About half-past nine o'clock on Thursday last, two ruffians, (one of them dressed in a taglioni
coat,) entered the shop of Mrs. McLoughlin, No. 2, College-
street, and whilst one of them forcibly kept the door of the
room where that lady was sitting, the other jumped over the
counter and took up a roll of tobacco which was lying in the
window, and decamped. Mrs. McLoughlin immediately gave the
alarm, and head constable Lodge, with a party of police and
watchmen, were on the spot in a few minutes. Notwithstanding the most diligent search, we regret to say, that nothing has
as yet transpired that might lead to the recovery of the stolen
property, or the detection of the thieves.
On Thursday night, the 5th inst.
about seven o'clock, as two respectable women named Gilroy,
wives of the brothers Adam and John Gilroy, were on their
way home from the market of Clones (riding in a small cart
drawn by an ass, about two miles distance from Clones and con-
venient to their home,) they were upset and pitched into a drain
containing about 18 inches of water, in the presence of their
husbands and were drowned. One of the women left a family
of seven children, and the other four. The man named John is
not expected to survive. The women were interred in one
grave on Saturday evening in Clones churchyard, by the light
of candles and torches, after an inquest was held.
Fermanagh Reporter
An inquest was held at Immill, in this
county [Kilkenny], on the 26th November, on the body of Richard
Butler (where a post mortem examination took place,) and the
inquest was adjourned to the following day to the Court-house of
Pilltown. It appeared by the examination of several very
reluctant witnesses, and by the deceased's declaration, that he
was drinking in Comerford's public house at Mooncoin, and
afterwards went into Dunphy's public house, on the evening of
Nov. 19, after having been at a hack race which was got up by
publicans to suit their own purposes. A row took place in
Dunphy's house, one party shouting for "Barllytarsney," and
another for "Poulrone," shortly after which the deceased left
the house in company with another man, and was followed by
several others, who pursued and overtook him about a quarter
of a mile from Dunphy's, where he was beaten by six or seven
savages and received several cuts on the head, from the effects
of which he lingered until the 28th. The jury brought in a
verdict of wilful murder against three persons known, and others
Kilkenny Moderator.
A few days since a
valuable cow the property of Mr. William Morrow, of Drumkerrin,
near this city, died in consequence of being over-fed with frosted
turnips, and after being turned out drinking copiously
of cold water. It is asserted, by practical farmers and
veterinarians that the essential oil of turpentine in doses of two
fluid ounces or a common wineglass full, adminstered in any mild
fluid, acts as a specific in all such cases, and we would strongly
advise all our readers who may be concerned in the management
of cattle, to keep a quantity of the valuable medicine on
hand, as in case of any of their cattle taking too much green
food, fatal consequences might ensue before it could be procured
even from the nearest druggist.
On Saturday evening last, as John Geary, Esq., supervisor of excise, was on his
return from Nenagh [Co Tipperary] to his residence in
Cloughjordan, and when arriving at the bog of Kyle, distant about
two miles from the latter town, his horse became restive and
backed against a large hole, into which both Mr. Geary and the
animal were precipitated. In the course of a short time the horse
and gig were extricated, but the unfortunate gentleman was taken
up a lifeless corpse. An inquest was held on Sunday, by James
Carroll, Esq., coroner, and a verdict accordingly was returned.
Mr. Geary, we learn, had but a short time previously received a
higher appointment in the excise, and was to have left
Cloughjordan in the course of a few days to be located in Belfast.
He has left a wife and large family to mourn his melancholy and
untimely end.
Nenagh Guardian
It affords us the deepest pain to record another
of those crying murders which have brought down on our country a notoriety so unenviable. In this case the parties were
nearly related ; an uncle was the victim, and two brothers the
alleged perpetrators of the awful deed which has deprived him
of life. Britt is the name of the persons the scene of the
dreadful deed, near Inch, Borrisoleigh the cause of quarrel
was some dispute about land, or the right of passage through a
green lane. For a long time these persons had been squabbling and litigating, where they paid no attention to the truly
excellent remonstrances of Mr. George Ryan, D.L., and the other
magistrates of that district, who at all times advised them to
settle their disputes amicably. On Tuesday, it would appear,
they all met in the Green lane the cause of their contention a
violent altercation commenced blows ensued and the uncle,
overpowered, fell a sacrifice.
