Lurgan Coat of Arms The Lurgan Gazette

10 December, 1844  


On Sunday evening last, about half-past seven o'clock, as Mr. Kilkelly, solicitor, of Nenagh [Co Tipperary], was passing down Summer-hill, and when opposite the house lately occupied by Mr. Hanly, some evil-minded ruffian came behind his back, and hurled a huge stone with both  hands at that gentleman's head, which fortunately escaped its intended victim. Mr. Kilkelly pursued the fellow, but owing to the darkness of the evening, together with his having run up Falveys-lane, he remains as yet undiscovered.



Dennis Kennedy and Michael Brien are fully committed by  Major Priestly, for being of an armed party who broke into the  house of Mr. Robert Proctor, on the night of the 27th November  last and took therefrom one gun, two flasks of powder, one shot  bag and a quantity of gun caps.



An inquest was held at Immill, in this county [Kilkenny], on the 26th November, on the body of Richard  Butler (where a post mortem examination took place,) and the  inquest was adjourned to the following day to the Court-house of  Pilltown. It appeared by the examination of several very reluctant witnesses, and by the deceased's declaration, that he was drinking in Comerford's public-house at Mooncoin, and afterwards went into Dunphy's public-house, on the evening of Nov. 19, after having been at a hack race which was got up by publicans to suit their own purposes. A row took place in Dunphy's house, one party shouting for "Barllytarsney," and another for "Poulrone," shortly after which the deceased left the house in company with another man, and was followed by several others, who pursued and overtook him about a quarter of a mile from Dunphy's, where he was beaten by six or seven savages and received several cuts on the head, from the effects of which he lingered until the 28th. The jury brought in a verdict of wilful murder against three persons known, and others unknown.

Kilkenny Moderator.



Rody Brasill, (otherwise R. Brasington, Esq.) was apprehended in this city on Monday morning, by that most expert member of the detective police force, Sergeant Riedy, and the nature of this fellow's occupation should be known soon as possible, as other clever imposters may be doing the same successful trick in other parts of the coun- try. Mr. Brasil, or Brasington, represented himself as an agent to Lord Devon in the Landlord and Tenant Commission, to survey cottier farms, make estimates of the rent and actual value. Upon this important duty he was engaged last week in the neighbourhood of Newmarket-on-Fergus, telling the poor country people he had authority from the commission to reduce the amount of both rent and taxes by is report to that body : and further to lay out ground on the allotment system for all those to get a portion. It was easy to find credulous dupes as- sured of what he said, and desirous to encourage him in this undertaking, by a voluntary contribution on every little farm or holding. From several persons he got sums of money, va- rying from 2s. 6d. to 5s., and in some instances a pound, so sanguine were they of the happy result. The parish priest at length found out this official gentleman, and cautioned his flock from the altar, last Sunday, against him. Accordingly the land-agent decamped same night to this city, where he slept, and the Clare police then came in pursuit, but it was re- served for Sergeant Riedy, to discover him, with his book of plans, and the sketches he made the very next morning while engaging a secretary to assist his profitable operations for the land commissioners elsewhere. In his pocket-book was found a certificate of character from the Rev. Mr. McMahon, P.P., of Doonass, recommending him as a steward of the Shannon commissioners. The prisoner is an active, well-dressed young man, and has already let out that he is not the only person en- gaged in this new branch of the land commissioners' inquiries. Limerick Chronicle.



English-street, Armagh, and Church-street, Dungannon.


Takes this opportunity to return his sincere thanks to the Nobility and Gentry of Armagh and its neighbourhood, for their kind support for the last fifteen years as a Book Binder, and respectfully solicits a trial in the other departments of his Business, as punctuality and a moderate profit shall be strictly attended to. In order to supply the different Periodicals and New Publications, he has opened a correspondence with the principal Publishers in London, Glasgow, Dublin and Belfast, so that any Periodical or New Publication may be had in a reasonable time without any additional expense. S.W., Invites Public attention to this Stock of

PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY. HE HAS ON HANDS A LARGE STOCK OF Merchants' Account-books of various sizes; Memorandum, Pass- books, Pocket Ledgers, &c.; an extensive assortment of  Writing, Plain, Gilt, Mourning and Letter Papers, Music and  Drawing Papers, Bristol Board, &c.; a variety of Scrap-books,  Pocket-books, Note Cases, Albums, Portfolios, Visiting and  Playing Cards, of the best quality ; a well-selected Stock of  Bibles, Prayer-books, Psalm-books, in plain and most superb  bindings.


