Lurgan, at half-past ten o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. William Liddell, J. P., presiding. Owen M'Ilmurray. who, in addition to his ordinary professional avocations of sawyer and saw-sharpener, was reputed to exercise the "craft and mystery" of a most potent 'Charmer' was brought up on remand, charged with having caused the death of the late David Archer, publican and builder, who died at his residence, Church Place, on the 29th ult. Mr. T. G. Menary appeared for the defence, and the prosecution was conducted by Mr. Gray, D.I. The first witness examined was Rebecca Jane Archer, sister of the deceased, who deposed that she had lived with him, and he became unwell on the 19th ult. Dr. Agnew was called in to see him, and subsequently Dr. Magennis, J.P. The doctors bandaged her brothers right leg, and she understood from them that it was 'erysipelas' he suffered from. After the doctors left, about nine o'clock in the morning, her sister-in-law sent for Owen M'Ilmurray to charm and rub her brother's leg having the reputation of a charmer throughout the country. Witness objected to his being sent for. When he arrived between nine and ten o'clock he went up to her brother's room, took the doctor's dressings off his leg, rubbed it with butter and flour, and then swathed it in flannel. He rubbed the leg gently and it was at her brother's request he did so. He also performed the charm, but she could not say what it was, as he whispered it. When he came up at first he said it was in Gods name they were going to do it. and her brother replied, Well, in God's name do it.
Owen M'Ilmurray was sent for in the evening again, when he did the same thing over again. The doctors just arrived as he was leaving. To Mr. Menary, My brother was always troubled with bronchitis, and he had a severe attack of influenza last winter. My brother seemed to be suffering at the time M'Ilmurray was sent for, and after the charm he declared his leg was easier, and that he could move it better. I was present when M'Ilmurray took the bandages off the second time, and I did not notice the skin broken on the leg. When the doctors came they were not pleased at what had been done. Dr. Agnew was sworn and said Mr. Archer had been under his care from the 20th ult., and when he first saw him he was suffering from symptoms of feverish cold. He was sent for on Sunday, week, when he found an attack of 'erysipelas' had developed in Archer's right leg from the ankle to the knee. He applied dressings, and covered it with gutta-percha tissue. Subsequently, on account of the patient's wife's anxiety, he thought it better to call Dr. Magennis in consultation, and then the original treatment was continued. The inflammation at that time seemed to be subdued, and not inclined to spread. The 'erysipelas' seemed thoroughly under control. He and Dr. Magennis visited the patient again on the Monday evening, when they saw M'Ilmurray leaning against the bar in the shop. He knew M'Ilmurray was a reputed charmer for the rose. When they went up, they found the patient in a very critical condition. The symptoms were much worse. He was in a state of high feverish excitement and delirious. On examining the leg they found it encased in flannel and their dressings removed. They also saw that below the bandage the 'erysipelas' had extended over the foot, and also upwards into the thigh. Dr. Magennis and he consulted what was best to do under the circumstances. Archer informed them he had had a man in to charm the leg, and that it was better, and he could now do anything he liked with it. They came to the conclusion the patient was in extreme danger, and that unless the inflammation could be checked at once the man was not likely to live over two days. When this was represented to Mrs. and Miss Archer they asked them to do the best they could for the patient, and to this they consented. They then removed M'Ilmurray's bandages, and underneath they found virulent inflammation, and that blisters had risen on the leg. They reapplied the dressing which had been removed by M'Ilmurray. When they saw the leg the previous day it had neither blister nor abrasion on it. The condition co the patient continued about the same on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, however the inflammation got worse in the middle of the day and Archer died on Friday.
To the District Inspector, I have been in practice twenty-one years, and have treated many cases of erysipelas. I am of the opinion that the interference with my treatment caused Archer's death. Dr. Magennis having corroborated, Their Worships sent the accused forward for trial.
Notice to owners of Graves. The Board of Guardians of the Lurgan Union, acting as the burial board of said Union, hereby give public notice to all who it may concern, that they have directed that a map of Donacloney Graveyard shall be prepared and for that purpose a committee of the board, with their surveyor, will attend at the Graveyard on Tuesday the 18th day of September 1892 at ten o'clock am., when all persons claiming ground therein should be present to point out the graves they claim, in order that a correct map may be obtained and the names of owners be duly entered into the Burial Register Book.
By Order of James Donaldson, Clerk of the Union, Boardroom, Workhouse.
LURGAN WATERWORKS 6 September 1892
No time is being lost in the pushing forward of the new works by which the town of Lurgan is to be supplied with water from Lough Neagh. It is only a short time since the Town Commissioners had the sanction of the Local Government Board to the loan of £21,000, which it is calculated will be necessary to complete the scheme. Mr. James Malcolm, DL., J.P., as chairman of the Town Commissioners, has been indefatigable in his efforts from the beginning to push the scheme to a successful completion, ably supported by the other members of the Town Board, combined with the scientific knowledge of the engineer, Mr. Wm. B. Boyans, M.I.C.E., London.
