Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

  Newspaper Articles from 1870 to 1879

11 October, 1870

At a committee meeting of the above society, held in the Mechanics Institute on Wednesday Evening the 9th inst. It was unanimously decided to hold the annual soiree in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening 6th December. John G. Richardson Esq of Moyallen House, Gilford has kindly consented to take the chair on the occasion.


22 February, 1872

Lord Lurgan's world-renowned greyhound Master McGrath, thrice winner of the Waterloo Cup, died rather suddenly at the Kennels, at Brownlow House, Lurgan on Christmas night.

On Friday and Saturday Master McGrath looked dull, and on Monday, when Walsh; the trainer, went, about half-past eight o'clock, to arrange things, the dog refused to rise, and appeared to be suffering. Medical aid was at once procured, but about half-past ten he died.

In order to satisfy the public whether foul play had been resorted to, an investigation took place on the 20th of December at the Kennels, Brownlow House, Lurgan. It was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Haughton, of Dublin, secretary to the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland, and Mr Bray, V.S., of Lurgan. They first received a statement regarding the symptoms the animal exhibited from Friday, when it was first noticed that he was ill, and after describing the medicines which were administered, all of which were proper prescriptions for a dog under the circumstances, they stated there was no reason to believe that other medicines had been used besides those mentioned by Walsh, the trainer.

Both gentlemen then made post-mortem examinations, when it was found that the cause of death was tubercle and pneumonia affecting both lungs the tubercle being of some standing, probably from one to two years. The immediate cause of death was double pneumonia affecting both lungs. In this diseased condition the heart hypertrophied, being double the size of a dog of Master McGrath's weight. A sculptor afterwards took a cast of the dog.

Read more about Master McGrath HERE


30 March, 1872

At the last meeting of the Lurgan Board of Guardians the case of an old man 82 years of age, named McTear, who had resided in Scotland over 40 years, and had in his old age been forcibly removed and sent back to this country from the parish of Dundonald, was brought under notice and excited the greatest indignation. The law that permits this inhumanity and injustice requires to be reformed.


8 June, 1872

On April 1, the annual Lurgan steeplechase took place near the town Considerable gloom was cast over the day's proceedings by an accident of a very serious character Suddenly those upon the Grand Stand heard the creaking and crashing of breaking timber, and the general impression was that the structure was going down Some persons jumped off, and others pushed towards what was considered by them to be the safest corner, when two or three gentlemen in front, who had kept their presence of mind, ordered all to stand still By this means the panic was aliased At the same moment, however the minor stand came down with one shock and 100 or 200 people were shrieking and struggling on the ground among the timbers of which the stand had been composed.

Medical assistance was at once sent for, and soon it was discovered that between twenty five and thirty people had received contusions including eight or nine fractures of the leg or arms The wounded, having been extricated from the débris were placed on stretchers and cars and spring-carts for removal to town The moment the races were over, Lord Lurgan, accompanied by his agent, Mr John Handcock, J P, visited nearly every one of the injured persons, and kindly inquired if he could procure them any further assistance Mr Wilkinson stationmaster of Lurgan is seriously injured about the head and internally, and but little hope of his recovery is entertained. The next worst case is that of a young girl named Tighe. She is suffering from a compound fracture of the leg the thigh bone protruding. The committee of the races had no control over the stand that fell, which was outside the course.


26 October, 1872

For an insight into the manner in which, justice is administered in the North, for an illustration of the style in which Orangeism is fostered and abetted by representatives of the Crown; for a specimen of the tactics by which the Catholic population are goaded into frenzied resistance and driven outside the pale of the Constitution - for all these and much more we recommend Mr. Taine, or any other intelligent foreigner desirous of mastering the complex problem of Irish politics, to study the history of the recent disturbance in Lurgan. If that does not show him how equal rights and equal laws' are understood and administered in Ulster, he may abandon his task in despair.

