Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

3 June, 1845  


From a file of American papers received yesterday, we extract the following very remarkable bigamy case from the Montreal Herald of Tuesday, 24th April, as it has some con- nexion with Armagh:

A very remarkable trial for bigamy took place on Wednesday last. A very respectable and thriving inhabitant of this city, of the name of James Mullen, was indicted for having in 1837 married the daughter of a Mr. Turton, of this town, his former wife, Margaret Moore, alias Mullen, being still living. He had left Ireland twenty- four years ago, and his wife arrived here during the last year, not having seen him for that long period. It was proved, how- ever, that he was well aware of her being alive. His first mar- riage was performed by a Presbyterian Minister at Armagh-- the woman being of that persuasion. There was contradictory evidence as to his being a Presbyterian or Episcopalian. The jury found him guilty, and that he was a Presbyterian. This finding takes the case out of the decision of the House of Lords last year on the celebrated bigamy case "the Queen v. Milles," when the prisoner escaped on the ground of the first marriage not being valid, as solemnized between an Episcopalian and a Presbyterian, by a Presbyterian minister. Mr. Burns and Mr. Hagarty appeared for the prosecution. Hon. H. J. Boulton for the defence.



TO BE HEARD TOMORROW.--Thomas Woods, Ballyvarley, county Down, linen manufacturer and cattle dealer; Ellen Connolly, otherwise O'Donnell, Armagh, widow, lodging-house keeper; James Johnston, Marleycoo, labourer; Francis Markey, Aughnagurgan, farmer; Michael M'Connell, Curry, weaver; William Warren, Monbrief, weaver; Wm. Timmis, Richhill, labourer; Jane Flavell, otherwise Campbell, Portadown, widow, pub- lican; Henry Ruddell, Ballintaggart, labourer and weaver; John Taggart, Curry, weaver; Robert Ballentine, Mullalelish, in no business; John Preston, Ballyloughan, weaver; James Strain, Cabragh, weaver and labourer; Robert Lynes, Tannaghmore South, weaver; John M'Clean, Lisnalee, farmer.



REWARD. A large reward (up- wards of £183,) has been offered by the tenants on the estate of Samuel Vesey, Esq., of Derrabard House, for the discovery and prosecution of the parties who lately served a threatening notice on a respectable tenant of Mr. Vesey’s, with the professed object of forcing him to give up his farm. Crimes of this cha- racter are very rare in this part of the country, and we feel cer- tain that, if they were treated in this prompt manner by the well disposed tenantry throughout Ireland, they would be of less frequent occurrence in many disturbed parts of our kingdom.

We cannot imagine, however, what could induce any person to interfere with the property of Mr. Vesey, who is, in every res- pect, a most kind and indulgent landlord, and universally re- spected and beloved by his tenantry. The only possible cause that can be assigned is, that the farm was occupied about four years ago by another tenant, who left it peaceably, and was amply remunerated by Mr. Vesey on his giving up the posses- sion ; since then, until lately, Mr. Vesey farmed the land him- self. We sincerely hope the guilty parties may be discovered.— Tyrone Constitution.



On Thursday the 22d inst., one of the ruffians who attacked the dwelling of Mr. Abraham Sloane, at Scotts-house, was arrested at Clones market [Co Monaghan], and is at present in custody in our county prison, fully committed for trial. The fellow was parading through the town when Sloane, who was also ?? the market recognised him , and went to the police barrack where he described his appearance. The police were instantly on the alert, and in a few minutes, acting constable Wilson arrested him and brought him to the barrack. Sloane’s servant man who was in the house the night of the attack was sent for, and the moment he saw the prisoner, he identified him as being one of the party who attacked his master’s house. In the way this case stands at present it will take a pretty considerable a-lie-by to save the scoundrel from the sweets of a penal colony. The prisoner’s name is Hugh Clerkin. It is not probable he will be admitted to bail, even if one of O’Connell’s magistrates tendered his magnificent self as security. We are anxiously looking out for a posse comitatus from the Conciliation Hall to appear in his defence.—The Clones folk are a little surprised that so much alleged guilt has not found a defender amongst the appealers, who make the laws that the Molly Maguires administer.



