Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

11 February, 1845  


The annual ploughing-match and dinner of the above society took place on Thursday last. The attendance of gentry and farmers on both occasions, and the anxiety manifested to pro- mote the objects of the society, augur well for its future opera- tions and benefit to the surrounding district.

THE PLOUGHING MATCH. At the appointed hour several ploughs started, to eight of whom were adjudged premiums.

THE DINNER. At six o'clock noon, about thirty respectable farmers sat down to an excellent dinner in the large room of Mr. POLLARD's hotel, Markethill,

The Right Hon. the Earl of GOSFORD in the chair. Amongst those present we observed the Rev. Mr. Ross, Vice-President; Messrs John Mitchell, ----- Herd, W. Wann, James Scott, George Scott, R. Small, James Black, J. Waugh, S. Byers, R. Lyster, George Marshall, R. Hutchison, ----- O'Hegan, A. Small, etc. The cloth having been removed,

Lord GOSFORD rose and said the toast he was about to pro- pose was one which he was sure every Irishman would heartily respond to. Without further preface he would give--"The Queen, Prince Albert, and the rest of the Royal Family."-- (Loud cheers.) "The Lord Lieutenant, and prosperity to Ireland." (Loud cheers.) "The Royal Agricultural Society or Ireland." (Applause.)

His LORDSHIP in proposing the next toast, observed that he knew it would meet a warm reception. ... With the toast he would couple the name of their active secretary, Mr. A. Small, to whom the society owed much of its success. He would, therefore, give--"The Markethill Agricultural Society, and Mr. Alexander Small." (Great applause.)

Mr. SMALL said, he felt highly indebted to his lordship for coupling his name with the Markethill Agricultural Society, and the manner in which it had been received by the meeting.-- There were larger farmers present than he, but certain he was that none were more anxious for the prosperity of the society. (Hear.) ... After paying a very high compliment to the noble president for his kindness in presiding on the occa- sion, Mr. S. resumed his seat.

His LORDSHIP said, the next toast in order on his list was, the "Judges of the ploughing match." (Cheers.) It was a most important duty to adjudicate between those persons who were competing for the several premiums, such being the case he felt assured they would do the judges the honor of drinking their health in a bumper. (Cheers.)

Mr. HERD thanked his Lordship and the meeting for the manner in which the names of the judges had been received. "The successful competitors at the ploughing match," was the next toast.

Messrs. GOWAN, HAWTHORN, and SINCLAIR severally re- turned thanks. A very interesting conversation then took place on the value of turnips as compared with potatoes either for feeding or market. Messrs SCOTT, HERD, and SMALL each bore testimony to the superiority of turnips for both purposes. ...

His LORDSHIP then gave "The health of Mr. Waugh and the improving farmers of Ireland." Mr. WAUGH returned thanks. The second subject, the advantage of house-feeding, was then discussed. In the discussion, Mr. Ross, Mr. SMALL, and Mr. O'HEGAN took part. ... "The health of the Strangers." (Cheers.) Messrs. SODAN and FORSTER returned thanks. "The resident Landlords of Ireland." (Cheers.)

The third subject--what breed of cattle was the best to rear or keep, was then discussed. Messrs. HERD, O'HEGAN, and SMALL made some remarks upon the sort of cattle most adapted, the first of these gentlemen arguing that Durhams crossed with Devons were the best for good land, but for mountain or light land a hardy stock of cattle, no matter of what name were preferable. Mr. O'HEGAN thought the old Irish crossed with a Durham would be better, as one of thoese breeds were good for the dairy, and the other for the stall, so that by crossing them they would have both milk and beef.

The Rev. Mr. Ross, said he was about to propose the health of two ladies, than whom there could be none more devoted to the cause of suffering humanity. ... He would give them--"Ladies Olivia and Arrabella Acheson.-- (Loud cheers.)

The next toast was the health of an individual who had done much for the agricultural interest, in particular the North of Ireland, by his writing and anxiety to promote the welfare of the farmers, and who would have been here to-night were it not that business of importance had requested his attendance else- where--"William Blacker, Esq." (Great cheering.)

Mr. WANN being called on the company to respond, said, My Lord and gentlemen, I regret that a person more competent has not been selected to do justice to the toast just proposed by your lordship, and so warmly received by this respectable meet- ing. The enthusiasm with which Mr. Blacker's name had been received is a proof that that gentleman's zeal and anxiety in the objects for which we are met to-night--agricultural matters-- is justly appreciated by you, and I have, my Lord and gentle- men, much pleasure in rising to acknowledge the honor done him.

