Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

18 March, 1845  


On Thursday last the annual ploughing match of this society was held at Legar Hill, in a field belonging to Major Thornton. The ground was well-adapted for the competition, and its contiguity to this city rendered it accessible to the inhabitants, a great number of whom, notwithstanding the day being rather unfavorable, attended to witness the trial. A little after twelve o'clock several well-appointed ploughs started, and performed their task a good deal within the time, and in a manner highly creditable; so much so that the judges found it somewhat diffi- cult to decide, the competition was so close, and the work so generally well-executed. The following are the adjudications:
SUBSOIL-PLOUGHING.--The Earl of Caledon (large silver medal); ploughman, George Mercer.
COMMON PLOUGHING--GENTLEMEN'S CLASS.--First prize, Sir George K. Molyneux, Bart.; ploughman, William Girvin; second, H. L. Prentice, Esq., Caledon; ploughman, Robert Mitchell; third, Robert Thornton, Esq.; ploughman, John M'Clusky.
FARMERS' CLASS.--First, Mr. William Marshall, Clady, plough held by himself; second, Mr. James Johnston, plough held by self; third, Mr. William Anderson, Brackenagh; ploughman, Thomas Anderson; fourth, Mr. John Wilson; ploughman, Mr. Joseph Atkinson.
FARMERS' SONS' CLASS.--First, Mr. Henry Harcourt, plough held by self; second, Mr. John Irwin; ploughman, Thos. Irwin.
JUDGES--Mr. Allen, steward to his Grace the Lord Primate; Mr. Alexander Kinmouth, Deerpark, Drumbanagher; and Mr. David Mitchell, Scotch Agriculturist to Earl Gosford.



At half-past five o'clock about fifty gentlemen and farmers sat down in the Tontine-rooms, to an excellent dinner, provided by Mr. Matchett, in his usual good style, Sir George K. Molyneux occupied the chair, and Counsellor Robinson, Secretary to the Society, acted as Vice-chairman; besides, whom we observed, the Earl of Caledon; James M. Stronge, Esq., Tynan Abbey; C. Strong, Esq.; J. Spiller, Esq., Elm Park; A. St. George, jun., Esq.; William Paton, Esq.; William Blacker, Esq., Armagh; Thomas R. Evans, Esq.; Thomas Dobbin, Esq.; Andrew Lyle, Esq.; Lee M'Kinstry, Esq.; John M'Kinstry, Esq.; William Barker, Esq.; M. R. Bell, Esq.; George Henry, Esq., Tassagh; James Hanna, Esq., Black- watertown; Andrew Craig, Thomas Robinson, jun., Edward M'Kean, Wm. H. Leathem, R. M'Endow, sen., R. M'Endow, Jun., J. Wiltshire, R. Gilmore, R. Riggs, John M'Connell, Esqrs. Messrs. Armstrong, M'Clure, Hartcourt, Sturgeon, Irwin, Anderson, Mitchell, Gamble, Dean, Johnston and several others whose names we did not learn. [The usual toasts were given...]

Sir George Molyneux...proposed "Prosperity to the Armagh Agricultural Society," with whom might be joined the name of the secretary, Counsellor Robinson, to whose praiseworthy exertions and untiring zeal much of its prosperity was owing. (Drank with all the honors.) Mr. ROBINSON responded to the toast. He said, --Mr. Chair- man and gentlemen, it is with great satisfaction that I rise to acknowledge the honour you have done me, and thank you for the kind notice you have taken of my humble efforts to promote the interests of the society. ... Our progress hitherto, though by no means as rapid as should have been expected, has not been discouraging; and as we advance in our course and become better known, I should hope that we may meet with that measure of support to which the usefulness of our objects so justly entitle us.