We confess to some difficulty in narrating the circumstances calmly. Tyranny so galling, partiality so glaring and so outrageous, it cannot be contemplated; with insensibility. One must be more or less than human to regard without indignation the course of justices' justice in Lurgan. To attend the Catholic meeting appointed to be held at Gilford a party of young men bearing with them a handsome green banner, left Lurgan on the morning of the 15th. Their intention was well known to the authorities, and the fact that opposition from the lowest rabble of Orangeism was to be apprehended was no secret. The Catholic processionists, however, were left to find their way to the railway station without guard or protection, and the Orange party, making the most of the opportunity thus afforded them, stoned them along the route. To remain to punish their ruffianly assailants, would involve absence from the appointed meeting; and so, binding up their wounds and bandaging their cut heads and faces, the Catholics proceeded to the train.

If magistrates and police were scarce at Lurgan, however, there was no reason to complain of their absence at Scarva. They were found as thick as autumn leaves in the forest path when the processionists arrived at that point of their journey. But what were they there for? To protect the travellers and save them (as Orange processionists have been saved over and over again) from molestation? Not a bit of it. They came in effect to carry out the designs of the Orange rabble by turning back the Lurgan contingent and preventing the meeting. The Orangemen had assembled in numbers to attack the Catholics on their arrival at Gilford. Instead of dispersing them, the magistrates and police, acting virtually as their associates and allies, drove the Catholics from the place, threatening them with bullet and bayonet if they resisted. The Lurgan men were, compelled to return in the train which brought them, while the Orange faction improved the occasion by holding a meeting of their own on the spot, which the Catholics had been prevented from approaching. V

The processionists returned, we need hardly say with, what feelings to Lurgan but the cup of humiliation prepared for them by the instruments of the Government was not yet full. They found the streets filled with an Orange mob drafted into the town from various outlying districts; but the police were there too, with Mr. Hancock, J.P. at their head. The course of the authorities was quite clear. The processionists had a perfect right to march through their own streets, and were entitled to protection in the exercise of that right. How was that protection accorded? By ordering the Catholics to furl their banner and escape as quietly as possible in twos and threes to their homes, leaving the Orangemen in triumphant occupation of the streets! A second time on the same day the magistracy and the police figured as their faithful and obedient slaves.

What wonder, after all this, that the Orange mob in Lurgan emulous of the fame of their fellows in, Belfast, commenced the operation of housebreaking and assassination. We do not intend to dwell hereupon their exploits in this direction; but to glance at a few remarkable incidents.

Amongst the various establishments of Catholic proprietors attacked was that of Mr. Arthur Donnelly, a respectable merchant of large means and social influence. Mr. Donnelly attempted to scare off the wreckers by a discharge of firearms from the window, but the mob of ruffians outside were not so easily deterred from their coveted plunder, and Mr. Donnelly's premises were, sacked and gutted after the Orthodox Orange fashion. This, however, was not deemed sufficient punishment. He had committed the enormity of attempting to protect his property and his life, and Orangemen howled for vengeance. He had fired, it was pretended on an unoffending crowd. The Orange press took up the cry and shrieked for Mr. Donnelly's arrest. Volley after volley, it was declared, had been fired from his house; but the magistrates, though by no means unwilling to act, found that, much as was spoken of the 'carnage,' no wounded were forthcoming. To justify his arrest it was deemed necessary that an information should be lodged showing that he had injured some one, but for all the cry about the 'murderous fusillade,' no one with a gunshot wound could be discovered. In this extremity the Orangemen brought forward a boy named White, suffering from a wound in the head. There would be no difficulty, it appeared, about swearing that he had been shot by Mr. Donnelly; but there was this difficulty about the case, that the doctors declared the cut was not a gunshot wound at all, and that, in fact, it had, beyond all question, been caused by a stone.

