Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

15 April, 1845  


On the 6th inst., at Armagh, the lady of Henry H. Dickson, Esq., of a daughter.



In St. Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh, on Wednesday, 9th inst., John, fourth son of Wm. Armstrong, Esq., of Lurgan, to Marian, eldest daughter of John Cardwell, Esq., of Tullyelmer, in this county.

On the 10th instant, by the Rev. S. Edgar, Minister of the Second Presbyterian Congregation of Armagh, Mr. W. Platt, to Martha, daughter of Mr. J. Brooks, both in the vicinity of Armagh. this license was the first granted by the Rev. L. D. Elliot, Licenser to the Presbytery of Armagh, and the marriage, it appears, was the first celebrated according to the new marriage act in the Presbyterian Church of Ireland.

On the 2d inst., at St. Peter's church, Dublin, by the Rev. Elias Handcock, the Rev. Benedict Arthure, rector of St. Laurence, Isle of Wight, to Bessie Maria, daughter of the late B. Dillon of Ballyquin house, county of Kilkenny, Esq.

In the parish church, Ballyshannon [Co Donegal], on Monday last, by the Rev. Mr. Tuthill, Henry Lipsett, Esq., to Mary, third daughter of Andrew Macintyre, Esq., both of Ballyshannon.



At his father's house, Bloomvale near Lurgan, John, only son of Mr. Robert Gaskin, after a lingering illness, which he bore with exemplary patience, and pious resignation to the Divine will.

April 4, at Merrion-avenue, county Dublin, Meriel Anne, relict of James Kearney, Esq.

On the 27th ult., at Loughlan House, county Cavan, Robert Algeo, Esq., after a short illness.

MORNE [Co Down]. A funeral sermon was preached at Annalong Church, on Sunday week, by the Rev. J. F. Close, Rector, on the occasion of the death of the late lamented Curate of the Parish, Rev. R. W. Toler, who died of a malignant fever, caught whilst in the discharge of his duties. The Rev. Preacher took his textóthan which, perhaps, none could be more appropriate for the melancholy occasionófrom the 16th chapter of Luke, and 2d verse:--"Give an account of thy stewardship, for thou mayest be no longer steward." After some very powerful and impressive remarks to the Congregation, concerning the several talents God has intrusted to each of us, the eloquent Preacher dwelt at large upon the many virtues and amiable qualities which so highly distinguished their deceased Pastor. His meat and drink were, indeed, to fulfil the commands of his Heavenly Father. He was taken away when he might almost say he had scarcely entered upon the Ministry. Of the great love and esteem in which he was held by his people, they have abundantly testified by the poignant grief manifest by them on this occasion : we can truly say, that not a heart in the Church was unmoved. The sobs, from both old and young, were quite audible; and so much affected was our worthy and much-esteemed Rector, that frequently, during his discourse, he was unable to proceed. We trust that the death of this pious young Curate may be blessed to the sorrowing congregation he has left behind. Newry Telegraph.

The remains of the late Mrs. Perry were borne through this city, on Wednesday last, to the family burying-place, Grange. The mournful procession was un- usually large and respectable.



His Grace the Lord PRIMATE and the Hon. Miss BERESFORD, who are still at the Palace, Armagh, are not expected to arrive in Charles-street, St. James's-square, London, until the end of the month.

The Earl of BELMORE passed through this city on his way to Castle Coole, on Thursday last. His Lordship changed horses at WILTSHIRE's hotel.

Assistant Barrister NUNN and ----- M'CLINTOCK, Esq., heir to the late Mrs. PERRY, left WILTSHIRE's hotel on Thursday last for Dublin.



A House in Upper English-st., No. 23, next door to the GUARDIAN OFFICE, AT PRESENT OCCUPIED AS A SADDLERY CONCERN, SITUATE in the most central and best part of the City of Armagh. There is an extensive rere and out-houses adjoining, with a large gateway for entrance. Apply to Mr. JAMES BURNS, Watchmaker, Armagh; or at the Office of this Paper. Armagh, April 10, 1845.