As we have not completed the first year of our operations, and the time has not arrived for bringing forward a detailed report of our proceedings, it may be advisable that I should submit to you a brief sketch of the actual state of our society, of its future prospects, and intended operations; in fact a sort of budget upon the subject; and as it is the fashion of the time to enter upon the financial department at an early period, I shall commence with that branch of the subject; and I regret to say that I have no very flattering picture to present to you upon this point--our operations are cramped and our usefulness restricted by the narrowness of our means; and it is alone by extreme economy that we are enabled to meet our engagements. In this particular we stand in the same humiliating contrast with our neighbour society in the barony of Dungannon, to which I adverted on a former occasion. The secretary of that society informs me that their subscription list amounts to £260, nearly double the amount which we derive from the whole of our wealthy county;

With our resources however, limited as they are, what have we accomplished? First, we have had our Cattle Show, and for a first exhibition I think I am warranted in stating that it was more than creditable; secondly, we have had our ploughing match, and upon this point I cannot avoid expressing some disappointment. Many causes have operated to our disadvantage, but the principal one has been the want of support from the landlords of the county. We have been reluctantly obliged to reject many applications from tenants whose landlords are not subscribers... There is one gratifying circumstance, however, in our ploughing match to which I must advert, namely, our sub-soil ploughing. I believe we are the first society in this country which has given premiums for this operation, and I rejoice that we have done so, as it has afforded an opportunity for the display of the splendid team of Clides- dale horses, that spirited nobleman, Lord Caledon, has recently imported into this country... As I have mentioned the name of this nobleman, I shall accom- pany it with a recommendation to all who take an interest in the improvement of the country to visit his seat. There is no place that I am aware of in this province abounding so much with objects of interest and utility; whether we regard its mills, its model farm, its hydraulic Ram, its Dredge's bridge, the only one in this country: or even its bears and its bysons, and the go-a-head machines of brother Jonathan.

By these operations we have completed the usual routine of farming societies; but we aim at something beyond this, and if supported will attain to something more worthy of the advanced period at which we commence our progress.-- Our first step in this higher department is the establishment of an Agriculturist in connection with our society. It is right that I should state that we have adopted this great improvement at the suggestion of its inventor, Mr. Blacker.

Our next proposed improvement is the establishment of an agricultural library in Armagh. It fortunately happens that a deceased ancestor of ours departed this life some year since, not after the fashion of our country, but leaving a substantial inheritance to his descendants--I allude to the Armagh branch of the north-east Farming Society. The residuary funds of that society are vested in trustees, who have kindly consented to advance a portion of them for the purchase of books, of which I have prepared a catalogue. The library will be a lending one... ...The third object we have in view is the establishment of a lectureship, at Armagh, upon agriculture and its kindred sciences. You are, perhaps, aware that a fund has been placed by Parliament at the disposal of the Royal Dublin Society for the purpose of establishing lectureships throughout the country.

These arrangements will, I hope, tend materially to diffuse amongst our people much sound and practical information, applicable to the circumstances of the country. Our deficiency in this respect is one of the greatest evils under which we labour. Knowledge is the root of all advancement. Give the people information, and it cannot lie dormant... Now, upon this statement of our operations and intentions, let me ask the landlords of the county--Is a society endeavouring to carry out these objects worthy of support or not? ... When I last addressed you I made a strong appeal to the landowners to come forward liberally in support of this effort towards improving the social condition of the county, I beg leave respect- fully to repeat that appeal. ... Our great object is to improve the condition of the working farmer--all our rules are framed with that view, and all our future arrangements shall be sedulously directed to that object.

I would therefore call upon the working class to come forward, and co-operate with us in our efforts to improve their condition... Let us all then join with hearty good will--put our hands to the plough, and not withdraw them till we bring to the surface the riches which at present lie dormant in the soil ; from which each in his appointed station may reap the fruits of his honest industry, and enjoy them in peace and good fellowship with his neighbours. ... "The judges."



Mr. MITCHELL returned thanks, passing a high encomium on the ploughmen, for the manner in which they had executed their work. "The successful candidates in the farmers' class." Mr. MARSHALL returned thanks. "The unsuccessful candidates." Mr. M'CLURE returned thanks. The CHAIRMAN here rose and stated that much had been said of English and Scotch ploughs; but he felt great pleasure in stating that his which had won first prize that day, was made by Mr. M'Connell, of Armagh; it being his wish to employ those at home, when the work could be as well done.

The Chairman, considering the great benefit of the flax crop to the persons of Ireland, would take the liberty of proposing, that society in connexion with the flax crop, coupling with it the health of Mr. George Henry. "The Flax Improvement Society."