The land on which the reservoir and filter beds at Gibson's Hill and Castor's Bay have been for some time secured, and those of Castor's Bay have been tested as to their character for filtering purposes. Castor's Bay, the point at which the water is to be taken from the lough, is a broad expanse of water jutting out from the lough in an easterly direction and appears to be well adapted as the source of a good supply of pure water, the bottom of this part of the lake being fine white sand. Bricks are already laid down close to the shore for building purposes, and a jetty has been erected, which extends about thirty feet. Bricks are also laid down on the ground acquired for the filter beds, and wells have been sunk for the purpose of testing the adaptability of the strata for the purposes. This ground is approached by the road, and from this point the pipe laying commences. The pipes, which are 10 inches in diameter and ½ inches thick, have been supplied by Messrs. D. Y. Stewart & Son, Glasgow. and are very substantial in their appearance. The laying is entrusted to Mr. W. C. Gault, Ballymena, who has recently been making good progress. The distance into Lurgan is about 2 miles. About the half of this distance has been already accomplished, two gangs of navvies having been at work, one of which has reached Tannaghmore Schoolhouse, where a reflux pipe has been fixed, and the other, which commenced at the farmhouse of Mr. Boyce, has reached the bottom of Millar's Hill, a rather difficult part of the road. So far no exceptional difficulty has been experienced in the carrying out of this contract, but when the contractor reaches the town the work will undoubtedly become more difficult as the roads will be harder to open owing to the quantity of surface macadam and the obstruction of town traffic. The other contracts will no doubt, in time be pushed forward with as much despatch as possible, and a few months will show very material progress in this large undertaking.
WATERWORKS STRIKE 27 September 1892
Unfortunately the strike of navvies at the Lurgan Waterworks, and of labourers on the farm Mr. Taylor, Clanrolla, continues with slight indications of an amicable settlement being arrived at. On either side determination seems be implacable, and both parties to the dispute are apparently bent on carrying out the trial of strength or resistance to the bitter end. Unquestionably, however, the position of the strikers is becoming more and more untenable day by day, not only because of the exhaustion of whatever small resources which may have been at their disposal at the outset, but perhaps still more on account of the unsympathetic way in which the struggle has been viewed by the people of the town.
Rightly or wrongly, the latter have got it into their heads that the strikers were, not only minus a substantial grievance since the concession made on the first turn out, but that they were also in some measure guilty of an offence against the town in retarding the completion of the waterworks contract. On Saturday it was plainly perceptible that the strikers, to an extent, recognised they were in a tight place and, notwithstanding that one of the organisers lately boasted of the considerable amount of money that had arrived from the other side of the Channel for the support of the struggle, when it became known after eleven o'clock that the most that could be allotted to each man was rather meagre sum of 1s the feeling of hopelessness was general.
An appeal to raise funds had also been made, fruitlessly, throughout the town, which tended considerably to damp the by no means optimistic feelings of the strikers. Possibly, with the idea of making the best of the matter, by diverting attention from the most unsatisfactory part of the movement, the organisers managed to convene a meeting on Sunday at Clanrolla, at which strongly condemnatory resolutions were adopted in regard to the action of Mr. Solomon M'Ilwaine, a contractor under the Town Commissioners, in affording help to Mr, Taylor. Yesterday evening the strikers issued for signature a document declaring the disapprobation of the townspeople with Mr. M'Ilwaine's conduct, but whether it will meet with popular support would be difficult say. Pickets are still stringently guarding both the waterworks and Mr. Taylor's farm, but, notwithstanding this, it is alleged a considerable proportion of the navvies offered to return to work for Mr. Gault at the 15s per week rate this morning and were refused.
THE LURGAN CHARMER 17 December 1892
On Friday morning Mr. Justice Gibson resumed the business of these Assizes in the Courthouse. Owen M'Ilmurray was indicted for that he, on 25th July last. feloniously did kill and slay one David Archer.
Rebecca Jane Archer stated, in reply to Sergeant Dodd, that she was a sister of the late David Archer, who died at Lurgan on Wednesday. July 29th, after a fortnight's illness. He was not a weak man, hut had a weak chest. He was ill with bronchitis and erysipelas. Dr. Agnew and Dr. Magennis attended him.
After the doctors had been there the prisoner was sent for, and came. He was not a doctor. Witness never heard him called 'Doctor M'Ilmurray'. She might have heard him called a charmer. M'Ilmurray took off the bandages which the doctors put on the leg of the deceased, and rubbed it with flour and butter for four or five minutes, after which he bandaged it with new flannel. While doing this he whispered a charm which witness could not hear. That was in the morning between nine and ten o'clock. M'Ilmurray came back in the evening and took off the flannel and rubbed the leg with butter and flour. Witness remembered her brother saying the leg was a great deal easier after it was rubbed each time. The butter was fresh, but slightly salted. M'Ilmurray left after rubbing the leg, and as he was leaving in the evening the doctors met him, but did not speak to him. They attended witness's brother until the following Friday, when he died. The charmer got nothing for the charm, and witness did not know that he was to get anything.
His Lordship: He has got this indictment, poor man.