THE COMMISSIONERS OF POLICE for the TOWN of MOY, appointed under the 9th George the 4th chap. 82, hereby give notice that a Rate for the purpose of said Marriages Act has been struck this day. The Commissioners also hereby give Notice, that a copy of the Valuation and supplemental Valuation of said Town of Moy, and all Rateable Property comprised within the Commissioners jurisdiction, received from, and certified by, the Clerk of Dun- gannon Poor Law Union, is now lying at the Office of JAMES SLOAN, Esq., the Treasurer to the Commissioners, where any Rate Payer can inspect and examine it during the period pre- scribed by Law. Signed by Order of the Commissioners, J. W. HANNA, Clerk, Moy, 14th April, 1845.



It will be peculiarly gratifying to the admirers of Irish talent, and particularly to the people of Cork, to learn that the frescoe painting which our eminently gifted fellow-citizen, Maclise, was commissioned to execute for the new Houses of Parliament, has been selected as the first of the set, and will be placed in the House of Lords, immediately over the Throne, where we trust it may remain for centuries an imperishable record of Irish eminence in one of the highest branches of art.

Combined with this fitting acknowledgment of Maclise's brilliant genius, it will be recollected that the great building which this work is intended to adorn was designed and erected by an Irishman, Mr. Barry, who carried away the first prize, fifteen hundred pounds, for the design, from a host of eminent men of almost every country who anxiously, but unsuccessfully, competed with him for the distinguished honor.--Cork Reporter.



REGISTERED PROVISIONALLY. CAPITAL--£600,000 in 12,000 SHARES of £50 each. DEPOSIT--£2 10s. per Share. No Person Liable beyond the amount of his Share.

PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE. Lord Viscount Palmerston, G C.B., Carlton Terrace, Lon- don, and Broadlands, Romsey, Hants. The Viscount Clements, Lough Rynn, County of Leitrim, and Killadoon, County Kildare. The Hon. Edward Wingfield, Moyview, Ballina, and Cork Abbey, Bray. The Hon. Charles Knox Stuart, Castledawson, County of Londonderry. John Wynne, Esq., Hazlewood, Sligo. Dep. Lieuts. of the Co. Leitrim.--William Irwin, Esq., Kilbracken, Carrigallan; Pierce Simpson, Esq., Clooncorrick Castle.

Directors of the Dublin and Drogheda, Dublin and Belfast Junction, and Dundalk and Enniskillen Railways.-- Richard Wright, Esq., 2, Pembroke-place, Dublin; George Hoyte, Esq., Edenmore, Raheny; Thomas Mooney, Esq., Kilmacud-house, Dublin; William Henry, Esq., Mountjoy- sq., Dublin.

Directors of the Dundalk and Enniskillen Railway. Thomas M. Gresham, Esq., Raheny-Park; William Kilpatrick, Esq., Dundalk; John Straton, Esq., Dundalk; Peter Russell, Esq., Dundalk. John Hamilton Peyton, esq., J.P., Port Carrick-on- Shannon. Francis Waldron, Esq., J.P., Drumsna. George Beatty West, Esq., J.P., Drumdarkin, Mohill. Lewis Algeo, Esq., J.P., Glenboy. Charles R. Peyton, Esq., Castle Carrow, Carrick-on-Shan. Wm. J. Peyton, esq., Summerhill, Carrick-on-Shannon. George Digby, Esq., J.P., Drumdaff, Roscommon, and 27, Upper Rutland-street, Dublin. Ormsby Jones, Esq., J.P., Stredda, Sligo. Thomas Wm. Lloyd, Esq., Ballycullen, county Sligo, and Rathgar, county Dublin. Captain Bowen, R.N., Laurencetown-house, Banbridge. Thomas Murray, Esq., Edenderry. Bernard Peyton, Esq., Caldra, Carrick-on-Shannon. Robert Smith, Esq., Clantilew, Portadown. John Overend, Esq., Portadown. Edward Kelly, Merchant, Sligo. Thomas Kernaghan, Merchant, Enniskillen. William Kernaghan, Merchant, Sligo. With power to add to their number.

ENGINEER. Sir John Macneill, L.L.D., F.R.S., M.R.I.A.

SOLICITORS. James M'Fadden, 115, Stephen's-green, Dublin. Thomas Mostyn, The Mall, Sligo.

