The Lurgan Gazette Lurgan Coat of Arms

February, 1850 Lurgan, Portadown and Banbridge Advertiser and Agricultural Gazette


We are indebted to Mr. Samuel Sidney for the following very useful information. North America. The emigration during the year 1840 amounted to 219,298. Of these, 182,283 proceeded to the United States, and only 31,065 to the British Colonies. The Irish formed 129,576 of this emigration, of whom 59,675 proceeded direct from Ireland. It has been ascertained that the amount paid in the United States for passage, or remitted through houses at Liverpool and in Ireland for intending emigrants, not including the house of Baring Brothers, Liverpool, was, during the year 1848, upwards of four hundred thousand pounds. The emigration into New York in 1848 was Irish, 88,061 ; English, 23,662 ; Scotch, 6415. Canada The total emigration into Canada during the year 1848 was 27,939. Of these 7,355 proceeded to the United States, and 56 to New Brunswick.

The great falling off of the emigration into Canada, is attributed to the provisions of the Colonial Act of last year, and to the uncertainty, even more than the amount, of the taxes imposed thereby. Australia and the Cape of Good Hope. Between the 7th November, 1847, and the 17th May in the following year, there have been despatched one hundred and fifteen ships, filled with free or assisted emigrants, amounting to 28,158 souls. From the ragged schools one hundred and fifty scholars have been despatched at an expense of Ten Pounds a head, the surplus expense being defrayed by private subscriptions.

From workhouses seventy-one have been sent out on payment by the respective Unions of four pounds each, in addition to the usual deposit. By official report, two hundred and nineteen female Irish orphans were sent by the ship Earl Grey to Sidney. Of these girls thirty-seven had been despatched to Moreton Bay, and twelve to Maitland, and one hundred and ten had obtained places in Sidney.

Since January, 1848, there have been despatched to South Australia, eight thousand three hundred and thirty-two emigrants, and since 1846, when the population was twenty-two thousand three hundred and ninety souls, thirteen thousand have been despatched at the expense of the land funds, besides voluntary emigration. The mortality on this large number was under two per cent, and of this three-fourths were children.

Two hundred and thirty Irish orphan girls, all upwards of fourteen years of age, and eight children, arrived at Port Adelaide in October, 1848, after a voyage of ninety-one days, without one death. At the end of fourteen days from the date of arrival, not one orphan fit for service was unemployed; seventy applicants could not be supplied, and two hundred more girls would readily have met with situations. The cost of a steerage passage to New Zealand is 18.

It is understood that free passages have been superseded by assisted passages; that is to say, each emigrant is required to contribute from one-third to one half his passage money. In Natal the Government offers land at four shillings an acre, or twenty acres and a passage for 10. For respectable domestic servants, dairymaids, and girls accustomed to farm work, the demand in Australia is almost unlimited. Labourers, Mechanics, Shepherds, Hutkeepers, Stockmen, Bullockdrivers, Small Settlers, Small Squatters, Workingmen and Gentlemen, are all in want of wives! But, ladies thinking of Australia, or the Western States of America, and the bounteous crop of husbands there, must understand that the salt of a happy colonial life lies in the mystics of the pie or pudding, the roast and the boiled; in the whole art of washing and ironing, in the secret of training a raw country girl into a light handy servant, of pulling down insolence and encouraging good humour.




At Lurgan, on Friday, the 1st, Samuel Watts, Esq. The immense assemblage which accompanied his remains to their final resting place, showed the deep regret which was felt for his sudden demise. See Lurgan College.



On the 8th Inst., by the Rev. John Johnston, Tullylish, Mr. Andrew Gracey, to Miss Mary Anderson, Hazel-Bank, near Banbridge.



JAMES M'KEE Begs to inform his numerous Customers, that he has at present a very large Stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes, of the best quality,

And at prices which will be found lower than any other House in Town. Buying all his Materials for prompt Cash in the best Markets, and Manufacturing on his own Premises, he is enabled to offer

WELLINGTON BOOTS, at ... 12s. 0d.
Do. Do. , 2nd Class ... 14s. 0d.
Do. Do. , 1st Class ... 15s. 0d.

SHORT BOOTS, at ... ... ... 7s. 6d.
Do. Do. , 2nd Class ... 10s. 0d.
Do. Do. , 1st Class ... 10s. 6d.

Every other description of Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes equally low; Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes of every description, of Dublin and Home Manufacture, always on hands; a large Stock of

ENGLISH, IRISH, & SCOTCH LEATHER Which will be Sold Wholesale & Retail, Cheap, for Cash.

