Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

17 June, 1845  


We are happy to hear that the majority of the Resident Ma- gistrates have come forward in the most liberal and handsome manner to pay their tribute of respect for the memory of the late lamented Captain M’Leod ; and to express their feelings towards the widow and family, by presenting her with an ad- dress of condolence through their senior, accompanied with a purse, containing a sum of money, to be disposed of as she may have occasion. We feel assured that all the Resident Ma- gistrates will unite in this expression of feeling, so creditable to that respectable body, and so eminently consoling to the feel- ings of the bereaved widow and family of the honored dead.— Dublin Evening Packet.



Dr. Cooke, of Belfast, and Dr. Kirwin, of Galway, are named as likely to be the future presidents of the respective colleges of these places.



CARRICKMACROSS [Co Monaghan], JUNE 9.—On Saturday last the workmen and labourers in the employment of Sir George Foster, Bart., were entertained at dinner, at his seat, Coolderry, to celebrate the coming of age of his eldest son, Lieutenant Thomas Oriel Foster, of her Majesty’s 77th Regiment, now on duty in Jamaica. The guests, amounting to upwards of ninety persons, were plentifully regaled with beef and pudding, and drank the healths of the absent heir, of their kind hosts, Sir George and his lady, and of the younger members of the family, with loud cheers and hearty good-will. After the repast, the company adjourned to a large barn, where, to the enlivening music of the violin and bagpipe, they footed it merrily, until the shades of twilight warned them to depart ; when, after partaking of an ample supply of tea and cake, they returned in peace and good humour to their respective homes, highly gratified with the hospitality they received.



CHRISTOPHER SMITH, Lower Irish-street, who earned his livelihood by dealing in old shoes, put an end to his existence on Wednesday morning last, by cutting his throat. An inquest was held that day by Mr. GEORGE HENRY, of Tassa, Coroner, and a verdict of temporary insanity returned.



‘Tis past, the latest throb is o’er, Thy soul hath gained the heavenly shore, That lifeless form is thee no more, Isabel!

‘Tis past, and can it, can it be ! That thy young smile no more we’ll see, That thus have fled our dreams of thee, Isabel!

And is it thus hath sunk in night ! The future hope had pictured bright, And glowing with affection’s light, Isabel!

We may recal [sic] thy winning tone, Each gentle gift that round thee shone, Alas ! ‘tis but to mourn all gone, Isabel!

We can but let our memories trace Deep thoughts that time can ne’er efface, Of all thy unassuming grace, Isabel!

Could earth’s fond love have kept thee here ! Not thus would fall the bitter tear— Not thus we’d mourn thy early bier, Isabel!

And it should soothe each aching breast, To think that thou has reached thy rest— That He who took thee, loved the best, Isabel!

And gently may His presence come To fill the void in heart and home— To breathe soft counsel from thy tomb, Isabel!

Farewell ! tho’ while on earth I be No more thy beaming glance I’ll see Deep in my soul I’ll think of thee, Isabel!

Armagh, 20th May, 1845.



These lawless vagabonds still continue their out- raging course in the county Cavan. Scarcely a night passes without some new depredation having been com- mitted ; and from the accounts daily received of their doings in that and adjoining counties, it is fearful to think of the organization necessary to effect such sys- tematic acts of atrocity. A respectable correspondent details their progress during the past week :--

An armed party visited the house of a man of the name of Thady Maguire, of Monesk, on Tuesday last, placed him on his knees, put a book in his hand, presented a gun to his breast, and compelled him three times to swear to return to her rela- tions the fortune he received with his former wife. One of the party then took the same book and swore if he did not comply with the demand in the course of that day, he would put the con- tents of the gun through him.

Another party visited a man named M’Niff, of Corri-Tubbor, placed him on his knees, threatening to shoot him if he would swear to not having a gun which they demanded. When M’Niff denied a second time, one of the party primed a gun, and again placed it to his victim’s breast. M’Niff then raised his hand to defend himself, and received the contents in his arm, which was dreadfully wounded ; and thus providentially his life was saved. The ruffians then placed M’Niff’s wife against the wall, with her arms extended, and threatened to use her similarly if she refused to tell where her husband’s gun was concealed. She persisted in denial, and they withdrew.

The same party then went to a man named Stephen Gilroy, living in the same townland. They also placed him in a kneel- ing posture, and commanded him to swear to give up his land, which he held in peaceable possession for the last twelve years. Gilroy refused ; when one of the party called in a Mr. White-stockings, whose office was that of executioner. He came forward and demanded immediate compliance, otherwise he would shoot him, stating he had £10 for every man he shot. The poor man finding no other alternative was forced to swear.