Cross-examined by Mr. M'Grath: M'Ilmurray did not act in any way in opposition to her brother's wish. Her brother asked him for God's sake to try the charm, and prisoner said he was doing it in God's name. Witness helped to pin M'Ilmurray's bandage on.
Dr. Agnew, Lurgan, examined by Mr. Cumming, said that he treated Archer for a severe cold, and erysipelas of the leg supervened. Witness treated him properly, and Dr. Magennis was called in, not on account of the gravity of the case, but of Mrs. Archer's anxiety. On Monday the leg was considerably better, but when witness and Dr. Magennis came back on Monday evening the patient was much worse, in a high fever and delirious. Witness found that the oiled silk which he put on had been replaced by flannel. They discovered that the man would probably not live long, and told Mrs. Archer, who asked them to do what they could to save his life. They checked the disease a little till Thursday, when it got worse. The patient's general condition was worse, and the erysipelas had assumed a more malignant type. He died of blood poisoning, consequent on erysipelas. Witness believed that the alteration of the treatment on Monday evening, aggravated the disease.
Cross-examined by Mr. M'Grath: Archer had suffered from bronchitis, and was not likely to be able to stand any severe disease. Treatment by flour and butter, but without the rubbing was a recognised treatment twenty years ago. Dr. Edward Magennis, Lurgan (to Sergeant Dodd), stated that in his opinion, the interferance with the medical treatment caused Archer's death.
This closed the case for the Crown.
Mr.MGrath asked His Lordship for a direction to the jury on the aquittal of the prisoner on a point of law quoting the authority of Lord Justice Hale, who said that if a person administered a potion or a salve, not with the intention to injure, but with intent to cure, and if the effect was contrary to the effect expected, the person so doing was not guilty of manslaughter. The fact that a man was pursuing a somewhat old system nowadays when medical science had made such rapid strides, could not be taken as implying that the prisoner was guilty of the grossest ignorance. The patient and his relatives were not unwilling to have that treatment tried, and as there was no criminal intent and no element of gross ignorance, he asked his Lordship to direct the jury to acquit the prisoner.
His Lordship said that it was a case for the jury.
In summing up, he said the case was more important by way of public example than on account of any of the circumstances connected with it. In any case the punishment inflicted could not be a serious one. How church-going persons in Lurgan in the nineteenth century could imagine that the Almighty was at the beck and call of the prisoner at the bar he could not understand, but never the less there were people who believed that letters could be transmitted from the remotest parts of Tibet without the instrumentality of the Postmaster-General. He then proceeded to comment on the rapid and contradictory changes brought about from time to time in the mode of medical treatment of various diseases, all of which were circumstances in Mr. M'Grath's favour. Apart from this the case was one of serious importance. If, however, the prisoner were guilty he was liable only to a nominal punishment, and the prosecution had been brought by the Crown, more, he believed by way of caution and example, than with a view to any serious punishment. As to the question of culpable negligence, if the case stood only on the question of the application of butter and flour, he would at once direct the acquittal of the prisoner; but they had it on the evidence of two medical gentlemen of great experience that the rubbing was a foolish and dangerous expedient to resort to. In his view, the prisoner acted from the best of motives; he had not been paid, and had been sent for by the family, and, in his Lordship's opinion, he was a subject for great sympathy.
The jury agreed and the prisoner was discharged.
An occurrence of an exceedingly painful character resulting in the death of a child in consequence of a mistake made, in the most innocent manner, by its mother has taken place in this town. It appears that last evening, an infant girl, the daughter of Mr. Thomas Watson became unwell. The mother decided to administer a dose of Castor Oil and proceeded to take down from the mantel piece in the kitchen the requisite medicine. By a deplorable mistake however. She secured a bottle containing not caster oil, but carbolic acid a deadly poison and in utter good faith gave a quantity to the infant. In a few minutes a woman who was in the house at the time observed that the child was exhibiting alarming symptoms and a hasty inquiry revealed the terrible mistake that had been made by this poor mother, who was reduced to a regular frenzy of grief. Dr. J. M. Moore was promptly in attendance and did all he could to arrest the effects of the poison. The child lingered until this morning, when she expired shortly before eight o'clock am. Sergeant Lockhart of Queen Street Barracks has reported the circumstances to Mr. W. H. Atkinson, coroner for North Armagh, who it is expected will hold an inquest on the remains tomorrow.
The equity sessions for the Lurgan division of the County Armagh were commenced in the Court house, Lurgan, on Saturday, before Mr. W. H. Kisbey, Q.C., County Court Judge for Louth and Armagh. Messrs. A. Moffett, registrar, and Hugh Porter assistant registrar, were in attendance. There was only one case set down for hearing, in which John Haughian, Ballynarry, farmer, sought to compel Thomas Lennon, of same townland, to execute a reconveyance of lands, formerly granted in mortgage to secure a debt, which, it is alleged, has now been paid off. The case was adjourned until next sessions, and the plaintiff directed to tender a deed of reconveyance to be executed by defendant. Mr. Hayes was for plaintiff, and Mr. Menary for defendant. The Court adjourned.
