Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

             Newspaper Articles from 1850 to 1859

10 February, 1850

We extract the following from a letter written by an emigrant to Australia, to his father, who lives in the parish of Seagoe. The information it contains must prove interesting, particularly to the labouring classes.

'You will be happy to hear that we like this place, we are in good health and making money, but this being the winter season, wages are lower than usual, at the same time work is plentiful, at from 18 to 25 a year, with rations, and it is supposed that wages will rise in the spring. I have been constantly employed since I came here, at fair wages, and I am able to lay by more, beside keeping us, than I could earn altogether in Ireland.

The productions of this country are equal, if not better than those of Ireland; wheat grows to great perfection on the same land for ten or twelve years in succession, without manure, or fallowing, or any other trouble than ploughing and sowing; they generally commence sowing in this month (July) and end in the next; oats and barley grow well, indeed oats are rather a weed here, as the ground seems to throw them up in any other crop, and some people sow them but once in a place, and they remain in the ground for many years together, without any other trouble; oats are also sown for hay, neither is artificial food required except for working horses, (that is saddle horses) for ploughing and drawing is generally performed by bullocks.

There is little rain here except in the spring months, which are August, September, and October; the grass and every thing else is green all the year round, but the principal growth is in the spring and beginning of summer; but the winter is very mild though there are occasional frosts.

The harvest commences with the oats, hay, and barley, about Christmas; wheat is cut above the knee and the stubble burnt; oats are only used for horses; this is a fine country for fruit, except currants, but gooseberries, plums, cherrys, apples, peaches, pears, quinces, &c., do remarkably well; I have seen a tree loaded with peaches the third year from the stone; there is a ground fruit here called melons which beats strawberries and cream out of cry, the fruit itself is larger than a quart noggin, and wonderful juicy.

The houses in the bush are widely scattered, there are often from three to ten miles between them; this is necessary for the sheep and cattle runs, but a poor man can get a horse or two run free of charge almost anywhere.

If any of the neighbours be desirous of coming out, you may let them know that I would advise them strongly to it if they can get. Please give my kind respects to the Rev. Archdeacon Saurin; I feel most grateful to him for his kindness in procuring me a passage here, where I can get a comfortable living, and lay something to the good.

If emigration from Ireland became free, (as I hope it soon will,) I expect to see a good many of my old friends here G.M.'


7 April, 1854

By the arrival of the American ship 'Pride of the Ocean', in the river on Saturday, from New York, intelligence has been received of the loss of the emigrant ship Sea Nymph bound to New York from Liverpool, &c.,(?) and but for the timely aid of the former vessel all on board would have perished. With crew and emigrants, the latter all Irish the number amounted to upwards of fifty.

She left Liverpool on the 21st February, and had scarcely been out more than a week before she experienced most terrible weather. This continued off and on until the 13th March, when increased to a hurricane, and her top masts, sails, and yards had been carried away over the ships sides. She then became utterly unmanageable, the fearful straining she had undergone caused her to leak down, and as she lay in the trough of the tempestuous sea, which kept breaking over and sweeping her deck, her foundering was momentarily expected. She continued in this critical position for twenty-four hours, the crew doing their best in keeping the leek down, by pumping and clearing away the wreck.

At length the 'Pride of the Ocean', bound for London, appeared in sight, and on observing the signal of distress, instantly bore down to the Sea Nymph. Two of the boats were lowered, and, after much difficulty, the emigrants, men, women, and children, were dropped into them as the boat rose with the sea alongside. After several trips, all were got on board of the Pride of the Ocean, which has brought them to London. The Sea Nymph was fast settling down when last seen.

Another loss is reported by Issac Webb, which reached Liverpool on Friday from New York, with 50 passengers, of the ship 'Russell Sturges', bound to Boston, United States, from the Mersey. She was met with on the 16th March, in a sinking state, having encountered the same heavy gale at the Sea Lymph. The Issac Webb succeeded in taking off the emigrants and the rainbow the captain and the crew.

