The usual monthly meeting of the above body was held in the Town-hall on Monday last, August 1.
Present:--J. O. Woodhouse, Esq., Chairman ; T. A. Shillington, J. Johnston, D. Ferguson, S. Munro, J. Watson, W. Mathews, D. Thornton, J. J. Marlay, J. Fulton, W. J. Paul, J. Kernan, and D. W. Irwin, Esqrs. The minutes of last meeting were read by the clerk and confirmed.
The tender of John McCann was accepted for making the footpath on the bridge and to Mr. Watson's corner, at 4s. 8d. per perch.
Mr. Ferguson said the Presbyterian body wished to flag before their church, and requested permission from the Commissioners, and that they would allow them the 4s. 8d. per perch towards it.
The Chairman said he thought there would be no objection to that.
Mr. Shillington called attention to the gate of the Presbyterian Church opening on the road. It was dangerous, and also illegal.
Mr. Paul said they should get leave to flag on condition that they altered the gate.
Mr. Ferguson said he would put his foot on that. He acknowledged the gate should have been made to slide, but, they might as well compel Mr. Paul to take off his shuts on the inside, as compel them to alter the gate.
Mr. Paul It is a different case entirely, but I want no discussion about it. The law could compel it to be done.
Mr. Ferguson believed that the flagging would compel the altering of the gate.
Mr. Shillington The committee of the Presbyterian Church require no favour at our hands, and it would be ungracious to put terms on them. Besides there was no necessity, as the Commissioners could make it be done if necessary.
Leave was then given, and the matter dropped.
Mr. Ferguson brought under the notice of the Board, the letting of the large room in the Townhall, and objected to the present rates on three grounds.
First they were too high. In Armagh, with a population of from 12 to 14,000, the Tontine could be got for £1 per night; in Belfast, with its large population,
the Wellington Hall could be procured for £1; while in Portadown, with its 4 or 5,000, £1 was charged also. That was neither right nor fair. It was well known that many parties hearing the high price would not come to the town, and hindered others also from coming. His second objection was: he did not consider it fair that strangers should be charged more than residents both should be the same; and thirdly, because the present arrangements were arbitrary and tyrannical, for it seemed that a certain notice had to be given before the rule could be altered, and when the notice would come under discussion some flaw would be discovered to upset it, and the same formula
than residents both should be the same; and thirdly, because the present arrangements were arbitrary and tyrannical, for it seemed that a certain notice had to be given before the rule would be altered, and when the notice would come under discussion some flaw would be discovered to upset it, and the same formula would have to be gone through again and again.
Still the Commissioners broke the rule themselves, for they changed the rate to the Temperance and other Societies from 1 to 10s per night, without any notice.
But he (Mr. Ferguson) contended that no notice was necessary, inasmuch as the act of parliament binds them down to do certain things whether they will or not, and the law with regard to notice refers to such ; but the Commissioners are not compelled to build a Townhall or Court-house, but are authorised to do so, and may make their own regulations with regard to it, and therefore no notice was required. He then moved -- That all resolutions and arrangements as to letting the Assembly-room be revoked, with the intention of making some better arrangement in reference to letting said room than exists at present.
The Chairman said Mr. Ferguson was correct in his opinion about no notice being necessary. The act was very clear on that point, and notice must be given.
Mr. Ferguson said he would waive that point.
Mr. D. Thornton seconded Mr. Ferguson s motion.
Passed unanimously.
Mr. Ferguson then rose to propose the new terms, but Mr. Shillington said the motion before the meeting had been passed, and no other could be brought forward without notice.
The Chairman ruled that Mr. Ferguson was in order.
Mr. Ferguson said he wished to bring his motion as to the terms of letting forward in the shape of a suggestion. It was merely ground work for others to work upon. He moved that the price for all paid performances should be 10s.; for free lectures, 5s. ; and for gratuitous religious services, 2s. 6d. per night.
The Chairman asked was the item of gas considered in the last proposed charge ?
Mr. Ferguson said it would just clear the expense, and he thought no more should be charged for such a purpose.
Mr. Monro If the parties who would take the Hall at 2s. 6d. did not like the parties coming in at 10s. as it will likely they would not, they could keep the Hall from them by paying the 2s. 6d. beforehand That would not be fair.
Mr. Fulton thought 5s. would be a fairer price for the religious services.
The Chairman said it would be better to take them in order, the 10s. proposition first.
Mr. Thornton suggested 15s. or 12s. 6d. for the first night, and 10s. for the second.
Mr. Paul wished to know if the room was taken for, say, six successive Mondays, would the price be 15s. for the first, and 10s. for the succeeding evenings?
