April 22d, at Portadown, the lady of Robert Ball Colhoun,
Esq., M.D., of a son.
April 25, the lady of Thomas Henry Harpur, Esq., of
Goerstown, Moy [Co Tyrone], of a son.
April 25, in Enniskillen [Co Fermanagh], the lady of Wm.
Ovenden, Esq., of a son, still-born.
April 29, at Stewartstown [Co Tyrone], the lady of John
Little, Esq., of a son.
April 29, at Lurgan, the lady of William Armstrong, jun.,
Esq., of a daughter.
On the 22d. ult., in Connor Church, by the Rev. Mr. Hobson,
Mr. Alexander Harman, Merchant, of Enniskillen, to Mary,
youngest daughter of Henry Martin, Esq., Aughnacloy, county
April 26, at Portadown, of apoplexy, Robert Ball Calhoun,
Esq., M.D.
On Sunday, the 27th of April, in Eden, Enniskillen, Mr.
Cockran, aged 60 years.
On the 26th ult., at Bell-Hill, after a short illness, John
Armstrong, Esq., in the 76th year of his age.
In his 37th year, Mr. John Lipsett, son of Mr. Thomas
Lipsett, Ballyshannon [Co Donegal]--a gentleman universally
regretted by all who knew him.
At the residence of her son, Dr. Mervyn Crawford, Upper
Berkeley-street, London, aged 78 years, Elizabeth, relict of
Alexander Crawford, Esq., formerly of Miltown House, near
Dublin, and of Millwood, county Fermanagh.
Deeply regretted, Jane Maria, the wife of Mr. Wm. Scott,
draper, Omagh, in the county of Tyrone, and fourth daughter
of the late Jerald Lloyd, Esq., Munville, in the county of
Fermanagh, in the 27th year of her age.
On Wednesday evening this entertainment took place in the
Music Hall. Upwards of 200 gentlemen, of all religious and
political parties, assembled to do honour to the distinguished
guest ; and had there been suitable accommodation for a larger
attendance, many more would have been present at the banquet.
The company was of the highest respectability, and most en-
thusiastically did all receive and welcome Sir Henry Pottinger
to his native town.
The banquet was of much splendour. The interior of
the spacious hall presented a dazzling and most imposing ap-
pearance. Immediately behind the Chairman, a very beautiful
imitation of a conservatory had been formed from a variety of
rare and attractive plants belonging to the Royal Botanical
Gardens. Some of these delightful exotics were of Indian and
Chinese origin, and blooming in singular loveliness. They re-
minded all of Sir Henry Pottenger's [sic] brilliant achievements
in the lands whence they came. They were arranged by the
talented curator of the gardens, Mr. Ferguson.—Belfast News
We understand that the te-
nantry on Lord LURGAN's estates have subscribed the princely
sum of £400, for the purpose of presenting his Lordship's
highly-esteemed agent, JOHN HANDCOCK, Esq., J.P., with a
mark of their gratitude for the services his evidence before the
Land Commissioners has rendered to them in respect to the
tenant-right in Ulster.
WE, the undersigned Inhabitants of the City of Armagh,
beg leave respectfully to request you will convene a
PUBLIC MEETING, for FRIDAY, the 9th day of MAY next,
for the purpose of petitioning Parliament to dispense with the
observance of the Standing Orders, as regards this Railway,
and that thus we may have the advantage of this important
line of communication a year sooner than we could otherwise
We beg leave also to inform you that Lord GOSFORD has
kindly consented to take the Chair.
Dated this 28th day of April, 1845.
To WM. PATON, Esq.,
Seneschal of the Manor of Armagh.
In compliance with the foregoing Requisition, I hereby request
on FRIDAY, the 9th MAY next, at Twelve o'Clock, noon.
W. PATON, Seneschal.
TO BE LENT, at 4-1/2 per Cent., either in one Sum or in
Sums not less than £2,000 each, on Mortgage of Fee
Simple Estate, in a Northern County. The Principal will not
be called in for a considerable time if the Interest be punctually
Apply to ROBERT ROSS TODD, Solicitor, 116, Grafton-street,
Dublin, and Newry.
BEGS to acquaint the Gentry of NEWRY that he will visit
NEWRY, professionally, on SATURDAY, the 17th inst.,
and continue his attendance (at Doctor DAVIS'S) on the first
and third Saturday in every Month, until further notice.
Mr. GRATTAN will also visit DUNGANNON on SATURDAY,
the 10th instant; and avails himself of this opportunity to re-
mind his patients that he never leaves ARMAGH, except on
20, Scotch-street, Armagh, 1st May.
TAKES leave respectfully to inform the Public that she has
opened an Office, at her House in DOBBIN-STREET, (Op-
posite the Primate's Entrance,) for the
Applications for Servants shall be punctually attended to,
and none recommended whose characters and capabilities will
not bear strict investigation.