THE LATE MR. GEORGE GREER, J.P. 4 February 1892
At the bi-monthly petty sessions yesterday the magistrates on the bench were :-Messrs. W. Liddell, J.P. (presiding); Jas. Malcolm. D.L.; F. Watson, J.P. ; Joseph Murphy, J.P.; G. R. Carrick, J.P.; Jas. Johnston, J.P.; B. McGlynn, J.P.; John Macoun (Kilmore), J.P.; E. Magennis. M.D., J.P.; and T. D. Gibson, R.M. Before the ordinary business was proceeded with. the chairman said he was sure he gave expression not only to his own feelings, but to the convictions of his brother magistrates, when he referred to the very deep regret with which he had heard of the death of a gentleman, Mr. George Greer, J.P., Woodville, who for many years had been accustomed to take part in their deliberations. and had on all occasions signalised himself, not only by the strict impartiality, but also by the discriminating acumen and judgment which invariably governed his decisions. At a private meeting of the magistrates, held in their own room. that morning, certain resolutions had been adopted in reference to this mournful subject, which he would now ask the clerk to read, and copies of which the clerk had been instructed to forward to Mrs. Greer, widow of the deceased gentleman. Mr. F. W. Magahan, clerk of petty sessions, then read the resolutions, which were as follow - ' We, the justices presiding at the court of petty sessions in Lurgan on this 2nd day of February, 1892, desire to express our sorrow for the untimely death, in the prime of his life, of our brother magistrate. Mr. George Greer, and to place on record our high estimation of his character as a friend and as a colleague. He, like all, occasionally differed with his brother magistrates as to the right mode of dealing with cases brought before the Court, but we all concur in believing that no one ever approached the duties of a magistrate with a higher sense of his responsibility nor with a greater anxiety to reach a just and true discernment of the cases brought before him, and to deal with them firmly and fairly, without fear and without favour. We all know that in many other ways, he untiringly endeavoured to be useful to his fellow-men of all classes and persuasions, and how sorely he will be missed by us all. Mrs. Greer and all the family have our sincere sympathy in their bereavement. A letter was read from Mr. F. Bell. J.P., Bellvue. Lurgan, expressing regret that he could not attend the meeting of magistrates, and expressing a very high appreciation, of Mr. Greer's many admirable qualities.
The weekly meeting of the Lurgan Board of Guardians was held yesterday. In the absence of Mr. John Johnston, J.P., chairman of the Board, Mr. John Macoun, V.C. (Moyraverty) presided. A letter was read from the Local Government Board transmitting to the Guardians, and requesting their opinions upon, a communication recently sent to the Local Government Board by Dr. S. Agnew, the medical officers of Lurgan No. 1 (Lurgan township) dispensary, in which Dr. Agnew dwelt upon the urgent necessity of appointing a permanent and paid dispenser and compounder of medicines and drugs at the dispensary. The necessity for the appointment was based by Dr. Agnew upon the great increase of late years in the amount of work of the character referred to, to be transacted at the dispensary in respect of No. 1 district. It may be mentioned that, during the prevalence of the influenza epidemic in Lurgan Mr. Joseph Calvert, pharmaceutical chemist, Market Street. Lurgan, was appointed temporarily as a dispenser at the dispensary at a salary of £3 per month. This appointment was originally for one month only, but was extended for a second month, and the present proposal is regarded as practically a proposition to make such an appointment a permanent one. Mr. Nelson Ruddell said that the influenza epidermic had now practically disappeared from Lurgan. The present appointment of a dispenser was to meet the special exigencies of that outbreak, and as it had ceased he did not see why the appointment should be made a permanent one, and he was opposed to any idea of the kind. Mr. W. J. Alien spoke in similar terms, and, eventually, the letter of the Local Government Board was referred to the Lurgan dispensary committee to consider same, and report to the Guardians as to what reply the latter, in the opinion of the committee should forward to the letter of the Local Government Board. The remaining business was of a routine character.
At the weekly meeting of the Lurgan Board Guardians, the Clerk informed the Board that, judging from official reports received by him during the past week, a more or less alarming spread of canine rabies had recently taken place in this union. Early in the week two men called upon him complaining that they had been bitten by alleged mad dog, and they desired the Guardians to bear the expense of sending them for treatment to Mr. Pasteur's Institute in Paris. The men promised to appear before the Board today to make an application to this effect, but did not come. Mr. Waddell: l believe they have gone to Cavan to try the M'Govern cure. The Clerk said he had also reports from Warringstown and Moira of men having been bitten by mad dogs. He was taking steps to re-issue the usual cautionary notices in these districts.
To be Sold by Public Auction on Wednesday 13 April 1892 in the Shankill Buildings Lurgan at the hour of 12 o'clock pm. All that and those 10 substantial dwelling houses with the yard and offices attached, situate in Hill Street, in the Town of Lurgan. The Property, which belongs to Mr. Thomas Bamber, is held under Lease, dated the 10th February, 1869, for the term of 1000 years, at the annual yearly rent of £7. 17s. 0d. The Houses are situate in a most populous and thriving portion of the Town, they are in good repair, and all let to Solvent Weekly Tenants. Estimated Gross Rental produced by Weekly Tenants is , £61. 6s 4p, Less Head Rent £7 17s 0d. Nett Rental being, £53. 9s. 4d. For further particulars as to Title, Conditions of Sale, &co., apply to THOMAS CAREY, Solicitor, 7, Marcus Square. Newry; or ANDREW CHERRY, Auctioneer, Lurgan.