Another loss has been announced in the wreck of the Jullie, from Newcastle to New York, which lost her topmasts and yards, in a gale, on the 12th of March. Two of the hands perished: the remainder were taken off by ship Roger. The barque Orline, from St. John's, for Barbadoes, was dismasted in a gale, and filled. The second mate and a seaman were drowned in the cabin. The captain's wife and a sailor died from exposure on the wreck. The survivors were without, and, to sustain life, devoured the flesh of a dead sailor. They were taken off by the Saxonville, in a very deplorable state, and landed at Boston. Two other Liverpool and New York ships are missing.


5 March, 1855

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8 June, 1858

The Commissioners for Lurgan under the “Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act 1854” have just published their third annual report to the ratepayers. It is an important document and is clearly indicative of the spirit of improvement which animates the lord of the manor (Lord Lurgan) and the leading inhabitants of the town.

The present means of water supply, having long been felt as inadequate to the requirements of this population, the present report contains a lengthened statement from James Thompson Esq, C.E. Professor of Engineering at Queen's College, Belfast, in which two schemes for supplying this want are very fully discussed. Of course it will be some time ere a scheme of such magnitude can be carried out, but it is well to have it “ventilated and considered”. The increase of the population of the town appears from the following table drawn by Mr. Hancock:-
  1841 1851 1856
Houses Occupied 670 658 975
Houses Vacant 52 37 28
Houses Building 6 6 16
Total of Houses 728 701 1,019
Population 4,677 4,851 -

From this table the present population of the town may reasonably be presumed to be between 6,000 and 7,000.


4 June, 1859

Yesterday, a public meeting of the landed proprietors in the Counties of Armagh, Antrim, Derry, Tyrone, and Down, affected by the drainage works, was held in the Grand Jury room of the County Courthouse, pursuant to a notice issued by the Board of Works, for the purpose of appointing trustees to maintain the works erected by the Commissioners. The attendance was very large. Amongst those present were: Lord Lurgan, Lord Massereene, Rev. A. H. Pakenham, J.P. ; Peter Quinn, M.P. ; John Cromie, D.L. ; Colonel Close, D.L. ; Major Scott, D.L. ; Major Greer, D.L. ; James Harden, D.L. ; J. R. Miller, J.P. ; John Hancock, J.P.; William Wann, J.P.; Wm. Verner, J.P., Churchill ; George Ensor, J.P. ; James Gunning, J.P.; William Olpherts, J.P.; Wm. Langtry, J.P.; Boyle, J.P.; Thomas A. Shillington, J.P.; Joseph Atkinson, J.P.; Charles Magee, J.P.; J. G. Winder, J.P. ; Major Waring, J.P. ; the Very Rev. Dean Stannus, Walter, T. Stannus, J.P.; Venerable Arch- deacon Saurin, Henry Anderson, J.P.; Major H. S. M'Clintock, J.P.; Francis Fforde, J. T. Noble, Wm. Hardy, J. O. Woodhouse, J.P. ; R. H. Dolling, J.P.; David R. Goodlatte, Edward Atkinson, John Richardson, James D. Richardson, Ralph Obre, Samuel Knox, W. J. Clarke, R. Lloyd, John Birney, Robert Moore, R. Fforde, B. T. Baltour, C. Gaussen, John J. Marley, John Watson, David W. Irwin, Robert Atkinson, John Joyce, John O'Neill, &c. On the motion of the Very Rev. Dean Stannus, the Right Hon. Lord Lurgan was called to the chair. The following were then nominated as trustees-- For the County Antrim--Rev. A. H. Pakenham, John Cromie, Esq., Major H. S. M'Clintock, Walter T. Stannus, and Lord Massereene. For County Armagh --Lord Lurgan, Wm. Verner, Esq., F. Fforde, Esq., J. T. Noble, Esq., Woolsey Atkinson, Esq., William Hardy, Esq., D. R. Goodlatte, Esq., J. O. Woodhouse, Esq. For County Derry--Captain Dawson, M.P., Henry Anderson, Esq., Andrew Spottswood, Esq., R. H. Dolling, Esq., Sir H. Bruce, and John O'Neill, Esq. For County Tyrone--James Gunning, Esq., and James Greer Nicholson. It was agreed that the noblemen and gentlemen re- resenting the several counties should retire se- parately to recommend from amongst the nominated the gentlemen to be elected, with the understanding that this recommendation should be confirmed by the general meeting, and this having been done, the follow- ing were recommended and accordingly declared elected :--County Antrim--John Cromie, Esq., W. T. Stannus, Esq., Major M'Clintock, and Rev. A. H. Pakenham. County Tyrone--James Gunning, Esq., and J. G. Richardson, Esq. County Derry--Captain Dawson, M.P., Henry Anderson, Esq., and A. Spottswood, Esq. County Armagh--Lord Lurgan, William Verner, Esq., Wm. Hardy, Esq., J. T. Noble, Esq., Francis Fforde, Esq., and R. D. Goodlatte, Esq. A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings. The trustees subsequently held their first meeting in the Grand Jury room.