Will find it their interest to have their Names Registered
at this Office, as Mrs. MACKAY'S general knowledge of the
Gentry of the City and Neighbourhood will give her the advan-
tage of procuring them respectable Situations.
SERVANTS, on Registering their Names, will be required
to produce their Papers.
TERMS: For Procuring a Servant, ..... 2s. 6d.
For Registering a Servant, ..... 1 0d.
The market of this city on Tuesday
last was one of the largest we have seen this year. The range of
carts with potatoes, almost all of which were disposed of, ex-
tended from the market place along English-street, as far as
the Belfast and Provincial Banks, and also to the foot of
CAPITAL--£400,000.—To be raised by 6,000 Shares of
£50 each.—Deposit, £2 1?s per Share.
The Marquis of Downshire.
The Marquis of Londonderry.
The Baron De Ros.
The Viscount Castlereagh, M.P., county Down.
The Viscount Newry and Morne, M.P., Newry Borough.
J. Emerson Tennant, Esq., M.P., Belfast Borough.
David Robert Ross, Esq., M.P., Belfast Borough.
David S. Ker, Esq., M.P., Downpatrick Borough.
Peter Kirk, Esq., M.P., county of the town of Carrickfergus.
Allen, William J. C., Esq., Belfast, Director of the Ulster
Railway Company.
Andrews, John, Esq., Comber.
Batt, Thomas G., Esq., Belfast, Director of the Belfast Bank-
ing Company.
Brabazon, Philip E., Esq., Downpatrick.
Bristow, James, Esq., Belfast, Director of the Northern Bank-
ing Company.
Cleland, Hugh, Merchant, Downpatrick.
Coates, William, Esq., Glentoran, Director of the Belfast and
Ballymena Railway,
Crommelin, Samuel D., Esq., Carrowdore Castle.
Goddard, James, Esq., Belfast, Manager of the Bank of Ire-
land, Belfast, and Chairman of the Ulster Railway.
Greer, George, Esq., Woodville, Director of the Ulster Rail-
way, and of the Belfast and Ballymena Railway.
Grimshaw, Robert, Esq., Belfast, Director of the Ulster Bank-
ing Company, and of the Ulster Railway.
Harrison, John, Esq., Mertoun, Holywood, Director of the
Belfast and Ballymena Railway.
Heron, John, Esq., Maryfield, Holywood, Director of the Ulster
Banking Company.
Hastings, John, Esq., Downpatrick.
Hodgson, John, Esq., Holywood.
Johnston, Arthur, Merchant, Downpatrick.
Martin, John, Esq., Killileagh Mills.
Matthews, George, Esq., Springvale, Donaghadee.
Maxwell, J. W., Esq., Finnebrogue, Downpatrick.
Miller, John, Esq., Comber.
Mitchell, George, Esq., Belfast, Director of the Belfast Bank-
ing Company.
Montgomery, Hugh, Esq., Belfast, Director of the Northern
Banking Company.
M'Cammon, Thos., Esq., Belfast, Director of the Belfast and
Ballymena Railway.
M'Culloch, Thomas Stott, Esq., Bangor.
M'Neale, John, Esq., Belfast, Director of the Northern Bank-
ing Company.
Stevenson, William, Esq., Mount Pottinger.
Stone, Guy, Esq., Barnhill, Comber.
Thompson, William, Merchant, Downpatrick.
Walkington, Edward, Esq., Belfast, Director of the Ulster
Railway, and the Belfast and Ballymena Railway.
Wallace, Hugh, Esq., Downpatrick.
Ward, Robert Edward, Esq., Bangor Castle.
Young, John, Esq., Shamrock Lodge.
THE Conveyance carrying Her Majesty's Mail between
ENNISKILLEN and SLIGO will start every Morning
(from and after Tuesday, this day, the 6th May, inst.,) from
ARMSTRONG's Imperial Hotel, Enniskillen.
N.B.—Passengers will please apply at the Office in the Hotel.
May 1, 1845.
HAS the honor to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the
Public generally, of this City and its Vicinity, that in
his tour through Ireland he will make a short stay in Armagh,
having brought over with him the most splendid Assortment of
FRENCH GOODS that has ever appeared in this City.
The unparalleled success he obtained in Dublin obliged him to
open three permanent Establishments—viz., 13, Nassau-street,
17, Grafton-street, and 138, Capel-street.
His Stock consists of an Assortment of FRENCH JEWEL-
LERY, of the first and newest Fashion in Paris—such as
Bracelets, Rings, Brooches, Gentlemen's Breastpins, Bouquet
Holders, French Artificial Flowers, French China Ornaments,
Perfumeries, Combs, Brushes, and Cabinet Ware—all of which
will be Sold at Prices about one-half cheaper than at any other
B. J. G. begs leave to inform the Public, that he will close
at the end of the time mentioned.