On Saturday last a very respectable man name Veitch had his house broken in by another party of the Mollys, who suc- ceeded in robbing him of £207. Several servants belonging to the house were arrested and examined, but nothing found out that would lead to discovery.

On Monday last Christopher Plunket, Esq., R.M., and H.W. Wray, S.I., with a strong escort of police, proceeded to Glen from Swanlinbar, county Cavan, in search of the Molly Maguires who usually parade there; the Mollys finding the police on duty, set to work in the vicinity of Swanlinbar, and took the guns of four respectable farmers.

Several Molly Maguire notices were received through the Ballyconnell post-office a few days past. Amongst the rest was one to the post-master himself, giving him only till Saturday night to live.

We are happy to learn that a strong military force is expected at Dowra, where there is to be an encamp- ment, which is to be augmented by police from the surrounding stations. We hope this may have the ef- fect of putting down violence in districts which had hitherto been so proverbially peaceful.



Lord STANLEY, on Thursday night, introduced his bill for securing compensation to tenants. The digest of his lordship’s speech, which we give in our Parlia- mentary columns, will give our agricultural friends an idea of the measure. It is proposed to secure, under certain limitations, compensation for building, draining, and improved fencing, or, rather, for leveling broad and bad fences, the limitations being intended to fix certain periods at which the tenant may be supposed to have received the full benefits of his improvements, and to have, in consequence no claim for compensation. The compensation ceases at thirty, fourteen, and twenty years, respectively. But the whole amount of compensation yearly, is to be limited. No tenant is to be allowed more for building than at the rate of £3 for each acre he holds, £1 for fences, and £3 for drain- age. For the whole of these, taken together, £5 per acres is to be the hightest [sic] sum secured.

In order that all this may be done systematically, a tenant desiring to improve must first communicate with “the Commissioner of Improvements,” in Dublin, who is to be appointed by government. With him and his assistants lie the arrangements, and these completed, the improving tenant is under the sanction and protec- tion of statute law in all his outlay. Lord PORTMAN expressed himself disappointed at the measure, particularly the definition of the tenant right, and by way of more clearly defining that right, introduced a bill on Thursday, for the purpose of giv- ing a compensation not to exceed the amount of three years’ rent for tillages and for permanent improve- ments, and which may be claimed by any tenant hold- ing with or without a lease, at any time within six months prior to the expiration of the lease, or before quitting the tenement. In both cases, if we may pronounce an opinion at so early a stage, the propositions will be utterly incom- petent to any good result.



The claims of this line have been allowed, and the prospectus of the company appears in our advertising columns. The intelligence was conveyed from London to Newry by Liverpool in nineteen hours, and but for a casual delay of the Magnet steamer would have been brought in seventeen hours. The exertions of the Newry Telegraph now and from the beginning in advocacy of the project are very praiseworthy.



This was a meeting for the proof of debts, choice of assignee, and surrender of the bankrupt, who, however, was nor forth- coming.

Several debts having been proved, Messrs. Cumming and Baily were appointed assignees. Mr. John Murray, agent to the commission, stated to the court that there were several works in progress of printing, and that Mr. Commissioner Plunket had given permission to carry on the works for the good of the estate. The Commissioner inquired if Mr. Cumming could form any conjecture as to the amount of the bankrupt’s debts? Mr. Cumming could not reply to his Honor’s question. The Commissioner—Do you know if he made any statement of his affairs to his creditors during the last twelve months or two years? Mr. Cumming replied that Mr. Folds had always represented his affairs in the most favorable light. At this period of the proceedings,

Mr. J.A. Curran entered the court, and informed his Honor, that he was concerned for twenty-five workmen, to each of whom a fortnight’s wages was due, amounting to £3 5s. Sum- monses had been issued by the parties against Mr. Folds, and the Lord Mayor had made an order for the amount. The orders having been handed in, The Commissioner observed that the summonses were all issued two days after the commission had been issued; they were dated the 21st of May, 1845, and the earliest summons was issued on the 23d. With great deference to the Lord Mayor, he (the Commissioner) could not entertain those orders inasmuch as, after the Bankrupt Court had assumed a power over the estate and person of a bankrupt, no other court had jurisdiction in the case. Mr. Curran said that, under those circumstances his clients must only come in and prove.

The Commissioner said that he felt for the situation of the parties, and had every wish to protect trade ; he would there- fore direct Mr. Curran to prepare a proposition setting forth the facts of the case, which he (the Commissioner) would receive on any morning it was laid before him. Mr. Murray, having applied for leave to employ an account- ant, for the sake of arranging the bankrupt’s books. The Court gave permission, warning the assignees to be careful as to the agreement they should make with any party they employed, and that it would be the particular order of the Court that the accountant so employed should be sworn as to the truth of his statement.