He begs to say he has just received a good supply of Binding Materials, viz. Plain and Coloured CALF-SKINS, MOROCCO, RUSSIA and VELLUM, of good permanent Colours. Specimens of Binding may be seen at either of the Shops, and all orders promptly attended to and executed on the premises.

AGENT FOR THE SALE OF CHAMBERS'S WORKS. THE CIRCULATING LIBRARY Contains a variety of the most select Standard Novels and Romances, comprising the Works of the following Writers, viz.: Sir WALTER SCOTT, BULWER, Captain MARRYAT, MAXWELL, DICKETS, THEODORE HOOK, BOZ, LEVER, CARLETON, LOVER, B. D'ISRAELI, WARREN, Mrs.  TROLLOPE, EUGENE SUE, &c., &c. TERMS:

£ s. d.

Per Night.....................0. 0. 1.
Week......................... 0. 0. 6.
Month..........................0. 2. 0.
Quarter.......................0. 5. 0.
Half-year...................0. 10. 0.
Year...........................1. 0. 0.

S.W. shall make it his study to hold out advantages which cannot be equalled by Booksellers who take in Books to bind, and is then obliged to send them elsewhere to have them bound. -- Books and Periodicals of every description supplied to order. Account Books and Stationery constantly on Sale.



An Apprentice wanted to the Bookbinding Business.



A threatening notice was posted a few nights ago on the dwelling-house of Michael Fogarty, at Bawnona [Co Tipperary], and a shot fired through the door.  Fogarty is employed to burn lime by Mr. Carden, Barnane, and the  notice was to the effect that he should continue it.



We heard last week of a serious rot in the potato pits in several parts of the country, and upon inquiry we now find the evil report is more general and that a great deficiency is likely to occur in the actual produce. This fearful prospect is ascribed to the excessive moisture of the after season, the continued heavy rains which affected the late crop, especially where a re-sowing took place, but we hope the damage is not so extensive as many apprehend. The potato pits should be carefully inspected, and the best remedy adopted to arrest the threatened evil.

Limerick Chronicle.



Married, at Moate  Farrell, last week, Polly McGlynn, widow of the late Patrick White, James Gray, and John Hanley, at the  early age of 89 years, to William Tuite, pig doctor in  ordinary and dancing-master extraordinary, at the  youthful age of 84 years, after burying his fifth wife.  Their combined ages make a total of 173 years, and ten marriages.

Ballyshannon Herald.



On Thursday last James Johnston, Esq., of Kinlough House, entertained his numerous labourers and many of his tenantry to a plentiful supply of roast beef, plum pudding, &c. Mr. Johnston, with the younger branches of the family, presided; and, after an evening spent in the utmost harmony, the company separated at twelve o'clock, delighted with the hospitality of their indulgent landlord.

Derry Sentinel.



About the hour of eight o'clock, on the night of the 25th ultimo, a party of six men, some of whom were armed, visited the house of the Widow Costelloe, at Lower Curraghgrague [Co Tipperary],  searched the rooms and trunks apparently for money, but not  finding any inquired where the gun was. Mrs. Costelloe  happening to be convenient to the house, and seeing the fellows  enter, dispatched servant boy on horseback to the nearest police  station for assistance, but a man who remained outside the door fired a shot after him, fortunately without effect.



An armed party consisting of six men, went to the residence of Robert Proctor, at Curragh [Co Kildare] ,  on the night of the 27th Nov. and robbed it of a gun.



An unoccupied house, the property of John Gleeson, was set on fire at Carrigmansell [Co Tipperary], on the  2th ult., and totally consumed. Gleeson dispossessed a tenant  some time ago for non-payment of rent.



Some persons went to the premises of Mr. Robert NESBITT, at Liskinlane, near Borrisokane [Co  Tipperary], on Friday night last, and broke some ploughing  implements, his property.

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