Mr. R. SMALL was then called on for a song, which he gave, the appropriateness of which caused the whole meeting to give vent to their feelings in roars of laughter. His Lordship then gave "the health of Messrs. R. and A. Small." (Loud cheers.) Mr. R. SMALL felt inadequate to return thanks for the honor conferred upon him; any little trouble he ever had with the society was more than adequately repaid by the manner in which his name was received. "The health of the Rev. Mr. Ross" was next proposed, and warmly received.

Mr. Ross said he felt inadequate to return thanks for the honour done him; he was a mere stranger among them, but they had acted on all occasions toward him as one brought up amongst them. He was often assailed by ministers and others, residing in large towns, or cities, and often from the pulpit and platform were ministers assailed for taking part in the agri- cultural improvement of the country, but he felt certain he could discharge his duties as a minister of the everlasting Gospel, and still give his aid to the agricultural societies, whose sole object was to do good. (Cheers.)

After expressing his gratification, Lord GOSFORD proposed-- "Their next merry meeting." The meeting then separated, highly pleased with the evening's entertainment.



WE beg to express our thanks to Major TROLLOPE, Capt. RIDGE, the Officers, non-commissioned Officers and Pri- vates of the 36th Regiment; also to Mr. KELLY, and the Consta- bulary under his command, and to the inhabitants who kindly gave their aid in extinguishing the fire which broke out in the Stables of the Belfast and Enniskillen Mail-coach this morning. We also beg to express our obligations to Mr. ROBERT COCHRAN for his prompt and efficient exertions on the occasion. EDWARD GREER, LEE M'KINSTRY. Saturday, 8th February, 1845.



On Saturday last, about six o'clock in the morning, a fire was discovered in the stables of the Belfast and Ennis- killen Royal Mail coach, in this city ; and but for the timely aid of the officers and men of the 38th regt., stationed here, toge- ther with the constabulary and many of the inhabitants of the city, the consequences would have been very serious. The fire originated by the gas being allowed to burn too high, by which it came in contact with hay and straw on a loft above, although every precaution was used to prevent such an occurrence. On the fire being extinguished Mr. GREER directed his agent Mr. JOHNSTON to procure the men two barrels of beer. We are happy that £10 will cover the loss sustained. The premises were not insured.



We regret to announce the awfully sudden death of Mrs. Dawson Hutchinson Vaughan, of Golden Grove, King's County, which took place on Friday, at her residence. Seldom has a me- lancholy event of the kind caused more sincere sorrow, not only to her immediate relatives and friends, but to the poor, to whose wants and necessities she was at all times a ministering angel. On the day in question, whilst in the act of handing wine to a vistor, four or five of whom were present at the time, she fell back and instantly expired! She had been but eighteen months married, and has left an infant son and an afflict- ed husband to mourn their bereavement. Mrs. Vaughan was niece to the Earl of Rosse, and related to some of the most distinguished families in the King's County. She was young and beautiful, but better than all, good and charitable, and the memory of her virtues will long be cherished in grateful recollections of all who enjoy- ed the privilege of her acquaintance. She was the last of the Vaughan family, of Golden Grove.--Tipperary Vindicator.



At the meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike-road, held in the Court-house of this city on Tuesday the 4th inst., for the purpose of electing a Surveyor for the Western Division, Mr. ARTHUR FORD was elected by a majority of votes, from among sixteen candidates.



There is at present an old couple living at Paris Island, near Enniskillen, of the names of Thomas and Mary Spratt, whose united ages amount to 210; the former being 106, and the latter 104 years old. Last harvest old Thomas reaped corn for several weeks, and Mary pulled flax at the same time, and what is most singular, she can see to thread the finest needle.



On Monday last, while Peter Kiernan, farmer, of Templepark, county of Cavan, was attending the fair of Bawnboy, he was fired at about three o'clock by a fellow who fled, leaving behind the pistol and his cap, which is now in possession of the police. There were hundreds on the road, still the fellow escaped. As he was running off, he deliberately snatched a cap from a lad, and put it on.




SENIOR SOPHISTERS. SCIENCE.--First Rank.--Leonard Dobbin. Second Rank -- None. CLASSICS.--First Rank.--Richard Kirkpatrick. Second Rank.--Ronald Mac Donnell, Frederick Flood.

