Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

31 December, 1844  


On the 29th instant, Mrs. Gray, Vicar's Hill, of a daughter.

December 29, at Hazlewood, the Lady Anne Wynne, of a  son, still-born.



On Thursday, the 24th instant, in the parish Church of Ramelton, by the Rev. William Welsh, the Rev. Edmund Maturin, Curate of Tartarahan, in the diocese of Armagh, to Elizabeth Catherine, second daughter of Dominick Persse, Esq., of Ramelton.

On Sunday, the 29th instant, in Lurgan, by the Rev. Doctor O'Brien, P.P., Mr. John Hughes, of Armagh, to Eliza, daughter of the late Ephraim Byrne, of Lurgan.

On the 24th instant, by the Rev. Henry Wallace, Mr. William L. Warnock, of Fountain street, Londonderry, to Ellen, relict of the late Mr. John Campbell, of Coleraine.

On the 19th instant, by the Rev. J. Thompson, Raphoe, Mr. John Duncan, to Mary, second daughter of Mr. Robert Craig, both of the Common.



At Caledon, on Thursday, the 19th instant, Elizabeth A., youngest daughter of Mr. James Galbraith.

December 18, at her residence, No. 6, Mortimer-street, Cavendish Square, London, Sarah, widow of the Right Hon. John Philpot Curran, some time Master of the Rolls in Ireland, at the advanced age of eighty-nine years.

On the 20th instant, aged 23 years, at the residence of her father (Doctor Foster, Ballybofey,) Mary Annabella, the beloved wife of Robert Barclay, Esq., Ardarva-House, county Tyrone. Her entire life was devoted to the service of her God and Saviour. During a very protracted and trying illness she evidenced growing preparation for a blissful eternity; and she now, (it is assuredly hoped,) is employed in the pure devo- tions of the Church on high, clothed in robes washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb.



THE SUBSCRIBERS have Purchased a Very Large Bullock from his Grace the Lord Primate, and intend showing the animal at their residence during this week, previous to slaughtering for the Market of Tuesday, 7th January. Those requiring any part of him will please leave their orders at once, as the demand is expected to be very great.

WARMOLL & M'DONALD, Lower English-street. Armagh, Dec. 31st, 1844.



On Wednesday last the annual dinner was given to the inmates of the Armagh Poor house, by his grace the Lord  PRIMATE; the dinner consisted of roast beef and plum pudding,  with ale. Same day 100 of the aged and infirm poor had a  breakfast of bread and tea. The mendicants appeared happy  and contented, and thankful to His Grace, at whose expense  they were entertained, under the directions of WM. PATON, Esq.

On same day the prisoners in our county gaol were supplied with animal food and a pint of ale each to dinner. The arrangements on the occasion reflect much credit on the Local  Inspector, Dr. KIDD. The children of the Charter School were regaled with roast beef, the bounty of His Grace the Lord PRIMATE. About 100 scholars sat down to dinner. Grace was said by Dr.  ELRINGTON. There were present also on the occasion F.  Elrington, Esq., Henry Elrington, Esq., Rev. Robert Haig, Rev.  Alexander Irwin, Mrs. Irwin, the Misses Elrington, &c. Before the children separated they sung the National Anthem. His Graces munificence was also extended to upwards of 100 children of  the Mall School who received rewards and clothing.

Sir GEORGE and Lady MOLYNEUX, of Castle Dillon, with their usual benevolence, remembered the poor at Christmas. Sir GEORGE gave a large bullock, and his worthy lady distributed upwards of 40 flannel petticoats, besides other articles of  clothing to the paupers of the neighbourhood.



On Thursday night last some persons entered the kitchen of Captain OVENS, Willoughby-Place, Enniskillen [Co  Fermanagh], and took away several pieces of bacon, along with  some kitchen utensils. A few nights previous there were several  fowls stolen from the same gentleman.




PURSUANT to the Certificate of  EDWARD LITTON, Esq., the Master in this Cause, hearing date the 11th day of December, Instant, All That and Those, That Part of Parcel of Land, formerly in possession of WILLIAM JONES the elder, containing by a Survey thereof, Thirty-seven Acres, and Twenty-four Perches, English Measure, be the same more or less ; situate, lying, and being in the Townland of Drumard, Parish of Kilmore, Barony of O'Neiland West, and County of Armagh, directed to be Sold by the Final Decree made in this Cause, bearing date the 23d day of May, 1844, will be Set up. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON MONDAY, 6th JANUARY NEXT, At the Hour of Two o'Clock in the Afternoon of said Day, by GEORGE TEDFORD, Auctioneer, at the Public Room in the New Market, in the Town of Portadown, in said County of Armagh, who is authorized and directed by the said Certificate to receive the Biddings for said Lands and Premises, and to transmit the same to said Master, who will thereupon declare the Purchaser or Purchasers thereof. Dated this 12th Day of December, 1844. JOHN OBINS WOODHOUSE, Solicitor for Plaintiff, 38, Upper Ormond-Quay, Dublin, and Portadown.



