The Lurgan Gazette Lurgan Coat of Arms

July, 1849 Lurgan, Portadown and Banbridge Advertiser and Agricultural Gazette


TO WIT, WHEREAS, a Meeting of the House holders of said Town, was held pursuant to Notice, on Monday, the 2nd day of July, Inst., in the the Court-House, for the purpose of Electing Fourteen Commissioners, to serve for the Three Years next ending the 31st day of July, 1852, in pursuance of the Act of Parliament the 9th Geo. the 4th, Chapter 82, intituled "An Act to make Provision for the Lighting, Cleansing, and Watching of Cities, Towns Corporate, and Market Towns in Ireland, in certain cases.

AND WHEREAS, at said Meeting, the following Fourteen Inhabitants, being legally qualified, were duly proposed and seconded as fit and proper persons to be Elected, and no other persons having been nominated, they were accordingly duly Elected Commissioners for the Three Years next ensuing the 31st day of July, 1849:

1 Mr. James Anderson,
2 Mr. John Girdwood
3 Mr. Joseph Murphy
4 Mr. John Campbell
5 Mr. John Capper
6 Mr. Henry Cuppage
7 Mr. Arthur Donnelly
8 Mr. John Cuppage, Esq
9 Mr. Henry W. Reilly,
10 Mr. John Gilbert
11 Mr. John Douglass
12 Mr. George Lockhart
13 Mr. George May
14 Mr. John M'Comb

Now I, as Chairman of the present Commissioners, presiding at said Meeting and Election, do hereby give Notice, that I have appointed Monday, the 16th day of July, Inst., at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon at the Court- House, in Lurgan, for the said Fourteen Persons so Elected Commissioners, to assemble and take the Solemn Declaration of Office prescribed by the said Act, and that of the 5th and 6th Wm. the 4th, Chap. 62.

Dated at Lurgan, this 2nd day of July, 1849.



S. & W. YOUNG PROPRIETORS. HAVE now to hand, a large and well selected stock of the New Season's TEAS, of prime quality, at unusually low prices. Also, a great variety of SUGARS, at the full reduction of duty, together with every article in the GROCERY LINE. Also, IRISH AND SCOTCH MALT, AND GRAIN WHISKEY, PORT, SHERRY, CAPE, AND GREEN GINGER WINES, CORDIALS, &c., GUINNESS'S XX PORTER, LONDON & SCOTCH ALES, IN WOOD AND BOTTLE, &c. S. & W. Y, while gratefully acknowledging the very liberal share of trade which they have received since their commence- ment, beg to say, that the above having been bought in the very best Markets for Cash alone, they are enabled to offer them Wholesale and Retail, on the most advantageous terms. Lurgan, 19th July, 1849.



To the Editor of the Lurgan, Portadown, and Banbridge Advertiser. SIR--I have been much pleased, and I would add, profited, by the perusal of the articles lately published in your paper on the Bee. It must be a source of great gratification to you to see that one of the objects intended by your publication, has been attained, namely, exciting in the minds of the people, and especially of the working classes, a spirit of enquiry, and a desire not only to attain, but also to impart knowledge. As the study of Natural History is one the most likely to engage and attract the attention of the young, and the middle classes, I have thrown together a few remarks on the advantages to be obtained from its study, and trust they may to a certain degree be of use, in urging others to not only read and study for themselves, but also from time to time communicate their stores of knowledge to others. I remain, sir, your obedt. servt. M.J. MacCORMACK, M.D. Portadown, June 29, 1849.



On Tuesday, 26th June, at St. George's, London by the Rev Wm. Cadman, Wm. Macdonald Macdonald, Esq., of St. Martin's Perthshire, and Rossie Castle, Forfarshire, to the Honorable Clara Anne Jane Brownlow, second daughter of the late Lord Lurgan, The bride was given away by her brother, Lord Lurgan; and after partaking of a dejeuner, Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. Macdonald left London, en route for Rossie Castle, N.B.



THE ANNUAL SERMON In aid of this School, will be Preached, (God willing,) in KILMORE SCHOOLHOUSE, On Sunday Evening, 8th July, BY THE REV. CHARLES FALLOON, After which a Collection will be made in aid of the Funds of the School. The attendance of all interested persons for the increase of SCRIPTURAL EDUCATION is earnestly requested. Divine Service will commence at Six o'clock. Kilmore, July 4th, 1849.



Executor of | --------------- WILLIAM MURRAY, Deceased, | PURSUANT to the Decree in Plaintiff; | this Cause, dated the 1st day MARK RONEY, | of June, 1849, and TIMOTHY KELLY, | subsequent AND WIFE, AND OTHERS, | Order of 23rd day of June, Defendants. | 1849, I will, by and under the -------------------------- Directions of ACHESON LYLE, ESQ., Chief Remembrancer, on THURSDAY, the 26th day of JULY, 1849, at the hour of ONE o'clock in the afternoon, at the BROWNLOW ARMS HOTEL, IN THE TOWN OF LURGAN, SET UP AND SELL to the highest and best bidder, All That and Those, THAT FARM OR PARCEL OF LAND, in the Townland of DERRYTRASNA, and County of Armagh, containing 16A 0R. 23P. Statute Measure, or thereabouts, with the Appurtenances, held by Lease under the RIGHT HON. LORD LURGAN, at the yearly rent of 13 15s. and formerly in the possession of WILLIAM MURRAY, now deceased, being the Lands and Premises in the Pleadings in this Cause and said Order mentioned. Dated this 4th day of July, 1849. P. MAGEE, Auctioneer. Immediate Psssession [sic] of the above Farm can be given. The Crops now growing thereon, are to be taken by the Purchaser at a valuation. Further information may be had on Application to JOHN HAZLETT, Plaintiff's Attorney, Lurgan.



At Lurgan, on Sunday, 1st Inst., of Cholera, Mr. Wm. Gilbert.



P.S. A few more Boarders can be accommodated.



On the 18th Inst, of Cholera, after 16 hours illness, in the 15th year of her age, Ellen Maria, eldest daughter of John M'Crory, Weighmaster, Lurgan.

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