JUNIOR SOPHISTERS. SCIENCE.--First Rank.--James Gilmore, George Foley, Jas Barlow, Joseph Fogarty. Second Rank.--Robert Sinclair, Edward Barington, Archer Harden. CLASSICS.--First Rank.--Richard Doyne, Francis Reilly, William Hearne. Second Rank.--Mr. John La Touche, Mr. Charles Knox, Mr. Robert Hayes, James Hall, George Fagan.

SENIOR FRESHMEN. SCIENCE.--First Rank.--Mr. John Fowler, Johnston Stoney, Morgan Crofton, John Walker, Benjamin Williamson. Second Rank.--James Stevenson, Horace Townsend, William Cobbe. CLASSICS.--First Rank.--George Higginbotham, William Halpin, John Twigg, Hugh Sherrard, William Weir. Second Rank.--Mr. Edward Tipping, Mr. Richard O'Reilly, Henry Taylour, Thomas Watson, Henry Crofton, Robert Stavely, Henry Jackson, Lawrence Kellett, William Pennefather, Joseph Miller, Hugh M'Sorley, Wyndham Armstrong.

JUNIOR FRESHMEN. SCIENCE.--First Rank.--James Dickinson, James Johnson, Henry Galbraith, John England, Tracey Adamson, Zaccharias Barry, Thomas Dunnett. Second Rank.--Mr. James Lyle, Mr. Marshall Clarke, Mr. Alexander Maunsell, Mr. Samuel Dopping, Thomas Herrick, John Casement, Robert Cooke, Wentworth Erck, Frederick Wynne, James Wier, Robert Carmichael. CLASSICS.--First Rank.--William Anderson, William Mallan, Edward Carroll, Travers Adamson, James Weir, Henry Macksey, Samuel Gibson, Thos. Dunnett, Henry Huddlestone. Second Rank.--Mr. Richard Pennefather, James Hall, Charles Hind, Francis Hopkins, Arthur Bell, William Hopkins, Henry Guinness, Arthur Guinness, Trevor Wheeler, Ambrose Cooke, Michael Odell, William Collison, Ralph Allen, Abraham Dawson, Robert Carmichael, Thomas Jordan, John Murray.




LIBERAL PREMIUMS will be given for Subsoil and com- mon Ploughing, for which see general advertisements; printed lists also of the Premiums and regulations may be had upon application to Mr. M'Waters, Bookseller, English-street, Armagh.

The Dinner of the Society will take place on the same day at five o'clock at the Tontine Rooms, Sir GEO. K. MOLYNEUX, Bart., in the Chair. Tickets--Price four shillings, to be had of Mr. Matchet, Tontine Rooms. (By Order,) GEORGE ROBINSON, Hon. Sec.

N.B.--It is requested that all subscriptions for the present year be forthwith paid to William Paton, Esq., Treasurer, as no member can be allowed to compete for the prizes unless his subscription be paid as above.



36th Regiment.--Captain G. B. Calcott, from half-pay 7th, to be Captain, vice De Lacy, promoted ; Lieut. W. W. Abbot to be Captain by purchase, vice Calcott, retires; Ensign W. R. Rainsford, to be Lieutenant by pur- Chase, vice Abbott ; G. L. R. Berkely, to be ensign by pur- Chase, vice Rainsford. Brevet--Captain G. B. B. Calcott, to be Major.



February 7, at Fox-hall, in the county of Donegal, the lady of John Chambers, Esq., of a son.

February 7, the lady of Captain A. L. Corry, of H.M.S. Superb, of a daughter.



February 7, at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. Robert Haig, Mr. James Nugent, to Miss Elizabeth Irwin, both of this city.

January 27, in Castleblayney, by the Rev. J. Black, the brother-in-law of the bride, Alexander William Lee, of Ivey Farm, Esq., nephew of William Lee, of Cloghog House, in the county Tyrone, Esq., to Charlotte, second daughter of the late Alexander Neale Little, of Stewartstown, Esq.



February 7, at Moy, after a lingering and severe illness, borne with christian fortitude and pious resignation, Annabella, the beloved wife of Robert Crothers, Esq., Surgeon, and daughter of the late Alexr. Maclaurin, Esq., of Greenock [Scotland].

January 31st, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Morris Wilson Knox, Esq., Littlemount, Francis White, Esq., in the 26th year of his age.óHe was a gentleman of the most amiable dispositionóhis premature removal has been the source of great regret to a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.

February 8, at his residence, Tanagh, county Monaghan, Captain Charles Dawson, D.L., J.P.