20 March 1850

THE GUARDINS [sic] of this Union will receive applications from competent persons to fill the above Situation. The Salary is fixed at 15 per annum, with Apartments and Rations. Applications in their own hand-writing, accompanied with Testimonials of Character and Competency, will be received by me, to Wednesday, the 13th of March next, and personal attendance will be required at the Workhouse Board Room, on Thursday, the 14th March next, at 11 o'clock, when the Election will be proceeded with.

Signed, T. PENTLAND, Clerk of the Union. Workhouse, Lurgan,


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Lurgan Mail Ad



2 February, 1850

On Monday last, the annual ploughing-match of this excellent society took place, in a field belonging to a Mr. T. Cuppage, Silverwood, near Lurgan. The assemblage on the ground, at three o’clock, must have numbered upwards of a thousand; and the fineness of the day, and the animating spectacle of the competitors, combined, rendered the scene particularly agreeable. There were about five acres, in all, turned up; the ploughs amounting to twenty in all; of which number, eleven were in the farmers’ class, and nine in the servants’ class. The ploughing was pronounced excellent. Premiums having been offered for draining, fourteen yards long, and one deep, eighteen competitors presented themselves; and to this portion of the day’s proceedings, very considerable interest was attached. In addition, there were exhibited, on the ground, a number of farming implements, constructed on recently-adopted principles – viz., ploughs, harrows, grubbers, turnip barrows, double-trees complete, &c.
In the evening, the members of the society sat down to an excellent dinner, in the Brownlow Arms. Upwards of fifty were present. The chair was filled by Francis Fforde, Esq., Raughlan; and the vice-chair by James Brown, Esq., Donacloney.

After the usual loyal and appropriate toasts, The Chairman proposed “The health of the Lord of the Soil.” The lamented father of the present lord of the soil was the founder of that society; and of his goodness every man in that room was fully acquainted. He gave £59 a year to the society; and did all he possibly could, at all times, to increase its usefulness. The present Lord Lurgan, he earnestly hoped, would grow up, and walk in his father’s footsteps; and, if he did, no more could be expected from him. (The toast was then drunk, the company standing.)