Mr. Guy said such a case had not occurred yet, but he would say the charge should be 15s. for every Monday.
Mr. Thornton said to divide between the 15s. and the 12s. 6d., and make it 13s. 4d. for the first night, and 10?s. for each succeeding one.
Mr. Shillington said the difference was so paltry it was not worth mentioning, if reduced at all let it be to 10s.
It was then put to the meeting that 10s. be the charge per night for the use of the Assembly-room, and carried without a dissentient voice.
On the second part of Mr. Ferguson s motion 5s per night for free lectures 7s. 6d. was proposed. It was put to the vote, and the latter carried by the casting vote of the Chairman.
The third part the Chairman objected to strongly.
He thought the Town-hall should not be given away for nothing, and they should be very cautious that it would be kept for its original purpose. They had all contributed towards the building of religious houses in the town, and the Town-hall should not be turned to that use, as it might likely lead to difficulties. All sects had contributed to the building of it all paid rates for it and all were interested in it.
It might lead to difficulties in this way, and he would relate a case in point. When the Presbyterian body had no place of worship in this town, their minister came to him (Mr. Woodhouse) and requested the use of the house now occupied by the Ulster Bank, for a few weeks to hold their service in.
He granted his request, but the weeks lengthened into years, and finally he had to take proceedings which he would rather not, to recover this property.
Such a difficulty might occur in this case, but laying that aside, he did not think it would be judicious for the Commissioners, acting for the ratepayers, to let the room for nothing for that purpose.
After a good deal of discussion, Mr. Paul proposed, and Mr. Johnston seconded, an amendment to the effect that the Townhall be let for union prayer meetings only for 5s per night. He showed the difference between Mr. Ferguson s motion and his. Mr. F s provided that any religious denomination might have it for that sum, but his (Mr. Paul s) provided for union prayer meetings alone, not for sects.
Mr. Shillington proposed that the price for such services be 7s 6d per night.
Mr. Monro seconded the amendment.
The Chairman then put Mr. Shillington s amendment, which was lost by 8 to 4 ; then Mr. Paul s, which met the same fate by 9 to 3.
Mr. Ferguson said he would, to meet the views of the meeting, make the charge on the third part of his motion 5s.
The following were appointed a committee, in the event of a difficulty arising as to whom the room should be set, that the clerk should refer the matter to :--J. Woodhouse, J. J. Marlay, D. W. Irwin, J.
Kernan, and J. Johnston, Esqrs. three to form a quorum.
Henry Magee was appointed scavenger for the coming year, at a salary of £37.
Mr. James Carlile, of Lurgan and Portadown, obtained the contract for keeping the pumps in repair, at £8 10s.
The clerk said his attention had been called to the state of the Townhall stairs by Mr. B. Robb, who said he did not consider them safe. He (Mr. Guy) then got Mr. Boyd, the architect, to look at them, who pronounced them unsafe also.
Referred to committee who are to report at next monthly meeting.
Notices were handed in from the following, of their intention to build: Mr. James Grew, three in Thomas-street; Mr. M Dowell, two bays of a house in Obins-street; Mr. James Wright, three houses in Montague-street; Robert Huston, three houses in Montague-street, and Lodwick Wilson, one house in his garden.
The Chairman said the act expressly ordered that plans should in all cases be lodged with the notices, and that it was never attended to. The accounts were then passed, cheques signed, and the Board adjourned.
On Tuesday, the 2nd August, the wife of B. P. Davidson, Esq., Abbey-street, Armagh, of a daughter.
August 1, at Armagh, William Stavely, Esq., only son of late John Stavely, Esq., Chequer Hall, County Antrim, aged twenty-five years.
Important and Unreserved Sale by Auction of Wheat, Oats, Flax, Hay, Potatoes, Fruit, Horses, Cows, Farm Implements, Carriages, Harness, Household Furniture, Piano, &c.
IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE late HENRY CLENDINING, ESQ., I have received instructions from the Executors to SELL the entire of the Valuable STOCK, CROP, FURNITURE, &c., by PUBLIC AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 10th day of AUGUST, and following days :--
THE CROP comprises Twenty Acres Wheat ; Twenty Acres Oats ; Ten Acres Flax ; Thirty Cocks Hay ; Ten Acres Meadow ; Ten Acres Potatoes ; Six Acres Turnips ; Two Acres Beans ; the Fruit of Five Acres of Orchard.