But the Orange party were not to be baulked by such trifles. Again they summoned in their legions from the country districts, and on Saturday they entered Lurgan, armed, says the report, with sticks and bludgeons, intent on compelling, the authorities to obey their behests. 'They were met, not as they should have been met,' at the bayonet's point, but with honied speeches and conciliatory promises. Lord Lurgan was there, and the gentle Mr. Hancock' (who is accused of having torn down a green flag two days before with his own hand), and Captain Keogh, R.M., and policemen in strong nuimbers. But the rowdies who had assembled to overawe the authorities and over-ride the course of justice received no threatening order for dispersion. They were mildly reasoned with by the Rev. Mr. Black; and gently expostulated with by Lord Lurgan and the amiable Hancock. They demanded as the only conditions of dispersion, the liberation of one of their own bludgeonmen, who had by some chance been taken into custody; and the arrest of Mr. Donnelly. Will it be credited? Their demands were on both points acceded to. Amidst' peals of Kentish fire the captured bludgeonman was set free on the spot, while Mr. Donnelly another lad with a cut head about which the doctors could not speak so positively having been found — was thrown into prison. And then the Orangemen, having dictated terms to the Government and trampled on the executive power, marched homewards in triumph.


15 November 1870

At the monthly meeting of the Commissioners of the town of Lurgan, held in the Town Hall on Monday. Mr. Heron, who had lately been elected Chairman in the place of Mr. Hancock, whose term of office had expired, said that before proceeding further, he would like to resign as Chairman in favour of Mr. Hancock, who had so ably and with such satisfaction discharged for a long period the duties of that office, to which he had devoted so much time and in which he had always give so much satisfaction. On the motion of Dr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Macoun, Mr. Hancock was unanimously re-elected Chairman.

Mr. Hancock returned thanks for the honour again referred upon him. He said the business of the town was improving and with the intelligent class of Commissioners returned, he hoped they would get along well in the future as they had done hitherto. A letter was then read from Mr. John B Bignold, Sub-Inspector of factories, Dublin, enquiring what steps if any the Commissioners had taken to carry out the provisions of the Workshops Regulation Act of 1868. This act it seems is an amendment to the Factories Act and is intended to apply where Women and Children are employed in places which are not covered by the Factories Act, such as Warehouses and Workshops etc.

The Commissioners had not taken any steps to carry out the act and most of those present were not inclined to take any notice of it. But, as it appeared that the provisions of the act left them no options, they thought the duties conducted therewith, should be performed by the Town Constable.


24 February, 1872

From the Dublin Correspondent of the Tablet of Dec. 30.

Guardians of the Poor. — At the meeting of the Board of Guardians at Lurgan, on Thursday last, the Rey. James M'Kenna, P.P., Chaplain, bought the following case forward for consideration. An orphan named Hamill, both of whose parents had been Roman Catholics, and who had been baptised and registered on admission to the workhouse as a Catholic and who had attended mass in the house for a considerable time, was now attending the Presbyterian place of worship.

The chaplain, in the presence of the master of he workhouse, learned from the child himself that he would rather go to Mass. Father M'Keena then examined the Register, and found that an erasure had been made in the column registering the child's religion, and the word " Church " inserted. The guardians were also of the opinion that the register had been tampered with, but, after much discussion on the matter, stated that the only reply they could give to the Rev. Gentleman was, that they had examined the register and found that the child had been entered as belonging to the 'Church'.


8 June, 1872

Lord Liford having moved the appointment of a select committee to enquire into the working of this Act, The Earl of Kimberley contended that it would be premature and unwise to grant an enquiry at present. The Act was working well and doing a great deal of good in Ireland. Lord Lurgan, as a resident landlord in Ulster, bore testimony to the fact that the Act was working well, and was in no respect detrimental to the legitimate influence of the landowners. Lord Cairns would suggest that there should be two judges of superior qualifications who should go through the different counties, and that from their decisions there should only be one appeal to the Land Court simply. The Lord Chancellor protested against their destroying all confidence in the new system by plucking it up as soon as planted to see how it was growing. Their lordships divided, and the proposal was carried by a majority of 53 to 29.


6 September, 1872

The seven persons charged with the murder of James M'Cullagh, whose body, was found in the river near Lurgan, in the month of February Inst, were brought up at Moira adjourned special sessions on June 17th. A man named John Hodges was charged by the court with having been an accessory after the fact. After a great deal of evidence had been given the court discharged all of the prisoners as the Crown stated that there was insufficient evidence to warrant them in sending the case forward for trial. There was no great excitement.


