The Portadown Weekly News Portadown Coat of Arms
9th July 1859  



Magistrates present: J. O. Woodhouse, T. A. Shillington, and W. Reid, Esqrs. Several yarn cases were tried and disposed of.

William Irwin v. J. Hall, for an assault. The plaintiff, in reply to Mr. Atkinson, stated that when leaving some bread in Mrs. Halfpenny's, in Derryanvill, last Saturday week, the defendant came up to him and said he would not get a better opportunity, and made a blow at him. His fist brushed along his waistcoat, and his mare then running off, he had to run after her, and found her tumbled in a dung heap, and all bleeding. In reply to Mr. Carleton, the witness said the blow was not weighty, but it would have been were it not that he drew back a little. Fined 2s. 6d. and costs.

Peter Canney, printer, v. John H. Farrell, for a week's wages. The plaintiff, in reply to Mr. Shillington, stated that he was at the present time in defendant's employment, and that the wages he summoned for would not be due until Saturday week, the 16th July. The magistrates said he could not summon for wages that were never earned, and dismissed the case.

John Morrow v. Francis M'Ardle, and John Brown, for an assault. Dismissed, as the plaintiff had been in the company of an improper female, and the assault, if any, very slight. Albert Hughes, a child, v. Patrick M'Keever, for an assault. Dismissed. Ellen Hughes v. Edward Bunting, for an assault. Fined 1s. and costs. Margaret Reid v. Henry M'Lindon, and Margaret, his wife, for an assault. Fined 1s. each, and 2s. 6d. costs.

Sub-constable John Quinn v. James Lappin, for being drunk. Fined 1s. and costs. Same v. Peter McCann, for being drunk. Fined 2s. 6d. and costs. Same v. Patrick McCoo, for being drunk. Fined 1s. and costs.

Head-constable Scott v. W. Mann, for selling beer without license, on the 26th June. Fined 10s. and 10s. 6d. costs. Same v. same, for a similar offence on 29th June. Fined 1 and 5s. costs. Same v. same, on 3rd July, for a similar offence. Fined 1 and 5s. costs. It may be observed that the first and last offences were committed on Sunday. Sub-Constable Bradshaw v. Robert Cranston, for laying timber on the road at Drumnasoo. Fined 1s. and costs.

Messrs. McFadden and Brereton v. Margaret Allen, for stealing a pair of socks. Convicted and imprisoned one month. Six "nymphs of the pave" were convicted and fined from 5s. to 1 each, at the suit of the Town Commissioners, for being drunk.



We would direct the attention of the commissioners to the state of Edenderry, caused by the water from the new pump making a channel down the whole street.



A very respectable and interesting tea meeting was held on Tuesday evening, at Knock, in Mr. Joyces barn, which had been kindly lent for the occasion. After the good things provided were disposed of, several addresses were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Russell, Mr. Bulla, Mr. Gwendin, and others, and at the conclusion, a short prayer meeting was held.



MONDAY, JULY 4. Commissioners present:J. O. Woodhouse, Esq., Chairman ; Messrs. T. A. Shillington, D. W. Irwin, S. Monro, D. Ferguson, D. Thornton, W. Mathews, J. Watson, J. Kernan, W. J. Dawson, J. Fulton, W. J. Paul, J. Johnston, and J. J. Marlay. After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, The Chairman referred to the meeting of the committee on sewers. Mr. Shillington complained that he had not been summoned. The Chairman then told what had been done, and said that Mr. Guy had prepared a plan.



Tenders for same were opened, and on the motion of Mr. Ferguson, seconded by Mr. Watson, David Sinnamon was declared the contractor, at 2s. 5d. per ton, on condition that he would deliver 100 tons per week if required.

Mr. Guy stated that he had got a grant from the county for 20 perches of a footpath on the Bridge, to which was added a continuation to Mr. Watsons corner. A committee was appointed to carry it out.

Mr. Guy stated that several of the curb-stones were out of order. An animated discussion took place on the subject, which ended in a resolution moved by Mr. Ferguson, and seconded by Mr. Monro, to the effect that the former resolution, passed on the 6th July, 1857, be carried out, and that Messrs. Ferguson and Johnston be added to the committee.

A committee was appointed to inspect and report on the above, which were reported to be in a bad state.



The following gave notice of their intention to build as follows :--Mr. J. Conn, a house in Fox Lane, Mr. Brogan, one in Montague Street, Mr. T. A. Shillington, a ministers residence in Thomas Street, Mr. Morrow, a house in Bow Lane, and Mr. D. Love, one in David Street. All granted.



Edward D. Atkinson, Esq., coroner, held an inquest on Monday last on the body of Mary MMullan, a child of tender years, who was accidentally drowned by falling into a bucket of water, in William-street, in Portadown. Verdict--Found drowned.