The Rev. Mr. Falloon responded. As their excellent chairman had said, the very name of mention of the toast of the health of the lord of the soil should be received with affection and admiration. (Hear, hear.) But, when they recollected the noble father of the present Lord Lurgan – when they remembered the anxiety he always manifested to serve the society – when they thought of the many acts of kindness which he did, when he was amongst them – when they reflected on his uniform goodness and endeavours to promote the spiritual, as well as the temporal, welfare of his tenantry – they could scarcely repair the loss they sustained in the death of such a man, of whom it might be said, that he sacrificed his life through his anxiety to promote the comforts of the people. (Hear, hear.) In truth, he died a martyr to the cause of philanthropy; and the last words from his dying breast were a testimony of his anxiety to effect the temporal benefit and eternal comfort of the tenantry committed to his charge. (Hear, hear.) If the present lord of the soil only walked in the steps of his revered father, that was all that the tenantry might require of him. He was, as yet, but a youth; and it was to be hoped that he would prove himself worthy of treading in the steps of his good father. (Hear, hear.) Indeed, he (Mr. Falloon) knew that he felt the liveliest anxiety for the welfare of his tenantry; and, when he came of age, they might safely say that he would be glad to meet them, and preside in that chair which Mr. Fforde now so ably filled. (Applause.)

The Chairman, after a suitable preface, next proposed “The Lurgan Union Farming Society, and prosperity to it.”
Mr Fennell, Woodbank, responded.

The following toasts were given in succession : –

“The Healths of the Judges” – Mr. Greer responded.

“The Successful Candidates” – replied to by Mr. Ellis, who seems determined to hold a monopoly of this toast, for neither old or new hands can beat him.

“The Unsuccessful Candidates” – Mr. Brown responded.

“The Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland” – Mr. McLernon, stewart to Dean Waring, acknowledged this toast.

“The Chairman.” (Loud cheers.) The Chairman returned thanks.

The Chairman then proposed “Thorough-draining.”

Mr. Maule, steward to the Marquis of Hertford, responded. There was still much difference of opinion as to the proper width and depth to make drains; but he thought, that the rule must vary, according to the circumstances of each soil to be drained. (Hear, hear.) It should be recollected, that subsoiling must always go hand-in-hand with thorough-draining; for, after the water was carried off, there was a crust which must be broken up, if the farmer wanted his land enriched and healthy. (Hear, hear.) From the loss of the potatoes, farmers were obliged to turn their attention to green crops; but they must always remember, that, without draining, they cannot have good green crops: and he called on the landlords to give every encouragement to their tenants, with this view; for these lines were truthful and suggestive :-

“Drain your land and plough it deep,
And you’ll have corn to sell and keep.”  

The Chairman then gave “Success to the Linen Trade.” but for which the farmers would be badly off. He would call on Mr. Watson, of Lakeview, who, to his knowledge, gave employment to an immense number of persons. (Hear, hear.)

Mr. Watson responded: and he said, the toast was one of the deepest importance. From infancy he had been connected with the linen trade, and always wished to be a friend to the weaver, and keep him in constant employment; but, in doing so, he was as well consulting his own interests as that of the poor man. It was, therefore, the duty of manufacturers to look to the comforts of all round them, for thereby they equally conduced to their own prosperity. (Cheers.)

The Chairman said, the next toast was “The Town and Trade of Lurgan.” and he need not say, it would be well received. (Loud cheers.)
Mr. S. Watts responded. He would merely say, that Lurgan was well situated for trade and commerce, and the people of the town and neighbourhood appreciated this, and availed themselves of such peculiar advantages. (Hear, hear.) They had their beautiful damask and diaper manufactory. They had their handkerchief manufacture, which stood unrivalled. They had shops in the town that were not excelled by either Belfast or Dublin; and, if they were to judge of the quality and the quantity of the meat sold in their shambles, they were over any provincial town, of the same extent in the three kingdoms.  They had also their fine gas establishment; and though last, not least, they had their Lurgan beer – (laughter) – which was unrivalled in the world. (Cheers.) But, besides this, they had their grain market, where the farmers knew they got every fair play. Then they had their wheat and oat markets; and the largest barley market in Ireland. Since the railroad was opened, he knew oats sold in Lurgan on Thursday, and carried over to Glasgow, and sold there the next morning. (Cheers.) Then they had their markets for pork and fowl, and butter, which were always well stocked; and he should not forget their excellent tobacco and snuff manufactories; so that, in Lurgan, with manufactories all round them, and the seats of the gentry, they could show a prosperous, thriving community not to be excelled elsewhere. (Cheers.)