We have just learned that Molly Maguire's men have levelled
to the ground Mr. Dickson's potato mill. A feeling has gone
abroad that those mills produce starch not for manufacture or
for linens, but to adulterate brown sugar, and the populace
rather rejoice and sympathise with the destructives.—
Fermanagh Reporter.
First Sub-Inspector A. K. Fox,
Ramelton [Co Donegal], is appointed third county inspector.
The promotion of Captain Fox will be gratifying not only to
his numerous friends, but to all who are acquainted with this
active and meritorious officer, who, we understand, will
shortly have completed the long term of 21 years in the
service.—Derry Sentinel.
On Thursday, the 1st instant, a meeting of the gentry, clergy,
merchants, and traders of the town of Moy and its vicinity, was
held in the Court-house for the purpose of considering the
merits of the companies formed to open a railway communica-
tion between Armagh and Coleraine, and obtaining the opinion
of the inhabitants as to the best line passing by Moy. The
meeting was numerously and respectably attended. We ob-
served present—the Earl of Charlemont; W. W. Algeo, Esq.,
Armagh ; Joseph Greer, Esq., Desertereight House ; the rev.
Samuel Shaw, Moy ; Galbraith Johnston, Esq., Moy ; the Rev.
Michael Coyne, P.P. of Clonfecle; David R. Goodlatte, Esq.,
Salem Lodge; Thomas Martin, Esq., M.D., Moy ; C. C.
Davidson, Esq., Moy ; Thomas Nepean Molesworth, Esq.,
Moy ; Rev. Edward Hazleton, Moy; James Sloan, Esq., Moy;
Thomas Francis Hawkins, Esq., Moy ; John Cubbitt, Esq.,
brother of the eminent Engineer; John Leslie Crawford, Esq.,
Grange; Captain Kennedy, R.A. ; Messrs. D. Barry, Thomas
T. Wilford, H. Lennon, J. Hobson, J. Wilford, &c , &c., &c.
The Earl of CHARLEMONT was called to the chair on the
motion of JOSEPH GREER, Esq. ; and Mr. JOHN W. HANNA,
on the motion of the Rev. Mr. SHAW, seconded by Mr.
SLOAN, was requested to act as Secretary.
The Court-house was crowded to excess, this day having
been specially fixed for the hearing of the summonses issued at
the instance of David Leslie, Esq., of Leslie Hill, against the
parties charged with participation in the recent turbulent pro-
ceedings at Larah, in the Parish of Aughnamullan East. The
previous business having been disposed of, the following per-
sons were called:--James Fealy, P. M'Cabe, Andrew Lynch,
and Joseph Oliver, Esq., all of Larah; Wm. Jackson, Esq.,
of Drummullard (Rhea Mills); James Fealy, of Beagh;
Michael Fealy, Dennis Lynch, Michael Owens, Owen, Patrick,
Patrick Mohan, Owen, and Joseph Byrne. All answered to
their names, except Mohan, who, it was stated, had emigrated
to America.
Mr. Swanzy, Solicitor for Mr. Leslie, said he would proceed
against James Fealy, sen., for a malicious trespass, and using
threatening expressions to Mr. Leslie. He said it was with
deep regret he brought this case into Court. Everything in
the power of his client had been done to arrange the matter
equitably and amicably, without avail. On the contrary, a bad
feeling and prejudice had been most unwarrantably excited
against him, because he sought to substantiate his just rights.
There had been numerous pecuniary transactions between Mr.
Leslie and the Olivers, father and son, the former of whom,
now deceased, was his uncle, and several deeds had been duly
executed, by one of which the entire interest in the lands of
Larah had been transferred to Mr. Leslie for valuable conside-
ration ; this deed of conveyance had been drawn up by Mr.
Meares—an eminent Solicitor of Dublin. Mr. Leslie had ad-
vanced upwards of £5,000 on the property, which was far
beyond its value. He would hand in the deeds, and prove long-
continued possession in Mr. Leslie; with the full knowledge and
assent of Mr. Oliver, as shown by his acts and letters ; and he
lamented that the misguided men at the bar should have
attempted to disturb him in the peaceable enjoyment of his pro-
perty. Mr. Swanzy handed in the documents—one of which
was a deed of sale, and amongst them a letter from Mr. Oliver,
jun., to Mr. Leslie, dated in 1843, disclaiming, in the most
distinct terms, any right to the lands in question, and added that
he would be a rogue to advance any such pretensions.