Wholesale & Retail Leather & Shoe Warehouse,
Lurgan, February, 1850.




THAT DWELLING HOUSE at present occupied by MR. JAMES FLEMING, containing Parlour, Drawing Room, three Bed Rooms, Pantries, Closets, with Kitchen, Scullery, and Cellar; there is an abundant supply of Pump and Rain Water on the premises.

Terms Moderate. Apply at the Post Office.
Lurgan. 21st February, 1850.



For promoting the Education of the Native Irish, through the medium of their own language.

A Sermon will be Preached In LURGAN CHURCH, on SUNDAY NEXT, 3rd MARCH, by the REV. F.H. THOMAS, of Carysfort Chapel, on behalf of the IRISH SOCIETY; and on MONDAY, the 4th, a MEETING of the friends of the above Society will be held in the FREE SCHOOL, at ONE o'clock, when the REV. DANIEL FOLEY and REV. F. H. THOMAS will attend as a Deputation, and give a statement of the very important and interesting work in which the Society is engaged.



To be disposed of on moderate terms, a well situated Pew in Lurgan Church. Particulars may be known on application to Mr. William Turkington, Public Bakery, Lisburn; or to Mr. John Pelan, Lurgan.



THE GUARDINS [sic] of this Union will receive applications from competent persons to fill the above Situation. The Salary is fixed at 15 per annum, with Apartments and Rations.

Applications in their own hand-writing, accompanied with Testimonials of Character and Competency, will be received by me, to Wednesday, the 13th of March next, and personal attendance will be required at the Workhouse Board Room, on Thursday, the 14th March next, at 11 o'clock, when the Election will be proceeded with.

Signed, T. PENTLAND,
Clerk of the Union. Workhouse, Lurgan,




We extract the following from a letter written by an emigrant to Australia, to his father, who lives in the parish of Seagoe. The information it contains must prove interesting, particularly to the labouring classes.

'You will be happy to hear that we like this place, we are in good health and making money, but this being the winter season, wages are lower than usual, at the same time work is plentiful, at from 18 to 25 a year, with rations, and it is supposed that wages will rise in the spring. I have been constantly employed since I came here, at fair wages, and I am able to lay by more, beside keeping us, than I could earn altogether in Ireland. ... ... ... ...

The productions of this country are equal, if not better than those of Ireland; wheat grows to great perfection on the same land for ten or twelve years in succession, without manure, or fallowing, or any other trouble than ploughing and sowing; they generally commence sowing in this month (July) and end in the next; oats and barley grow well, indeed oats are rather a weed here, as the ground seems to throw them up in any other crop, and some people sow them but once in a place, and they remain in the ground for many years together, without any other trouble; oats are also sown for hay, neither is artificial food required except for working horses, (that is saddle horses) for ploughing and drawing is generally performed by bullocks. ... ... ... ...

There is little rain here except in the spring months, which are August, September, and October; the grass and every thing else is green all the year round, but the principal growth is in the spring and beginning of summer; but the winter is very mild though there are occasional frosts. ... ... ... ...

The harvest commences with the oats, hay, and barley, about Christmas; wheat is cut above the knee and the stubble burnt; oats are only used for horses; this is a fine country for fruit, except currants, but gooseberries, plums, cherrys, apples, peaches, pears, quinces, &c., do remarkably well; I have seen a tree loaded with peaches the third year from the stone; there is a ground fruit here called melons which beats strawberries and cream out of cry, the fruit itself is larger than a quart noggin, and wonderful juicy. ... ... ... ...

The houses in the bush are widely scattered, there are often from three to ten miles between them; this is necessary for the sheep and cattle runs, but a poor man can get a horse or two run free of charge almost anywhere.

If any of the neighbours be desirous of coming out, you may let them know that I would advise them strongly to it if they can get. Please give my kind respects to the Rev. Archdeacon Saurin; I feel most grateful to him for his kindness in procuring me a passage here, where I can get a comfortable living, and lay something to the good.

If emigration from Ireland became free, (as I hope it soon will,) I expect to see a good many of my old friends here G.M.'



The Subscriber begs respectfully to acquaint his friends and the public, that he has just received a choice selection of TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, &c., &c. He has always a regular supply of prime Scotch Malt and Grain Whiskey, real Jamaica Rum, French Brandy, Lurgan Beer and Ale, Guinness' XX Porter in Wood and Bottle, together with every article connected with the Grocery and Spirit Trade, all of which he will sell for Cash at the lowest remunerating profits WM. METKIFF. Canton Tea House, Bridge-Street, Banbridge, Feb. 28, 1850.


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