SECRETARY. Percy Simpson, Esq., 115, Stephen's-green.

THE object of the ENNISKILLEN and SLIGO RAIL- WAY is, to form a Trunk Line to connect the northern and eastern portions of Ireland with the western and north- western, and by means of the Ulster Railway, and the Ulster Extension, Dublin and Belfast Junction, Londonderry and Enniskillen, and Dundalk and Enniskillen Railways, all of which have been approved of by the Board of Trade, and of the portion of the Newry and Enniskillen Railway, which has been also approved of, and of the Dublin and Drogheda Rail- way; to bring the ports of Sligo and Ballyshannon in direct communication with the ports of Belfast, Derry, Newry, Dun- dalk, Drogheda and Dublin, thus affording by the Railway to the eastern ports, the quickest mode of transit for goods and passengers to England, and by the northern ports to Scotland, and probably, as direct a communication by the port of Sligo, for the trade with America, as can be found at any other port on the western coast of Ireland.

Application for Shares to be made, to Messrs. Sutton, Gribble and Co., Brokers, Royal Exchange, London; Mr. Robert Corbett, 5, College-green, Dublin, or to any other of the Dublin Brokers; Messrs. Tate and Nash, Bristol ; Mr. Theobald Bushell, North-street, Belfast ; Messrs. Maceman and Auld, 28, St. Vincent Place, and Mr. James watson, Brokers, 1, South Frederick-street, Glasgow, Mr. Andrew Moffet, Share-Broker, 21, George-Street, Edinburgh ; Mr. Thomas Crewdson, Broker, Atherton-Buildings, Dale-Street, Liver- pool, or the Solicitor or Secretary, of whom copies of pros- pectuses and forms of application can be obtained.

No application for Shares can be received after Thursday, the 17th April.



A LARGE quantity of bricks of prime quality, to be sold under reasonable terms; any person engaged in Building will find it their interest to give a call with the Subscriber, at his Residence in TULLYGALLY, one mile from LURGAN, on the Road leading to PORTADOWN. RICHARD COULTER.



The Queen at the prosecution of Samuel Thompson, v. Daniel M'Allan.

One or two matters of importance compelled us to omit the subjoined case which was tried at our late Quarter Sessions. We would not even now allude to it, but that we deem it our duty to justify the character of a respectable fellow-citizen which was to a certain extent involved in the affair. The issue of the matter is such as to reflect the highest credit on the sagacity of the gentlemen who composed the jury, while it must raise still higher Mr. M'Allan in public estimation. When the accident occurred, and while the case was pending, we abstained from all notice of it, although in possession of every particular, lest it might be said we had prejudiced any party; but now we are bound to say that our opinion is still unchanged; that the action was brought on by Mr. Thompson without sufficient provocation--the gentleman whose character was at stake acted only in self-defence, when he received usage base as it was brutal. We are glad, however, that the case has fermi- nated as it did; and sincerely do we trust that it may not be without a lesson to the party who instituted the prosecution :

The action was for an assault on the night of the 12th March last. It appeared on evidence that on the night in question Mr. M'Allan and a Mr. Rice were walking along Scotch-street when they beheld three persons, whom the traverser supposed to be acquaintances ; and whom he purposed to surprise by trundling a stone after them. Immediately Thompson and his companions came up to the traverser and his friend, and under- standing from Mr. M'Allan that he had hurled the stone, but in no ill-will, and under a mistake, thinking they were acquain- tances, a Mr. Benn, one of the trio, knocked Mr. M'Allan down, when he was much abused by the party. When the tra- verser attempted to rise he met the same fate.

Thompson, the individual who received the accident, alleged that he had not been in the row, having stood in the middle of the street ; but circumstances proved that the wound must have been inflicted in the conflict, Mr. M'Allan not denying that during the struggle he drew his pen-knife in self-defence. These are the main features of the case. After a lengthened trial Mr. M'Allan was acquitted, and has been directed to swear informations against Thompson, Benn, and Patton.

