In Moy, on Friday, the 3d instant, the lady of Thomas Martin, Esq., M.D. of a daughter.
On the 31st December, by the Rev. James Wilson, Presbyterian Minister, Magherafelt, Mr. Lyttle Black, of Curnavathan, Cookstown, to Margaret Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. James Cathcart, Spring-lane, Magherafelt.
On the 1st instant, by the Rev. James Morgan, Mr. James Glenn, merchant, Belfast, to Jane, third daughter of the late Mr. Robert Allen, Ann-street, Belfast.
In Drumacmay, parish of Aghaloo, and county of Tyrone, on the 3d instant, at a very advanced age, Mrs. M'Kenna, mother of the Rev. John M'Kenna, the highly estimable Catholic Curate of Clonfeele.
At Enniskillen, on Thursday, the 2d instant, Mrs. Duff, relict of the late Mr. Peter Duff, aged 60. She was a member of the Primitive Wesleyan Society, for upwards of 30 years.
On Tuesday, 31st December last, the infant daughter of Mr. W. S. Hughes, of this city.
On the 31st ultimo, Sarah, the beloved wife of Wm. Frazer, of Rushen, county Fermanagh, deeply and deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.
Suddenly, at his residence in Keady, on the 1st instant, Samuel Magee, Esq., M.D., aged 51, who for upwards of 29 years filled the responsible situation of Medical Officer to the Dispensary of that town, the arduous duties of which, he performed with skill and talent. The numerous concourse of persons, (from the High Sheriff of the county to the most humble individual,) that attended his remains to the grave, sufficiently attested the great estimation in which this lamented gentleman was held by all classes of society. In him the poor have indeed lost a considerable friend--and the gentry in the neighbourhood a Medical adviser in whom they reposed unbounded confidence; and with respect to the domestic circle, language fails to convey any idea of the grief there felt; where it need scarcely be said, his virtues were revered and his worth appreciated.
At his residence Townview, Monaghan, Jan. 2, Samuel M'Dowel, Esq., M.D., Fellow of the College of Physicians, Edinburgh, aged 77 years ; during 40 of which he discharged the important duties of Surgeon to the county Gaol and infirmary. The permanent and valuable testimonials publicly conferred upon him by the guardians of these institutions, strongly attest their sentiments of respect, admiration, and esteem ; to the afflicted inmates of these asylums he was the harbinger of consolation--the dispenser of relief and comfort--soothing the lot of the wretched, and mitigating the miseries of humanity ; and oft did the faultering voice which wafted the accents of thanksgiving and adoration to the eternal throne of Grace and Mercy, commingle its holy aspirations in favour of him who was father, friend. In the walks of private life his unostentatious, yet periodic charities evinced a benevolent and humane mind, and long shall the widow and the orphan deplore the loss they have sustained. Varied as were his qualities of head and heart, (and to the lot of few was assigned the happy combination,) pre-eminently was he distinguished in the hallowed circle of domestic life--in manners bland, in address urbane, courteous and dignified, a perfect exemplification of the gentleman of "olden times"--at his festive board did he draw from his rich and diversified intellectual store, to the improvement, gratification, and delight of his guests; the professional man retired truly proud of such a member, while all vied in collation of the virtues that adorned the character, and shed a lustre upon a life full of years and of honours."Esse, quam videri, maluet."In accordance with a wish expressed by the deceased, his remains were borne to the grave by his brethren of the Masonic Order, amongst whom were the Rev. Allan Mitchel, Rector of Drumsna; John Johnstone, Esq., J.P., Thornhill; Mr. Temple, M.D ; Thomas J. Tenison, Esq., J.P., Past Grand Aide- Camp of Knights Templars in Ireland ; T. E. Wright, Esq., No. 50, Dublin, &c., &c.--(From a Correspondent.)