25 March, 1876

Colonel Rich has presented a report to the Board of Trade upon a shocking accident which occurred near Lisburn on the Ulster Railway. While the night mail train from Dublin to Portadown was approaching Lisburn Station at about 2.45 a.m., the third wagon of the train, which contained six hogs heads of whisky, caught fire, and the fireman of the train, Thomas Lennon from Lurgan was killed. If the statements of the engine driver and that of the watchman at Moira are to be believed, the fireman received the injuries which caused his death after the train was stopped within half a mile of Lisburn, but the circumstance are, in Colonel Rich's opinion, very suspicious, and rather tend to show that the fireman got into the wagon while the train was stopped at Lurgan Station in order, to steal some of the whisky, and that while doing so, he accidentally set fire to the spirit and was suffocated. If this supposition is correct, he mast have been shut into the wagon by some person, probably by his engine-driver, and when the spirit caught fire, he first attempted to put it out and burnt his hands, then finding that he could not extinguish the fire, and feeling suffocation coming over him, he probably lay down at the opposite end of the wagon with his head close to the door. A knife which is supposed to have belonged to the fireman, and the burner which was missing from one of the hand lamps on the engine, were found on the ballast under the wagon, both having been very much burnt. The guard mast have been at the burning wagon immediately after the driver, and he found the fireman apparently dead, with his hand so much burnt that the flesh came away from it, although there was no fire at the time on the fireman's body and clothes, or near the spot where he was lying.

The company had previously suffered continually by whisky being stolen during transit, and two of their men were in gaol at the time this accident occurred, having been convicted of the offence. There is no probability that the spirit could have taken fire, except from the lamp or the lighted match of some person who was tampering with it, and, considering all the circumstance of this case, Colonel Rich is of the opinion that the fireman had been shut into the wagon (which was a closed wagon, with a boarded roof) by the engine-driver, and that the unfortunate man had tapped the hogshead for the purpose of stealing the whisky.


5 October, 1876

Three young men, two of them brothers, went out with guns at Lurgan on 9th August to hunt pigeons. One of them, named Lynass, fired at a bird, but shot his brother and friend. One was killed on the spot; the other died soon afterwards.


16 October, 1876

Mary Kelly, a woman well advanced in years, and William M'Knight, a young fellow, were charged by Acting Constable Campbell, who, on being sworn, stated he arrested them between eleven and twelve o'clock on the previous night, at Lurgan. They were drunk, and at the same time were acting in a disorderly manner, and by their conduct they were causing much annoyance in the neighbourhood.

The prisoners pressed upon their Worships the fact that if they were allowed off they would never come back again but their previous character went against them. Kelly had been before the Court on fifty previous occasions, and M'Knight had also been frequently convicted. Their WORSHIPS ordered Kelly to find bail for her future good behaviour -- herself in £5, and two sureties in £2 10s each, and in default of finding such bail she was to be imprisoned for three months. M'Knight was fined 20s and costs, or a fortnight's imprisonment.


26 August, 1879

Click image to enlarge it.


22 January, 1887

A Lurgan correspondent telegraphs to the 'Pall Mall Gazette' of 8th December that the acquittal of a man named Hart who was charged with murder, and the disagreement, of the jury in the case of Mr Andrew Donnelly a Catholic merchant, charged with firing with intent to murder, were made the occasion of a' riotous demonstration, commencing late last night, kept the town in a state of uproar for several hours.

Considerable damage was done to property, and a number of people were more or less seriously injured by stones and other missiles. A torchlight procession, accompanied by bands marched through the leading thoroughfares of the town, cheering for Hart. The Protestant and Orange inhabitants were roused to frenzy, and the opposing factions quickly came to blows. Many men were armed and used their weapons, but the fight was carried, on chiefly with bludgeons, and stones. Several attempts were made to storm the residence of Samuel Sloan, spirit merchant, but the house does not seem to be damaged beyond the breaking of a few windows. Other houses, in most cases, it is said, inhabited by Protestants, were afterwards attacked, and more or less damaged.

