Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

28 January, 1845  


The 15th regiment in Limerick garrison, has now six detachments out from head quarters--viz., Caher, under Captain Grierson ; Killaloe, Captain Cole ; Newcastle, Captain Cuthbert; Newport, Captain Capel ; and Rathkeale, Captain Brunker.

A company of the 30th will shortly be sent from Limerick garrison to Bruff, to be stationed.

Sergeant Loving, 1st Coldstream Guards, has been transferred to the 30th regiment, in Limerick garrison, as sergeant- major, and joined head-quarters. His predecessor, sergeant-major Morris, 30th, is now acting quartermaster-sergeant, with the view of further promotion, quartermaster-sergeant Dunne being discharged for pension.

Colonel Beresford, Assistant-Adjutant-General, at Cork, has proceeded to London, on leave.

Colonel Banbury, K.H., 67th, has proceeded from Dublin to London, on leave.

Major-General Duffy will shortly succeed to the governorship of Jersey.

The 4th or Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, at Caher and Limerick, are complete, and with 8 supernumerary men. At Caher, head-quarters, are stationed one Field-officer, 2 Captains, 4 Subalterns, 5 staff, 17 sergeants and sergeant-major, 6 trum- peters, 3 farriers, 12 corporals, 179 rank and file, 167 troop horses, 33 officers' chargers. At Limerick, 1 field officer, 1 Captain, 3 Subalterns, 4 sergeants and sergeants-major, 2 farriers, 4 corporals, 67 rank and file, 57 troop-horses, 25 officers' chargers. At Clonmel, 1 Subaltern, 5 sergeants, 1 farrier, 1 corporal, 31 rank and file, 35 horses, and 5 officers' chargers.--

On leave, 3 Captains, 4 Subalterns, 1 staff, 1 trumpeter, 1 corporal, 11 rank and file. Total, 26 officers, 25 sergeants-major and sergeants, 7 trumpeters, 6 farriers, 336 rank and file, 271 troop-horses, and sixty-three officers' chargers. The officers at Cahel are, Colonel Chatterton, K.H., commanding;

Captains Arkwright and Rochfort, Lieutenants Souter, R.M. Cornets Nichols, Clarke, and M'Creagh; Adjutant Mullen, Quartermaster Andrews, Paymaster Drawwater, Surgeon Flannagan, Veterinary Surgeon Rainsford. On leave--Captain Forrest, Lieutenant Baker, and Lieutenant Townsend, to 27th Feb. At Limerick--Major Hodge, Captain Archer,

Lieutenants Jacob, Forster, Cornet Lane. On leave from Limerick--Captain Bowdoin to 14th Feb., Lieutenant Carter to 27th Feb., Assistant-Surgeon Adolphys to the 23d Jan. At Clonmel--Lieutenant Cole. On leave--Captain Mayow to 27th Feb., Lieutenant Tyate to 14th Feb.--Limerick Chronicle.



On Wednesday, the 22d instant, an important and influential meeting was held in the Court-house of Charlemont, pursuant to public notice, for the purpose of adopting measures to bring before the Grand Jury of the county of Armagh the necessity of forming a new line of road from Charlemont to Kineary--a line which would tend not only to the prevention of loss of life, by obviating the present dangerous path, but open an insulated district of country, filled with a dense population, and remarka- ble for its feritility and manufacturing capabilities. Among the gentlemen present were Colonel Verner, M.P., the Rev. John Leech, Incumbent of Moy, the Rev. M. Coyne, P.P. of Clonfeale, Wm. Byers, Galbraith Johnston, J. Ashmur Lawson, Thomas Nepean Molesworth, Thomas Dawson, and Thomas Francis Hawkins, Esq. Messrs. David Barry, Wm. Smart, Robt Corrigan, O. M'Anespy, J. Moreland, R. Moore, &c.

On the motion of the Rev. John Leech, seconded by G. Johnston, Esq.,

William Byers, Esq., late Portrieve of Charlemont, was called to the chair, and Mr. J. W. Hanna requested to act as Secretary.

The Rev. W. Leech, in proposing the first resolution, adverted in eloquent language to the awful sacrifice of life occasioned by the present dangerous pathway from Charlemont to Kineary, averaging one death every year, and two during each of the last two years, and that such a mortlity was deeply to be deplored by every human mind. To see men hurried out of life, perhaps unprepared, was truly awful; families suddenly deprived of their only support, and parents bereaved of their beloved children, rendered it the imperative duty of the public to adopt some measure to prevent so fatal a recurrence as the death of Mullan, who had so lately perished--another victim travelling this path. It could not be expected but that persons fatigued with the toils of work, would rather hazard this peri- lous path, than travel the circuitous road by the Callan bridge; he therefore thought it was only necessary to mention these circumstances in order to enlist the sympathies and charities of the Grand Jury in their support.