THE STOCK are Five Farm Horses ; One Powerful Entire Horse, Sampson, perfectly quiet in any kind of draught ; One Splendid Poney [sic], quiet in Harness, and very fast ; Bay Colt by Tallyho, 4 years old ; Chesnut Filly, 4 years old, out of that celebrated dam Molly Maguire; Capital Mule, 6 years old ; Ten Excellent Dairy Cows; Six Two Years Old and Five Yearling Heifers and Bullocks, and Five Weaning Calves ; Six Store Pigs ; Four Carts ; Harrows ; Metal Roller ; Two Ploughs ; Drill Plough ; Grubbers ; Oat Bins; Sacks; Winnowing Machine ; Five Sets of Cart Harness ; Outside Car ; Phaeton ; Tax Cart ; Saddles ; Bridles ; Lumber, &c., &c.
THE FURNITURE comprises Mahogany Parlour and Drawing-room Chairs ; Dining, Card, and other Tables ; Sofas; Sideboard ; Mahogany Albert and other Bedsteads ; Toilet Tables and Glasses; Ness of Drawers ; Carpets ; Hearth Rugs ; a large quantity of Delf ; China ; Flint ; Knives and Forks ; Kitchen and Dairy Utensils; Lumber, &c.
To commence with the Crop on the first day of Sale, at TEN o Clock ; Horses and Cattle will be Sold at TWO o Clock. The Furniture will be Sold on second day of Sale, commencing at ELEVEN o Clock.
Terms of Sale Credit will be given to the 1st November next, on any sum above £5, on approved Security, for the Crop ; Cash for all else. Purchasers to pay Auctioneer's Commission.
Auctioneer and Valuator.
Wheatfield, Richhill,
28th July, 1859.
Just Published, Price 2d., Three Copies by Post for 7d.
32mo., 64 pages. GEORGE PHILLIPS AND SONS,
Bridge-street, Belfast, where may be had Hymns, Tracts, Pamphlets, Sermons, &c., on the present Revival.
You are perfectly correct. Complain to the postmaster. Letter-carriers have no right to loiter when delivering letters.
Mr. John Troughton has been authorised to collect accounts for this establishment [Portadown Weekly News].
The Rev. James Kernan, (son of our respected townsman, Mr. John Kernan), Congregational Minister of Gloucester, will preach on to-morrow, morning and evening, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Thomas-street.
On Saturday night, the return excursion train on the Ulster railway ran into a goods train at the Richhill station, and but for the slow pace at which it was proceeding at the time, the most serious consequences would have followed. On the morning of that day, a number of gentlemen left Armagh for the Giant s Causeway, and had reached Richhill, on their return, at about a quarter to eleven o clock. There was only one carriage, with a van, and it is said the luggage train happened to be on the switches, or points, at the station when the collision occurred.
Whether the signal-man neglected his duty, or was ignorant of the danger, has not been determined ; but there is very little doubt that he is the sole cause of the the [sic] unfortunate accident, and, pending inquiry, he has been suspended. The fireman and engine-driver are severely hurt, the guard and supernumerary guard slightly. About twenty passengers are stated to have been variously injured, and among the rest Dr. Robinson, of County Armagh Infirmary.
The van is greatly damaged, and some waggons [sic] more or less. After a short interruption, the excursion ???? were enable to resume their journey. Whig.
A most fearful accident, attended with a most melancholy loss of life, took place at an early hour on Thursday morning, at Loughgunar, in the vicinity of Maryglass. From what we learn, it would appear that the family of Mr. Thomas Murphy, a farmer residing in that neighbourhood, were aroused about two o clock in the morning by the discovery that the interior of the house was in flames. It was discovered that one of the children, a fine little boy of eight years, was missing, and the appalling truth at once burst upon the parents, that in their efforts to save their offspring one had been overlooked. The remains of the child were not discovered until evening, after the fire had consumed all the destructible portion of the habitation. Wexford Constitution.
At these Sessions on Tuesday last magistrates present : J. O. Woodhouse, T. A. Shillington, and W. Reid, Esqrs. the business was very light.
There was not a single case of drunkenness.
Head-Constable Scott fined three parties 1s/ each and costs, for having false beams and scales and unstamped weights in their possession. Scales, &c., to be forfeited.
With the exception of Belfast, where the Nisi Prius Court drags its weary length along under the presidency of the Lord Chief Baron, the Summer Assizes of 1850 are over.
Generally speaking the calendars were light, and contrasted favorably with bygone years ; but in the Kings County the venerable Chief Justice Lefroy felt it to be his duty to remark upon the great number of ribbon outrages in that county which had escaped detection and for which he administered a sharp rebuke to the police. These outrages are, no doubt, difficult of discovery ; they are planned and executed in secresy [sic], but their frequent recurrence in any particular district should stimulate the constabulary in it to a greater degree of exertion to discover the criminals, and it is to be hoped that the words of Judge Lefroy will have due weight, and that the Kings County will soon be cleared of midnight assassins.