The next toast was “The Flax Improvement Society.”
Mr. Thomas Haughton, Gilford, responded.
The Chairman said, he should state, that Mr. Douglas, of Grace-hall, would have been here, but for the death of his brother-in-law, Doctor Blacker; and so would Mr. Hancock, but that a similar cause prevented him; and he was sure that both gentlemen would be present at the next meeting. (Hear.)

The Vice-Chairman then, after some culogistic remarks, give –

“The health of Charles Douglas, Esq.” (Cheers.) Mr. Pentland responded to the toast.

The next toasts were :-

“The Press,”

“The health of the Rev. Mr. Falloon”  – Mr. Falloon responded;

“The Ladies” – responded to by Mr. Fleming;

“The health of Mr. Armstrong.” the Chairman remarking that no man did more for the improvement of the town of Lurgan than his father did. (Hear.)

Mr. Armstrong returned thanks. He was a member of the society for three or four years, and was a successful competitor. He had made one bold attempt, and he wouldn’t decline making another. (Hear, hear.) He then praised the efforts of the society, and hoped it would be generally supported. It was in good working order, and would fully succeed in its objects. (Hear.)

“The health of Mr. Cuppage” was then drunk; after which the company seperated, after having spent a most pleasant evening.


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Lurgan Mail Ad


223 April, 1859

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23 June, 1855

The improvement noticed last week, says the Belfast Mercury, still continues in linens, both brown and white, but particularly in the former. Damasks and diapers were in good demand during the week, and in the Lurgan market on Thursday an advance of a halfpenny per yard was experienced. The exports for Lurgan to England 1348 packages thread and linen, to Scotland 138 packages ditto, and to other ports 18 packages. Yarns are steady; 233 bales were exported during the fortnight. The demand for flax is generally active, and prices in the markets of Armagh, Monaghan, and Cavan, are from 6s. 6d. to 10s. 6d. per stone of 16 lbs. For milled, and 5s. 6d. to 7s. for hand-scutched.


8th January, 1850

or such term as may be agreed on, All that Dwelling House, OFFICE HOUSES, AND LANDS, Containing about 10 Acres, Statute Measure, as lately in possession of Mr. George Nettleton; or the above would be divided into Two Lots, and encouragement given to Build on on [sic] the Ground which is vacant, in front to the Street. These Premises would suit any person in the Manufacturing line, as there is abundance of Water for that purpose.

Application to be made to Mr. Hazlett, Lurgan. Lurgan, 8th January, 1850


8 September, 1858

A very distressing case of suicide occurred in Lurgan Workhouse on Sunday morning last, and became the subject of a coroner’s investigation on Monday. It appears that certain charges are hanging over some of the officers in the workhouse, in which the mistress, Harriet McCloskie, was implicated. An inquiry commenced on Thursday last into those charges; and since that day the mistress was observed to be suffering from mental depression, under the effects of which, on Sunday morning, she terminated her existence.

On Monday, Joshua M. Magee, Esq., of Newry, coroner, held an inquest on the body. The following jury was sworn : – John Douglass – Foreman, James Kennedy, R. J. Evans, John McMullan, John Ross, William W. McClure, Joseph Conn, John E. Anderson, Arthur Donnely, Henry Mercer, James Campbell, Joseph Hall. John Waite. Several of the Guardians, including Mr. Hancock, Vice-Chairman, Mr. Charles Douglas, J.P., and others, attended to watch the proceedings. Mr. Morris, solicitor, was present on behalf of the officers. The following evidence was given : –