J. Ashmur Lawson, Esq., seconded the resolution in a few but appropriate observations.

The second resolution was proposed by the Rev. Mr. Coyne, who dwelt at great length on the necessity of forming a new road to Kineary, and stated that six townlands, having an area of 2312A. 1R. 2P., and containing a population of 2063 persons in the barony of O'Neiland West, were attached to the parish of Clonfeale, the members of the Church of England and Roman Catholic Church, residing in which district, were obliged to attend their respective places of worship in Moy, from which they were separated by the rivers Blackwater and Callan; and that although the pathway through Charlemont bog was not more than half a mile, the high road to the nearest portion of that district was three miles round, and part five miles; the consequence was, these poor people were in a great manner deprived of religious worship, unless by running the fearful risk of travelling a dangerous path, the perils of which had been so well described by Mr. Leech. He concluded by saying, that the formation of a new line would not only tend to the security of life, but also conduce to the progress of religion and morals, by enabling the people to attend their religious worship.

The resolution was seconded by T. Nepean Molesworth, Esq. Galbraith Johnston, Esq., proposed the third resolution, nominating a Deputation to prepare and present a memorial to the Grand Jury of Armagh on the subject, which resolution was seconded by Thomas Dawson, Esq.

The next resolution was proposed by Mr. R. Corrigan, and seconded by T. Francis Hawkins, Esq. A long and animated conversation then arose between Col. Verner, Messrs. Leech, Coyne, Johnston, and D. Barry (the latter of whom supported the projected line in an able speech,) as to the expense and practicability of the road, and the possibility of so diverging the contemplated line from Portadown, to embrace the object of the meeting, at the conclusion of which The Rev. Mr. Leech proposed the thanks of the meeting to Colonel Verner, for his attendance and judicious advice, which was seconded by the Rev. Mr. Coyne, and carried with enthu- siasm.

Mr. Byers was then moved from the chair, and Mr. Robert Corrigan of Moss Spring called thereto; and on the motion of Colonel Verner, seconded by Mr. David Barry, the unanimous thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr. Byers for his dignified conduct as chairman.

We are authorised to state that W. M'GEOGH BOND, Esq., of the Argory, who was unable to attend the meeting, has expressed his hearty approval of the intended line, considering it would be a general benefit to the country.



On the 27th inst., the lady of James Stanley, Esq., of this city, of a daughter.

At Enniskillen, the lady of Captain Ovens, 57th Regiment, of a daughter.



January 23, in York-street Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Urwick, the Rev. Samuel Shaw, of Moy, to Jane, fourth daughter of the late Richard Milliken, Esq.



On the 17th inst., in her 69th year, Ellen, relict of the late Rev. Doctor Henry of Randalstown, daughter of the late Pooley Shuldham, Esq., Moigh House, county Longford, and mother of the present Rev. Dr. Henry of this city. Her remains have been interred in the grave of her well known and highly respect- ed husband.

January 23, at Lough Eske, Donegal, the residence of her nephew, Thomas Brooke, Esq., Mrs. Young, relict of the Rev. John Young, Killishil, county Tyrone.

At his residence in Verner-street, Belfast, on the 21st inst., Mr. John M'Leod, aged 64 years.

Of inflammation of the lungs, at the age of three years and five months, Albert, son of the Rev. James Beatty, Dundalk.

After a protracted illness, the wife of Dr. Joseph Murphy, of Clones.

At Aughareny, near Dungannon, Mr. Henry Irwin, in the 84th year of his age. He was a consistent member of the Wesleyan Methodist Society for upwards of 60 years.

At Markethill, on the 24th inst., Mr. John Archer, aged 69 years.

On Sunday last a melancholy death occurred in the townland of Craddean, within two miles of Enniskillen [Co Fermanagh]. A poor woman named SHEAHAN went to mass on the above day, leaving at home a child about five years old, and on her return she found it burned almost to ashes ; nothing remaining of the poor child only one leg and an arm. The child was left sitting at a few coals where it is supposed its clothes took fire. On the following day HUGH CULLUM Esq., Coroner, held an inquest, and a verdict of "accidental death" was returned.



That persevering and indefatiga- ble disciple of Linnĉus, Mr. William Singleton, Arthur's Row, has at present in his garden a profusion of spring flowers. He has no artificial heat in his garden, and his attention and study of the properties of floriculture have been crowned with the produce of several species of the crocus, the snowdrop, and the primrose--their variegated colors and forms are as beauteous and as regular as if they had been laped in spring.--Clare Journal.