ASSAULT--TIPPERARY SWEARING. NANCY KENNEDY v. MICHAEL HASSETT.--This was a summons for an assault and for forcibly carrying away a quantity of straw, but the swearing of the parties was so diametrically opposed to what each stated, that the magistrates, after observing that they never witnessed such wholesale perjury--such a total disregard of the solemnity and obligations of an oath, dismissed the complaint--it being utterly impossible to tell which of the parties was telling the truth. The witnesses in this case (which was involving the right as to the ownership of a small quantity of straw) were, by directions of the court, several times confronted, and what one called upon the great Jehovah to witness as the truth, the other, in an equally solemn manner, protested and swore was false ! Even a crowded court, composed of the same class of persons as those under examination in this case, occasionally manifested by deep murmurings their surprise at such wholesale recklessness in a swearing. (Surely, it is no wonder that Tipperary should be as it is !)--Saunders's News Letter.
(Late of No. 34, Percy-Street, Bedford Square, London, many years Artist to the Late Duke of York, and patronised by many families of DISTINCTION, in Ireland and England,)
PURPOSES giving lessons in the various branches of the Fine Arts, viz. :--Heads, Figures, Landscapes, Flowers, &c., either in Chalks, Crayons, Pencil, or Colours ; Painting in Oils or Miniatures, on Ivory; according to the inclination of the pupil.
Mr. S.'s experience for many years as a Teacher of Drawing and Painting, enables him to say with confidence, his system of Teaching is calculated to qualify the pupil in attaining all the necessary rudiments, in less time than is generally allowed by other masters in that delightful accomplishment--by simplifying the method of Drawing, by strictly attending to the Anatomy of the human figure; the proportions and other causes of beauty, character, and expression ; the essentials to be observed in Portraiture; the selection of subject ; the choice of light; the adaption of back grounds; together with the vehicles adapted for every style of Painting. The art of Flower Painting--in outline; in light and shade, and colour; comprehending single objects and groups; likewise their pictorial arrangement.
Terms may be known by applying at the Painting Rooms.
LIKENESSES of every description are taken by Mr. STANLEY STEVENTON, from the highly finished Portrait in Oil, to the Miniature on Ivory; the bust in Profile, highly bronzed or coloured. Persons desirous of having a true representation of themselves or friends, may depend on the accuracy, as well as the finish of all Paintings executed by him.
Likenesses copied and coloured at Dr. FORSTER's, Upper English-street, corner of College-street, Armagh.
January 1, 1845.
On Monday week, in the town of Ballymahon, the most providential occurrence took place, owing to the mercy of God, and the vigilance and activity of a policeman named John Thompson. The child of a respectable shop-keeper named Dowdall, was nearly run over by a cart, owing to the carelessness of the driver, when the policeman ran and rescued him from immediate destruction. This is but one of many instances of the usefulness and activity of Thompson. It was he who made prisoner of the pig-jobber for his abuse of her Majesty, on board the packet-boat, and for which our esteemed assistant-barrister sentenced him to six months' imprisonment and a heavy fine. Such meritorious conduct should be rewarded, as an encouragement to others. Correspondent of the D.E. Packet.
On yesterday the 6th inst., the first meeting of the Town Commissioners of Moy, appointed under the 9th Geo. IV. cap 82, was held in the Court-house of that town, when the commissioners were sworn in before W. W. Algeo and Jas. E. Jackson, Esqrs., two of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Tyrone. The commissioners then proceeded to appoint a chairman ; whereupon it was moved by David Barry, Esq., and seconded by Thos. F. Hawkins, Esq.,
That Galbraith Johnstone, Esq., be elected chairman. Upon the motion of James Sloan, Esq., seconded by the Rev. Samuel Shaw, Mr. John W. Hanna was unniamously [sic] elected clerk.
Several other resolutions, having for their object the improvement of the town, and its civic economy, were likewise adopted; but inasmuch as the season was so far advanced, and that it was in contemplation to form a Gas Company, it was decided on not lighting the town with oil at present.
The project of a Gas Company has been for some time entertained, and as the gasometer would be so located as to supply the towns of Moy and Charlemont with gas, we have no doubt but that it would prove a remunerative speculation. From the spirit evinced at the meeting, and the statements made by Capt. Algeo, as to the anxiety of Lord Charlemont to assist by every means in his power, we may safely congratulate the inhabitants of both towns on having this project speedily realized.