This is a bad precedent for a respectable class of persons.-- The prosecutors are commercial travellers from Belfast, and it appeared on the trial that they had left Keenan's hotel on a tandem-car at four o'clock in the evening for Newtownhamilton, and returned at a late hour same evening to this city, "well primed," when poor Mr. M'Allan suffered from their nocturnal lark.



The Lord Lieutenant has appointed Walter Malony, Esq., to take charge of the district of Ballinamore, county Leitrim, in the room of Sir William W. Lynar, R.M., deceased.

The Lord Chanceller [sic] has been pleased to appoint T.M. JONES Esq., the High Sheriff of Co. Armagh, upon the recommendation of the Lord Lieutenant, a magistrate for this county.



These gentlemen held a concert at Keady, on Monday evening the 7th instant. The audience was large and respectable. There was not a single spot in the large room of the market-house (which was kindly granted by HENRY L. PRENTICE, Esq., for the purpse,) and well might they say when returning thanks for the patrongage bestowed on them, that they would ever retain in their memory a grateful recollection of that evening.

It was, indeed, an evening they may justly feel proud of, for it was no common tribute of approbation to be honored with such an assembly of various denominations in a small country town. The evening's entertainment in itself was grand and delightful, and to do them justice, it was far beyond the expectations of their warmest friends. These gentlemen were ably assisted by the amateur choir of Keady, being their pupils. The room was handsomely decorated with evergreens, and a great many appropriate mottos got up principally by the judicious instructions and encouraging assistance of Mr. DOBBIN, sen., of Keady, as was very ably remarked by Mr. MAXWELL, who, agreeably with the wishes of all present, acted as chairman.

He hoped it was but the first of many such meetings for it was beautiful to see the audience composed of all classes of society, who all united in a reciprocity of good feeling towards each other; and Mr. M. made some judicious remarks at the close of the meeting. Too much praise cannot be given to Mr. RICE for his unremitting attention to his duties as a public teacher, since his appointment to this parish, and, indeed, it is due to him for the gentlemanly manner in which he conducted the proceedings of the night, and also for the very great ability he exhibited on the present occasion



The following are the Guardians Elected for the year ending March, 1846 :-- Ex-officio Guardians.--Sir James M. Stronge, Bart.; Wm. Irwin, Esq.; John Hard, Esq. ; W. W. Algeo, Esq. ; Wm. Blacker, Esq. ; Henry L. Prentice, Esq. ; Francis Stringer, Esq. ; Sir George Molyneux, Bart.; Maxwell Cross, Esq. ; William Paton, Esq. ; Thomas Dobbon, Esq. ; Thomas J. Tennison, Esq.

ELECTED GUARDIANS. Armagh, William Barker, Esq.; William Gordon; George Scott; John M'Kinstry. Armaghbrague, David M'Clane. Armaghmore, George Ensor. Ballyards, Travers Blackley, M.D. Ballymartrim, William Anderson. Brootally, John Gamble. Caledon, Thomas Irvin, and Cornelius Reilly. Charlemont, Robert Corrigan; James Hanna. Clady, James Kilpatrick, jun., Crossmore, Joseph Kidd. Derrynoose, Thomas Murphy; James Kelly. Glenaul, Joseph Johnston. Grange, Robert M'Endow. Hamiltonsbawn, Alexander Greer. Hockely, William Running. Keady, James Kent; Lee M'Kinstry, Esq., J.P. Killeen, John M'Clune. Kilmore, Samuel Hutchinson. Killyman, Robert Crowe. Lisnadill, James M'Kinstry. Loughgall, Robt. W. Cope, and S. Sinclair, Esqrs, Markethill, Wm. Gillis and Reford Woodhouse. Middletown, John P. Harris, Esq., J.P.; Edward W. Bond, Esq. J.P. Richhill, Joseph Jackson and John Orr. Tynan, Robt. T. Huston and Alex. Roberts.



Chairman--John Y. Burgess, Esq. Deputy-Chairman-- Thomas Eyre, Esq. Vice-Chairman--Robert Wray, Esq. Ex-officio Guardians.--The Earl of Charlemont; J. Y. Burgess, Esq. ; James E. Jackson, Esq. ; Henry Crossle, Esq. ; Viscount Northland; James Sheil, Esq., Q.C.; Robert Wray, Esq. ; Edward Moore, Esq.