Meanwhile the authorities had telegraphed for assistance, and reinforcements of police and military arrived by train. The disturbances, however, continued, and it wasn't until the small hour of the morning that the streets were finally cleared by two troops of dragoons assisted by the constabulary.


14 July, 1877

The remains of William Dunn, a young Orangeman, who died from the effects of a stab received at Lisburn on St. Patrick's night (in relation to which some Roman Catholics are in custody), were interred yesterday in Waringstown churchyard. A special train, engaged by the Orangemen of Lisburn, conveyed the deceased and the Brethren of that district to Lurgan at 12.30 p.m. A procession was formed at the railway station, which marched through Lurgan to Waringstown, where the interment was made with the customary ceremonies of the Orange Institution. The coffin was borne on the shoulders of the brethren, surrounded by eleven or twelve banners.

Following the coffin came the Lisburn Conservative Flute and Drum Band, play ing the Dead March. Then came a long line of Orangemen, in colours, numbering about 2000, and representing from thirty to forty lodges. The procession, when joined by Lurgan friends, numbered about 20,000. A number of Roman Catholics turned out and beat drums in the Pound while the funeral was passing, but no notice was taken of this insult. The procession returned through Lurgan in the evening, and proceeded by special train to Lisburn. Dunn was a bleacher, and a young man of exemplary character. He leaves a wife and one child.


8 December, 1877

Lurgan Coursing Meeting opened on Tuesday, 23rd October, most favourably as regards the quantity of hares and the condition of the meadows. Rarely has better coursing been seen, and the entire card of 86 courses was run through by five o'clock. The running down for the Brownlow Cup was productive of several surprises, and the favourites had a bad time of it.


5 March, 1879

A desperate shooting affray took place near Portadown, Ireland, recently, by which four men have been dangerously wounded. It seems that a gamekeeper on Lord Lurgan's estate, which is said to be strictly preserved, meeting three poachers, fired upon them, and they returned the fire. The shots on both sides took effect, with the result above stated. The depositions of the wounded men have been taken. The action of the gamekeeper, who fired first, is generally condemned.


30 August, 1879

Click image to enlarge it.


27 May, 1871

“Peace hath her triumphs,” according to the old saw, even as warriors have theirs; and certainly the hero of the moment, in a pacific sense, is Master McGrath. It is just possible, though not probable, that there may be one benighted man in a million so ignorant as not to know who this hero is; and for his benefit we venture to mention that Master McGrath is not a man, nor even a young gentleman in small clothes, but a simple dog.

There is a grand unconsciousness about the noble animal in the midst of his triumphs which should put the human victor to shame. As the brass bands play before him ' Lo! the Conquering Hero or Greyhound — comes,' Master McGrath, no doubt does not care a button about the blare and noise. It may, perhaps strike him as strange that, whereas, in the earlier portion of his career he was allowed to live a quiet and peaceful life, he now cannot stir out without such bother and disturbance. Still less can he understand what the photographers are about when he is compelled to sit still in front of the harmless tube which is certainly not meant for his injury. Can a dog derive any gratification from the sight of his own photograph? Most dogs have a distinct objection to the sight of their images reflected in a mirror. They are apt on such occasions to set up a dismal. howl, as feeling that there is something 'uncanny' to say the least of it, about those dogs in the glass, who imitate their every movement in the most provoking way. On the whole, we are of opinion that a dog derives satisfaction from a gay and handsome collar, just as a human being does from the contemplation of a blue ribbon round his neck, or a garter below his knee. Why not? What is the difference between man and dog in this important particular?

We have been led into this train of reflection by reading the account of the honours just paid to Master McGrath on the occasion of his singular, or rather of his plural triumphs. The noble brute is not a dog of an obtrusive turn of mind. Like his great predecessor, the late Duke of Wellington, his system would appear to be never to apply for honours, put to accept them meekly when thrust upon him. It is in vain, however, that modest merit seeks to withdraw itself from the public gaze.

