Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

25 February, 1845  


A new petit sessions has been established at Killyglasson, near Black Lion, county Cavan, upon the requisitions of the Right Hon. the Earl of Enniskillen,and Nicholas L. Tottenham, Esq., who, at great personal inconvenience, has kindly undertaken to preside in their official and hitherto well-known capacity as magistrates. We congratulate the inhabitants of this mountainous locality upon such an appointment. Mr. Edward Litton has been appointed clerk.



Another attempt to murder has been made in the disturbed district of Ballinamore. On the last market day a very respectable man named Slack was fired at by a ruffian who made his escape into the demesne of Garradise, although he had been pursued by two policemen.--This is the second attempt at murder since the melancholy event took place at Mr. Percy's. It is certainly time the government should put a stop to such "Tipperaryism."



It is our most painful duty to announce the sudden death of Mr. Laman Blanchard.--He had lately suffered a severe domestic affliction ; and his unceasing anxiety during the progress of the long and harassing illness in his family, which terminated fatally, had so injured his health, that fits ensued, which finally led to his death. He died about half-past one o'clock on Saturday morning, and has left four orphan children to lament his loss.

Mr. Blanchard is well known in periodical literature. His graceful verses, his lively stories, his wit that never had a touch of malice, are known to many readers. There perhaps never was a man who had a readier pen. A poem, an essay, a witty paragraph, seemed to spring spontaneously from his brain. There was an amenity in every thing he did; and, indeed, how could it be otherwise, seeing that he himself was the very impersonation of kindness and goodness of heart. Mr. Blanchard was long in the service of literature. He was a member of the press in various ways, for more than twenty years; beginning young, and fighting an upward fight throughout--bravely, independently, without envy or uncharitablenessóuntil he reached the age of forty-two, when he died.

We may fearly assert that no man ever ran the same career, in the same circumstances, who left so few enemies, and so many, many friends. These few facts are addressed to strangers. His independence, his perseverance, his untiring kindness, and his many sterling and amiable qualities, need no demonstration to his acquaintance or his friends



A DURHAM BULL, two years and a half old; he is upwards of ten cwt. weight--the property of Arthur Walter Cope, Esq., Drummilly, Loughgall, where the Bull may be seen on application to the Steward.

Drummilly, 24th Feb. 1845.


£15,000 TO BE LENT

AT FOUR ONE-FOURTH per cent., on Mortgage, as first charge, or an adequate property.

Apply to J. T. BELL, Melbourne Terrace, Armagh.



The remains of this lamented gentleman were conveyed to their resting place, Rossorry graveyard, on Friday last. All parties mingled to testify their respect to the worthy gentleman, and I have learned that a subscription has been commenced to erect a suitable monument over his grave.

It has been erroneously circulated that a pension of £100 had been granted Mrs. M'Leod by the government.--She has got £100 a year, but not from the Government--she got it out of a fund from which she was ENTITLED TO AN ANNUITY-- the Reward Fund, into which her late husband annually paid £5 for 20 years past." The widow and her family left Fermanagh on Friday last.



I was much interested in reading the report of an important meeting held in Armagh, on Saturday the 15th instant, on the subject of the proposed Inland Railway from Dublin to Armaghóa line, the utility of which I think few will dispute; but in an able address by a gentleman (I think Mr. Cuming,) it waS observed that if the proposed "BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND COLERAINE JUNCTION" line be carried, the city of Armagh would thereby suffer loss by not having another projected line called the Armagh and Coleraine Railroad.

I beg leave to say that the "BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND COLERAINE JUNCTION" will be also an Armagh and Coleraine line, as originally projected in 1836, and the division of making a Coast Line instead of an Inland Line, caused the name merely to be changed; but Armagh will be accommodated by a direct line to meet the Portadown at or near Maghery, and then direct to Coleraine; and, by the way, I may add there is every proba bility that the road will be made as soon as the forms of parlia ment admit of it as some of the most influential of the London companies have passed a resolution to support it; as have some other public bodies which will be known in due time ; and best of all the share list closed this day, the whole of the capital being subscribed.

Your obedient servant,

Secretary and Treasurer Dublin, Belfast, and Coleraine Junction Railway.
Salem Lodge, Feb. 22, 1845.