ELECTED GUARDIANS. Dungannon, Richard Murray and W. Holmes, Esqrs. Donaghmore, Alex. M. Lyle, Esq., and James Young. Crossdermot, William M'Crum. Altmore, Daniel Sheil. Castlecaulfield, Joseph Black and William Ferrie. Clonavaddy, John Lucas. Clonaneese, David Beatty. Aghnahoe, James M'Kinley. Ballymagran, James Litton. Minterburn, Henry Edwards. Brantry, George Ewings. Derrygortreavy, James Burns. Benburb, T. Eyre, J.P. and W. Hore, J.P. Esqrs. Moy, Joseph Greer and T. H. Harpur, Esqrs. Drumespil, Jas. G. Richardson, and R. Loyd, Esqrs. Bernagh, Wm. James Barncroft, Esq. Tullyniskan, Geo. Wilcox and W. Robinson, Esqrs. Meenagh, Robert King. Mountjoy, Thomas Hall.



We learn with deep regret that a barbarous murder was committed at Ballyrahan, near Strokestown, by an armed party of Molly M'Guire's men, on Sunday last, about four o'clock, almost in the presence of hundreds of persons, not one of whom would give the slightest assistance in capturing the assassins.

It appears that about the hour named, a party of four men, armed, entered the house of John Dignan, poor-rate collector, and succeeded in taking therefrom a gun and pistol, Dignan was out, in consequence no opposition was given; the party then proceeded to the house of his brother, (in the immediate vicinity,) Michael Dignan, who was also out at a dance; immediately on their commencing to search for his arms, a messenger ran for him, and the poor man at once came in and stabbed one of the fellows, whilst another shot him through the head, which caused his instant death. The fellow wounded endeavoured to make his escape, but fell in a ditch close by from loss of blood, and messengers were dispatched on all sides for the magistrates and police, and owing to the prompt attendance of the police, Captain Dillon, J.P., Godfrey Hogg, Esq., J.P., and Mr. Blake, R.M., the mob had not time to carry away the wounded man, which they intended doing but for his weakness.

At one time it was apprehended an attempt would be made to rescue the prisoner, and in consequence a party of military was ordered out, with a strong escort of police, and the prisoner was lodged in bridewell. The physician is of opinion the wound is not mortal.

The coroner, Mr. Peyton, held an inquest on the body of un- fortunate Dignan, when the jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against persons unknown. Such is the state of society in this unfortunate country, that no one would venture to identify the prisoner.

(FROM A CORRESPONDENT.) "A man of the name of Dignan, residing near Strokestown, was attacked in his house on Sunday night by a party who de- manded fire-arms of him. He defended himself, and stabbed one of the party with a knife, on which another of the party shot Dignan dead. They then carried off the wounded man, but were unable to take him further than about forty perches from the house, when they were pursued, and they left him on the road ; he is now in the Strokestown bridewell, in charge of the police."--Mail.



A man named HIGGINS, about sixty or seventy years of age, a pensioner, who had been confined in Enniskillen gaol for a period of six or twelve months, and only liberated on last Monday evening, by arranging with his creditors, he arrived in Maguiresbridge on Tuesday morning, commenced drinking whiskey, (that bane of society,) was carried to bed at ten oíclock at night, and after blaspheming through the length of the night, at last arose, took his breakfast, (and of course his "morning,") saying he had only two hours to live; this was at ten oíclock, and wonderful to say, he was actually in eternity a quarter before twelve. He gradually became insensible, sunk, and in an hour and three-quarters was no more. WM. D. RIDDELL, M.D., was sent for and used every means in his power, but without success. An inquest was held on Thursday morning by WILLIAM TROTTER, Esq., and a verdict returned--died of apoplexy caused by drinking intoxicating liquor.



The following excellent digest of the provisions of the Marriage Act, which we quote from the Belfast News Letter, may be interesting to our Presbyterian friends "On account of the importance of the subject, we purpose furnishing, in this article, a distinct and popular view of the matters most needful to be known.