Tipperary Vindicator.
Tuesday evening last, the 10th inst., Thomas Bennett, of Corgous,
and Andrew McCutcheon, of Corlust, were drinking in a public
house in the village of Scowa. The night being very dark when
they came out of the house, they both walked into the canal
and were drowned. An inquest was held on the bodies before
Dr. Tyrrell, coroner for the county Down, and a verdict was returned accordingly. Neither of them were tipsy when last
seen alive.
On Monday night last, as Mr. John Crothers, of Blackwatertown, was returning home from this
city, his horse shied and unseated him, dragging him a considerable distance. Mr. Crothers still continues dangerously ill.
On Wednesday last a couple of
the name of Nogher, who reside at Ballidonity, convenient to
this town, left home early in the morning, to dig potatoes for
Mr. Huddleston, who resides a mile distant, leaving in the
house three children, the eldest of whom is scarcely nine years
old. During the day, the eldest one having gone out, the
clothes of the younger took fire, and she was burnt to death.
Correspondent of Down Recorder.
For some months past various petty thefts have
been committed about Enniskillen, and up to the present the
thieves have escaped detection. Several sheep were first stolen
from Robert Keys, Esq.-then a washing of fine linen from the
same gentleman; about a month ago two calves were taken off
the ground of Mr. Wm. Kettyle, merchant, Enniskillen; and on
Tuesday the 3d instant, two more were taken from Mr. Robert
Clegg, also of this town, merchant, off the lands of Cornagrade.
They were traced to Maguiresbridge fair, where one of them
was sold. They have since been recovered, and the thieves are
likely to be discovered.--Fermanagh Reporter.
Limerick Chronicle.
Our readers may possibly recollect that at the Cavan Assizes
a man named Wm. Jordan was found guilty of perjury, for
having sworn that a Police-officer had killed a young man called
McCaffrey at a Repeal meeting which had been held at Clones.
The sentence was of course transportation, but an application
to have it commuted was subsequently made in the Court of
Queen's Bench. The ground of this application was an affidavit
sworn by Mr. James Thompson, of Clones, one of the
jurors, to the effect that whiskey had been introduced into the
Jury room, that "many of the Jurors got drunk," and that
had it not been for the effects of the whiskey, in other words,
because he (Mr. Thompson) was also drunk, he would not have
agreed to a verdict of guilty against Jordan ! As it was, he
swore that he made a paction with his fellow-jurors that the
prisoner should be recommended to mercy, which arrangement was
In reply to these allegations, six of the Jury have sworn that
no influence was used to induce Mr. Thompson to find Jordan
guilty-that the assertion, as to the intoxicated state of the
Jurors, is "false," that Mr. Thompson's allegation that it was
under the influence of whiskey he agreed to the verdict, is
"false and unfounded" and that no compact, as to a
recommendation to mercy, was made with Mr. Thompson. The
foreman and three of the remaining jurors swear that Mr.
Thompson was perfectly sober all the time that he freely
declared his conviction as to Jordan's guilt, and that, in the room
in which the verdict was agreed to, there was neither whiskey,
nor any other intoxicating drink. This is about as curious a
piece of swearing and counter-swearing as has ever come before
the public. The affidavits referred to have been published in
the Monaghan paper, and the whole affair is absolutely
The explanation about the alleged intoxication of the Jurors,
is thiswhen it was found that the Jury were not likely to
agree, Judge Barton ordered refreshments for them in a room
set apart for that purpose, and amongst these refreshments
was a decanter of whiskey! It is strange that a respectable
man should be anxious to swear that he was drunk on an
occasion so important, and that others should be equally anxious
to prove his entire sobriety.
Belfast News-Letter.