Mr. Leslie begged permission to add a few words to the
statement of his professional adviser. He felt that he was not
merely in a court of Justice, but before the moral tribunal of
public opinion, and was anxious to justify his conduct to the
world. For ten years he had been expending money on this
property, which was indebted to him at least £6,000, of which
he had not received a penny, principal or interest ; nor had he
taken proceedings till Mr. Oliver violently took down his name
from the mills, defied him to restore it, and expressly told the
occupier (Mr. Leslie) that he would not permit it to be done.
He offered now what he had offered repeatedly before that ; he
was ready to sell the property, and if it realised more than the
ascertained actual amount of his advances, he would hand over
the balance to Mr. Oliver.
Mr. Cunningham, J. P., said this statement was a very
proper one to be made, and desired Mr. Swanzy to proceed.
Mr. Swanzy handed in a letter from the Rev. Mr. Maguire,
P.P., Aughnamullen East, who was expected to attend to prove
possession, regretting his unavoidable absence.
David Leslie, Esq., examined—Recollects Tuesday, the
11th March last ; was at his house at Larah ; his ploughman,
Owen Lamb, came and told him that if he did not take the mare
from the plough, himself or the mare would be stuck; that men
were collecting on the hill ; Lamb appeared to be frightened;
went at once to Ballytreen station, about three-quarters of a
mile off, for the Police; was met on the road by Fealy, who was
accompanied by three or four men, two of whom, at least, had
spades, and bid him stop ; Fealy asked him where he was going ;
he replied to Meehan's house, which was untrue, as he was, in
fact, going for the Police ; Fealy said he wanted to speak to
him on particular, private, business, and he must turn back to
Larah, as he could only tell it there ; witness refused, and
Fealy said he had rather than a great deal he had him where
he was ten minutes ago; that men were on the hill—three on
a ridge, and he would be soon settled with ; believed Fealy in
earnest; the other men were behind him, but not close ; John
Leslie, son of witness, then came up with a double-barrelled
gun, on which Fealy retired, and said he wanted no fighting,
to which witness answered neither did he.
Fealy.—Troth you're just right.
Mr. Leslie—Fealy seemed excited—would not say ferocious,
as that was an equivocal term, but violent ; proceeded on his
way without further molestation.
To the Bench.—Was at Larah that day overseeing his men;
is frequently there ; has been in actual possession of the lands
for two years ; sold the crops, paid the men, and hired servants
in the lifetime of the late Mr. Oliver.
Cross-examined.—Was not followed, but intercepted, on the
road ; had seen Fealy before, on that morning, about 6 o'clock.
Master John Leslie (son of last witness—a manly, intelligent
boy, of about 14), examined.—Recollects the day ; was told at
Larah by Owen Lamb to follow his father, for that Fealy—the
man at the bar—had pursued him to raise the country ; did
follow him with the gun, and came up in time to hear the
threatening expressions already deposed to ; Lamb pointed out
Fealy crossing the meadows with another man ; is sure, from
his gait and dress, he was the same he came up with on the road ;
was about a hundred yards off at the time, or more; had not
known Fealy before ; from the place he saw him first to the
place where he came up with his father is half-a-mile; the hill
slopes and he could see; there were two or three men near Fealy
with spades, and a boy with a black coat ; the hour of the day
was 12 o'clock.
On cross-examination he corroborated his father's evidence in
every particular.
Fealy.—By G—d this is very curious.
Pat Owens was called, but appeared, as, indeed, did most of
the witnesses, very reluctant to be sworn, or to give evidence, as
he said the parties were friends. Being cautioned by the Bench,
he stated that he say Fealy go after Mr. Leslie in the same di-
rection ; took no particular notice ; can't say how long after or
how far he went ; saw him subsequent to that day with a num-
ber of men take the horses out of the plough and drive them out
on the road ; Fealy said he could show an order, but did not
show any to witness ; the party were not opposed ; they said no
one should oppose them ; several carried sticks, and some had
their coats off; they said there would be bad work if resistance
was offered, and that no one there was fit to hinder them ; Fealy
had no spade when he saw him follow Mr. Leslie.
Owen Lamb, examined—Didn't see the trespass ; told John
Leslie to follow his father on the 11th March, but no more
passed ; didn't see Fealy cross the meadows ; saw him go down
the road, he supposes to his daughter.
By the Bench—Was warned that day to keep his mare at
home ; dreaded danger to Mr. Leslie ; worked for him before;
Mr. Leslie tilled the land last Spring, and did as he liked with it ;
saw the threatening notice (now produced) before; took it off
the door of the forge where he works, two or three days before,
and sent it to Mr. Leslie ; left his work on account of the notice ;
never said he got no notice, but that he wanted to make Mr.
Leslie believe so.
The notice was read, cautioning Lamb not to send his mare
to plough for Mr. Leslie—that he was warned before—and by
G—d this was the last warning.