Last week John Sheridan, a native of Glen, county Cavan, was found drowned in a gravel pit adjoining his residence.--The unfortunate man was returning home from a dance in the neighbourhood, when he came by his death. Sheridan was an inoffensive person, and a teetotaller. An inquest was held on the body, and a verdict of "accidental death" returned.
to the LOUGHGALL and RICHHILL DISPENSARY, held in the 2d January, 1845, SIR GEO. MOLYNEUX, Bart., in the Chair,
Robert W.C. Cope, Esq.
Rev. Henry Cobb
Rev. J. Jones,
Joseph Nicholson, Esq.
Hon. and Rev. F. Clements,
J. Hardy, Esq.
Rev. Frederick Lloyd,
Mr. John Cardwell.
James Disney,
Robert W. Cope, Esq., having made a statement, now in the hands of the Rev. S. Hall, Treasurer, respecting the state of the Funds of the Loughgall and Richhill Dispensary, it appears that there is a deficiency of £61 14s. 11d.
Resolved--"That in consequence of this deficiency, and there being no funds whatever to carry on the Institution, it is deemed advisable to break it up as soon as possible."
Resolved--"That a subscription be entered into for the purpose of liquidating the above-mentioned debt of £61 14s. 11d., which it is proposed to accomplish by a per Centage of 50 per Cent. on the subscriptions of the last year."
Resolved--"That a Meeting be held on the 16th instant, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of considering the expediency of forming a new Dispensary."
Resolved--"That a copy of the foregoing Resolutions shall be forwarded to each subscriber, calling their particular attention to the second Resolution, and requesting an answer with as delay as possible [sic]."
Resolved--"That the Treasurer be requested to inform the Medical Officers of the proceedings of this day."
On Saturday last a poor man of the name of Philip Hughes, from Clady, having gone to Mr. McKinstry's mill to get some corn ground ; and when in the act of emptying his grain into the hopper he was caught by the vertical wheel, on which the water acts directly, and mangled in a most shocking manner. He was immediately conveyed to the County Infirmary, where he expired about 20 minutes after.
AT a MEETING of the GOVERNORS of the KEADY DISPENSARY, held in the Market-house of Keady, on Friday, the 3d of January, 1845, for the purpose of considering the course to be pursued in consequence of the decease of the late Doctor MAGEE, JOHN ROBERT IRWIN, Esq., J.P., High Sheriff, in the Chair,--
The following Resolutions were unanimously adopted:--
1st Resolution--Moved by HENRY L. PRENTICE, Esq., J.P., seconded by WILLIAM KIRK, Esq., J.P.:
"That we, the Subscribers to the Keady Dispensary, assembled immediately after the funeral of our late lamented Medical Superintendent, Mr. MAGEE, desire, in the first place, to record our deep sorrow at the removal of so efficient and useful a public officer."
2d Resolution--Moved by FRANCIS STRINGER, Esq., J.P.; seconded by the Rev. H.W. CARSON:
"That in order to express our feelings toward the memory of Dr. MAGEE, and our sympathy with his family in the severe loss which they, (as well as we,) have sustained in his sudden death, a public subscription shall now be entered into to erect a suitable Testimonial in Keady Church."
3d Resolution--Moved by LEE McKINSTRY, Esq., J.P., and seconded by GEORGE HENRY, Esq.:
"That an advertisement shall be inserted in the local and other Newspapers for a qualified Medical Superintendent to take charge of the Dispensary : and that a Meeting of the Subscribers shall be held in the Market-house, of Keady, on Monday, the 10th of February next, at 12 o'clock, A.M., to elect a fitting person for that office."
JOHN ROBERT IRWIN, Esq., having vacated the chair, and HENRY L. PRENTICE Esq., having taken it, It was proposed by WILLIAM KIRK Esq., and seconded by the Rev. SAMUEL SIMPSON(?):
"That the thanks of this Meeting be presented to the High Sheriff for his excellent conduct in the chair, and his praise-worthy attention to the interest of the Dispensary at all times.