"It is to be remembered that the marriages by Roman Catholic Priests are not affected by this law. Such may proceed as formerly. We consider this renders the Bill defective, for there will be no permanent or national record made of any marriages that do not come under the provisions of the Act. Probably the Government excluded the Priests from the enactment, in order to avoid agitation for the repeal of the existing statute, which declares to be null and void any marriage by a Priest between a Catholic and a Protestant. We may have occasion to refer to this at another time. Meanwhile the above sentence, given in italics, should be well noted, inasmuch as we know, personally, instances in which such marriages, mere nullities according to law, have been wantonly ventured on and encouraged.

"The first point to be understood is, the place or places in which marriage can be legally solemnised :

1. In the Established Church as hitherto, and also in any Chapel of the Established Church specially licensed in a district by the Bishop for marriages.

2. In the case of a certified and registered Presbyterian Meeting-house. The licensing Minister in each Presbytery must certify to the District Registrar all Meeting-houses used as places of worship belonging to the Presbytery. On his certificate the registration is made, the charge for which is one pound.

3. In any other registered building used for religious purposes by any worshipping society, as Methodists, Independents, &c. To effect the registration of these places, a certificate, signed by ten householders, must be furnished to the Registrar, importing that such building as is specified has been used by them as their regular place of public worship for one year. The registration charge for this is likewise £1. In such registered buildings, all marriages must be performed in the presence of the District Registrar.

4. In a District Registrar's office, if any parties are so minded, they can, on letting the necessary notices go through the meetings of the respective Boards of Guardians of the Poor Law Union, contract marriage, in the presence of the District Registrar, and in his own office, using a form of declaration set forth in the Act. "The time within which all marriages under this Act must be solemnized is, from eight o'clock in the morning until two in the afternoon.

"Another leading point to be set down is, the several methods prescribed by the Act, according to which marriages can be per- formed. These are BANNS and LICENSES.

1. In cases of marriages in the Established Church, in all which the hours mentioned in the Rubric are to continue unchanged, there is one clause in the Bill worthy of particular note. It is to the effect that parties, instead of having proclamation made in the Church, as is now the custom, may give notice to the District Registrar, who will forward such notice to the Clerk of the Board of Guardians, to be read at certain specified meetings, and the production to the Clergyman of the Parish of the Registrar's certificate that this form has been duly observed is to be taken, by any Clergyman, in lieu of proclamation in Church.

2. Where marriages are solemnised in Presbyterian Meeting-houses, if both the contracting parties be Presbyterians, either banns or license may be employed; if only one of them be Presbyterian, license alone is allowable. Notice must be given to the Minister of the Congregation six clear days before proclamation can be made; and, in case of license, the certificate of the entry of notice by the Minister must be produced to the licensing Minister seven days before license can be granted. At the expiration of twnety-one days after the notice, if by banns, or of seven days, if by license, the marriage can be celebrated. License for marriage in a Presbyterian Church can be issued only by the licensing Presbyterian Minister.

3. In reference to registered buildings, other than Presbyterian Churches, we observe that the Act fixes matters pertaining to marriage thus: Any parties desiring to be married in them, are to give notice to the District Registrar, who is to forward every notice to the clerk of the local Board of Guardians, at whose meetings they are to be read. Seven days after notice, if by license, which is to be issued by the Registrar, or twenty-one days after notice, if without license, the marriage can be solemnised in the registered building named in the notice."

4. In the Registrar's office, marriages are attended with much the same conditions as in registered buildings.

"We have now presented to our readers a summary of the provisions of the Act, as it refers to the places where, and the methods by which, marriages may be solemnised. "Parties desiring marriage will hereby understand, that they can, now, obtain their object only in one of these three ways:

1. By banns, in the Established Church, as usual, or, in- stead, by license from the Surrogate or his deputies. The Act makes no encroachment on the rights of Surrogates, but takes care to specify, first, that seven days' notice must be given to them before they can have the power to grant license; and, se- condly, that they must intimate to the Incumbent of Parishes in which the noticing parties dwell, that such notice has been served on them with a view to license.

2. By banns, in the Presbyterian Churches ; or by license, from the licensing Minister or Ministers in the several Presby- teries.