Richard Henderson, the driver of the plough, proved the
trespass against Fealy, who had about twelve men with him ;
they drove off the horses to pound : was in Mr. Leslie's employ-
ment and working on the land for two years ; was paid by him ;
was his herd.
Mr. Swanzy produced Mr. Oliver's letter disclaiming any
right to the lands.
Mr. Oliver admitted the letter but said it was written for a
certain purpose to procure money, and contained statements that
were false.
Mr. Swanzy—we close here.
Charles Fealy was objected to as being particeps criminis, but
was eventually sworn, and said there was no one on the road but
himself and James when the latter met Mr. Leslie ; saw the
"big man" (Mr. Leslie) and the young fellow with the gun ; on
his oath there were only two children of his in the next field,
the eldest six years old ; there was nobody in the next to that ;
will not swear that there was no one in the next, farther on ; James
Fealy came out of the field, and met Mr. Leslie on the road.
Mr. Swanzy—Thank you for that evidence.
Wm. Jackson, Esq., examined—Fealy was at his house that
morning between seven and eight o'clock, and left to return
home ; the place where the conversation occurred is not on the
nearest road—it is not on the common road—but is not a mile
round. Mr. Jackson proceeded to state that the day before he
got from Mr. Oliver in Monaghan gaol an order to hand to
Fealy, the original of which in the handwriting of Mr. Munn, a
Dublin Solicitor, he now produced.
The document which was read directed Fealy to put off Mr.
Leslie's people by force, and to turn Mrs. Leslie (mother of Mr.
Leslie and aunt of Oliver) out of the house.
The Bench asked if Fealy could produce that copy, but he re-
plied he forgot it at home. Sergeant Clerken saw it.
Sergeant Clerken being sworn, stated that Fealy showed him
some written paper, but he did not read it, and could not speak
to the contents.
Mr. Wallace, R.M.—Recollected that at Larah he asked
Fealy to show the order, but he did not then produce it.
Fealy asked time, but the Bench ruled that the order, even if
produced, would be worth no more than so much waste paper,
and Fealy had full notice.
Mr. Leslie—I never received any letter from an Attorney,
and those violent proceedings were the first intimation I had
that my right was disputed.
Mr. Oliver asked time to produce a lease made by Mr. Leslie
in 1845, of which 11 years were unexpired. He said he did
not expect the case to come on ; but the Bench refused a post-
George Leslie, Esq., examined—Occupies the
mill at Larah ; proved that he audited a general account jointly
with Mr. Jas. Marron between Mr. Leslie and Mr. Oliver, in
which the former was credited with upwards of £5,000 ; Leslie
debited Oliver with outlay and wages, crediting him with the
proceeds of the farm ; did not believe Oliver a tenant or in
possession ; was told by the late Mr. Oliver to pay his rent to
Mr. Leslie ; Mr. Leslie paid the head rent ; the younger Oliver
was a witness to the letting by Leslie to witness ; had received
threatening notices, in consequence of which he had served
notice to give up the mills ; got a letter from Mr. Oliver from
Monaghan gaol, assuring him of safety, but desiring him to
pay no rent to Mr. Leslie.
Mr. Wallace, R.M.—Then did you infer from that that
Oliver had the peace of the country in his hands.
Mr. Ledlie—Both parties have been courteous to me ; is not
afraid of Oliver, but is of a person named Duffy ; but that affair
is not connected with this transaction.
The case here closed, and after a conference together, the
Bench ruled unanimously that they would take informations
against Fealy for the malicious trespass, riot, and threatening
language. They also wished Mr. Swanzy to select the most
culpable amongst the other parties.
Mr. Swanzy assented, and informations were consequently
taken against Peter M'Cabe and M. Fealy for riot and malicious
trespass, Mr. Swanzy stating that he would be content if the
remainder except Mr. Oliver and Mr. Jackson, were put under
a rule of bail to keep the peace.
Several parties here protested their complete innocence, and
Mr. Leslie said he would proceed no further against them, but
consent to their immediate discharge, as he was satisfied they
had been misguided.
Mr. Swanzy then proceeded with the charge against Mr.
Oliver, which was for forcibly taking down Mr. Leslie's name
from the mills, and using threats and intimidation to prevent
any person from putting it up again, and also for forcible entry.
Mr. Oliver admitted the fact, and entered into a statement of
his title. He denied that Mr. Leslie was in possession.
It appeared by Mr. Ledlie's evidence, that he insisted on
Mr. Leslie's name being put up as a condition of tenancy, and
it was done with the consent of the late Mr. Oliver ; always
understood the mills to be Mr. Leslie's property ; was aware of
an assignment of the whole property to him ; Mr. Leslie was
liable to a fine of £20 for not having a name up.
Bench—Put up your own name.
Mr. Ledlie—I had rather not, thank you. (Laughter.)
A witness was examined, who swore that Mr. Oliver desired
him not to plough, or else to mark the consequence.