Royalty had heard of Master McGrath, and of his great; performances, and it was resolved that he should be coaxed from his retirement. As is usual in such cases, an intimation was conveyed to him in the regular way, through Sir Thomas Biddulph, that the Queen would like to see him. To Master McGrath the intimation was equivalent to a command, and accordingly his acceptance followed in due course, with a hint that he would visit Her Majesty at Windsor, if the necessary arrangements were made for his 'progress.' All suitable respect was shown to him. On the afternoon of Monday week he left Lurgan under a proper escort, having resolved to cross St. George's Channel between Belfast and Fleetwood. As was natural, he honoured the captain of the steamer by occupying his cabin during the night of Monday. A carriage was ready for him, and he proceeded incognito, we should presume, as far as Rugby; but at this point it was impossible to conceal his identity any longer. Lord Stamford, with a numerous party of friends, had taken up a position on the platform long before the arrival of the train. As it glided into the station loud cries greeted the arrival of the hero, who no doubt wagged his tail in his most affable way, in token of his pleasure at so appropriate a reception.

From that moment Master McGrath has revelled in a series of triumphs. He rested in London on Tuesday night in order to recover from the effect of his rapid journey and the excitement of various complimentary interviews. On Wednesday morning he went, still with his escort,by the Great Western Railway to Windsor. No public announcement of his arrival had been made, but on the platform he was met by a large and demonstrative crowd, who followed him from the station to the Castle with loud and enthusiastic expressions of esteem and goodwill. Arrangements bad been made for his reception. It is not usual save, we believe, when Royalty visits Royalty for the Queen to receive her guests at the entrance of her palace or castle. It was, however, perfectly obvious that no respect which could be shown to Emperor or Sovereign could be withheld from the all-conquering dog.

The entrance hall of the castle had been tastefully arranged for the first meeting between the Queen of England and Master McGrath. It must have been a proud moment for McGrath when he appeared in the presence of his Sovereign, being met as crowned head by crowned head. Seldom has hero enjoyed such a reception. Not only was he treated with the respect due to his lofty character and unblemished career, but there was. a touch, may we venture to write it, even of affection about the manner of the greeting. It would, of course, have been compenent to the Sovereign to compliment Master McGrath upon his exploits, as illustrating a bright page in the history of her reign. She might have desired him to kneel down, and rise up — Sir Patrick McGrath. The Queen did more, Her Majesty patted him! Let any one mention to us any other example of any other hero who, on his return from triumph by hind or by sea, has ever yet been patted by the Queen. The Princess Louise patted him, Prince Leopold patted him, never was there such a Royal patting since the world began.

Many gracious questions were asked as to his early history and early struggles, so that the Sovereign might know how Master McGrath had attained his present high position. It had been arranged that, when the interview with the Queen was over, the illustrious visitor should be entertained in a manner worthy of the old hospitality of Windsor Castle. Sir John Cowell, the Master of the Queen's Household, conducted him to a cold collation, of which he partook freely. He was then, with every demonstration of respect, led over the Castle, and, by the Queen's desire, the members of the Household had the honor of being presented to him. It is gratifying to hear that although no Order or Ribbon, or any such gawd, was bestowed upon Master McGrath, his total indifference to such honors being notorious, a gold hunting watch was presented, by her Majesty's command, to his early tutor, his guide, philosopher and friend who had accompanied him on his visit to Windsor. This souvenir was in the very best taste, and must have been most gratifying to Master McGrath's feelings. It showed that his Sovereign could appreciate and respect the delicate susceptibilities which are sometimes, but not always, found in connection with what is called a hero's breast.