On Wednesday morning Mr. W. H. Kisbey Q.C., County court judge for Armagh and Louth, took his seat on the bench in the Courthouse in Lurgan, and commenced the business of the Quarter Sessions. Robert and Sarah Jones, husband and wife, appealed from the decision of the Lurgan bench of magistrates fining them £30 and £20 respectively, for buying from time to time from a handloom weaver's wife 110 hanks of weft, the property of Messrs. Mathers & Bunting, manufacturers, Lurgan. Mr. Wellington Young, Lisburn, appeared for the appellants, and Mr. T. G. Menery, Lurgan, for J. Lawther, cloth-passer in Mather, & Bunting, who was plaintiff when the case came before the magistrates. After hearing evidence, his Honour reversed the decision of the magistrates as far as Mrs. Jones was concerned, and reduced the fine on Jones to £6, on the grounds that the maximum penalty ought not to have been inflicted for a first offence. The case appeared to excite considerable interest.
At a largely attended meeting of Boyne Loyal Orange Lodge No. 204, in Lurgan Orange Hall, on Monday evening, the following resolutions were proposed by Br. Thomas Boston and Br. Samuel Sloan and carried by acclamation:- That we the masters and members of Boyne L.O.L. No. 204, have witnessed with sincere gratification the determined attitudes assumed by the Loyalists of Lurgan polling district of North Armagh in relation to the impending question of Home Rule, and hail with unbounded delight the accession of so many intelligent Liberals to the ranks of those who are ready to ignore the authority of a parliamentary assembly which can possess no claim, legal or moral, to control the province of Ulster, and to which no honest British Government can transfer legislative functions; and we call upon our brethren of England and Scotland to leave nothing undone to aid our cause in the approaching struggle. That we hereby record our highest appreciation of the noble, zealous, and untiring exertions of the gallant member for North Armagh—Br. Colonel Saunderson in the cause of Ulster and the Union, and express our admiration of the unprecedented devotion and conspicuous courage and ability with which he has, during the the past six years, exposed the designs, and contributed to defeat the machinations of the Gladstonian Radicals and their Irish allies on the floor of the House of Commons and the political platforms of the United Kingdom.
There have been no further discoveries in the excavations at the Bann in Portadown, after the unearthing of what appeared to be human bones last Friday. All who have at heart the well being of the community and neighbourhood must have noted with grave apprehension and deep regret the wicked and wanton attempt on the part of a few of our contemporaries to stir up the feelings of the more ill-informed and prejudiced minds among us, over this incident. Fortunately, the radius of these amateur journalists influence is confined to exceedingly narrow limits, or we might tremble for the consequences. As if to show the lengths that some, otherwise, sensible people would go in matters of this kind, a decent, respectable man wrote us a long epistle on the subject, winding up with the suggestion that the remains which have been dug up, should be interred in a public funeral held on 1st July!
It may perhaps cool our good friends ardour and excitement when we inform him that we have it from the highest Veterinary authority in the county that the bones, which were supposed to be those of human beings cruelly massacred 250 years ago, are in reality those of a donkey or some species of small horse, probably a mule. The subject is too grim and ghastly to joke about, otherwise we might feel inclined to quiz some of our Portadown friends on their sorrow over the newly discovered remains of their murdered ancestors, but we refrain from doing so. It is our hope that common sense has now returned and the contractor for the excavations may be allowed to carry on his work undisturbed by curio hunters and hair brained reporters, more anxious to make a few lines of copy, than care for the peace and welfare of the people among whom they reside.
Portadown was in a very disturbed state from about four o'clock until an advanced hour of the night. On their return from the sham fight at Scarva the country Orangemen, whose way home lay through the Tunnel, the Roman Catholic quarter of the town, were attacked with bricks and stones, and some of the persons received injuries of a very serious character. No extra police were drafted into the town, as the magistrates did not anticipate any disturbance. The local force was on duty in the Tunnel, but they are not to be congratulated on the way in which they discharged their duty. About seven o'clock, an attack was made on a brake full of Orangemen and their wives, the police were standing at the mouth of the Tunnel while the heads of the occupants of the brake were being smashed with stones in the middle of the Tunnel. A short time afterwards a Black lodge on returning from Scarva on cars were informed of what had taken place, and, cautioned to mind their heads when driving through the Nationalist quarter, they at once dismounted, and marched through the Tunnel fully armed, followed by a crowd of several thousand persons. Immediately before approaching Mr. Brankin's public-house a shower of stones came from behind the houses occupied by Roman Catholics, with the result that a large number of the Protestant party received wounds of a very serious nature. A regular riot ensued and shots were fired by the Orangemen.