The following challenges were then given, and accepted on the spot by several gentlemen:-- Mr. M'Kean challenged the society to a sweepstakes of £1, for the best five acres of wheat--open to 1st June. Mr. M'Kinstry, a similar sweepstakes, for the best two acres of Swedish turnips--open to 1st Sept. Mr. M'Kean, a similar sweepstakes, for the best two acres of clover and grass--open to 1st May. Mr. W. Bond, a similar sweepstakes, for the best four acres of drill potatoes--open to 1st July--accepted by Mr. M'Kean. Mr. Blacker, a similar sweepstakes, for members holding not more than ten acres of ground, for the best acre of turnips-- open to 1st July. Sir James M. Strong, Bart., a similar sweepstakes, for the best three acres of flax, to be decided on the foot--open to 1st July.

Mr. Thomas Wynne Boggs, a similar sweepstakes, to members not holding more than ten acres, for the best built and finished yard for grain, and best stock yard--open to 1st Sept. Same person, a similar sweepstakes, for farmers holding not more than twenty acres, who have levelled most fences and ditches, and brought same into good cultivation, within the last three years--open to 1st November.

The CHAIRMAN then said--the next toast, gentlemen, is one we should all practice, and teach to our children's children-- "Live and let live." (Loud cheers.) CHAIRMAN.--This united kingdom, England, Ireland, and Scotland--long may that union exist--is supported by three pillars, agriculture, manufacture, and commerce. I will give you, therefore, the "Union of Agriculture, Manufacture, and Commerce." (Great enthusiasm.)

The Chairman said all the discussion resolved itself into one sentiment which he would give--"Draining and sub-soiling in the County of Armagh."

"Our next merry meeting" was then given, and the company separated, after spending an evening of great conviviality.



The Queen at the prosecution of John Stanley, jun., Esq., against Francis Wilson Heath, Esq., Presiding Magistrates.--William Paton, Lee M'Kinstry, Thomas Kidd, and George Robinson, Esqrs.

A case of a painful nature to the respectable parties on both sides, came on for hearing at our Petty Sessions, on Thursday last. The case had excited much interest in this city, and during the investigation the Court was densely crowded. The trial lasted nearly five hours.

Mr. Ross Moore appeared for Mr. Stanley, and applied for informations against Mr. Heath, who was summoned upon a charge of "having abstracted and stolen from the office of Mr. Stanley, in Armagh, in his absence, on Wednesday, 19th Feb. last, certain letters and copies of letters, the property of complainant, Mr. Stanley." The documents in question related to the case of "Heath against Heath", which was a suit initiated by Mr. Heath in the Ecclesiastical Court, against Mrs. Heath, his wife, for restitution of conjugal rights. In this suit Mr. Barrett was the proctor for Mr. Heath, the promovent : and Mr. Stanley, the proctor for Mrs. Heath, the impugnant.

Several witnesses were examined in support of the charge, after which Mr. O'Hagan addressed the bench on the part of Mr. Heath; when the magistrates retired for consultation, and in a short time returned into court, and announced their determination to receive informations, which will be returned to next Quarter Sessions.



Farewell to Hibernia, the place of my birth. The loveliest spot on the face of the earth; Where beauty resplendently smiles all around, And the wild charms of nature doth ever abound. Farewell to Hibernia, the pride of the world, May the standard of peace o'er her still be unfurl'd; Let peace, as a river my country flow o'er, And sweep agitation from off our blest shore.

Farewell to Hibernia, my dear native isle, O'er which rosy health doth salubriously smile; Fair, fruitful, and verdant, from pestilence free, "First flower of the earth, and first gem of the sea."

Farewell to Hibernia, her mountains and glens-- Her crystaline rivers, her lakes and her fens-- Her soft murmuring streamlets with banks ever green, Are objects of beauty most rare to be seen.

Farewell to Hibernia, alas! must I go From Armagh fair city, where Callan doth flow; With painful emotion my bosom doth swell, Oh! dear native country--for ever farewell.




A LARGE QUANTITY of GOLDEN DROP BARLEY, only one year imported from England. Apply to Mr. ALLAN, Palace Farm



OMAGH--The following are a list of the convictions:-- James and Robert Morrow were indicted for an assault on Constable Corr, and Constable Mooney, on the 12th July last, at Dungannon.