It was unanimously resolved, that the foregoing resolutions be published in the ARMAGH GUARDIAN, the Dublin Evening Mail, the Newry Telegraph, and Belfast Chronicle.
BEGS respectfully to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and Land Proprietors, of the North of Ireland, generally, that he is now prepared to execute any orders with which he may be favored. He has liberty to make reference to gentlemen for whom, under his former employer, he has executed work much to their satisfaction.
Most respectable references can be given.
Any demands ordered 47, Scotch-street, Armagh, will be duly attended to.
At the Half-yearly Examinations, preceding the Christmas Recess, the following Rewards of Merit were adjudged:
THE SCIENCE MEDALS to Dobbin and Macintosh.
THE CLASSICAL MEDALS to Heatly and Dowse.
THE CERTIFICATES to Campbell, Wallace, Richey, Dowse, and Birch, 1us.
THE PREMIUMS to Campbell, 16; Heatly, 17; D'Arcy, 1us, 14; Hanson, 14 Dowse, 15; Nash, 11; Magee, 7; Wallace, 21; Wolfe, 17 Moor, 12; Ingram, 13; Richey, 14; Armstrong, 13?; Macintosh, 6; White, 1us, 11; Galway, 12; Lodge, 1us, 11; Richmond, 10; Kinahan, 1us, 9; Waller, 12; Jackson, 2us, 8; Stott 1us, 9; Drought, 11; O'Hara, 6; Darley, 1us, 6; Irvine, 20 Darley, 2us, 13; Kinahan, 2us, 18; Hill, 9; Birch, 1us, 20 Waddle, 15; Gordon, 13; Forde, 11 ; Lodge, 2us, 5; Henry 22; D'Arcy, 2us, 14; Young, 1us, 18; Hubbart, 18; Browne 15; Douglas, 21; Black, 11; Smith, 2us, 14; Smith 3us, 10 Kinahan, 3us, 14; Twigg, 1us, 6; Madden, 10; Kinahan, 3us, 15; Twigg, 1us, 6; Madden, 10; Reford, 14; Molony, 9; Pendleton, 17; Mansfield, 11; Taylor, 6; Young, 2us,14; Cunningham, 21; Colhoun, 1us, 11; Colhous, 2us, 6; Birch, 2us, 11; Wray, 1us, 9; Wray, 2us, 11; Tomb, 10; Young, 3us, 6; Patton, 12; Stuart, 2us, 11; Stuart, 3us, 0; twigg, 2us, 7; White, 2us, 6; White, 3us, 6; Morrow, 11; Twigg, 3us, 5; Stott, 2us, 2; Speer, 10.
The following HONORS have been obtained in the UNIVERSITY, during the present year, by the PUPILS of DUNGANNON SCHOOL: Hilary Term Examinations.
Mr. Monahan, --- A Berkeley Gold Medal.
Mr. Faussett, --- A Graduate's Vice-Chancellor's Prize.
Mr. Moore, --- A Classical Honor of first rank.
Mr. Reilly, --- A Classical Honor of first rank.
Mr. Higinbotham, --- A Classical Honor of first rank.
Mr. M'Sorly, --- A Science Honor of second rank.
Mr. Mason, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. Pelly, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. Armstrong, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. M'Sorly, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. Fetherstone, -- A Catechetical Premium.Trinity Term Examinations.
Mr. Reilly, --- A Classical Honor of first rank.
Mr. Higinbotham, --- A Classical Honor of first rank.
Mr. M'Sorly, --- A Science Honor of second rank.
Mr. Hall, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. Armstrong, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. M'Sorly, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. Higinbotham, --- A Catechetical Premium.Michaelmas Term Examinations.
Mr. Reilly, --- A Classical Honor of first rank.
Mr. Higinbotham, --- A Classical Honor of first rank.
Mr. Reilly, --- A Prize in Logics of first rank.
Mr. Hall, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. M'Sorly, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. Armstrong, --- A Classical Honor of second rank.
