During the last few days engineer officers have made surveys in Waterford Harbour, preparatory to the erecting of a battery at Creden Head, and batteries near the inlets of Broomhill and Arthurstown.
His Grace the Lord Primate of all Ireland's triennial visitation for the diocese of Meath was held in Trim upon the 9th of August. There was a large attendance of the clergy of the diocese, and a searching inquiry into the circumstances, &c., of each parish was made by his Grace's Vicar-General.
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT CLANROLE, on Tuesday, 23rd August, at Eleven o'Clock, 20 Bushels of Flax, in Lots to suit Purchasers.
Four Months' Credit will be given on approved security.
John Moffett.
The Association of Bleachers and Linen Merchants of Ireland.--A meeting of the Committee was held at the office of the North-East Agricultural Association on Friday last--Jonathan Richardson, Esq., Glenmore, in the chair. At the request of Mr. Charley, on behalf of the bleachers who offered the reward for the apprehension and conviction of robbers of bleach-greens, &c., it was resolved--"That this Association do consent to take charge of, and distribute, the fund subscribed for that purpose." A letter from Messrs. Haughton, Brothers, recommending that a reward should be given to the sergeant of Gilford constabulary station, having been read and considered, it was resolved that a reward of £10 be given to Constable Best for his exertions in bringing to justice a person named Bush, who was convicted at the late Newry Sessions, and sentenced to four years' penal servitude for robberies of bleachgreens.--Belfast Mercury.
Newry and Armagh Railway.--On Saturday evening, as the Newry and Armagh luggage train was proceeding from the Albert Basin to the station-house, one of the chains gave way, and the engine was subsequently cast off the rails. Fortunately she was going unusually slow at the time, else the result might have assumed a more serious aspect. It was five o'clock in the morning when they got her on the rails again.
The weather has been all that could have been desired for furthering the harvest since our last, and the wheat crop in this district is nearly saved.
Oats are falling before the sickle, and will soon be ready for carrying.
The trade in wheat has rated dull in the English markets during the week.
London and Liverpool markets to day were inactive. A good business has been done in floating cargoes of Indian corn, which has sold at a slight improvement; but the consumptive demand is slow owing to the superior quality of the potato crop, and the liberal supply at market.
Belfast market to-day was dull, but not much cheaper, and it appears likely that prices must come down a little before a very active demand is experienced for new corn.
A potato was shown to us yesterday, weighing 2lbs. 2 oz., which was grown in a garden of Mr S. Monro, of this town.
Anniversary of the Relief of Derry.--The 170th anniversary of this ever memorable event, was celebrated on Friday last, with the accustomed ceremonials.
Tenant Right.--The graziers of Westmeath have originated a Farmers' Club for that county. The question of Tenant Right is to be strictly forbidden by the rules, else, it was stated, the project couldn't succeed.
The Constabulary.--Thomas P. Hewitt, Esq., Sub-Inspector of Constabulary, quartered at Dunshaughlin, County Meath, has been transferred to this town to replace the late William Little, Esq., whose lamented death we noticed some weeks ago. We hope Mr. Hewitt will win the esteem of his men and the inhabitants of this town as did Mr. Little.
Belfast Banking Company.--The general meeting of proprietors of this company was held in the Bank on 26th inst.--S.K. Mulholland, Esq., of Eglintine House, in the chair. A highly satisfactory report was read, and full particulars given of the position of the Bank, which gave great satisfaction. The Board informed the proprietors that the "rest fund" amounted to £135,000, which is vested in the Government funds. Alexander Johns, Esq., was unanimously elected as a director in the room of the late much esteemed George T. Mitchell, Esq. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Board for the ensuing year:--Mr. Robert Batt, Purdysburn; Mr. A. Mulholland, Springvale; Mr. Samuel G. Fenton, Sydenham; Mr. James G. Bell, Tullylish House; Mr. Wm. S. Mitchell, Olinda; Mr. James Carlisle, Enfield; Mr. Andrew Kirk, Belfast.--News-Letter.
Tandragee, 22d August, 1859.