Mr. Oliver put in an agreement, by which he and Mr. Leslie
agreed, that for two months neither would exercise ownership,
till affairs could be arranged ; but Mr. Leslie called attention to
a clause by which it was provided that "if either party made
default, the agreement should not be binding on the other."
Mr. Ledlie, on being asked, did not recollect having heard Mr.
Oliver say, on the very night the account was settled, that no-
thing but the mill and twenty acres, at £40 a-year, would satisfy
him, upon which Mr. Leslie called James Marron, Esq.,--the
other auditor—who deposed to this fact, and also that Mr.
Oliver said afterwards he should get £700 or £800, or he would
give Mr. Leslie trouble.
Mr. Ledlie subsequently recollected the conversation.
Pat Owens proved that he was caretaker in charge of Doctor
Leslie's house, at Larah; Oliver came, at twelve o'clock at night,
and demanded admittance, or he would break in the door; a
boy let him in ; he broke an inner door with a poker and took
whatever he liked; he said he wanted the mare.
Mr. Oliver.—My own mare.
Mr. Leslie.—I beg your pardon, my mare.
To the BENCH.—Oliver has occasionally slept in the house,
but not three nights successively since his return from Monaghan ;
supposes he slept with his wife at the house of James Fealy, the
traverser, his father-in-law.
Mr. Oliver—I defy any man to prove I ever slept a night there
with her. (Laughter.)
Mr. Leslie—I repeat I am most anxious to get out of this
matter quietly. I have offered to take £1,000 less than the pro-
perty stands me. I repeat that offer now.
Informations were taken against Mr. Oliver.
The next case was against. Wm. Jackson, Esq., for exciting
the people to leave their employment, and using threatening and
intimidating language.
Francis Smith and Michael M'Kee, both of whom appeared
reluctant witnesses, proved that in the Chapel-yard of
Aughnamullen East, after the Clergyman had gone, Mr.
Jackson addressed the people, telling them not to pay rent to Mr.
Leslie, or to work on the land without Oliver's orders, or they'd
get into trouble : there were some of the workmen and tenants
present ; M'Kee said the words that they were not "allowed" to
work without Oliver's leave.
Mr. Jackson explained that the people came to him for advice;
he only wanted to keep the peace, and he simply read the docu-
ment handed to him by Oliver, in Monaghan Gaol. Mr. Ledlie
could speak to his conduct.
Mr. Ledlie said Mr. Jackson kindly came over the morning
the mill-race was cut, and told the people to do no more harm ;
knows nothing about the proceedings in the Chapel-yard, as he
was not there.
Bench—Are you prepared, Mr. Leslie, to swear that persons
were prevented from working in consequence of Mr. Jackson's
Mr. Leslie—I am. I have much further evidence to impli-
cate Mr. Jackson, but I will reserve it for another opportu-
Informations were then taken against Mr. Jackson.
J. M'Donald proved that the tenants attorned to Mr. Leslie
two years ago, and Oliver was a witness to take attornmeuts.
He had taken up money without the knowledge of his father,
which Mr. Leslie had allowed.
Mr. Cunningham, J.P., warned the country people not to in-
terfere further, and to let the principals fight their own battles,
otherwise many of them would be sent to Monaghan Gaol for
their criminal folly.—Louth Advertiser.
On Thursday the 1st inst., the Millwrights and other trades-
men who have just completed Tynan new mill for Sir JAMES
STRONG, sat down to a most splendid dinner in a large room in
the mill which was most beautifully decorated with flowers and
ever-greens. On the right of the chairman the motto was
"trade," and on his left "agriculture." The room was done
off with much ingeniousness and well executed devices, and pre-
sented a gay and animated appearance. Mr. JAMES MOORE,
Millwright, acted as chairman, and made a most lucid and elo-
quent speech on trade, and Mr. M'MASTER delivered an im-
pressive address on agriculture. After the cloth was removed
a number of loyal, complimentary, and patriotic toasts were
given from the chair and drank with all the honours. The
proceedings of the night were very interesting and all seemed to
vie with each other in feelings of love and unity. Too much
praise cannot be given to Mr. BELL for his unremitting atten-
tion on the occasion. After a night spent in mirth and glee the
party separated highly gratified
A paragraph having gone the round of the newspapers, men-
tioning that his Grace the Lord PRIMATE is seriously ill, it
gives us sincere pleasure to be able to contradict this re-
port, and to state that his Grace has almost quite recovered
from his long attack of gout, from which he had been
suffering. His Grace was able to attend Divine Service at the
Cathedral, on Sunday afternoon ; and leaves Armagh, accom-
panied by Miss BERESFORD this day, for Philipstown [Co
Offaly?], the residence of Lord JOHN BERESFORD, en
route for Dublin, from whence his Grace proceeds to
The following particulars connected with the movements of
this lawless party may be relied on as correct. The communi-
cation is from a respectable correspondent at Blacklion:
"On the evening of the 27th ult., news arrived at the police-
station here, that large numbers of 'Molly Maguire's' men were
assembled at Tudor, county Cavan. It appears that the
ruffians have visited several houses in that neighbourhood,
posted threatening notices, demanded sums of money for the re-
lief of some of their party, who they said were sick, and com-
mitted several other outrages on the peace of the district. The
party amounted to upwards of one hundred, and were chiefly
armed with guns, pistols, and other dangerous missiles, calcu-
lated to awe the people in an acquiescence with their wishes.