It is with feelings of the most sorrowful nature that I have to inform you of the sudden and melancholy death of THE REV. R. P. CLEARY. Last night he was in perfect health, and this morning he was taken ill, and expired about 2 o'clock. He has been for many years first curate of this parish. From our Enniskillen Correspondent, Sunday, Feb. 9.



(From a Correspondent of the Evening Packet.) Ballinamore, Feb. 5, 1845.

The following magistrates assembled yesterday to investigate and inquire into the circumstances attnending the murder of the late Captain MíLeod, R.M. :-- John Robert Godley, Esq.; William C. Percy, Acheson OíBrien, John Veevers, Wm. W. Lynar.

The proceedings were strictly private, and lasted to a very late hour, when the following persons were committed for further examination. Paul Carroll, Thos. and John MíGanvern, and Edward Quinn, Mr. Percyís gatekeeper. It would be im- prudent to give any of the reports in this village; but it is posi- tively stated the police are in possession of the gun used on the fatal occasion. The magistrates are to assemble to-morrow to proceed with the investigation. It is surmised that strong re- solutions on the fearful state of crime in this party of the country have been forwarded to government.

This was market day. About nine oíclock in the evening a serious riot took place, and as they were taking some drunken ruffians to the bridewell, a mob of several hundred persons assembled, hooting and shouting at the police, and pelting them with mud and stones. Fortunately a strong detachment of the Cavan constabulary were in town, having come in with prison- ers, and Peter Kiernan, who was fired at on Monday, in the open day, at the fair of Bawnboy. With this additional force Sir William Lynar promptly attended, and having secured six of the ringleaders, dispersed the mob and shut up the shops.

The government offer £100 reward for the apprehension and bringing to justice the person or persons engaged in the mali- cious murder of the late Captain John MíLeod, resident magistrate.



An extraordinary if not unprecedented occurrence took place at the Wells chapel, near Deer-park, county of Clare, the residence of the right reverend Doctor Kennedy, Roman catholic Bishop, and within a mile of Newmarket-on-Fergus, on last Sunday. Doctor Kennedy entered the chapel as the congregation were assembled, and observing the doors obstructed by per- sons signing a requisition for a meeting in the chapel to petition for a repeal of the Charitable Bequests Act, and the motives of those dignitaries who had under- taken the duty of directing its provision. The ex- planation of the bishop was received with symptoms of impatience, and audible murmurs from the congregation in the body of the edifice, when he immediately request- ed those who did not concur with him, and were un- willing to hear their superior, to quit the chapel, upon which the great body of the congregation left the cha- pel, and the bishop finished his discourse.

The Rev. Mr. Molony then resumed his functions on the altar, and the congregation returned, but again withdrew when they saw Dr. Kennedy come out a second time, prepar- ing to return home. The few respectable parishioners present, including the Canny family, never left the chapel, and to mark their sense of disrepect shown Bishop Kennedy, and their approval of his explanations, withdrew their signatures from the requisition at the chapel doors, for a meeting against Bequests Act, on following Sunday.--Limerick Chronicle.



JOHN M'KEOWN, charged with the homicide of JOHN MURPHY, surrendered himself to the constabulary at Loughgall, on Friday last, and has been committed to our county jail, by J. HARDY, Esq., J.P., to take his trial at the ensuing Assizes for the offence. There are 33 in custody at present for trial.



NOTICE is hereby given that at a Meeting of the Trustees of the Western Division of the Lisburn and Monaghan Turnpike road, to be held in the Court-house of Armagh, on Tuesday, the 4th of March next, three Trustees will be elected to fill up the vacancies now existing. (By Order,) WILLIAM CARROLL, Secretary. Armagh, 4th Feb. 1845.



TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 11th day of February next, at the hour of TWO o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the BERESFORD ARMS HOTEL (Mr. WILTSHIRE's), in the City of Armagh, KILLEEN COTTAGE and LANDS, with sufficient TURBARY ; held by Lease for Lives Renewable for Ever, at the Yearly Rent of £10 14s. 9d. The COTTAGE--which is in excellent order --possesses every requisite for a respectable family; and the LANDS, containing about 17 ACRES Statute Measure, are of superior quality. This property is very desir- ably situated, being within one mile of the City of Armagh, on the leading road to Newry, and is at present held by a respecta- ble Tenant, from year to year, at £48 per annum. For further particulars apply to JOHN STANLEY, jun., Solicitor, Armagh; or to JEREMIAH ANDREWS, Auctioneer, Armagh. January 28, 1845.

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