ANDREW CHERRY BEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TO ANNOUNCE that it is his intention to take out LICENSE AS AUCTIONEER, and that ON AND AFTER TO-DAY, (THURSDAY,) 7th JULY, he will be ready to conduct Sales of Crop, Farming Stock, Household Furniture, and every other description of Property.

From the attention which he will pay to the interests of those who may favor him with their Orders, he trusts to be able to secure a share of public patronage. Orders by Post, or left at his residence, Market-street, Lurgan, will meet with every attention. ---Attendance at Portadown on Saturdays at Mr. Irwins, Dungannon-street. Lurgan, 7th July, 1859.



VITRIOLIZED BONE COMPOUND, Cheapest and best Manure for the growth of Roots, Grain, and Flax.

GRASS MANURE. A most beneficial top-dressing for Grass, Wheat, Oats, &c.

FLAX MANURE. Specially prepared in accordance with the analysis of the plant, as made by Professor Hodges.

BONE DUST. Prepared from pure unboiled Bones, and reduced to a much finer state than any heretofore offered to the Public.

FRANCIS RITCHIE & SONS, Belfast. Prospectus and all information may be obtained, free by Post, from ourselves or any of our agents.



July 2, at Woodbourne, county Antrim, the wife of John S. Charley, Esq., of a son.



June 30, at Magheralin Church, by Rector Henry Murphy, Mr. Walter Roberts, of Lurgan, County Armagh, to Catherine Jane, fourth daughter of the late William Anderson, Lawnmount, County Down.

June 30, in Cookstown [Co Tyrone], by the Rev. J. H. Leslie, Wm. Taylor, Esq., M.D., Jorticlave, Londonderry, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Hicks Hutchinson, Esq., Surgeon, Waterloo Cottage Cookstown.

July 5, at Loughgall, County Armagh, in the Roman Catholic Church, by the Rev. Mr. MKee, Mr. Francis Duffin, of Manchester, to Mary, only daughter of Mr. Hugh MGran, of Loughgall.



A meeting of the Committee of the Portadown Newsroom was held on Monday last, 4th July. PresentMessrs. Woodhouse, T. A. Shillington, G. Kinkead, H. Robb, H. MLindon, and others. Several papers, for which half price for second reading had not been offered, were discontinued, and some books were ordered.



On last Sunday, one of those scenes, which are a disgrace to the country, called Patterns, took place at Maghery, in this county. Head-constable Scott, and fifteen men were in attendance, to preserve the peace, and kept their eye to the public houses and stands.



Mr. Ferguson alluded to the high charge for the use of the above room to parties for holding religious services, and said that Mr. Montgomery should not have been furnished with the account by the clerk for the use of the room for the last month, inasmuch as he was not responsible. But he would not take the subject on that ground, but refer them to Ballymena, Coleraine, and other places, where the Townhall was in every instance thrown open for the revival services, free of charge. Why not the Portadown Commissioners do the same? He would move that the account furnished to Mr. Montgomery be cancelled. Mr. Watson seconded the motion. Mr. Paul Mr. Guy, by whose instructions did you refuse the use of the large room for the prayer meeting on Saturday evening? Mr. Guy said he he [sic] had done it on his own responsibility ; that he had been instructed by the Commissioners not to let the room without payment of 10s.and in the discharge of his duty he told the parties that they could not have the room, unless that sum was paid, or a guarantee was given for it.

A very stormy discussion then took place, which occupied a good deal of time, after which Mr. Thornton moved, as an amendment, that the matter be adjourned to that day month. Seconded by Mr. Marlay. Mr. Ferguson withdrew his motion in favour of the amendment, which, of course, passed.



A letter was read from Woolsey Atkinson, Esq., Edenderry, refusing to pay the town rates for his tenements lately included in the boundary until they got the benefit of the watching, lighting, cleansing, and paving, contemplated by the Act.

NEW STREET. Mr. L. Wilson made application to the Board in reference to a new street he and Mr. T. Dawson are about to open at Fowlers entry. Committee appointed to examine and report.



The Chairman called the attention of the Board to the state of Mr. H. Jellys powder magazine. He understood that by the late fire, this magazine was so damaged, that it had to be removed, and was kept in an unsafe place. William Matchett, town sergeant, was asked where Mr. Jelly kept his powder, and stated that it was up stairs, on his hay loft. The Commissioners afterwards viewed Mr. Jellys premises, and he (Mr. Jelly) promised to get the magazine put in order forthwith. There was no other business of importance.



SIR, It is a well-known fact, that in the neighbourhood of Portadown but few works of remote antiquity now remain. Most of these, like our native forest, have given place to modern improvements, or disappeared beneath the levelling hand of agriculture, and it is to be regretted that some interesting relics have been thoughtlessly destroyed, when neither necessity nor profit could have been pleaded in defence of the action.

As the young men of your town, glad to escape for an hour beyond the region of brick and mortar, sometimes on a fine evening make an excursion up the Bann, I would take the liberty of directing them where they may, without much trouble, find a work of unknown date, and which has hitherto escaped all except rustic observation. I will also risk a conjecture about its designation, which, though quite at variance with the popular belief, will not I think be judged improbable.