The ploughing match of the above districts took place on Tuesday last, in a field contiguous to Markethill. The day was very favourable, and a great number assembled to witness the contest, which was well competed. There were 30 ploughs entered, 22 only appeared on the ground--9 in the first class, and 13 in the second. The ploughing in every instance was well executed. Nothing was wanting on the part of the efficient Secretary, Mr. FERGUSON, to afford every accommoda tion to the competitors. The prizes were awarded as follows:--

Class 1.--Loss Paul; Wm. Patterson; Henry Murphy; James Hicks; Alexander Scott; Robert Elliott.

Class 2.--Robert Simpson; William Bobbs; James Boyle; Mr. Garland; Thomas Ferguson; Isaac Kidd; Jas. Markly; William Harpur.

Judges--Messrs. Girvin, Marshall, and Toner.



Feb. 13, in the parish Church of Cappagh, by the Rev. H. H. Harte, Rector, Montgomery Armstrong, of the Island of Innishmore, Lough Erne, county Fermanagh, Esq., to Sarah, daughter of John Buchanan, Esq., Bunnynubber, near Omagh.

Feb. 13, at the parish Church of Forkhill, by the Rev. Dr. Campbell, Henry Stanley, Esq., M.D., fourth son of John Stanley, Esq., of Armagh, to Francis Grace, only daughter of Captain Robinson, Sub-Inspector of Revenue Police.

In St. Markís Church, yesterday, by the Rev. Robert Haig, Mr. James Stoops of Killuney, to Miss Isabella Elliott, Palace, Armagh.



On the 9th inst., at 12, Holland-street, Westminster, London, Mr. William Jackson, Merchant, late of Moy, county Tyrone.

On the 10th inst., at Caledon, Jane, widow of the late Mr. Thomas Moore.

Feb. 7, at Southampton, Charlotte, daughter of Charles Leslie, Esq., formerly of Glasslough, County Monaghan, aged 66.



Subscriptions in the amount of £16 have been paid into the Provincial Bank, in this city, for the widow and children of THOMAS M'CREISH, whose melancholy death took place when striving to rescue a perishing fellow-creature, which was reported in this paper at the time it occurred. We are proud of this philanthropic movement on the part of our fellow-citizens, and hope it may not rest here.



W. H. CURRAN, Esq., held a commission for discharge of insolvent debtors, in the Court-house of this city, on Wednesday, the 19th instant. Ten debtors who were on bail were discharged; none of those in custody were brought forward for hearing.



This branch of the Fermanagh Farming Society held its Spring meeting at Kish, on the 21st instant, when the following premiums were awarded:--

ARTIFICIAL GRASSES.--Mr. Wm Graham, Drumall, 1st; Mr. John Johnston, Glenross, 2d; Mr. Archibald Hamilton, Manoo, 3d.

DRAINING, ON THE PRINCIPLE OF MR. SMYTH, OF DEANSTON.--Mr. Johnston M'Cue, Lurganboy, 1st; Mr. Wm. Graham, Drumall, 2d; Mr. Wm. Morrison, Legnameltug, 3d; Mr. Wm. Irwin, Letter, 4th. In this class there were 17 competitors.

TURNIPS.--Mr. M'Anevin, Liscurgh, 1st; Mr. Christopher M'Mulkin, Crevnish, 2d; Mr. Edward Beggs, Tulnaguigy, 3d; Mr. Joseph Clark, 4th.

PLOUGHING.--First Class. Six competitors. Mr. William Graham, Drumall (plough held by his son,) 1st; Mr. Thomas Graham, Duross (plough held by his servant,) 2d; Mr. Christopher M'Mulkin (plough held by himself,) 3d. Second Class.—Mr. John M'Golrick, Tullycalrick, 1st; Mr. John Johnston, Glenross (plough held by his son,), 2d.

In the evening a number dined together in the large room of the Market-house. The chair was ably filled by Nicholas M. Archdall, Esq., and the vice-chair by Henry M. Richardson, Esq., when many appropriate toasts were drunk, and several useful speeches made. The company separated at an early hour, highly pleased at the apparent improvement made in the different classes.

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