From the main body a detachment branched off to a townland
named Derralahin, the lease of which has fallen for some time;
and the new survey of which displeased a portion of these legis-
lators. Here they swore several of the tenants to keep the same
plots they formerly held, &c. One individual whose holding had
been enlarged by the new applotment refused taking the oath,
whereupon he was dragged out of his house, otherwise roughly
treated, and finally threatened to be shot on the instant if he
persisted in his obstinacy ; when he begged his life to be spared,
and swore every thing that was required. The party then left
for Glenn. They were pursued by Constable Gibson and five
of his men, with four from the Holywell station, for the greater
part of the night, but to no purpose. Notwithstanding the
vigilance of Constable Gibson the ruffians made their escape.—
The inhabitants of this neighbourhood deny having any parti-
cipation in the outrages, or even knowing any of those who con-
tinue to perpetrate them. It is said they are strangers, from
some distant part of the country."
We had the pleasure, with some others, of being present on
Thursday last at the very interesting ceremony of presenting
Mr. M'MKEAG, (Mr. LESTER's resident assistant,) with a
beautiful writing-desk, &c., by the pupils of the School, on
which was engraved the following inscription :--"Presented
to Mr. M'KEAG by the pupils of Mr. LESTER's Academy, May
1st, 1845." It was arranged and conducted by Masters Boyd,
Walker and Newton, (boarders) ; M'Crum, Cochrane and
Bell, (day-pupils), as committee. R. G. Langtry, Secretary,
and O. A. Kidd and W. B. Hooke, Treasurers. The Secre-
tary read the following address:--
DEAR SIR,--I feel honored that I am this day chosen by my
worth school-fellows to testify to you our regard at the cause
and our feelings on the subject of your departure from among
us. In presenting you with this small testimonial of our affec-
tion and esteem for the very laudable manner in which you dis-
charged your duties since you came to this establishment, we
sincerely lament that you should be incapacitated from business
by the present delicate state of your constitution; and while we
deeply deplore this dispensation of Divine Providence, we hum-
bly and earnestly hope, that you may ver soon be enabled to
resume your duties and studies, and in whatever station of
life you may afterwards engage, may the same good feeling
attend and follow you which exits among us, and which will
not soon be effaced from the memories of your affectionate
(Signed on behalf of the School,)
R. G. LANGTRY, Secretary.
MY DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS,--I thank you most sincerely for
this token of your kindness and esteem. Although prevented
by the state of my health from devoting as much attention to my
duties as under more favourable circumstances I should have
done, I cannot but feel gratified that my humble efforts have
met with your approbation. I only fear that you have formed
too high an estimation of my services among you, and that the
affectionate nature of the pupils has caused them to overlook
the imperfections of the teacher. Permit me to return you my
grateful acknowledgments for the interest you take in my future
happiness, and my gratitude is enhanced by the consciousness
that it may remind me of the interests I ought to take in the
welfare of those who have displayed such kindness to myself;
and it is my sincere and fervent wish, that you may be preserved
through a long course of years to reap the fruits of that excel-
lent system of education, the benefits of which you are continu-
ing to receive.
I remain, my dear Boys,
Your affectionate friend,
1st May, 1845.
Mr. M'KEAG is a Divinity Student, and expects soon to be
qualified for the important office of the Ministry, should his
health permit. It must be gratifying to himself to know that
his services were acceptable both to Principal and Pupils, and
there certainly seems to have exited a very kind and mutual
feeling between them all. After the addresses were read, the
young gentlemen regaled themselves with plenty of bread, jam,
cakes, &c., and separated highly pleased with the proceedings
of the day.
MISS JACKSON, from Dublin, Professor of the Harp,
Pupil of BOSCHA, takes leave to announce to the Nobility
and Gentry of Armagh and its vicinity, that she gives instruc-
tions on the Harp, also on BOSCHA's new Harp effects. Terms
&c., may be known at her residence,
17, Scotch-Street, Armagh.
S. J. TURNER begs to apprise his friends and the public,
that he has opened an Establishment in the above Line,
and assures them that if superior articles, moderate prices, long
experience, attention, and punctuality to business are calcu-
lated to secure public favor, he flatters himself he will have a
claim to at least a share of it.