It was then arranged that a person who acted in the capacity of book-keeper to Folds should if possible, be employed. Mr. Murray wished to state to the Court that the premises were mortgaged for the sum of £1,400, and that until the mortgagee come [sic] in and proved his titled, the premises could not be sold. The Commissioner then gave permission for the printing of the works to be proceeded with for the good of the estate, and recommended the assignees to wind up the commission be selling the premises, as soon as an eligible offer should be made.

The agent for the commission having left the court, was served with an estreat which had been issued by the crown for £148 advertisement duty due by the bankrupt, as proprietor of the Dublin Times. Having returned, he said to the court that he supposed he should be obliged to pay the full amount out of the first product of the sale. Mr. Levy observed that in the setting up of a newspaper, the crown always required sureties for the payment of the adver- tisement duty, and that the principal having become involved, the crown should look to the sureties, and then they might come in and prove as creditors.

The Commissioner said there was much weight in Mr. Levy’s suggestion, and he felt inclined to think that they stood in no better position than if they were endorsees of a bill of exchange for the trader. The question was, at all events, a novel one, and worth raising. Mr. Murray said he would serve notice on the crown to look to the securities, and have the point argued in the event of their seeking payment from the estate. The court then adjourned.



The annual meeting of the Clogher Dioce- san Church Education Society, will be held at Enniskillen, on Thursday the 19th inst.—The Lord Bishop of CLOGHER is to take the chair, and the Rev. Dr. SINGER, S.F.T.C.D., is ex- pected to be present as a deputation. The Bishop of CLOGHER is to hold a confirmation in Enniskillen Church on Tuesday.



On Friday last a child belonging to a man named MARTIN, living in Barrack-street, Enniskillen, while playing on the street, was knocked down by a cart, the wheel of which passed over its body. The little sufferer remains in a dangerous state. Same day, a young lad was severely wounded opposite the Court-house, by the shoeing which fell from the wheel of a cart passing down the street at the time the lad attempted to cross over to the other side.



Last week the Earls of ERNE and ENNISKILLEN had a great number of their tenantry sworn in as special constables, to aid in preserving the peace at present so much disturbed by the Molly Maguires. A company of the 5th Fusileers is immediately to be sent to the borders of this county, (Fermanagh,) to assist the police force at present so actively engaged with the Mollys.



On Sunday morning, the 15th inst., a young man named M’KEANEY, a shoemaker, who lived near the shambles, Enniskillen, was drowned in Lough Erne, at the Broad Meadow. He had gone to bathe, and wandered into deep water, when not knowing how to swim, he was imme- diately lost. Deceased was the only support of a poor widow, and was an inoffensive, industrious person.



THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL, THE GRAND LODGE OF FREEMA- SONS OF IRELAND, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that the only Masonic Session authorized for the next St. John’s Day (the 24th instant,) is that appointed to take place at Comber, in the County of Down, on the occasion of opening the Testimonial to the memory of the late Brother Sir ROBERT ROLL GILLESPIE. All other Masonic processions are strictly prohibited under penalty of the severest censure of the Grand Lodge. By Order, JOHN FOWLER, Deputy Grand Secretary



ANTRIM ARMS. J. COLEMAN HAVING RE-OPENED that elegant and commodious Hotel in the above locality, after thorough repairs and considerable improvements, begs respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Tourists, that the sa?? prin- ciples upon which he so successfully conducted his Establishment in Bushmills, will be fully carried out in his present situation. The most assiduous attention to those Guests who may favour him with their patronage, together with careful and unremitting supervision of every department of the Establishment, will, he trusts, secure to him a continuation of that flattering and liberal support, which he has ever enjoyed, since he engaged in public business in the North of Ireland. The magnificent scenery of the North is peculiarly available from Portrush, it being the center of all that is most interesting to the Tourist. The Giants’ Causeway—the antique remains of Dunluce Castle, and the other strongholds of the warlike Chiefs of Ireland, together with the natural phenomena which everywhere pervade the Coast, rendering that position equally desirable for the Antiquarian and the Tourist. From the peculiar arrangement of J. COLEMAN’s Establish- ment, it presents all that is necessary for families seeking the benefits of Sea-bathing, and those who wish to combine seclusion with economy. Beside the general convenience of a Hotel, several distinct Sitting and Bed-rooms can always be obtained. Excellent Stabling, and Lock-up Coach-Houses. First-rate Posting, with careful drivers. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths. Portrush, May 20th, 1845.