We are sorry to report that an accident of a very serious nature occurred a few days ago in a flax mill belonging to Mr. James Kilpatrick, of Ballylane, in the  neighbourhood of Markethill. A young man named Hutton, who was employed attending the steam engine, by some oversight, allowed his arm to come in contact with the handles, when the member was actually severed from the body, a few inches below the shoulder. The sufferer was immediately conveyed to the county infirmary, where he was promptly attended to by Dr. Robinson, who after carefully examining the injury, decided that excision of the shoulder joint was absolutely necessary. This difficult operation was speedily performed by that accomplished surgeon, with his usual skill, and we are happy to learn that the patient is now in a fair way of recovery.




Males, 59; females, 137; boys, 109; girls,  144; children under two years of age, 37. Total, 486. Of these  61 are in hospital, and 16 in the lunatic and idiot wards.



The Sessions for this division commenced on Wednesday the 1st instant. The following Magistrates, besides the Assistant Barrister, Edward Tickle, Esq., Q.C., were on the bench: The Right Hon. the Earl of Gosford, Colonel Close, William Blacker, James Harden, Barnett M'Kee, and Peter Quin, Esqrs.

The following was the Grand Jury: Charles M'Anally, Esq., foreman; Messrs. William Gillis, George Scott, Archibald Armstrong, Gilbert Marshall, Wm. Martin, Mathew Ocheltree, William Ferguson, John Maginnis, Thomas M'Creery, David Ocheltree, John Clements, James Black, Alexander Small, John Scott, John Acheson, and Ankrim Marshall. There were 5 Crown cases entered for trial, 28 Ejectments, 332 Civil Bills. The criminal cases were not of any importance, and the sessions terminated on Friday evening.


These Sessions commenced on the 4th inst. The following Magistrates were present: Edward Tickle, Esq., Q.C., Assistant Barrister, William Paton, Thomas J. Tennison, Edward W. Bond, J.P. Harris, William Irwin, Francis Stringer, Maxwell Cross, Robert W. Cope, George Robinson, and Lee M'Kinstry, Esqrs. The following Grand Jury was sworn: George Cochran, Esq., foreman; Messrs. George Armstrong, John Simpson, R. C. Vogan, Joseph Mathews, James Bennett, Thomas Craig, Robert M'Endow, Hugh Trainor, Stephenson Riggs, William Boyd, Sinclair Carrol, John Corry, John C. Adams, John Corrigan, Philip Neenan, Robert Fulton, Henry Savage, and William H. Leathem.

There are 26 Criminal cases entered for trial, 25 Ejectments, and 504 Civil Bills, 2 Appeals, 7 Spirit Notices, and 12 Registry of Arms. It is expected the Sessions will not terminate  till Friday.



On Thursday last CHRISTOPHER LOCKE, a  stucco man, a resident of Dungannon, left Loughgall for  Kilmore. On the way he was overtaken by a man who asked his  name; while they were speaking, they were overtaken by two  others, when the ruffianly trio beat Lock [sic] barbarously, and left  him for dead. In this state he was found by two men, who con veyed him to Loughgall, where he now lies dangerously ill. No  trace of the parties has yet been discovered.



On Thursday last, a poor man of  the name of MASTERSON, living in the townland of Coonrick,  county Fermanagh, was out fowling in an adjoining townland,  in company with his son. When the boy returned from an errand he had gone, he discovered his father lying dead. It is  believed that as the unfortunate man was attempting to leap  over a ditch the gun accidentally went off and put an end to  his existence. He has left a wife and five children to deplore  his loss.



ROBERT MARSHALL TAKES this opportunity of acknowledging his sincere thanks to his Friends of his Delivery, for their very liberal kindness to  him at Christmas Times. He has now been employed nearly eight years as Letter Carrier in this City, and he hopes to merit a continuance of their esteem. Armagh, December 30, 1844



An inquest was held on Monday, by Mr. HENRY, on the body of a man named ALEXANDER FLEMING, who was found drowned on Sunday morning in a stream of water only seven inches deep. It appears that FLEMING and his wife when returning from Portadown market on the night previous, called in a public-house at Cockle Hill, after leaving which they proceeded on the way, but had not gone far when the wife missing FLEMING gave the alarm. Search was made, but to no effect. It is supposed he must have fallen in the stream, and being unable to extricate himself was smothered. A verdict of "found drowned" was returned.



JOHN CLARKE ADAMS Is receiving from SCOTLAND a large supply of SCOTCH GOODS, consisting of:

Fashionable Shawls, Fancy Plaid Shawls, SCARFS AND HANDKERCHIEFS; LINEN TICKENS, FROM 6d. to 20d.; DOWLAS LINENS, BEETLE AND SOFT FINISH; CALICOES FROM 3-1/2d. to 8d ; And a variety of other Goods, which will be disposed of on the lowest terms. 5, English-street, December 16, 1844.



The following are the details of a melancholy accident at Limerick, by which two persons lost their lives: A young woman having fallen into the river, an artillery soldier, without a moment's hesitation, plunged in to her rescue. In the agony of fear, she unfortunately grasped him round the waist, impeded all his efforts, and after a brief struggle, they both sunk to  arise in life no more. The name of this brave man who lost his  life in the noble endeavour to save that of a fellow creature,  was Maclise. He had been twelve years in the artillery, and  was highly respected by his officers and comrades. But the  most affecting part of the sad tale remains yet to be told. 