Mr. John Folds, of this city, the owner of a very extensive printing establishment, and proprietor of the late Dublin Times, was declared a bankrupt. Mr. Cumming, the bookseller, of Ormond-quay, was the petitioning creditor. It is said that his liabilities amount to between eight and ten thousand pounds. His having absconded to America was the act upon which he was declared bankrupt.



THIS WINE, which has gained such high repute throughout England, Ireland, and Scotland, entirely from its whole- some qualities, may be had of the undermentioned persons.

It will be necessary to ask for STIVENS’S WINE, which has an envelope over the cork, with a fac simile of the Proprie- tor’s signature ; and although the price is a trifle higher than the article generally sold for Ginger Wine, it bears no comparison with the difference in quality. It has already been attested by many of the Gentry throughout the Kingdom, and received their most unqualified approbation.

Mr. RICHARD C. VOGAN, Grocer and Wine Merchant, ARMAGH.

Mr. ROBERT M’BLAIN, Grocer and Wine Merchant, NEWRY.

Messrs. EDWARD and GEORGE PIM, Tea Dealers and Wine Merchants, BELFAST.

Mr. ROBERT GODBEY, Tea Dealer and Wine Merchant, DUNDALK.

Mr. DANIEL BRADY, Tea Dealer and Wine Merchant, DROGHEDA’ and Wholesale at STIVENS’S Wine Manufactory, Temple- street, BRISTOL; or at their Branch Establishments, South John-street, LIVERPOOL, or Budge-row, LONDON.



DANIEL M’ALLEN HAVING been favoured with instructions from JOHN JACKSON, Esq., of Ballynahonebeg House, to announce to the public that the entire set of his Household Furniture, which is principally new, select, and fashionable, Plate, Plated Ware, choice and valuable selection of Oil Paintings, prime Beds, Bedding, Carpeting, House and Table Linens, &c. &c., will positively be Sold by Auction, without reserve, about the middle of the month of August next, the particulars of which due notice will be given, as Mr. JACKSON and family are about to remove to a more congenial climate. Armagh, 1st June, 1845.



We regret to state that matters in Clones [Co Monaghan] and its neighbourhood are daily becoming more serious. It is really surprising that some measures are not taken by government to stop the progress of this lawless band, who continue to outrage the peace of the country to such an extent. We subjoin a letter:-- (From our Clones Correspondent.)

Clones, 31st May, 1845. On Monday night last several notices signed “Molly Ma- guire,” were posted through the town for the purpose of deter- ring persons from going into the houses of Robert Iriwn, Joseph Johnston and Richard Storey, three respectable Protestant inn- keepers of this town. The writer of the notices strove to state that they, (the Molly Maguires,) have not forgotten Easter Monday, nor the Repeal martyr that died that day,--that they could command 1500 fighting men in Clones, and that any per- son seen going into the above houses on Thursday, the fair day, might expect immediate death ; however, the Protestants of Clones and its vicinity are so fool-hardy, that there was an un- usually great number of them in town on Thursday, and espe- cially in the houses prohibited by “Molly,” who has postponed her appearance to “a more convenient season.” It would ap- pear by the above notices that the Repealers of Easter Monday and Molly’s men are of the same confraternity. This acknow- ledgment of Molly throws great light on the present state of things.

On Tuesday night an attempt was made to burn another house, but by the prompt exertions of the inhabitants the fire was speedily extinguished. It required some dexterity to com- mit the deed, as the house is three stories high, and no very ready access to the roof. This circumstance has given rise to a re- port that one of the inmates was the perpetrator; but this is not likely, as none of the eight families who live in the house have much property to lose, so that the recovery of damages could not be a sufficient stimulus to the perpetration of a crime which would, if discovered, be the cause of their own misery and that of their families. The truth is, fire could be conveyed to the roof, (which is thatched,) by a tolerably long pole, as there is an office-house, on which the incendiary could stand, attached to the back part of the house, and exactly under the spot which was burned.