We have just before us, a specimen of Flax, thirty- one inches long, grown by Francis Adams, Esq., of this town [Monaghan, Co Monaghan], from seed saved by himself. This is the second season that Mr. Adams has sown his own home saved seed, and in a cast of thirteen acres, he has not one yard missed. This should prove a lesson to those who throw away their own valuable seed, and depend upon foreign supply, subject to the frauds of foreign merchants, from which so many are suffering this season.—Northern Standard.



The accounts from all parts of the kingdom hold out the prospect of a very abundant harvest. In our own district the crops of every description are most promising. RYE GRASS.--A specimen of very fine rye grass was left at our office last Tuesday. It was grown amongst clover by Mr. WM. WILSON, of Derradara, Blackwatertown, and measures six feet two inches in length. FLAX.--We have seen a few stalks of flax, not less than 30 inches long, from a field of 11 acres in Legar Hill, the property of HUGH TREANOR, Esq., of Armagh, and we are assured that the whole crop is in every respect equal to the specimen. This and other evidences which we are daily in receipt of, will we trust remove the unfounded report of an extensive failure in that crop this season. EARLY HAY.--The Rev. Mr. SHAW, of Moy, had a quantity of upland meadow mown and put in cocks last week



On Monday night, the wife of a man named Golland, living at Ferry, was delivered of four fine children, two boys and two girls, all of whom are, with the mother, doing well.



June 12, by the Rev. Mr. O'Brien, P.P., Mr. Wm. Brickley, officer of Excise, to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. Peter Downey, Desert, Armagh.

On the 11th inst., in Charlemont Church, by the Rev. James Disney, Thomas Dawson, Esq., late Portrieve of that Town, son of the late Captain Dawson, of Bovain House, County of Tyrone, and brother to William Dawson, of Dungannon [Co Tyrone], Esq., M.D., to Frances, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Robert Brown, of Lurgan Cot, near Richhill.

On the 6th inst., by the Rev. G. Jamison, of Glastry [Co Down], Mr. William Cavan, of Ballee [Co Antrim], to Miss Ann Warnock, of Ballyesborough [Co Down].

On the 6th inst., by the Rev. G. Jamison, of Glastry, Mr. John Brown, of Ballyhalbert [Co Down], to Miss Mary Fullerton, of Ballyesborough.



June 10, in Willoughby-place, Enniskillen, Mrs. Stewart, wife of Captain Stewart.

At Belfast, on Friday, the 13th inst., the Rev. Matthew Tobias, Wesleyan Minister, in the 54th year of his ministry, and 75th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Charlemont, in this County, and at an early age embraced the principles of the venerable Wesley, having had the high privilege of attending his last sermon in Charlemont in 1789. He was a man of distinguished abilities and sincere piety, and possessed of great influence among his brethren.

At his villa residence, Blackrock, Dundalk [Co Louth], on the 8th inst., after a tedious illness, Alex. Shekleton, Esq., of Dundalk, in the 58th year of his age. He was for several years Secretary to the Grand Jury of the county of Louth, and was the founder of the extensive establishment in Dundalk for the manufacture of machinery, &c.

On the 4th inst., at Broomhill, the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph Snowdon, formerly of Killinchy, aged 83 years.

At Stamford, Niagara, Maria, wife of Dr. Corry, of Rockcorry, County Monaghan, and daughter of the late Major Baylis, formerly Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General in Dublin.

June 10, at 7, Fitzgibbon-street, Robert Colville Jones, aged sixteen months, son of James Jones, Esq., Mount Edward, county of Sligo.

June 6, in London, William John Story, second son of the late Rev. Joseph Story, of Bingfield, in the county of Cavan.

June 3, suddenly, at Hollybrook, the seat of Colonel Dickson, Lisnaskea, county Fermanagh, much regretted, Charlotte, relict of Colonel Johnstone, Buttevant Barracks.



MEETING IN ARMAGH. On Tuesday last an influential meeting was held in the Mar- ket house, Armagh, for the purpose of taking into consideration the provisions of the New Bank Bill, as regards Ireland. Among those present we observed William Paton, J.P., Thomas Kidd, J.P., William Kirk, J.P., Lee M’Kinstry, J.P., George Robinson, J.P., John P. Harris, J.P., Francis Stringer, J.P., W. C. Gage, James B. Boyd, George Scott, Joseph Johnston, W. T. Knox, Charles Atkinson, Edward M’Kean, George Young, George Miller, Joseph Kidd, Hugh Boyle, John M’Kinstry, Esqrs., ; Doctor Leslie, Leslie-Hill; Doctor Clarke ; Messrs. Hugh Trainor, Jacob Orr, James Bennett, John Falls, William Orr, Joseph M’Clelland, John Corrigan, George Armstrong, John Johnston, Alexander C. Davidson, Joseph Matthews, Robert Riddall, James Greene, James A. Kidd, M. M’Neale Johnston, James Wiltshire, H Cinnamond, &c.