The prisoners expressed their sorrow for what they had done, and said they had never offended one of the constabulary before, and would never do so again.

The Jury found both prisoners guilty, and the Judge ordered them to enter into their own recognizances, of £100 each, to appear when called upon to receive punishment, on receipt of a fortnightís notice to that effect; and told them, that they would not be called upon, if they behaved themselves properly.

John Thompson for stealing two heifers, on the 3d of Oc- tober last, at Newtownstewart, the property of Arthur Crawford. The evidence in this case was not sufficient. The prisoner was discharged.

James Fitzpatrick, for stealing from the person of Terence M'Creaner, Bank notes and silver to the amount of £3 7s, on 7th January last at Omagh. The prisoner made no defence. Guilty; 10 years' transportation.

Hugh Duffy, for stealing two pigs on the 30th Jan. last, at Crilly, the property of John Macaulay. Guilty, but recom- mended the prisoner to mercy.

The Court then adjourned until ten o'clock on Monday morning.



Baron Pennefather entered the Court at ten o'clock.—The trial of Robert Summerville, for murder occupied the Court the entire day. The evidence was of the most interesting description. A verdict of acquittal was found by the jury, after a short deliberation.



On Wednesday, last, A. A. Murray, Esq., High Sheriff, County Monaghan, appointed Mr. Thomas Maguire, Governor of the County Gaol.



On Saturday, the 5th inst., at the residence of her son, Thomas A. Prentice, Esq., of this City, Eliza, relict of the late George Prentice, Esq., and daughter of the Rev. Archibald Kidd, late rector of Jonesborough.

On the 7th inst., in Derry, Elizabeth, relict of the late Rev. John Graham, of Magilligan Glebe.

On the 12th inst., at Trevor Hill, Captain Ogle, aged 70 years, late Paymaster of the Armagh Militia.

At Firgrove, Tanderagee, aged 55 years, Jane, relict of the late Robert Henderson, Esq.

On the 11th inst., at her residence, of puerperal fever, Jane, the beloved wife of Dr. Collins, of Keady.

On the 11th inst., William Henry, Esq., of Island-bridge, Dublin.



Thomas Lappan was fully committed to Armagh Gaol on Thursday last, for aiding and assisting Peter Maguire, in breaking into the store of J. C. M'Kinstry, Esq., on the 3d inst, and stealing therefrom about 40 stone of flax, value for £15 and upwards. Maguire has fled.



The Marriages (Ireland) Act 1844 provides for the registration of marriages except those celebrated by the Roman Catholic Clergy, with effect from 1st April 1845.

The Lord Lieutenant has been pleased to appoint Alexander Dobbin, Esq., Registrar of marriages for this district, under the new marriage act for Ireland. In this appointment His Excellency has made a judicious selection. Mr. Dobbin's high character, public and private, is a sure guarantee that he will prove a steady and trustworthy officer.



The parish of Charlestown, in this diocese, has contributed the sum of £26 0s. 6d. a collection made after a sermon preached by the Rev. Richard Olpherts, in aid of the fund, for entitling the society to the donation of £1000 from the Dean of Ferns.



This race came off on Monday at Ballybricken, and was most numerously and respectably attended. All the sporting characters from this city and county were there, as well as several from the counties Cork and Tipperary. Splendid equipages, filled with ladies were on the ground. There were a great number of tents on the ground, some even from Mallow.

The following horses started:-- Mr. Pardoe's 15th Regiment, b g the Lounger. Captain Capel's 15th Regiment, br g Gamecock, H.B. Mr. Foster's, 4th Dragoon Guards, b g the Knight. --- Lindsay's 30th Regiment, g m the Lady of Lions. --- De Montenach's 15th Regiment, ch m Uncertainty. The first was the winner; three of the others fell, and none of them saved their distance.

SECOND RACE. A sweepstakes of 10s., with 10l. added by the officers of the garrison for horses, the bona fide property of farmers residing in the county Limerick

The following started:-- Rev. Mr. Cleary's, Mr. John Carroll's Mr Jeffrey Keating's, Mr. O'Shaughnessy's, Friarstown, Mr. T. Ryan's, Mr. Hannan's, Caherelly, and Mr. Tom Beary's.