WILLIAM McKELVEY, master of workhouse, sworn and examined – I saw deceased in bed at five minutes past ten on Sunday morning. I asked her did she see my razor. She said not. Jane Jordan, a pauper, was in the room at the time. Jordan cleans my room. On asking her about the razors, she replied they were on the dressing-table in my room. It was after that I asked deceased. She was sitting up in the bed at the time, and said she did not know. I left the room then. My room and deceased’s are on the same corridor and adjoin. I rose that morning at 45 minutes past 5. After breakfast I found that the razor I had shaved with the previous day had been removed. Deceased had been up before witness. I advised her to go back to bed, as she seemed uneasy. She did so about nine o’clock. She had attended to her duty as usual up to that time. The last time I saw her down stairs she was sitting on the form in the dining-hall with the school-mistress, Miss Anderson.

I breakfasted with her that morning in my sitting-room down stairs. She ate very little. I urged her to take food, and not be fretting so much. She drank two cups of tea, and one nip of bread. I then told her to lie down on the sofa in my room. She did so, and I left her. I saw her in her own room upstairs after that, appearing as if going to undress. I asked her was she going to bed. She said yes. I left her and sent Jordan to her. About ten minutes after I asked for the razor. Jordan came running in and said, “Master, the mistress has turned her face to the wall, and won’t speak.” I then ran in and saw the blood. I put my hand to her head, and saw blood in very large quantities on her neck and on the bed. I think she never spoke after. I then heard a shout below that Mr. Hancock was coming. He said, “My God! send for the doctor.” The doctor came shortly afterwards. I think she died in about an hour and a-half. I found the razor afterwards in her bed under her right arm. She was lying on her right side. On Saturday I said I would resign, and advised her to do the same. She said she wished to God we had done so on Thursday last. She said she blamed Ann Curvy, the fever nurse, for being at the bottom of a conspiracy against the officers. Deceased was forty-eight years of age.

JANE JORDAN (pauper), examined – I have been in the house between six and seven years. I attended the mistress and the master, and cleaned their rooms for three years. I saw deceased about six o’clock. She was up then. I asked her did she find herself any better that last night. She said she was. I saw a pound-note lying on the stand of the looking-glass. She said she was going to send it to her daughter, Maria. She told me to look after it, and see that Maria would get it. She said she was so disturbed in mind she could not lie in bed, and would rather be wandering about. A few minutes after she went down stairs. I then began to clean up both their rooms. She saw the master’s razors in their cases in his room, in their usual place on the dressing-table. About nine o’clock, went to the parlour, and saw deceased walking round the table; she did not speak. I said, “Mistress, dear, what makes you in such a despairing state ?” She said, “They had sworn away my life and character, and I cannot live.” I told her to rely on God, and not on the arm of flesh. I gave her a drink of cold water, at her request, and left her sitting on the sofa. She (witness) then went to prepare for church, and when coming down stairs, met the master, who told me to go to deceased who was not well. Went up. She was standing in her own room, in her bed-dress. She stood about ten minutes, and never spoke, looking at me. I then said, “Mistress, dear, go to bed.” I turned to fold down the bed for her, and kissed me. She said, that would be the last time, and asked me to look to her children if any thing would occur. I said, I would be a cold dependence. She went to bed, and I sat down beside her. She said “Be sure and remember that I sent my daughter this ring – look after it that she get it.” I asked her would she take anything. She said she would take some whey. I went to the master in the dairy for her pint of milk.