WILLIAM PATON, Esq., having been moved into the chair, said he did not think it at all necessary for him to make any observations on the object of the meeting. They were all aware that new bill for the improvement and regulating of Banking in Ireland has been lately introduced into Parliament, which will put restriction on the circulation of small notes. This will be a measure highly calculated to cramp the energies of the country, to impede the prosperity of the mercantile community, and will be a great inconvenience and loss to the country in general. Resolutions were to be proposed for their considera- tion by several gentlemen, and he had no doubt the meeting would be unanimous in recommending the adoption of measures which, if acted on, will tend to the good of the country.



FROM THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CROWHILL, A LARGE HOUSE-DOG, of a light brown colour, the face and ears dark, with a spot of white behind his neck. He has remarkably strong legs and paws, and a soft busy tail; he answers to the name of LEO. Any person returning the above Dog to Mr. JOHN WOODHOUSE, near Crowhill, will re- ceive FIVE SHILLINGS of a REWARD.



MR. WILLIAMS, Pupil of, and Successor to the late J. C. Montague, And Master of the Ceremonies to the Almack’s Subscription and Public Balls, HAS the honour to inform the Nobility and Gentry of ARMAGH, DUNGANNON and their vicinities, that he purposes giving Lessons in the POLKA, CELLARIUS VALSE, and VALSE A DEUX TEMPTS, early in July, his Summer Vacation. 6, North Frederick-street, Rutland-Square, Dublin.



For some time past Markethill and its neighbourhood have been made the scene of numerous thefts, each trifling in itself, but on account of the number of offences committed, and the hitherto unavail- ing attempts made to bring the perpetrators to justice, plainly indicating an organized system of plunder, which might become more extensive in its operations, and destructive to the com- munity.

Suspicions had of late been strongly attached to a person named Richard Campbell, who, it was considered, kept a head quarters for thieves and a store-house for booty, in that hot-bed of prostitution and every prevailing vice, Water-lane, and to which place on Friday, the 13th inst., acting Constable Armstrong, a very active officer, and who has shown great zeal and untiring perseverance in the performance of his duty, and whose services, I have no doubt, will not be overlooked by his superiors, proceeded with some of his men, and having en tered the “robbers’ den” and examined its contents, “multi form and various,” immediately took into custody its inmates, consisting of Campbell, his wife, and a woman named Toal, and conveyed them to the criminal Elysium, vulgarly called bridewell; and whilst Campbell was fruitlessly, and with ex- ceeding bad taste, endeavouring to leave the paradise in which the constable had so kindly placed him, he, the constable, was humanely making every exertion to obtain certificates and re- commendations, which naughty men, acquainted with law terms denominate informations and committals, to enable them to get sometimes called, and commonly known the name of Armagh gaol, and, I am happy to say, succeeded in his designs.

Richard Campbell being committed by Barnet M’Kee, Esq., J.P., for trial at the next Markethill sessions for stealing a small tub, the property of John Barrett of Altaturk. Mary Jane Campbell, committed for stealing a wheel-barrow trundle, the property of Mr. Thomas Jeffers, of Ballyneury; and Alice Toal committed for stealing an iron back-hand, the property of Mr. Joseph Nairs, of Maymacullen. As there are several arti- cles yet unclaimed which answer to the descriptions given of stolen property, most probably there will be two or three other informations against them previous to the sessions.—A Corres- pondent.



A meeting is to take place in Armagh, on Monday next. The Rev. ROBERT WINNING, of Kingscourt, will be present on the occasion to give information on the subject of its operations.



We are informed that the regular half-yearly examination of this flourishing establishment will take place in the school-room, 6, College- street, on to-morrow and next day. We believe the parents and friends of the pupils are invited to attend.



The detachment of the 70th regiment, station- ed in this city for some time past, leave to-morrow morning for Newry. It is to be replaced by the depot of the 46th regiment.

On Wednesday last the head quarters of the 5th Fusileers arrived in this City from Belfast, en route for Enniskillen ; and on Thursday, two companies of the same regiment arrived here on their way to same place.



FOR THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 14.--Number last week, 470 ; admitted and born, 17 ; total, 487; discharged, 4; remaining, 483.

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