On Thursday morning a man named Samuel Murphy was murdered by a man named Roddy M’Donald, within about three miles of this town. Murphy was going to purchase seed potatoes, when the other overtook him, and beat him with a bludgeon in such a manner that he expired in a few hours; M’Donald came int town carrying the same weapon, with which he broke several windows, till arrested by the police and sent to bridewell. At the coroner’s inquest the following ver- dict was returned :--That the deceased came by his death from an extensive fracture of his skull, caused by repeated blows from a bludgeon, inflicted by a person named Roderick M’Donald, as admitted by his own confession. We are of opinion that M’Donald was labouring under insanity at the time.



Collector of Excise for this district, has received an order to charge no auction duties since the 8th of April last.



Yesterday forty-seven stalks, the produce of a single grain of Oats, were pulled up in a field of two acres, belonging to the Dean of Tuam. Some of them measure nearly an inch in circumference. They may be seen at this Office.—Newry Telegraph.




FOR PROMOTING THE EDUCATION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB, AND THE BLIND.--At an election for the ad- mission of pupils into the above institution, held on Wednesday last, the following were declared the successful deaf and dumb, and blind candidates :--DEAF AND DUMB--Susannah Savage, Macosquin, Derry; Bridget Finigan, Carrickmacross, Monaghan ; Martha Ferguson, Ballynascreen, Derry; John Ritchie, Kilrea, Derry ; Robert Ferris, Annahilt, Down ; Margaret Graham, Belfast, Antrim ; Sarah J. Kennedy, Belfast, Antrim; Martha Craig, Kilrea, Derry ; William M'Farland, Coleraine, Derry ; Francis Connor, Derrynoose, Armagh. BLIND--John Polen, Saintfield, Down ; P. Graham, Armagh, Armagh; Francis Duffy, Lurgan, Armagh; Michael M'Guigan, Newry, Armagh; Susannah Walker, Belfast Antrim ; Thomas Hannah, Ballymena, Antrim ; John Grant, Belfast, Antrim; A. M'Clelland, Ballymena, Antrim.



Last week Sir Thomas Fremantle sub- mitted to the House of Commons the long-promised Bill of Government, for providing additional accommodation for the insane poor, in this country, as well as for establishing of a Central Criminal Lunatic Asylum, for the custody of persons acquitted of criminal offences in Ireland, on the ground of insanity. The Bill was read a first time, its second reading being fixed for Monday last. The Bill is for the purpose of erecting Provincial Asylums, each to contain about 400, one of which is purposed to be at Omagh for Ulster, and into which are to be drafted all the incurable cases at present blocking up the Dis- trict Asylums. This, it is expected, will leave abundant room for the reception of recent or supposed curable cases of the dis- ease into the District Asylums, as at present in operation, and which it is intended solely to set apart for such cases.



We have much pleasure in giving insertion to the following paragraph, which we take from The Freeman’s Journal, of yes- terday :--“His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has been pleased to appoint Nicholas Kelly, Esq., R.M., to take charge of the district of Ballinamore, in the County of Leitrim, in the room of Walter Molony, Esq, who resumes his duties as resi- dent Magistrate at Belfast.”

The Chancellor has granted the Commission of the Peace to Purefoy Poe, Esq., for the counties of Tipperary and Kilkenny, on the recommendation of Lords Donoughmore and Besborough, the respective Lord Lieutenants of these counties.



Table showing the total cost of each prisoner, per annum, in the various Gaols of Ireland, in the year 1844.