Mr. Reilly, --- A Vice-Chancellor's prize of first rank.
Mr. Hamilton --- A Catechetical Premium.
Mr. Carroll, --- Fifth Place.
Mr. Ralph, --- Seventh Place.
Mr. Dawson, --- Eleventh Place.
Mr. M'Sorly, --- Promoted to a Queen's Scholarship of £50 per Annum.
Mr. Carroll, --- A Queen's Scholarship of £30 per Annum.
* Ten Queen's Scholarships, of £50 and £30 per Annum, are attached to the Dungannon School.
-- The Vacation will terminate on the 1st of February.
Dungannon Collge, Dec. 23, 1844.
At our Petty Sessions on Thursday last a person named Boyle was fined 10s., or a fortnight's imprisonment, for being one of the party who made an attack on the Primitive Methodists on Christmas morning. We hope an effectual check may be given to the offenders, that such a wanton attack will not be attempted in the future. We understand the person who summoned Boyle was not a member of the Methodist Society.
Yesterday morning, as two men named Armstrong and Somerville were returning to Lowtherstown from Derry, when at Kilskeery they began to quarrel, and a serious conflict ensued, in which Somerville inflicted a desperate wound with a razor in the neck of his opponent. The unfortunate Armstrong is in a melancholy state, and it is feared the wound will prove fatal.--Somerville has been apprehended and conveyed to Omagh gaol, to abide his trial at the next assizes. Armstrong is an inoffensive man, and lives at Ballinamallard, in this county.
B.G. Frith, Esq., M.D., has been elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland."
Colonel George Macdonald, brother of our respected townsman, J. Macdonald, Esq., has been promoted to the government of Dominico, West Indies.
On the evening of Tuesday last, as Mr. Buchannan, process officer for the district of Lowtherstown, was proceeding to Enniskillen, to attend the Quarter Sessions, he was attacked by two ruffians who knocked him down and beat him severely, after which they attempted to rob him of his wearing apparel. One of those ruffians was concerned in the robbery at at [sic] Captain Ovens's, of Willoughby-Place, which we noticed in our last. He has since been committed to gaol for both offences.
On SATURDAY, the 11th JANUARY, instant, at the Wheat Market, Armagh,
THE following FARMING IMPLEMENTS, which are in good order, and made by first-rate Tradesmen, viz. :
--Four Farming Carts, 2 Iron Ploughs, 1 Iron Double Drill Plough, Harrows, Scuffle, Cart, and Plough Harness, an excellent Steaming Apparatus for steaming food for cattle, made by ROBINSON, of Lisburn; a few large Coolers, Beef Tubs, old Wheels, Iron, Carriage Harness, Timber, Lumber, &c., &c., the property of Mr. ROGERS.
Sale to commence at 12 o'Clock.
TERMS--Cash. Purchasers to pay the Auction Duty.
DANIEL M'ALLEN, Auctioneer.
A FARM of LAND, in KILLUNEY, containing 9-1/2 Acres, heldby Lease for three lives (all in being,) under Sir GEORGE MOLYNEUX, one of the best Landlords, at the yearly Rent of 25s., Irish currency, per acre.
This Land is of prime quality, and in the highest state of cultivation, being all under Potatoes in 1843, and is now ploughed down in Wheat stubble.
Application to be made to Mr. ROGERS, the proprietor.
Armagh, 4th January, 1845.
BEGS respectfully to acquaint Proprietors and holders of Lands, that he has, after a period of 17 years, returned from the above honorable service, and is now ready to receive engagements from any gentleman who may favor him with their commands for Surveying, Levelling, Draining, Irrigating, and Valuing of Lands, and confidently refers them to his past long services in the Ordnance Department, during which time he has made Surveys of Cities, Towns, Villages, &c., &c., as the best testimony of his professional abilities.
D. O'Neill can also give references to several gentlemen in the neighbourhood of Armagh, for whom he has had the honor to do business.
Office, 26, Dobbin-street, Armagh.
January 6, 1845.