Saw no bottle on the table, nor smelt any unusual smell. Made some whey, and returned to her room. Found her in bed as I had left her. She drank some of the whey. I sat down a little at the bed-side. I asked her was her head very bad. She said it was very bad. She lay down for two or three minutes and did not speak; then turned round and asked was Mr. Hancock come. I said not, that he would not bother her to-day. She said “Don’t say so, for he will be here in a few minutes.” I said “Mistress, dear, many a wrong notion you take.” “Oh, no.” she said, “I am not much astray for Miss Curry swore my life and character away to Mr. Hancock last night, and to think to live I cannot. Two of the inmates, Margaret Denison and Ellen Copeland, told me so.” She lay a long time before she spoke, and then turned round and asked for a glass of the coldest water she could get. I had to go down from the dormitory to the yard to get her the water. When I came back, found her turned to the wall – when I left her, her face was to the window. Called to her that here was the water, but she made no reply. I got on a chair, and tried to lift her head, to turn her round, but could not move her. The head was bent or stooped off the pillow, lying over against the wall. Did not at that time see anything particular. She lay motionless. I then went into the master’s room. He came in and called to her, but she made no answer. He put his arm under her head, and turned her partly round. Her face and breast was all covered with blood. The very name of Mr. Hancock was like a life-stroke or a dagger to her. She would hide in any hole for fear of Mr. Hancock. Mr. Hancock was about four hours in the Maria Duncan (infirmary nurse) proved that deceased got a bottle of laudanum from her on the previous day.

WILLIAM ROSS McLAUGHLIN, M.D., examined – I am medical officer of this workhouse. Was called on yesterday morning between ten and eleven o’clock. Saw deceased. Found her lying in bed on her back, with a very extensive wound upon her neck, extending from one ear to the other, fully eight inches in extent; it was deep in the left side; cut through the skin and tissues in the neck, laid the carotid artery bare; and on the right side, a part of the windpipe was cut through. The carotid artery was laid bare, but not cut through. The wound was bleeding, but she was still alive. Just examined whether any important blood-vessel had been cut. I satisfied myself there was not. I brought the edges of the wound together by stitches, and used other means to stop the bleeding. After the administration of some whiskey and water, she appeared to rally. Up to this time I had hope, but I remarked that the stupor which existed from the first time I saw her still continued. Although I attributed it to the loss of blood, I suspected another cause. Her symptoms were those which would be produced by a narcotic poison. The stupor began to increase. I asked the infirmary nurse had she been in the surgery. She said she had. I introduced the stomach-pump and it smelt strong of laudanum. She died in about an hour and a-half. I think the cause of death was the combined cause of loss of blood and opium, as the loss of blood would cause the opium to be absorbed into the system faster that otherwise. By Mr. MORRIS – Saw her desponding during the last week, and her despondency seemed increasing. Injected the whiskey and water through the nose, when I found I could not get into the stomach (from the wound in the throat) any other way.

The Master re-examined – On Thursday evening after the board-meeting. Mr. Hancock told me in the male bath-room that the worst of it would be that one would be dismissed, and the other reprimanded; but now, since solicitors had been brought, it would be a stand-up fight before the Commissioners and the Guardians on one side, and the officers on the other. I told deceased that conversation. Mr. Morrison, the schoolmaster, read the charges against us, the officers, on Saturday night. Deceased was there. The principal charge was that Mrs. McCloskie and I were living as man and wife, and other charges which he considered frivolous. A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was given; the jury adding that the act was committed whilst deceased was labouring under temporary insanity.


10 September, 1859

At a meeting of the Town Commissioners of Lurgan held on Monday 5th September 1859, John Hancock Esq in the the chair, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:- Resolved – That in the opinion of the Town Commissioners it would be most desirable to take immediate steps for providing an additional supply of water for the town of Lurgan. That, having carefully considered the report of Professor Thompson, presented to the Commissioners by Lord Lurgan in 1857, and, without being pledged to it's details, the Commissioners are of the opinion that it suggests a feasible plan for supplying the town with water; but as it involves the expenditure of a large sum of money (£8,568), they think that the work can be best undertaken by a joint stock company. That in order to encourage the formation of such a company the Commissioners will give £250 per annum for five years, on condition that ten fountains, similar to those erected in Armagh, be made available for the use of the poor, and that 100 fire plugs supplied with water, be erected at such places as the Commissioners shall point out; and finally that a sufficient supply of water for watering the streets in summer time be provided by the Water Company free of charge. The Payment to commence when the works are in actual operation.



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