In our last publication we had the unpleasant
duty to perform of noticing several evictions on
the estate of His Grace the Duke of Manchester,
in the townland of Baltier, within two miles of
this town.
We detailed the circumstances connected with
those transactions, which were sufficiently painful,
hoping we should not have occastion to recur to
them again.
The result of the past few days compels us, however, to refer to the subject; the property where
the evictions took place being now in ruins!
On Thursday we believe the effect of the previous Friday's proceedings were visible in the
blaze which burst from two houses near the school,
and in a short time the whole were reduced to
mere skeletons a sad memento of the ill-feeling
existing between the Landlord and his Tenants.
On viewing the remains of what constituted for
many years past the homes of many, now cast
houseless and friendless upon the world, we could
not but feel deep sympathy towards them, as
we thought with what emotion they must look
upon the scene of their childhood, the place
where their fathers lived and laboured, and from
whence they were carried to their last long home,
desecrated, and their household Gods, around
which the memory of a life time clung shattered
and destroyed. With what feelings would the
aged widow tottering down the vale of life, and as
we are assured living now on the kindness of one
humble friend and then another, gaze upon that
spot where her children were reared and her best
hopes cherished. But now her children are scattered and she driven an outcast upon the world. It is not mawkish sympathy we feel towards these
unfortunate people, but because we know they be-
long to the great family of man, are endowed with
like passions, and destined to the same end.
This is the first act of the kind in this part of
the country, we hope it will be the last.
It is painful to record such events as an exemplification of the present state of things.
May 2, at Dungannon [Co Tyrone], the wife of the
Rev. Frederic H. Ringwood, of a son.
May 1, at the Rectory, Corfe Castle, the Lady Charlotte
Bankes, of a daughter.
May 6, in this town, the wife of Mr. H. Robb, of a son.
May 6, in this town, the wife of Dr. Stanley, of a son.
May 9, in Enniskillen [Co Fermanagh], the lady of
Captain Elliott, late of the 41st regiment, of a son.
May 12, at Castle-street, Belfast, the wife of Mr. John
Halliday, of a son.
May 8, at Killeevan Rectory, Clones [Co Monaghan], the
wife of the Rev. John Flanagan of a son.
May 6, the wife of Mr. Robert Sterling, Banbridge of a
April 28th, at Lusk Church [Co Dublin], by the father of
the bride, Charles Richardson, Esq., Springfield, Lurgan,
to Mary, second daughter of the Rev. William Reeves, D.D.,
Vicar of Lusk and Rush.
May 3, in the Cathedral Church of Dromore, co. Down,
by the Rev. Richard Agar, B.A., assisted by the Rev. Jas.
A. Kerr, B.A., John Joseph Burnett, Esq., of Gadgirth,
Ayrshire, to Martha Jane, only daughter of the late John
Anderson, Esq., of Kingscourt, county Cavan.
On Thursday, in this town, the daughter of Mr. Bryer,
foreman tailor.
At Lurgan, on Sunday, May 1st, in his thirty-sixth year,
Mr. William Higgins, Woollen Draper.
At Lurgan, on Tuesday, May 3rd, in her eighty-fifth
year, Miss Jane Greer.
At Lurgan, on Tuesday, May 3rd, in her nineteenth
year, Susan, daughter of the late Mr. Hugh Campbell.
April 30, at the residence of her brother, Joseph
Thompson, of Kilpike, Banbridge, Martha Wallace, widow of
the late James Wallace, of Portadown, aged 76 years.
At Drumhoney, Kesh, county Fermanagh, aged 26 years,
Mr. Alex. Coulter, jun., formerly of Rathfriland.
On the 27th ult., at Dundalk, the Rev. Wm. Stokes,
Primitive Methodist Minister.
Suddenly, at Turmoira, Lurgan, on Saturday, May 7th,
Mr. Charles Gaddis.
On Thursday, May 5th, Ruth, wife of Surgeon John
Macvey, Maralin, Lurgan.
May 8, at Aghagallon, of disease of the heart, Mr. John
Bullick, aged 60 years.
On the 10th inst., at Lisniskey [near Portadown?], Mrs.
Mary Dilworth, aged 100 years.
When good men die society feels the shock, and
pays a passing tribute of respect to the memory of the
departed. Although they are past the praise or censure of earth, it is mournful gratification to the living
to give such an expression of the kind remembrance
of those upon whose character death has placed the
seal of eternity.
It is our painful duty this week to record the loss
of one of the brightest ornaments of the Irish Church,
the Rev. M. O'Sullivan, D.D. This mournful event
took place in Dublin, on Saturday last. His illness
which, we understand, had not been of long duration,
but of a severe nature, assumed on Friday more threatening symptoms, which terminated fatally on the following day. For the lengthened period of forty years
he was an able and consistent advocate of the great
truths of christianity, and from his high scholastic
attainments and his commanding powers of oratory
proved, upon all occasions, a noble champion of the
Protestant cause.
We believe he entered the church about the year
1816, after the usual course of study at Trinity College, Dublin, and was for a lengthened period rector
of Killyman, Moy, and recently of Ballymore, Tandragee;
and equally admired for the consistency of
his life, as for the zeal with which he pursued the
high and holy duties of his profession. He is now
removed from the scene of his labors, we trust to
share with the faithful the inheritance of his Lord.
On Thursday last the remaining house, formerly
occupied by Widow M'Dowell, in Baltier, and from
which she was evicted, as reported in the Weekly
News a fortnight ago, was destroyed by fire. One bay,
in which the minister's horse is kept during services
in the adjoining school, escaped injury.
The fire was first observed between four and five
o'clock in the evening, and when we were there yesterday it was still smouldering.
The whole place is now one mass of ruins. Surely
this state of things will be speedily put an end to.
We understand the forms have been complied with,
in order to lay the expense upon the county