Antrim, £15 10 0
Do. Belfast, £14 9 5-1/2
Armagh, £9 17 8
Carlow, £15 19 0
Cavan, £15 9 1
Clare, £14 19 2-1/1
Cork, Co., £15 10 10-1/2
Cork City, £18 15 2
Donegal, £17 10 9
Down, £12 8 2
Dublin Co., £20 2 5-1/2
Dublin City, Newgate, £39 1 2-1/2
Do. Richmond Bridewell, £17 9 4
Do. Grangegorman Pen, £16 2 9
Fermanagh, £11 12 7-1/2
Galway, £13 4 10
Galway Town, £18 17 9-1/2
Kerry, £18 19 1-1/2
Kildare Naas, £26 13 2-1/2
Do. Athy, £24 7 5-1/2
Kilkenny, £14 15 0-1/2
Kilkenny City, £24 9 11-1/2
King's County, £15 5 1
Leitrim, £21 9 8-1/2
Limerick County, £16 6 8
Limerick City, £14 12 8
Londonderry, £17 14 11-1/2
Longford, £11 13 11
Louth, £19 3 3-1/2
Do. Drogheda, £20 5 0
Mayo, £12 13 6-1/2
Meath, £21 10 11
Monaghan, £15 4 10
Queen's County, £10 15 10
Roscommon, £18 5 0
Sligo, £19 12 8-1/2
Tipperary, Nenagh, £18 10 2
Do. Clonmel, £16 9 5
Tyrone, £15 7 11
Waterford, £15 3 4
Waterford City, £24 14 1
Westmeath, £15 10 11-1/2
Wexford, £16 18 9-1/2
Wicklow, £16 4 7



It is gratifying at length to be able to report that this County gaol is about to be enlarged. The sum of £5,000 has been presented for the purpose; and the plans have been prepared by Mr. Murray, the architect ; and it only remains for the Grand Jury, at the Spring Assizes, to ratify the proceedings, and appoint building Commissioners to commence this necessary work. Our annual reports, for many years, have consisted of a painful repetition of the total want of accommodation for any system of discipline calculated to reform prisoners, or to execute punishment. It is only necessary to report the single fact that there are only 18 cells for dormitories in the entire prison, for a daily average of 136 prisoners, to satisfy the County that the present expenditure is absolutely necessary, and could not longer be delayed. It was and is utterly impossible for the best officers to carry on any creditable system with the present accommodation; and the clean and orderly state of the prison, notwithstanding the congregated and unclassified numbers as- sembled at meals and work, is only to be attributed to the care and zealous inspection of the Local Inspector, Dr. Kidd, and the attention of all the officers, resident and non-resident, to their various duties.

STATE OF CRIME. Crime has diminished in this County, as in most others, within the last year. There were only 111 prisoners confined on the day of my inspection, viz.:
Males, 88
Females, 23

Forty-one of these were debtors, chiefly for small sums.

ACCOMMODATION.--The provision made for classification, employment, and separation, is so utterly deficient that it is unnecessary to go into detail, as the Grand Jury have presented £5,000 to remedy the evils arising from this defect, by erecting a considerable addition to the present buildings; and I propose communicating with the architect, with the view of making this small sum available to remedy the chief defects.

EMPLOYMENT.--The only employment for the male prisoners is the tread-wheel, and stone-breaking for the roads, in two large sheds ; and it is valuable as a relief from idleness, and acts as a punishment, and thus prevents the prison being a desirable residence for the depraved and idle. At a future period I hope to see the younger criminals taught trades, and otherwise morally improved by separation and instruction.

SCHOOL.--A good school is conducted under the care of a master, who is also store-keeper; and on examining the registry, I find many are taught to read who were ignorant.

FEMALE CLASS.--The female classes are conducted under the care of a matron and assistant, and as far as the confined accommodation admits of, they are attended to, receive in- struction in reading, and are employed in spinning and washing.

OFFICERS.--The Governor and resident and non-resident officers are all zealous in the performance of their duty, without which this County Gaol would necessarily be a scene of con- fusion, from the total absence of sufficient accommodation in cells to separate all at night, and the ill-disposed and unruly by day. To the zealous attention of Doctor Kidd, the Local In- spector, we are indebted much for the good order that prevails, and for the remedies he provides when difficulties occur. The Chaplains visit regularly, and attend to their flocks on Sunday; and the turnkeys appear to me to be qualified and well selected.