The police, who were utterly unable to quell the disturbance, were obliged to retire to the barracks. They returned, however, in a short time with their arms, and made an unsuccessful endeavour to disperse the crowds. The stones continued to come from behind the Roman Catholic houses, and the occupants of every car conveying the Orangemen and their friends home were pelted with missiles. The greatest excitement prevailed during the evening, and expressions of dissatisfaction in regard to the imperfect police arrangements were to be heard on all sides. The majority of the local magistrates were on duty in the locality during the evening. The following local justices were on duty Messrs. W. J. Paul, W. J. Locke, J. C. Fulton, F. J. O'Hanlon, George Locke. J.P.; and J. Malcolmson. Mr. T. D. Gibson, the resident magistrate, was on duty in Lurgan.
The premature demise of Mr. Ross Campbell the respected town clerk of Lurgan, which took place at the deceased's residences in Avenue Road, on Sunday evening last is an event that caused regret in all circles of society. Mr. Campbell was for many years a familiar figure in Lurgan. For over three years he has filled the position as Clerk to the Town Board and executive sanitary officer in which capacity he enjoyed the confidence of his employers and the local Government board. The ailments which terminated his career at the comparatively early age of 40 years are said to have been of a complicated character, the immediate cause of death being a hiccough arising from inflammation of the stomach. The deceased was a man of apparently robust health up to his withdrawal from Public Duty eleven days prior to his end. He was attended by Dr. Agnew and Dr. Magennis J.P., and a circumstance which augments the melancholy of the event, is that the deceased leaves a widow and four young children. Mr. Campbell was a popular member of the Lurgan Presbyterian Young Men's Society and his remain will be interred in the Presbyterian Burial Ground this afternoon.
Up to the present there appears every reason to hope for a rather more than averagely abundant and favourable harvest in the important agricultural country surrounding Lurgan. Thanks to the fine spell of, warm weather in the early part of the spring, farmers were enabled to get in their crops in good time, and as fortunately no frost of any consequence succeeded, nearly ail descriptions of farm produce were thus afforded a chance of keeping up the good headway made in the beginning of the year. Owing to the fine warm rains which distinguished the latter end of May, stock raisers have been placed in an exceptionally favourable position, the supply of grass being both abundant in quantity and excellent in quality. Cereals of all sorts have naturally profited greatly by the recent sunshiny weather and that all-important commodity, the potato, with the exception of champions, which unfortunately of late have begun to show some slight traces of disease, promise to turn out an averagely good and exceptionally abundant crop. Indeed, looking at the condition of matters agricultural generally in this district, it may pretty confidently be predicted that farmers have every reason to hope for a good return on their expenditure and labour this year.
NEW TOWN CLERK 10 August 1892
The canvassing for the vacant Town Clerkship proceeds apace and few of the Commissioners wish it well over. There are now four local candidates prosecuting their canvas, vis: Mr. James Dickson T.C., Shankill Buildings; Mr. James Calvert, Relieving Officer, Mr. Frederick Pollock and Mr. W.J.Moffett. It is too early as yet to estimate the chances of the various candidates, but in sporting circles, Mr. James Dickson is, by a long way, the favourite. The feeling is strongly against the appointment of any outsider and very properly so. It would reflect on Lurgan if we had not among our own residence a man sufficiently able to meet all the requirements of the position. For our part, we think any one of the four candidates we name to-day would make an excellent Town Clerk. ln connection with the appointment, there has been a good deal of discussion as to whether it would be legal for Mr. Dickson, he being a Commissioner, to vote for himself, and one ratepayer has taken the trouble to write and ask us for an opinion on the debatable subject. We decline to give our correspond any opinion on the matter, and refer him to some of the local legal lights, who, no doubt, will be happy to oblige him on paying the usual fee.
Lurgan. Monday. The Nationalists of this district celebrated the defeat of the Unionist Ministry by a great demonstration here today. A continuous discharge of firearms was kept up from midnight in the Nationalist neighbourhoods, and marching and counter marching of bands occupied the forenoon. At one o’clock the pageant of the occasion marched through some of the streets The procession was made up of twelve Home Rule camps belonging to Lurgan and surrounding districts. Each camp carried a banner, and was preceded by a band. The progressionists wore elaborately decorated sashes green, white and red, and each had his hat or cap embellished with a photograph of the 'Grand Old Man'. The flags were ornamented with pictures of St.Patrick, O'Connell, Gladstone, Emmet, the Pope, Sarsfield, Grattan, Parnell, &c while the mottos were such as 'Home Rule,' 'Let Erin remember', 'United we stand, divided we fall.' 'Who fears to speak of 98', 'Remember Mitchel's town,' 'Erin go Bragh', 'Gladstone for ever,' 'Remember Limerick, and 'Ireland is our own'. Symbols such as the Harp without the Crown', and the Irish Wolf Dog were also exhibited in profusion. The procession extended about half a mile in length, and was accompanied by 8,000 or 9.000 sympathisers. Strong cordons of constabulary were drawn across the streets at points of danger, but there were no opposing gatherings on the route, and peace prevailed. Drunkenness was the principal feature of the evening.
