Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

13 May, 1845  


We are happy to announce that Mr. Robert Wilson, of Benburb, has been appointed post- master.



Keady fair, on Friday the 9th inst., was in every respect a good one. Milch cows in good demand, and sold at good prices. A good many horses exchanged owners. Pigs were a shade lower.

ENNISKILLEN FAIR - The fair of this town was held on Saturday last, and was pretty well attended. Milch cows brought reasonable prices; but beef was not much sought after. Fat pigs were in good demand, and sold freely at advanced prices. Horses and sheep were stationery.



In the Matter of SARAH FEARON, late of Derryhale, an Insolvent.

The Schedule Creditors of the Insolvent in this Matter, are hereby required to meet Mr. John M'Veagh, the Insolvent's Assignee, at my Office, in the City and County of Armagh, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, on Wednesday, the 4th of June next, for the purpose of fixing the manner, time, and place for a Sale by Public Auction, of All That and Those, 4A. 0R. 6P., or thereabouts, English Statute Measure of Land, in the Townland of Derryhale, and County of Armagh, being the property returned by the said Insolvent in her Schedule.--Dated this 8th day of May, 1845.

JOHN QUIN, Attorney for the said Assignee, 34, Lower Gloucester-street, Dublin, and Armagh.



On Saturday, 3d instant, as a carrier was passing up the main-street of Portadown, from the railway station, his cart shaft caught hold of the cloak of a respectable female, a Mrs. RAMSEY, about 65 years of age, and dragged her under one of the wheels, which passed over her skull. Head Constable GUTTRAGH (Lurgan) and the police, with Dr. BREDON, were immediately in attendance, but every effort of Mr. BREDON's skill proved unavailing. The sufferer who was forthwith removed to the house of Surgeon M'LOUGHLAN, who was most unremitting in his attention towards her until next day, when death put an end to her suffering. No blame can be attached to the carrier, who was walking at the head of his horse quietly along the street at the time.



On Wednesday, the 30th April, the lady of James M. Ross, Esq., Church-square, Monaghan, of a daughter.



On the 2nd inst., at Ballynahinch Church, by the Rev. Charles Boyd, Mr. William Davison, of Banbridge, to Miss Isabella Chambers, daughter of the late Robert Chambers, Esq., of Ballynahinch.



Yesterday, in Russell-street, Mr. John Noble, aged 19 years. The death of this promising young man is a source of deep regret to a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.

On Wednesday, the 7th inst., suddenly, at his residence, Gorthaloghan, near Enniskillen [Co Fermanagh], Mr. Crozier Beatty, a highly respectable farmer, and much esteemed. He was advanced in years, and was in perfect health a few moments previous to his death.

In Dungannon [Co Tyrone], on Thursday, the 8th inst., Mrs. M'Gerr, wife of Mr. John M'Gerr, of that town, and daughter of Mr. Matthew Vallely, Monaghan.



On Thursday evening last, a poor fellow named Patt M'Clain, employed as a labourer at the Roman Catholic cathedral, now being built in this city, fell from the scaffolding and was dreadfully bruised. He was immediately conveyed to the County Infirmary, when he died in the course of an hour. An inquest was held next day by Thomas Dobbin, Esq., J.P., and a verdict returned accordingly. On Sunday the Rev. Mr. O'Brien made a moving appeal for the widow and orphans, which was nobly responded to, and a collection of £12 12s. 7d. taken up. This is a case worthy the sympathy of the humane and charitable; and contributions are still thankfully received on her behalf by the reverend gentleman and Mr. Hugh Treanor, treasurers to the cathedral committee.



On the night of Tuesday, the 29th ult., a scutch mill, the property of Mr. WM. JACKSON, of Ballymagerney, near Loughgall, was burned to the ground. We understand that this is the third time it has been burned, and is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.



On Wednesday next, Wm. Paton, Wm. Blacker, Thomas Dobbin, Robert M'Endow and Wm. Kirk, Esqurs., leave this city for London to give testimony before the committee of the House of Com- mons, in favour of the Newry and Enniskillen Railway. The selection of gentlemen so well qualified for undertaking this task augurs well.



The Earl of ERNE arrived at Enniskillen on Friday last in his new iron steamer, and cast anchor at the west-bridge, where a large number of the inhabitants were assembled to witness the arrival of a second steamer on Lough Erne. The noble Earl left again in the evening for Crom, accompanied by several of the gentry of the neighbourhood.




Remaining last week 456
Admitted 12
Discharged 15
Remaining on the above date 453.



NEW AND CHEAP SADDLERY WAREHOUSE, No. 7, English-street, Armagh. ----------------------------- PATRICK M'FARLAND, IN returning thanks to his numerous customers for the liberal support he has received, begs leave to acquaint them and the public generally, that he has, in addition to his former stock, just received from England a large and well assorted supply of Goods, of the best description, with a large quantity of London dressed Leather for Saddles and Harness, &c. ; also, a number of Saddle Trees, of the newest and most approved shape, and a great variety of Harness Mountings; and having a number of first-rate workmen employed, he is enabled to execute all orders with which he may be favoured, in such a style and on such terms as to ensure satisfaction. P M'F. respectfully solicits an inspection of his Saddles and Harness, which will be found, on trial, to be as good as any London or Dublin manufacturers, at considerably lower prices, and being made of best material by first-rate workmen, under his own inspection, they will be found to combine elegance of appearance with durability. Second-hand Saddles and Harness taken in exchange. AN APPRENTICE WANTED.

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