HOSPITAL.--There is a good Hospital, and the males and females are separated in it, and well attended to, under the care of Doctor Robinson, the Surgeon of the County Infirmary, whose zealous attention to the care of the sick in this crowded prison is manifest from the absence of contagious diseases and from there not being more than the ordinary number of patients for the average number in prison.

DIET.--The diet of prisoners is good in quality and suf- ficient in quantity, and is provided at an unusually moderate price. It will this year not exceed 2-1/2d per head per day. The usual mode in other gaols of the prisoners eating their food in their cells, cannot be complied with here, from the want of cells, at present ; but I attended at meal hours, and much order and regularity prevailed, notwithstanding the numbers assembled. Contracts are made by the Board of Superinten- dence for all articles of consumption, and no rations are allowed to any officer except the matron.

BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS.--I minutely examined the books, registers, and accounts, and they are correctly kept and made up half yearly. The check on the issue of all stores and provisions is properly preserved, and I do not think that any fraud exists.

CLOTHING.--There is no regular prison dress, and those only who are in great need are clothed by the County. This defect will, I think, be remedied in the new prison, as to do so is not only legal, but tends to good order and cleanliness. The solitary cells are quite deficient in size, ventilation, and heat. They should be used with great caution, and only for a few hours as a temporary punishment.



was celebrated on Tuesday last, by the troops in Armagh, with every possible demonstration of joy. The detachment of the 70th regiment under command of Major REED, and the local force, under command of Captain DONNELLAN, paraded on the Mall, and fired a feu de joie, after which three hearty cheers were given. We were particularly struck with the martial step and air of the veteran corps, who were remarkably well appointed, having been personally in- spected by Captain DONNELLAN the day previous, and several unfit men removed from the company. CHARLEMONT.—The event was celebrated in Charlemont with the customary military display. About 12 o’clock the troops in the garrison, consisting of a brigade of the Royal Artillery, under Major D’ARLEY, the 5th Fusileers [sic], under Lieutenant MASTERS, Captain WOODWORTH being on leave, together with the local corps, under Captain BRADLEY, proceeded to the exercising grounds, at the rere of the Castle, where a vast concourse of spectators had already assembled. Lieutenant-Colonel FADDY, R.A., commanding officer of Charlemont fort, and of the Royal Artillery for the northern district, having taken his place in the centre, the troops marched by in slow time, giving the general salute, after which, having formed into line, a Royal Salue of 21 guns was fired by the Royal Artillery, and a feu de joie from right to left by the Fusileers and local corps, Colonel FADDY having then given the word, three loud and lusty cheers were given for her Majesty, which made the welkin ring again. Several rapid and beautiful manœvres were executed, which markedly displayed the high state of discipline of the troops, and much gratification was felt at the steady, cheerful appearance of our Irish veterans embodied in the local corps. A large body of constabulary was present on the grounds, the Tyrone parties, under command of sub-Inspector V. GOOLD, of Dungannon; the county Armagh parties, under head Constable LODGE, of this city.




On Monday, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, (Imperial Hotel,) Enniskillen [Co Fermanagh], of a daughter.



On the 23d ult., at St. George’s Church, Dublin, James Power, Esq., of Colehill-house, county of Longford, to Eliza, second daughter of the late Alexander Nixon Montgomery, Esq., of Bessmount-park, county of Monaghan.

May 21, by the Rev. John Rutherford, Ballydown, Mr. Jas. Withers, editor of the Ulster Conservative, to Agnes, daughter of Captain Crawford, Mutton-hill, Banbridge [Co Down].



On Saturday last, at Blackwatertown, Margaret, wife of John Crothers, Esq., aged 26 years, seized by a fatal disease in the midst of youth and great usefulness.--She was enabled to commit herself with complete resignation to the will of God, and has, through his Grace, exchanged the varied relationships of life, which she eminently adorned, for the rest of a glorious immortality.