We  learn from the Limerick Reporter, that "he has left an interesting wife far advanced in pregnancy, and three children, to deplore his loss." At this happy season, what heart can contem-plate unmoved the desolation and misery brought so suddenly  to turn their "hearthstone to a tomb;" what bosom but must  thrill with admiration of the heroism of the act which gilds with  as much glory the grave of the humble soldier, as any deed of  human greatness? As far as it is in the power of man to alleviate the distress of the widow and children so awfully bereaved no effort should be left untried. In Limerick, we are informed by our contemporary, "it occurred to every generous mind simultaneously that a subscription should at once be raised for the widow and the orphans," and why not, we ask, in Dublin also? Why should the admiration of such generous acts of bravery by confined to any district? Every officer and soldier in the garrison at Limerick have appropriated one day's pay towards the fund about to  be raised; and will not the military stationed here be delighted to imitate an example so praise-worthy, and pay a meet tribute to the memory of him whose death, untimely as it was, reflects such honour on the name of soldier. Will not our fellow-citizens too, of every grade and class to whose doors Christmas brought not unlooked for mourning, strive, with fitting emulation, who shall be most prompt to relieve the widow and children? Deeds like those of poor Maclise, who, we are proud to say, was an Irishman, reflect honor on the nation; and, had his courageous effort succeeded, what happier fireside could be witnessed at this festive season than his whose heart would have throbbed with joy at having rescured a fellow being from a sudden and fearful death? As it was, Christmas Day brought to his home only the dark reality of crushing sorrow, while, in the distance, the agonised widow beheld looming the fearful presence of want. Will the country that  gave birth to the generous spirit that animated poor Maclise, suffer  his children to cry for bread? No, a thousand times, no. A tribute to his memory is a national debt, and assuredly it will be paid. The following brief account of his funeral shows the estimation in which the poor fellow was held. We quote from the Limerick Reporter:

"His funeral took place at three o'clock on Sunday, and was the most numerous we have seen for many a day. It was attended by the great majority of the citizens of Limerick, and by most of the corporation, all being anxious to pay a tribute of respect to heroism so noble. He was conveyed upon the cannon carriage to St. John's churchyard, and was interred by his comrades with military honors." The Editor of the Evening Packet will thankfully receive any subscriptions to forward the benevolent work already commenced with great success in Limerick. They will be duly acknowledged, and remitted carefully to whatever committee may be formed in that city to allocate the funds so provided. Evening Packet. (The above melancholy catastrophe presents a strong  claim on the Christian feeling of the inhabitants of Ar- magh. Deceased was a native of this city, and a well conducted man. We shall feel most happy in aiding  the movement now in progress to afford relief to the  suffering family the brave-hearted man has left behind him.



On Friday night last some persons made an attempt to rob the shop of Mr. HILLIARD, publican, Enniskillen [Co Fermanagh], by forcing off the  shutters of his window, but fortunately they did not get any  money. This is the third time that the house of this peaceable  and inoffensive young man has been attacked.



In the matter of MARGARET WOODS, late of the Townland of Killilea, in the County of Armagh, Widow, Farmer, an Insolvent.


The Schedule Creditors of the Insolvent in this Matter, are hereby required to meet me at the Office of Mr. JOHN STANLEY, jun. Solicitor, in the City of Armagh, on Wednesday, the 1? day of January next, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, for the purpose of fixing the manner, time and place, for a Sale, by Public Auction, of Insolvent's interest in four HOUSES, situated Lower English-street, in said City of Armagh, returned in the Schedule of the said Insolvent.

Dated this 28th day of December, 1844. WALTER L. KNOX, Assignee of said Insolvent.



The House, Offices, Demesne, and Farm of Doraville, containing 36 Acres, formerly occupied by HENRY IRVINE, Esq. The Dwelling house is large and commodious, having a Hall, large Parlour, Drawing-room, Wine Cellar, Back Room, Kitchen, Safe, Laundry, and three Pantries, on the ground floor; three large Bed-rooms, Lock-up-room, and two Servants' Rooms, on the second floor. There are also at either end of the Farm, two small Dwelling-houses. There is a large well enclosed Yard, Coach-house, two Stables, Cow-house, Barn, Potato and Turf-houses, &c. Also an Orchard and Garden, with Garden house. The Lands are of good quality, and well laid out, through the centre of which runs a private road. There is a Lime Kiln on the Farm, plenty of Turbary attached, and good Water; and it is so situate that it will be let together, or in five divisions. Doraville is 7 miles from Enniskillen, 2 from Lisnarick, three from Lowtherstown (on the road from Enniskillen to Pettigo,) and will be let in any way to suit the tenants. A seven years' lease will be given. Apply to Mr. JAMES COPELAND, Enniskillen; or Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, (the Receiver,) GUARDIAN office, 63, English-st., Armagh. December 18, 1844.

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