BOTTLED ALE and PORTER in prime order, will
immediately be ready for delivery.
17, Scotch-street, 3d May, 1845.
MARY J. CONN respectfully informs the inhabitants of
Armagh and its vicinity, that she will open an ENGLISH
and FRENCH SCHOOL in Mr. Robert Allen's house, 53, Lower
English-street, on Monday, the 12th inst.; and as every exer-
tion will be made to promote the literary progress of those com-
mitted to her care, she hopes to merit a share of public patro-
The course of Education will comprise the English and
French Languages grammatically, Algebra, Geography, Arith-
metic, Writing, Reading, and Spelling, Plain and Ornamental
Adults or others in private families attended, and Morning
and Evening Classes in her own house for giving instructions in
French, &c., to those whose avocations in life would not permit
them to attend in school hours. Terms moderate, and made
known at the School.
May 5, 1845.
ENDING MAY 3.—Remaining last week, 455 ; admitted 8 ;
discharged 7; remaining on the above date 456.
The Earl of CHARLEMONT passed through this city on Friday last, en route for London, to attend his Parliamentary
GEORGE DUNBAR, Esq., left the Palace yesterday for Belfast.
The Rev. ALEXANDER IRWIN, private Secretary to his Grace
the Lord PRIMATE, leaves Armagh this day for St. James's
square, London.
On Sunday last the Rev. R.
OULTON preached an eloquent sermon in Lurgan Church, in
advocacy of the claims of this excellent society. The collection
was a good one.
BEG to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and Public
that they have just received a Large Stock of WOOLLEN
direct from London. The following are a few of the leading
Articles, viz. :--
Superfine West of England Black, Blue, Rifle, Brown and
Medley Colored Cloths; Treble, Double and Single Milled;
A Large Assortment of Fancy Tweeds, Gambroons, and
Summer Cloths ; Grey and White Ducks ; 6-4 Brown and
Grey Tweeds; and 6-4 Lamas for Gentlemen's Summer
Coats, in Olive, Brown, and Oxford mixtures.
A very Large Stock of the Newest and Richest VESTINGS—
in Plain Velvets, Fancy Satins, Satinets, Tabinetts ; Printed
Cashmeres and London Quiltings.
A very Superior and Large Stock of HATS—in Parisian,
Beaver, Satin, Silk and Beaver, of the Newest Shapes,
warranted perfectly Waterproof and fast in Colour.
A Large Assortment of Livery Cloths and Moleskins.
R.G. & Co., begs to direct the attention of Gentlemen to
their Stock of Superfine and Livery Cloths and Vestings,
which for finish, durability and style, cannot be excelled;
they having been personally selected from the best and
most respectable Manufactories, cannot fail to give general
Ladies are respectfully invited to inspect their Fancy
Department, now Largely Stocked with the Newest Designs,
Fabrics, and Richest Goods for the Summer—in Printed,
Plaid, and Check Lamas ; Rich Bareges ; Printed, Plaid, and
Check French Muslins, in all the New and Fashionable
Colourings ; Lutestrings, Black Satins, Satinets ; Rich Plaid,
Shot and Plain Silks; Ladies' and Baby's Robes; French
and London Printed Shawls, and Silk Handkerchiefs ;
French and British Ribbons ; do. Flowers ; Parasols and
Silk Umbrellas.
A Large Stock of Hosiery; French, Kid, Silk and Lysle
Gloves; Laces, Collars, Berthes, Frills, &c. ; Superfine
Welch Flannels, Hollands ; Long Cloths, Muslines; Toilet
Covers ; Hair Oils, and Chinese Toilet Soap.
A Large Stock of Millinery ; the New and Fashionable
French design of Bonnets and Lace Caps.
In the notice to correspondents published in the London Medical Times of the 26th ult., the following strange statement appears:--
"Dr. Davis, of Manorhamilton [Co Leitrim], sends us an
authenticated statemet [sic], that in the neighbourhood of
Londonderry, several ladies have gone to bed quite well, and
in the morning have been found in a complete state of insanity.
More than six cases have occurred in a rural district within a
circle of twenty miles. The mania is uncontrollably violent,
and characterized by an extreme anxiety for the nudity of
nature.—Our correspondent speaks of the visitation as an
epidemic, like some of those that are recorded as taking place
in the sixteenth and seventeenth century in Germany and
We have not heard of this singular malady, and therefore do
not believe in its existence. If it should prove to be a slanderous
imputation against our fair friends, we would recommend that
the author of it should be tried by a jury of matrons, and, on
conviction, be sentenced to wear, for the residue of his natural
life, those garments of which he alleges the ladies of our
neighbourhood are so desirous to divest themselves.—Derry