Your excursionists, leaving the Newry line at navigation and proceeding in the direction of Carrick-Blacker, when passing between the townlands of Brackagh and Breagh, will arrive at an artificial mound, situate in that large pasture ground called The Breagh Bog, and close to the river side. Its form is elliptical, the longest diameter being parallel to the course of the river. This eminence is popularly named The Lime Kiln; but the slightest inspection, aided by a moments consideration, must convince any person that either this is a most absurd and ridiculous misnomer, or, that if men even existed who would have chosen such a place for such a purpose, their corporeal and intellectual powers must have been strangely disproportioned to each other. Just at this place, there formerly was a very commodious ford across the river, now destroyed by the removal of sand for building, and the river from hence to Lough Neagh, a distance of eight miles, being deep and impassable, this ford, before the creation of bridges, must have been a pass of considerable intercourse; and in the latter case would have been strictly guarded.

Now I would venture to suggest, that this so-called Lime Kiln, is the remains of a military entrenchment, erected to command the passage of the Bann, and from what we can learn of the belligerent character of parties who at certain times inhabited opposite sides of the river, was probably the scene of many a sanguinary conflict. From the well-known tendency of flooded grounds to lose their inequalities of surface and become level, we may reasonably infer that the elevation of this place must at first have been very considerableand the soil being alluvial, resting on a substratum of bog of unknown depth, the subsidence of course greater than in ordinary cases ; still traces of a parapet and ditch are plainly describable.

On the other side of the river from this fort, and directly opposite to it, at the distance of a quarter of a mile, there is a hill called Knocknagor(?), which rises abruptly over the plain through which the river runs. In this hill great numbers of flint arrow heads, of rude formation, have been, and still continue to be, found. Hence it is evident that if our predeccssors were unfurnished with those facilities for killing which perverted science has since introduced, they were not remiss in the employment of such means as they had at command.

In such an eventful time as the present, when the public journals are filled to overflowing with intensely interesting matterwhen reports of the salvation of men by God, and the destruction of man by man are almost without parallelthe notice of the present subject may by some persons be judged to be ill-timed and irrelevant. It is not easy in every case to estimate with accuracy what is the relative importance of a subject. There are some subjects, the transcendent importance of which is unquestionable ; but connected with these are others which, though seemingly trivial in themselves, become important by such connection. Among these latter must certainly be included the study of antiquities. Is there a department of literature, or even of science, that is not more or less indebted to antiquarian research ? Even the truths of the sacred volume have received the most triumphant vindication and confirmation from this sourceoften from the labours of men who never dreamed of the glorious result to which their labours tended.

Every country does not contain a Nineveh, nor has every age produced a Layard qualified for the task of exploration ; but surely we may, on a limited scale, and without neglecting higher pursuits, seek acquaintance with the habits, manners, and doings of beings like ourselves, in whose footsteps we in all our movements tread, and whose bodies rest beneath our feet. As stated in the beginning, this article is designed for young persons. Hoping that they shall be pleased therewith, and those of your readers who once were young, not greatly displeased,

I am, sir, your obedient servant, L. Breagh, 5th July, 1859.



These sessions commenced on Saturday last before Hans Hamilton, Esq., Q.C., Chairman of the County Armagh. There were no cases of public interest. The hearing of one of the civil bills was anxiously looked forthat of Arthur Kaye, election auditor of county Armagh, v. Robert Moore, of Portadown. On the case being called, no plaintiff appeared, and Mr. Atkinson, who was engaged for him, stated he had received no instructions. The court granted a dismiss, with costs, and the expenses of Mr. Moore and his witness.



ON WEDNESDAY, the 13th JULY, at 11 oclock, the Materials of the Buildings within Charlemont Fort, consisting of Roofing, Flooring, Joists, Window Frames, Sashes, Doors and Frames, Shelving, Presses and Staircases, all of the best Memel Timber ; a Memel Timber Cistern lined with lead, 4 ft. 8in. by 4ft. 6in. by 2ft. 6in., with brass cock ; a large Slop-tub lined with lead, a metal Cistern and Metal Trough ; metal Spouting and Holdfasts ; a large lot of old Lead ; a first-rate metal Pillar Pump, set in stone ; wrought iron Window Railing, metal Grates and Chimney Pieces ; old Iron ; a large quantity of prime Slates, comprising Milled Tons, Queen Tons, Duchesses, &c. ; Ridge Stone, Tiles, stone Coping, Flagging, Door-blocks and Steps ; a large quantity of building Stones and Bricks, also Stones suited for Road Contractors. The above will be found well worthy of the attention of Builders and others. TERMSCASH. Purchaser to pay 5 per Cent. Auction Fees. J. MATHEWS, Auctioneer. College-street, Armagh, 4th July, 1859.

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