YESTERDAY the Sub-Sheriff, accompanied by his
assistants, proceeded to the townland of Baltier,
within about two miles of this town, on his Grace's
property, to evict four families from their holdings
under Dublin ejectments.
A large force of police were on the ground under
Head-Constables Scott, of Portadown, and M'Carron,
of Lurgan.
On the arrival of the Sheriff, his assistants demanded admittance to two houses, those of Widow
M'Dowell and John Malcomson, and on being refused, they procured a beam and first broke open
the house of the widow, and removed the furniture out to the public road, and ten of a family,
including the widow herself, (who had lived 62
years on the estate, and the family a couple of
hundred), were expelled from the place. they
then went to the house of John Malcomson, and
owing to the door being barricaded, a considerable
time elapsed before they got it open, and eventually had to pull out the door-cheeks. The same
course was proceeded with, and possession handed
over to Curran, the bailiff.
There were two other houses, but we believe possession was given up peacably, as it was understood they were to be allowed to go again into possession.
We find that these evictions have not been made
for non-payment of rent, but were brought by
ejectments in the superior courts on notices to quit.
At the vestry meeting held in the Church of this
town on Easter Monday, J. D. Mitchell and George
Kinkead, Esqrs., were appointed Churchwardens for
the ensuing year.
The adjustment of
weights and measures is now vested in the hands of
the Constabulary, and we should caution all those
parties who have any defective ones in their posses-
sion to be on the alert.
April 23, at Drummond, Richhill, the wife of Mr. Albert
Anderson, of a son.
April 26, the wife of Mr. William Macoun, Lurgan, of
a son.
April 25, in the Parish Church of Seagoe, by the Rev.
Archdeacon Saurin, Anthony Cowdy, Esq., of Killicomain
House, to Letitia, eldest daughter of the late John Patten,
Esq., of Newtownards, and granddaughter of the late
David Ruddell, Esq., of Peacefield, near Portadown.
April 21, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Markethill,
by the Rev. Robert Morrison, Mr. Joseph J. Irvine,
Keadymore, to Miss Jane Marshall, Lisnaget, near
April 26, at Favour Royal, in the 11th [sic!] year of his age,
John Corry Moutray, J.P., D.L., 66 years a grand juror of
the Co. Tyrone.
April 11, the wife of Mr. William Boyce, of Drumallis,
after a long illness.
On Easter Monday and Tuesday a Bazaar was held
in Armagh, in aid of the Convent fund--the sum
raised amounted to £500. The Portadown Amateur
Band was in attendance, and gave the highest satis-
faction by their spirited performances
On Thursday last an influ-
ential meeting of the lady members of the Mechanics'
Institute took place, at which Lady Lurgan presided,
when it was determined to open the girl's school immediately, as mentioned in the advertisement; it
was also considered desirable to raise a fund for the
purpose of supplying the deserving poor with clothing
at a reduction of 25 per cent, under first cost, and
a committee was formed for the purpose.
Magistrates present: J. O. Woodhouse, and W.
Reid, Esqrs.
Several persons were fined for drunkenness during
the Easter holidays. John Thornton was charged
by Anthony M'Gowan with assault on the 15th of the
present month. Two witnesses were examined in
support of the charge, after which the defendant was
reprimanded by the Court and ordered to find sureties
to keep the peace for six months, himself in £10, and
two sureties in £5 each.
Thomas Barrassfield was summoned, at the suit of
the Ulster Railway Company, for trespass upon their
line, and thereby endangering his own life. Mr. E.
D. Atkinson prosecuted. From the evidence of J, [sic]
Montgomery, a servant of the company, it appeared
that a man of the name of Ripley who was suffering
from delirium tremens had strolled upon the railway,
and a number of persons followed, amongst whom
was the defendant, and when told of his danger and
desired to remove, he behaved in the most abusive
manner, and assaulted the Company's servant.
The defence failed, and the defendant was fined £1,
with costs 7s., or one month's imprisonment.
James Kettle summoned Ellen Kerr for committing
a breach of the peace at Breagh. The case arose
out of a dispute respecting a chest. It seemed a difficult matter for the court to ascertain the real parties in fault, but after some conflicting evidence the
defendant was bound over to keep the peace for six
months herself in £10, and two sureties in £2 10s.,
Patrick M'Gowan was charged with stealing four
silk handkerchiefs, value 10s., from the shop of Mr.
Averell Shillington, on Saturday, the 22nd instant.
The prisoner pleaded guilty by the advice of his
attorney, Mr. Atkinson, and was sententenced [sic]
to one months' [sic] imprisonment in Armagh gaol.
(We are compelled by the pressure of matter to
omit part of our report of the business which occupied the court.