3. By serving notice on the District Registrar of the in- tended marriage in any 'registered building' this is the term employed in the Act to denote any registered place other than a Presybterian Church--in, as we have stated whatever 're- gistered building' they may chyose [soc] to specify, or in the Registrar's own office. In either case the marriage, to be valid, must be in the presence of the Registrar himself. He is qualified to give license after the seven days' notice, and to see the contract entered into, without license, twenty-one days after the giving to him of the notice. He is restricted, however, from licensing any marriage to be solemnized in the Churches of the Establishment, or in the Presbyterian Church. In these cases, too, his presence is not requisite.

"It will be seen that no door appears left open for the trade in clandestine marriages. By the strictness as to hours, and the publicity which, in all instances, must be submitted to every avenue appears closed against those pests and nuisances of society in past days we mean the disreputable characters who had open shops for irregular marriages, and who fattened on the folly and credulity of the thoughtless and unwary.

A Marriage is declared null and void if performed under the following circumstances, namely:

'In any other place than the Church, or Chapel, or certified Presbyterian Meeting-house, specified in the license, or in which the banns were published ;

'In any other place than the Church, or Chapel, registered building, or office, specified in the notice, and Registrar's cer- tificate or license ;

'Without due notice to Registrar, or without his certificate or license, where required;

'In the absence of a Registrar, where his presence is re- quired;

'In a Presbyterian Meeting-house, without banns or li- cense.' Besides this, it is enacted that any person knowingly and wilfully celebrating pretended marriages, contrary to this law, shall be guilty of felony.

The principal fees authorised are--
1. To the Registrar, for registration of places of worship, ... ... ... ... ... £1 0 0
2. To Surrogates, or Presbyterian Minister or Registrar, for entry of notice in marriage no- tice book, ... ... ... ... ... 0 1 0
3. To appointed Presbyterian licensing Minister, for license, ... ... ... ... ... 0 5 0
4. To Registrar, for marrying license, ... 0 5 0
5. To Registrar, for marriage in his presence, in registered building, or in his office, if by license, ... ... ... ... ... 0 10 0 If not by license, ... ... ... ... 0 5 0
6. To Registrar, by person entering into a caveat, 0 5 0
Fees are likewise chargeable for searches, and for various documents which might be requisite.

We hope that this view of some of the most material points embraced in the Bill may prove useful to our readers. There is no doubt that ample room there was for amendment, in re- gard to the particulars with which the Act deals; and we fondly trust that the most beneficial results will flow to the community from the operation of this legislative enactment."



NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made at the next Road Sessions, to be held at Loughgall, for the Barony of O'Neiland West, on the 14th of May next, and at Armagh, for the Barony of Armagh, on the 22d of May next, in and for the County of Armagh, for the following Pre- sentment, that is to say : To open a New Line of Rroad [sic] (in part) from Charlemont to Portadown, between the road leading from Charlemont to Loughgall, in the Townland of Keenaghan, and the Kineary Road, in the Townland of Kineary. Said new line of road is intended to be made 21 feet wide, i? the clea? of all ditches, banks, drains, and fences, and is intended to pass 173 6-10th perches through the Townland of Keenaghan ; 16 perches through the Townland of Anaghma?manus, both in the Barony of Armagh, and 85 perches through the Townland of Kineary, in the Barony of O'Neiland West. Given under our hands this 8th day of April, 1845, WM. SMART, DAVID BARRY, Grand Jury Cess Payers. To all concerned.



Early on Saturday morning, a fire of an alarming and extensive description, took place in the mill of Mr. W. Kelsey, at Plantation, on the County Down side of Lisburn. In a short time crowds assembled, and used their best exertions to save the property, and the fire-engine, from Lisburn, was also brought to bear on the flames, but the building was speedily a burning mass of ruins. We understand that it was erected several years ago, as a thread factory, at a great expense, and was very spacious and lofty. It had recently been occupied as a steam-mill for the manufacture of oatmeal. We have learned that the concern was insured, though we have not heard whether the large stock of meal, with the grain on hand, both of which are destroyed, be covered by the insurance. The origin of the fire cannot be ascertained; but it is conjectured that the meal dust, which is very inflammable, had become igni- ted some time after the closing of the mill on Friday night.-- Belfast News-Letter.

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