THE MIDDLETOWN CUP, Value Twenty Sovereings [sic], (Five added), WILL be raced for in the neighbourhood of MIDDLETOWN, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of FEBRUARY, 1845. Entrance one Sovereign. Second Horse to save his Stakes. Weight for age. Four years old, 10st 7lb; five years old, 11st 7lb; six years, and aged, 12st 7lb ; thorougbred horses 7lb. extra.

Sweepstakes of two Sovereigns, and ten added. Second Horse to save his stakes. Weights same as Cup race.

A Scurry Race--Five Shillings entrance. For particulars apply to GEORGE YOUNG Esq., Managing Steward, Knockbane, Tynan. The decision of the Stewards in all cases to be final.



AN APPRENTICE to the GROCER, WINE, and SPIRIT TRADE, with whom a fee will be required. Apply to ROBERT S. RIGGS, Armagh.



That Large and Commodious HOUSE, with extensive Offices, No. 15, Upper English-street, Armagh, at present occupied by Mr. James Smyth. THIS TENEMENT occupies a prominent place in one of the best streets of the City; is in excellent repair, and has been occupied by persons in respectable business during the last fifty years, Apply to Mr. SMYTH, on the premises; or the Rev. W. BROWN, Moy. Armagh, 28th January, 1845.



A meeting of the patrons of the above institution was held yesterday in the public library of this city, for the purpose of electing a medical superintendent in the room of Dr. Colvan, who resigned the office.

Amongst those present were his Grace the Lord PRIMATE, Revds. Dr. ELRINGTON, Mr. HAIG, A. IRWIN, and H.P. DISNEY; WM. PATON, Esq., J.P. (Seneschal,) GEORGE ROBINSON, Esq., J.P., Major THORNTON, T. K. EVANS, Esq., with several other of the gentry.

There were three candidates. On the motion of His Grace the LORD PRIMATE, seconded by Major THORNTON, Doctor LESLIE was unanimously appointed.

This appointment reflects great credit on Dr. LESLIE, who is also physician to the Armagh Union, and eminently qualified for such situations, by his urbanity of manner and professional skill.



On Tuesday night last, about half an hour after the workmen had left, a flax mill belonging to Mr. JACKSON, near Loughgall, was observed to be on fire. Notwithstanding every exertion to save the property the whole was destroyed. The premises were insured.



On Saturday night a boy named Dynes, aged 12 years, died of hydrophobia, in Moyntaghs, near Lurgan.

The disease made its appearance on the Wednesday morning previous, nearly thirteen months after he had received a scratch from the tooth of a dog on the hand the wound at the time being so slight that no blood appeared.-- Northern Whig.



On Saturday evening last, a respectable young lad, a deaf mute, assistant to Mr. Blackham, Watch and Clock-maker, of Newry, while engaged in making some repairs about the church clock, was accidentally locked up, and finding no hope of being extricated from the solemn stillness of the sanctuary, rang the bell lustily, which soon brought him assistance to relieve him from his "meditations among the tombs."--Ulster Gazette.



The Earl of Rosse, lately nominated a Knight of St. Patrick's, has in the handsomest manner given £100 to the repairs of the ancient cathedral.



WALTER HORE, Esq., has been appointed to the Commission of the Peace for the county of Tyrone, at the recommendation of the Earl of CHARLEMONT.

Thomas BAILEY, Esq., of Mulladuff, Newtownbutler, county Fermanagh, has been appointed a resident magistrate.

GEORGE WILLIS, Esq., of Moonian, Florencecourt, has been appointed High Constable for the Barony of Glenawly, County Fermanagh, in room of Mr. Richard Brackin deceased.



In the Matter of BERNARD QUIN, late of Fairlamuckla, in the County of Armagh, Farmer, an Insolvent. The Schedule Creditors of the Insolvent are hereby required to meet Thomas Toner, the Assignee, at my Office, in the City of Armagh, on Wednesday, the 5th day of Fe- bruary next, at the hour of one o'Clock in the afternoon, for the pur- pose of fixing the manner, time and place, for a Sale by Public Auction of insolvent's interest in a Farm of Land in Fairla- muckla aforesaid, returned in Insolvent's Schedule.—Dated this 20th day of January, 1845. JOHN VOGAN, Attorney for the Assignee, No. 7, North Cumberland-street, Dublin, and Armagh.