May 28, at Newry, in the 59th year of his age, Mr. Arthur Russell, of Rostrevor--and who was for many years a respectable inhabitant of Newry.

May 25, at 18, Kildare-street, Elizabeth, relict of William Studdert, Esq., of Clonlohan House, in the King's county, and only sister of the late Rev. Laucelot Dowdall, D.D., of Dungannon.

In Omagh, on Thursday, the 29th ult., of gastric fever, Mr. James Morrow, Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Preacher, in the 46th year of his age, and 21st year of his itinerancy. He has left a large family to deplore his loss, and is deeply re- gretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances. His end was peace.

March 16, at Hullyhall, near Darwar, Madras Presidency, Ensign John Edgar Leslie, of the 35th Native Infantry, eldest son of Major-General John Leslie, K.H., of her Majesty's ser- vice commanding at Bellary.

In Belfast, on the 25th ult., Fanny, daughter of the late Daniel Donelly, Esq., of Monaghan.

On the 18th April, at Kingston, Jamaica, Isabella, wife of William Henry Harrison, Esq., formerly of Belfast.

On the 23d ult., Miss Catherine Morrison, third daughter of Mr. Charles Morrison, of Cullentree-road, in the 10th year of her age.

On the 22d ult., at her mother's house, at Kingstown, Margaret, relict of Philip Geraghty, late of Dungannon, Esq.

May 21, at Newcastle, after a few days' illness, deeply regret- ted by his brother officers, and all who knew him, Colonel Archibald Montgomery Maxwell, K. H., Lieutenant-Colonel commanding the 36th Regiment.



On Monday evening last, R. Gray, Esq., our highly esteemed and energetic county Surveyor, on leaving Enniskillen for London by order of the House of Commons, as an evidence before the Railway Committee on the Newry and Enniskillen line, received, through this post-office, a threatening notice warning him of the fate of his late neigh- bour (the late Captain M’Leod) should he attempt to run a con- templated new road in the barony of Glenawley, as decided on by the late baronial sessions of that district, according to his own opinion of utility, and against the wishes of the people of the locality. The notice also warned Mr. Hall, of Innishmore Hall, and Dr. Tegerty, of a similar fate for having been pro- minent in support of the road as recommended by Mr. Gray.— In times like the present it cannot well be conceived that such a step as this would have been resorted to for sport. We hold it to be serious, and would therefore recommened [sic] a watch- ful determination. From the nature of the case we be- lieve there is little difficulty in accounting for the notice; and as little in the consciousness of the quarter from which it emanated. The gentry of Fermanagh are not, however, to be so easily forced into the terms of those who are de- based enough to seize upon existing appearances to subvert the conscientious discharge of the duties of our local magistrates and gentry.



THE Subscriber most respectfully begs leave to announce to the Public, that on MONDAY, the 26th instant, he pur- poses OPENING A HOTEL in that House lately occupid [sic] by JAMES J. CLARK, Esq. ; and by strict attention and moderate Charges, he hopes to merit public patronage. Excellent Post Horses, and steady Drivers on the shortest notice. JOSEPH MORRISON. Maghera [Co Down?], 13th May, 1845.



The following are the Circuits which the judges have selected to go at the next Assizes :--

NORTH-WEST.—The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice ; The Hon. Mr. Justice Torrens.

LEINSTER.—The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas ; The Hon. Baron Pennefather.

MUNSTER.—The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron ; The Hon. Judge Burton.

THE HOME.--The Hon. Judge Crampton ; The Right Hon. Judge Ball.

NORTH-EAST.—The Right Hon. Judge Perrin ; The Right Hon. Baron Richards.

CONNAUGHT.—The Right Hon. Baron Lefroy ; The Hon. Judge Jackson.