On Monday the religious festival, known as Lady Day was celebrated in the usual manner by immense congregations of worshippers at the early service; in St. Peter's, North-street and, as is now customary with our Roman Catholic lay friends, the afternoon was devoted by them to a political demonstration, in which a procession and a subsequent meeting were to be the principal features. The numbers taking part in procession on Monday were much greater, and their general appearance much more imposing than any we ever remember to have seen in any out-door Nationalist display in Lurgan. The numbers were swelled by large contingents of visitors from Crumlin, Glenavy, Killaghy, and other adjacent districts. When the procession was at its best and on its way to the place of meeting at Mrs. Hennon's in the Montiaghs, there could not have been less than five thousand taking part in it. Of course a large proportion of them were simply accompanying the processionists proper, about 700 of whom wore green scarfs and bore 13 flags with Nationalist watchwords and pictures of eminent Irish politicians. Music was liberally supplied by six fife and drum bands, all wearing uniforms of a pronounced Nationalist type and colour. It is but bare justice to say that the turnout in every way was creditable, and, notwithstanding the presence of so many country visitors, there was an entire absence of drunkenness. As a matter of fact, we did not see a single drunken man in the crowd which literally filled Edward-street from one end to the other.
The police, of which there were 150 extra drafted into town, had an idle time of it, 40 or 50 being kept lolling about the church railings and the remainder in their straw lodges. When the processionists, or rather the fragment of them which relished listening to political speeches reached Mrs. Hennon's, which is about 2½ miles from Lurgan, they gathered round a platform which had been erected in an adjacent field. It was expected that Mr. Richard M'Gee would have been present, but from some cause unexplained, be did not put in an appearance, and the crowd had to be content with Mr. John Heaney as chairman, and two Unitarian clergymen, the Rev. Harold Rylett and the Rev. Mr. Webeter, so that there was a blend of Irish, English and Scotch on the platform at any rate. When the Chairman had delivered himself, he called on The Rev. Harold Rylett, who was received with much enthusiasm, said he broke a silence of eight long years to join with them in a shout of victory—(cheers)—and to join with them on that festival to announce to Ireland the regeneration of a nation. (Applause.) He congratulated them upon the magnificent triumph which had been achieved in Great Britain, and to tell them that he had, in the letter and in the spirit, the pledge which he gave to his friends when eight years ago be left Ireland, viz that he would carry on in Great Britain the same fight that he carried on here in Ireland. (Loud cheers.) He rejoiced to have that opportunity of meeting them there. Some of them, be was sure, would remember that between ten and twelve years ago he addressed a meeting a very short distance from the spot he was now speaking from and they would remember that things were different then from what they were now (Yes, yes.) There was indeed, a big change, and he was reminded by that change of a very striking contrast to which he would call their attention. A little over a hundred years ago Edmund Burke, the great Irish statesman, said in a letter to Dr. Hussey, that it was little better than a breach of order even to mention Ireland in the British House of Commons. (Applause.) And he further said that the Parliament of Great Britain was rendered little better than an instrument in the hands of an Irish faction. He would ask their careful attention to these words, of the great Edmund Burke for a reason which would presently appear. Mr. Burke said again that he had represented over and over again at that period, namely, 1797, it was the year before 98,(hear, hear) he had represented to the King's Ministers and warned them of the mischief which must sooner or later arise from subjecting the mass of the people to the oppression and domination of an exceedingly small faction and its dependencies. And today the greatest living statesman, Mr. Gladstone had adopted the policy of Burke, and what was more the English democracy had adopted the policy of Burke, a policy of trusting the whole people rather than a faction. (Cheers)
The following resolution was then proposed: That this meeting rejoices in the triumph of the Home Rule cause in Great Britain and in the prospect that in a very short period a native Parliament will be established to administer the domestic affairs in Ireland. A vote of thanks to the Reverend Mr. Rylett was given and a vote of thanks to the chairman for presiding brought the proceedings to a close.
MIDDLE ROW 4 October 1892
The monthly meeting of the Lurgan Town Commissioners was held yesterday in the Board-room, town clerk's office, Lurgan. Mr. James Malcolm, D.L., J.P. Chairmen. The minutes of the previous monthly and the various 'committee meetings having been read and confirmed, a communication was read from Mr. T. G. Menary, solicitor, threatening legal proceedings on behalf of Mr. James Campbell and other ratepayers of the Middle Row, or what is known as the Markethouse, was not demolished. The letter goes on to explain that in 1884 £3,000 was borrowed from the Local Government Board for the purpose of clearing away houses in the centre of Market Street, known as Middle Row; that two were down, and that the third was leased to Lord Lurgan for twenty years; that the lease by consent of the Commissioners had expired, and that the offices were vacant since the 1st of January; that the conditions of the lease being violated, notice was hereby given that an order for 'mandamus' would be applied for unless the house were taken down within a reasonable time, and that in case they sought to re-let it an injunction would be applied for to sustain them.
The Chairman: You would have to take some action in this matter. We can not take any money for this threatened action out of the rates.