The latter five having fallen were distanced. The Rev. Mr. Cleary and Mr. Carroll claim the stakes, each for himself, which we understand are as yet held over by the stewards.

After both races had been concluded, about three o'clock, Mr. J. Barry hospitably entertained all the officers, and several friends, to lunch, at his residence, Friarstown; and afterwards a large party of ladies, and gentlemen, about forty in number, dined with Mr. Barry in the evening.



Match, 50 sovs. aside; 11 stone each; one mile and a half over a sporting country. Mr. Knaresboro's b m Maria, 6 years old (D. Farrell)…. 1 --- W. Dycer's ch g Navarino, aged (Mr. T. Abbott)…. 2 Navarino cut out the running for about a mile, when Maria collared and passed him, after which she gained on him every stride to the chair, winning very easily by several lengths. The horse was the favourite before starting, and some spirited bet- ting took place at odds varying from 4 to 1 to 2 to 1 against him.

A Sweepstakes of 2 sovs. each, 20 sovs. added, for all horses carrying 11 stone each ; one and a half mile heats. Winner to be sold for 50 l. Mr. Sharkey's gr g Isaac, by Drone (owner)….. 1 1 --- Abbott's ch g The Man for Galway (owner)….. 2 2 Lieutenant Chichester's b m Who Knows Yet (Grattan)….. 3 3 Mr. M'Donagh's b m Kate Fisher (F. Daxon)….. 4 dr --- Knaresboro's b m Maria (D. Farrell)….. fell --- Persse's b m Adelaide (Molony)….. fell

The first heat might be considered almost a match between The Man for Galway and Isaac; after crossing the large brook, before reaching which both Maria and Adelaide fell, and the remainder had tailed off, they reached the last fence nearly together, Isaac getting over slightly in advance, and after a tremendous race up the cords the latter won by about two lengths. For the second heat only three started, Kate having been drawn, and Maria and Adelaide distanced; they all ran well together up to the winning field, when Isaac made a good rush, and won by better than a length.

The winner was claimed, according to the articles, by Mr. Abbott.



A petty jury having been empannelled, the following cases were proceeded with:--

Patrick Donnelly was indicted for setting fire to the house of Peter Gormley, at Glenenny, on the night of the 14th July. Not guilty.

Peter M'Rory, Owen M'Rory, and Martin M'Rory, were in- dicted for an assault on Miles Nugent, on the 20th June last, at Aughnagencan. Guilty. Martin M'Rory to be imprisoned for fifteen months, and kept to hard labour; Peter M'Rory, for twelve months, and kept to hard labour; and Owen M'Rory, for nine months, and kept to hard labour.

Bell Hamilton was indicted for an assault on Anne Carter. Guilty; sentence deferred.

James M'Kindey stood indicted for stabbing John Sweeny, at Strabane, on the night of the 1st of August last. Not guilty.

Felix Connolly stood indicted for stealing a bay gelding, the property of Alexander Crawford, on the 17th Jan. last, at Kilgort. Guilty; to be transported for ten years.

Murtagle Dunleavy stood indicted for having stolen three sheep and one ram. Guilty; to be transported for ten years.

Michael M'Garity, for an assault, with intent to commit a rape on the person of Margaret Conlan. Guilt of assault; to be imprisoned for two months.

James Gay was indicted for an assault, with malicious intent, on William Minenah, and shooting at him with a gun, on the 24th of August last, near Leahey. Not guilty.

Catherine Barclay was indicted for having murdered her in- fant child, at Daganey, on the 21st of July, 1843. Not guilty of murder, but guilty of concealing the birth. To be imprisoned for six calendar months, and kept to such labour as was suited to her age and sex. The Court adjourned shortly after seven o'clock, until nine o'clock next morning.



Sub-inspector Morgan, and a party of police from this town, went to the house of the widow Hayes, of Beheglass, county Tipperary, on Saturday last, where they succeeded in finding a large pistol, which appeared to be recently stocked.-- Mrs. Hayes will be tried at the next petty sessions, for having the pistol in her possession without being duly licensed.--Nenagh Guardian.

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