Mr. Tennent having been appointed Governor of Ceylon, in the room of Sir Colin Campbell, the present Governor, a vacancy will consequently occur in the representation of Belfast. Several gentlemen are named as likely to become candidates, among whom are Messrs. Johnson and Dunbar, Conservatives, and Mr. Shaft Adair, son of Sir Robert Adair, and Mr. Robert J. Tennant, Liberals; but Lord John Chichester, brother of the Marquis of Belfast, has alone addressed the constituency His Lordship declares himself a Conservative, and he promises, if elected, “to stand by the Protestant principles and institutions of the country, without reference or sacrifice to the views of any Ministry.”— Dublin Evening Post.



WITH OR WITHOUT THE ADJOINING LAND, (For such term as may be agreed on,)

THE AGENT’S HOUSE, near TANDRAGEE, lately oc- cupied by G.H. WILSON, Esq. The HOUSE is in perfect order, and contains Dining-room, Drawing-room, Study, six Bed-rooms, Servant’s Apartments, Bath-room and Laundry, and excellent Offices. The GARDEN is well stocked. The House is within a quarter of a mile of the Town, com- manding a beautiful view of Tandragee Castle and the Park. Two Coaches pass through TANDRAGEE daily, to and from the Drogheda and Portadown Railways. Application to be made to HENRY JOHN PORTER, Esq., TANDRAGEE CASTLE.



LURGAN.—The bridewell is admirably well kept, and I found it clean, and in good order. There are sufficient cells, with two day-rooms and two yards, for the accommodation of the few prisoners, till removed to the County gaol. The sexes are seaparated, the registry correctly kept, and the pauper prisoners are fed.

MARKETHILL.—This new bridewell has also sufficient ac- commodation for the temporary objects of these minor prisons. I found it in excellent order, the furniture complete, and the re- gistry of criminals kept. The paupers are fed, and the males and females separated.

NEWTOWNHAMILTON.—This small prison is also now well attended to, and no deficiency exists, as Dr. Kidd, the Local Inspector of the County Gaol, has been requested by the Board of Superintendence to visit the County Bridewells occasionally His visits have been most useful, as furniture is provided, and alterations made on good testimony, and any abuse rapidly cor- rected. But few prisoners are confined here, and, these, as in the other bridewells, only at Sessions, and for a few days, till removed to Armagh. The males and females are se- parated, the pauper prisoners fed, and the registry correctly kept.

BALLYBOT, NEWRY.—This bridewell is deficient in accom- modation, there being only two large cells ; there are also two day-rooms and two yards ; but the whole wants repair, and four more cells at least should be erected. The keeper is an old, and I believe a faithful, public officer ; and at his advanced age, I beg again to recommend his receiving a small pension, as is usual in other Counties. He attends to his duty as far as his age permits, and his registry is correctly kept. Provi- sion should at once be made for the cells I have recommended. JAMES PALMER, Inspector-General. December, 1844.



The following is an extract of a letter received by Mr. ROBERT SEWELL, of Aughnacloy, from his father, who resides near Ballyconnell, where GALLAGHER was murdered. The letter is dated May 26th, and depicts the state of that part of the county:-- “I write now under peculiar feelings of mind, having just received a letter from home, stating that my father has re- ceived a letter by post from Molly Maguire’s men, declaring that if he does not comply with their mandates he will be treated as Captain M’Leod was.”



And art thou gone? affliction's hand Has early closed thy days below ; Thy God has wiped off every tear, And took thee from a world of woe.

Yet, when thy form I call to mind, The elastic step, the buoyant tread, I seem to doubt the tale I bear-- That Starr is numbered with the dead.

For thee, sweet girl, no mother's hand, Wiped death's cold dew from off thy brow, And pointed to the realms of light, Where thou, a blessed one art now.

No sister knelt beside thy couch, To watch thy looks with anxious fear-- To share the pain she could not heal, And weep, and pray, for one so dear.

Yes, thou art gone, meek, suffering girl-- Gone to the rest prepared by God, To live exempt from every care, With Jesus in his blest abode.

Armagh, May 23d, 1845. E. Y.



And will be published in a few days, REASONS OF PROTEST AGAINST THE ENDOWMENT OF MAYNOOTH, Sold by M’WATERS, Armagh, and to be had of all Booksellers.


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