Mr. Johnston (town solicitor): if our action has been illegal. Mr. Dickson thought that it would be as well to let the matter remain over to the next Board meeting, when the new Board would meet. The matter was referred to the law committee. Mr. Dickson, in the absence of Mr. M'Caughey, who had a notice of motion for that day, recommended that the house formally used as Lord Lurgan's office be utilized as a free library, handed in a new notice for that day month to the same effect in view of the threatened legal proceedings.
At a large and representatively attended meeting, held in the Shankill Buildings, Lurgan, last week, it was finally decided to proceed with the requisite arrangements for providing the town with a thoroughly equipped public gymnasium. It is hoped the opening meeting may take place on the 8th
or 9th of next month.
The fifth grand exhibition of Chrysanthemums will be held on Wednesday and Thursday 23rd and 24th November, when the Town Hall will be brilliantly Illuminated each evening with a Magnificent Display of the new Electric Light.
For Schedule of Prices apply to W. ALLAN. Hon. Sec. Lurgan.
A melancholy accident occurred on the Great Northern Railway, near the Boilie crossing, about one and a half miles from Lurgan last night. On the arrival of the up night mail train that leaves Lurgan at 10.45, at Portadown, the engine-driver having experienced a shock between the two stations concluded that something untoward had occurred; and on examination of the engine some sugar was found adherent and other signs which only too clearly intimated that something out of the ordinary had happened on the way down. The stationmaster (Mr. Johnston) having been communicated with, as the engine in question returned with the down night mail, it was despatched down the line to see if anything had occurred. After proceeding between two and three miles down the line, and coming to the Boilie crossing, the man there in charge was questioned as to whether he had observed or heard of anything unusual. Personally, he declared he had observed nothing, but mentioned as a somewhat peculiar fact that Paul Hennon, the man who should have relieved him, had not come as usual, to assume his duties. Upon this the engine proceeded still further up the line, and had only gone 200 yards in the Lurgan direction, when, lying on the up line of rails, the body of Hennon was found in a particularly recumbent position, as though when struck by the upcoming train he had been dashed against a sleeper with the usual hollow in front, and thus made to assume a half sitting posture. On examination of the body it was sufficiently evident that the unfortunate deceased man must have been met almost straight on end by the mail, and, in fact, it would appear that the very impetus with which he was struck tended in some measure to save his body from the mutilation that generally ensues in cases of the sort. As it was, however, poor Hennon was sufficiently injured to make it at least certain that death must have been instantaneous.
So far as an examination has been made at present it has been found that his skull has been fractured, his legs and arms smashed, and his throat lacerated. Having found the body, the engine proceeded into Lurgan, where the constabulary were communicated with, and, eventually, Dr. Edward Magennis, J.P, and Sergeant O'Grady and Constable Ferris returned to the scene. The body was removed to Hennon's own house, which was immediately adjacent to the scene of the accident. Mr. W. H. Atkinson, coroner for the North Division of Armagh, having been communicated with, an inquest was held in the deceased's residence, at half-past two o'clock to-day. Mr. Hugh Watson (Messrs. Ussher and Watson), solicitor, watched the proceedings on behalf of the railway company. The evidence was mostly formal, and scanty as to the means whereby the accident occurred, the only specific circumstances testified to being that the deceased had been in Lurgan for some domestic necessaries, when by some mischance he managed to stray in front of the coming train and unfortunately met with his death as above recorded. The jury returned an open verdict in accordance with the circumstance, recommending his family to the charitable consideration of the railway company.
A melancholy case of death from excessive drinking, accelerated by consequent destitution, was brought under the notice of the constabulary here this afternoon, when the dead body of an elderly man named William Cherry was found in a mall tenement in May's Court. The Deceased, who was a member of a well known and most respectable local family, was a cabinet maker by trade. Immediately on the body being found the coroner for the northern division of County Armagh, Mr. W. E. Atkinson, was communicated with, and he held an inquest on the remains, at six o'clock, in the licensed premises of Mr. Hugh Magee, Union Street, before a respectable jury.
Patrick Walsh, carpenter, Union Street, said he had known the deceased, William Cherry, who was unmarried, and a cabinet maker by profession. He was a man at times a good deal addicted to drink. Witness was speaking to Mrs. Cherry that day, and she asked him to go into the house, as William had not been seen since Sunday last. He went to the house with deceased's brother, and found the door shut but not locked. When they entered they saw deceased lying on the earthen floor of the house with his back to the fireplace, but there was no fire on. He was dressed in his ordinary clothes. There was no furniture at all in the place. To a Juror: l saw neither coal nor firewood in the house.
John M'Kenna said be bad known the deceased, and last saw him alive on Sunday morning standing at his brother's door, leaning against the window shutters. I spoke to him, and he appeased to be very bad in the horrors, from drink. He was shivering, but sensible.
Dr. S. Agnew deposed that from the position of the body, its appearance, and the evidence given here, he believed death was probably due to the effects of drink and exposure to cold. This concluded the evidence, and the jury, without retiring, found that deceased came to his death on the 25th December from the effects of excessive drinking and exposure to cold.