IMPORTANT DECISION--SNIPE NOT GAME. Before Major Beresford, W. Shaw, and Wm. Knaresborough, Esqrs., Resident Magistrates. Captain Isaac R. Warner and Lieutenant Edward Bagwell, officers of her Majesty's 3d Dragoon Guards, stationed at Clogheen Barracks, were summoned to answer the complaint of the Earl of Mountcashel, for "that they, on the 30th day of November last past, at Kilcarroon, in the county Tipperary, being then and there officers in her Majesty's service, did take and kill certain game, to wit snipe, without any leave in writing for so doing, had or obtained, from the person entitled to grant such leave, contrary to the provisions of the act 7 and 8 Vic., c. 9., sec. 49." Mr. Paye, of Mitchelstown, solicitor, appeared on the part of his lordship to conduct the prosecution, and Mr. Barry, of Clogheen, defended the officers. After the case had been gone into and proved, Mr. Barry produced to the court the opinions of Professor Butt and Mr. Pennefather, that snipe were not game. Mr. Knaresborough--The judgment of the Court is post- poned until next petty sessions--meanwhile I will forward Mr. Barry's several objections for the consideration of the law officers of the crown. OPINIONS SINCE RECEIVED BY MR. KNARESBOROUGH. "Snipe not game. (Signed,) "ABRAHAM BREWSTER." "I am of the same opinion. (Signed,) "W. GREEN, Solicitor-General." --Cork Constitution.



These Sessions were held in the County Court-house, on Friday last. The Court was composed of W. Paton, H. L. Prentice, W. Olpherts, L. M'Kinstry, G. Robinson, T. Tennyson, Maxwell Cross, Esqrs., magistrates; Messrs. Leathem, J. A. Kidd, Carroll, Oliver, Gamble, Johnston and Guy, cess- payers.

Dr. Kidd attended to answer concerning the salaries of the officers of the Gaol. An objection was raised by Mr. Harden to the salary of a superannuated officer; but finally the present- ment was passed.

After this had been disposed of a discussion took place on an an [sic] application by Mr. Henry, coroner, for the attendance of two medical gentlemen, at an inquest on the body of a body who died suddenly in the Armagh Poor-house. The claim for extra medical advice was eventually allowed.

There was no other business of general interest.



WANTED, IN THE TOWN OF ARMAGH, FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE JUDGES DURING THE ASSIZES, SUITABLE LODGINGS. FOR Particulars apply by letter Post Paid and endorsed "Judges Lodgings," to CHEYNE BRADY, Esq., 13 Lein- ster Chambers, Dublin.



AT a MEETING of the Commissioners of Police, for the Town of MOY, appointed under the 9th of George the IV., cap, 82, and held in the Court-House of said Town, on Monday the 6th of January, 1845, it was ordered--

That each Householder shall have the Pathway and Channel adjoining their dwelling houses, well, and sufficiently Swept and Cleansed every morning before Nine o'Clock, under the penalty of Two Shillings for each default. GALBRAITH JOHNSTON, Chairman J. W. HANNA, Clerk. Dated the 6th of January, 1845.



Mr. J. T. ANDREWS TAKES leave respectfully to inform the Public, that he is fitting up a Sales'-Room, at 28, UPPER ENGLISH-STREET, (opposite the Tontine,) where he will dispose of by Auction, on stated days, or by Private Sale, if so instructed, Goods and Property of every description. The want of such a medium of disposing of Goods and Property in this City, by persons not wishing to be troubled with sales at their own residences, and for other causes, has been much felt; and it is by the desire and advice of some of his most particular friends and patrons that Mr. A. is opening the above concern. Persons sending Property to this Establishment will find that every exertion shall be made to dispose of it to the best advantage, and parti- cular attention shall be paid to Commissions to buy Goods for parties who cannot themselves attend at Sales.

Mr. ANDREWS takes this opportunity of returning his grate- ful thanks to the Public for the very liberal support he has received, (having been favoured with the conducting of the principal Sales that have taken place in Armagh and neighbour- hood,) since he commenced the business of an Auctioneer. He refers with confidence to those for whom he has done business, for the manner in which he conducts and settles the Sales with which he is intrusted.

Notice of the first day of Sale will be given in a future advertisement.



A man named HILLOCK was committed to Armagh gaol from Tynan, for stealing potatoes from a field belonging to Mr. BROWNLEE, and some articles of wearing apparel, which were found on his person.



WELLINGTON AND CLOTH BOOTS; ALSO IMPROVED BUCKLE BLUCHER BOOTS, AND THE CELEBRATED BUCKLE SHOES, with a variety of other Shoes, suited for the present season, all of which they can with confidence recommend, being manufac- tured of the best materials, and by first-rate workmen, under their own superintendence. The Repairing department attended to with care and punctuality.

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