It may have been a proud, but it must have been a very fatiguing day, even to a hero blessed with such thews and sinews, No sooner were the interviews and presentations over than the Windsor photographers, who had solicited the honor of Master McGrath's patronage, appeared upon the scene. He was ' done' singly, and then in company with his friend, Lord Lurgan, and his tutor. When we add that, before leaving Windsor, he visited Eton College to see the boys, everybody will feel how much of gentleness and kindly feeling there is in Master McGrath. The boys all turned out to see ' the illustrious stranger ;' and, on a suggestion to give him a jolly,' which appears to be the local phrase, they cheered the hero loud and long. We cannot call to mind such a reception in our time. Something of the same sort took place in 1815, when the Allies were in England; but that is mere legend to the present generation. It is clear that, in one way or other Master McGrath has contrived to get at the 'great heart' of the nation. Persons of all ranks and ages follow him about as one of the glories of the three kingdoms. Wednesday was his Royal day; yet, if we may judge by the account of his subsequent proceedings, he must have been as fully engaged on Thursday. He was pleased to visit Lady Dawtrey and the Countess of Waldegrave, each of whom held morning receptions in his honor. At Lady Waldegrave's the North German Ambassador and Countess Bernstoff were presented to him; though clearly, in this case, it was Master McGrath who was the hero of the hour. Having partaken of a slight collation at both residences, Master McGrath afterwards visited the Prince of Wales at Marlborough House. He appeared to be much gratified by his interview with the Princess, and exchanged tokens' of warm amity and friendship with Prince Arthur. Yet again, to quote another remarkable instance of his readiness to give pleasure — no sooner was it intimated to him that his friend Lord Lurgan was a member of Brooks's Club, than he determined at once to proceed there, and make the acquaintance of the members. This condescension must have been extremely gratifying to Lord Lurgan; and we need scarcely say that the visit to Brooks's was wholly unconnected with politics. It must be taken as a purely social and private matter, and shows both Master McGrath and the Irish peer in a very amiable light.

On Friday the eminent quadruped was 'interviewed' by a gentleman, who represents one of our sporting contemporaries, and we rejoice to hear that the brute appeared to be none the worse for his long journey and the 'rakish time' he has had of it in London. On Saturday he was to return, and, we believe he actually did return, to Ireland, taking back with him, as we trust, not unpleasant recollections of England and the English. — Daily Telegraph.


3 September, 1879

The disturbances which were commenced on Lady Day by the Home Rulers in Lurgan, were resumed again next evening, and for several hours, Edward Street and the principle thoroughfares adjoining, were the scene of most serious and determined rioting on the part of the Roman Catholics. The remains of the unfortunate lad, Furley, who was shot on Friday were interred in the local Roman Catholic Cemetery. A large number were present and everything in connection therewith passed off quietly. Up till dusk there were no signs that any disturbance would take place, but as darkness wore on, groups of grown up boys and men began to assemble in Edward Street and at the corners of streets occupied by Roman Catholics. In a short time these groups amalgamated in Brown Street and began to throw stones at houses occupied by Protestants.

Another Roman Catholic mob assembled at the junction of Shankill Street and Edward Street and conducted themselves in the most riotous manor. A small number of Protestants gathered in self defence and stones were eventually interchanged. The Catholic mob then proceeded to Hill Street and were going up that street indulging in party cries, when they were met by the Protestant party and send back to Edward Street. The grocery establishment of a Protestant named Mr. Robert Nicholson, situated at the corner of Shankill and Edward Streets was wrecked from top to bottom.

The windows of three Roman Catholics were broken. At about half past 12 o'clock matters began to improve – if such a word can be used – and the rioting became less serious, simply because the rowdies who had held the streets for such a lengthened time, had left little more work in the shape of wrecking houses to be done, there being scarcely a Protestant house in the lower end of Edward Street and some of the adjoining streets which has not suffered. When the rioting was proceeding a Roman Catholic named Thomas Rowan, a weaver residing in Shankill Street, had his right hand blown off by some explosive, or the bursting of some weapon. It has not yet been explained how he received his injury, but he was taken to the union hospital where he was attended to. After matters had quieted the police patrolled the district, and shortly after the peace of the town was restored.

The owners of the houses which were maliciously damaged in Lurgan applied for compensation in the amount of £555.9s and it was expected that other claims would be made.

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