In Galway, several persons accused of rioting and burning a school-house at Tuam, from which the Christian Brothers had been evicted, were acquitted, although the evidence as reported appears conclusive as to their guilt ; and what is worse, the acquitted were received on their return to Tuam with bonfires and public rejoicings. The people of Galway should not forget the generous support they have received from Protestants in their struggle for the Packet Station, and they should not shake public confidence in their impartaility by exulting as Roman Catholics at the escape of their fellow-worshippers from justice. It should be their interest and their duty to show the utmost respect for the laws. It is not assuring to Protestants to see a large amount of property destroyed by a violent mob without any endeavour to prevent it, and subscriptions entered into for the defence of those who were more than supposed to have been engaged in it. Such occurrences are calculated to disgust many who overlooked Galway s Romanism in supporting the Packet Station there.
Amongst the Records the most remarkable case was at Downpatrick, where a national schoolmaster named Russell (he had been for some time in this town in the tea, haberdashery, linen, and fancy trade,) got 35 damages for being, not tarred and feathered, but treacled and feathered, with some other unmentionable indignities, and then hunted along the road to the great amusement of the neighbouring urchins. No doubt the schoolmaster was illegally pilloried, but he brought his punishment on himself by persevering annoyances to the family that thus Lynched him, but most people will think he well deserved all he suffered, and more. His castigation was much to the satisfaction of every head of a family who wishes to escape impertinent obtrusion. We shall be anxious to see if the Board of National Education will direct an inquiry into the case, and if so what will be the result.
At Cork an action was brought against the proprietor of the Daily Express for a libel on one of the jurors who differed from his fellows at one of the Phoenix trials at Tralee. It was settled by the defendant making an apology and paying all the expenses. In his opening statement the plaintiff s counsel insinuated that the article complained of was written by Mr. Whiteside, and then repeatedly applied the term villain to the writer, and called the article an unmitigated lie. It was flatly denied that Mr. Whiteside knew anything whatever about it, but such coarseness of language is inexcusable, especially from a Q.C., nor do we think that northern jurors would patiently listen to it.
On the whole these assizes show that Irishmen are neither so criminal or litigious as they used to be. The Phoenixites got a general amnesty, or what would be commonly called a fool s pardon, and we hope they will lie quietly in their ashes, and that there will be an end to such folly. And we must not omit the well-deserved tribute paid by Chief Baron Pigot, a Roman Catholic judge, to the revivals, by attributing to their blessed influence the decrease of crime and party spirit in the county of Down.
To take charge of Wheatfield House and Farm, a CARETAKER ; must be well recommended.
A man without a family would be preferred.
ALL PERSONS WHO STOOD INDEBTED TO THE LATE DAVID BRIGHT, of Edenderry, Portadown, Grocer, &c., at the time of his decease, are requested to pay the amount of their respective debts to us, on or before the 1st day of Sept. next; and any accounts remaining unpaid after that date will be handed over to our Solicitor, for collection without further notice.
Dated this 18th day of July, 1859.
Executors of the said D. BRIGHT.
WE, THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE Mr. David Bright, wish to acknowledge the receipt from Mr. A. Cowdy, agent, of £718 odd, amount of insurance effected by him on his life, in the above office.
Portadown, August 4, 1859.
A man named John O Hanlon got his leg broken by the falling of a bag of flour on it, when loading his cart at the Railway station.
We observe by advertisement, that Mr. Carlisle, of Lurgan, has opened a branch establishment in this town, for carrying on the plumbing and gas-fitting business. He made a good beginning by taking, at the last Commissioners meeting, the contract for keeping the pumps in repair.
On Saturday night last, about eleven o clock, the constabulary patrol were informed that a young man named John Coleman, residing near the Dublin-bridge, had suddenly become insane, and was very violent. The police hastened to the house, and found the unfortunate man shut up in a small room, the door of which he had barred on the inside. By peeping through a chink of the door, the constables could observe him wielding an open razor in his hand, and threatening to destroy any person who would go near him. The police broke open the door, and with great risk managed to knock the razor out of his hand, which was rather a perilous undertaking, as there was no light in the room. They, with much difficulty, succeeded in removing him to the prison, where he remained until next day, when he was committed to the Lunatic Asylum. The only cause which can be assigned for this sudden attack is, that Coleman must have received a sun-stroke. Westmeath Guardian.