Sir,--I have read with pleasure your editorial article on our workhouse system. £496,000 expended, and 5,000 paupers supported, gives in round numbers £10 per head for each pauper. Does it cost this sum to maintain a pauper? No. It is well known that from 13d to 14d per week is the average cost of a pauper's maintenance, equal in round numbers to about £3 yearly, and the remaining £7 is expended on the system by which the £3 relief is administered!!! And what are the workhouses? Are they refuges for the virtuous distressed, or do they differ on the average from the Newry workhouse, where it recently appeared that more than half the pauper women were improper characters. Is it to be wondered at that our aged, decrepid, and infirm females prefer the hand of charity to being associated with the infamous and abandoned of their sex, and that the law against street begging is virtually a dead letter, because no one cares that it should be enforced, or to require the virtuous poor to company with the vicious and degraded? As you have truly observed, the system is opposed to the Divine law. Those whom God hath joined together should not be put asunder. The poor shall not perish out of the land. The Lord's poor are in a sense the representatives of His person, for what is done to or for them for His sake is done for Him. They are in a sense necessary for the expansion of the hearts of those who love Him, by giving them an opportunity of ministering unto Him through His breathren; and it is as true now as it ever was that "Evil communications corrupt good manners."--Yours truly,
Edward D. Atkinson.
Patent Peat Charcoal Works,
Maghery, Moy.
There is a constant supply at the above Works of PATENT PEAT CHARCOAL, for Agricultural and Sanitary Operations.
From its antiseptic qualities, and the rapid growth it causes, it is particularly adapted to mix with the manures used in planting Potatoes, and sowing Turnips, Mangel Wurzel, &c., &c.
Mr. David Wells, The Farm Yard, Lurgan, who has used it for many Seasons, in forming his manure heaps, and mixing with other manures, will kindly bear testimony to its efficacy.
All Orders, addressed as above, will be punctually attended to.
Price at the Factory, 40 Shillings per Ton, bulking about 20 Sacks.
August 15, by the Rector of Wexford, at the Church of St Iberius, Mr. Edward Waters, Drinage, to Miss Meyer, niece of Captain James W. Atkin, R.N., and sister to the Rev. Robert Meyer, Wesleyan Minister, Lurgan, County Armagh.
Coleraine. We have little to add to what we have already written on the subject of revivial of religion in this district. We might reiterate what has been said almost every week for the last three months that the glorious work has been progressing, as we have not the slightest doubt but many who knew not the love of God last week--at least in so far as it will always bring peace to the soul--can now rejoice in the assurance that they have been reconciled to God by the grace of the Lord Jesus. In the country districts in the neighbourhood the work has borne, and is still bearing precious fruit to the glory of God, as is evidenced by the largely increased attendance of the people at the various prayer-meetings held during the week, and the very numerous and doubly attentive congregations which meet in the various places of worship on the Sabbath.
Ballymena. The religious feeling is fully sustained throughout the neighbourhood, and cases of "conviction" quite as extraordinary as any yet on record have recently occurred in some of the county districts. Prayer meetings continue to be held in one or more of the houses of public worship in Ballymena every evening. The good seed seems to have been sown without choice of soil, and as it were, broadcast upon hill and heath, and fallow land. Some of it may have fallen upon "stony places," or "among thorns;" but it must be cheering to know that other spots of a once barren wilderness are now brightening with hopeful verdure, while the more fertile plains re giving ample assurance of a bounteous harvest.--Observer.
For the last fortnight, the work of the revival has been going forward with great success in this locality. It commenced in a meeting of Sabbath-school children connected with the Wesleyan Chapel, and, since, frequent meetings have been held in the Presbyterian Church and Wesleyan Chapel, with open-air services; and in all large numbers of convictions have taken place, and many happy conversions.--Newry Telegraph.
This is a country district between Armagh and Markethill; and here the power of the Spirit has been largely experienced. At a meeting held in the Presbyterian Church there on Wednesday evening, we have been informed that no less than forty cases of conviction took place.--Ibid.
On Sunday evening, at a meeting held about a mile from Armagh, by some of the Armagh Presbyterian ministers, two cases of conviction occurred, one of them being a Roman Catholic, and a third person, who had been present at the meeting, was stricken on her way home.--Ibid.