THE MANSION-HOUSE of BRACKAGH, with 195 Acres adjoining, English Measure, very convenient to Portadown, held by Lease for Two lives now in being, under the EARL of SANDWICH, and PETER DESALIS, Esq. the small Yearly Rent of £46. 8s. The Mansion House is large and roomy, with suitable Office, houses. a large Garden and Orchard attached to same, which might be made very productive at little expense and a large quantity Turbary quite convenient. This place would suit a Gentleman in the Linen Business, as it lies close the Newry Navigation, and convenient to the following Market Towns, viz. Lurgan, Armagh, Tandragee, Banbridge, and Newry.
Also the townland of CABRA, with one and one half miles of Tandragee, containing 366 Acres English Measure, held under time Landlords, the Yearly Rent of £48. one life in being.
Likewise Part of the TOWNLAND of LISAVAGUE; one mile from CABRA, containing 85 Acres, English Measure, same Landlords, and Lease as above, the Yearly rent £18. 9s 4d.
For particulars as to the Title-deeds, Rent-Rolls, &c Apply to Mrs. TREWMAN, or WILLIAM BOYCE, Esq. near Gilford, who will treat with any person inclined to purchase. If more agreeable, part of the Purchase-Money may remain in the hands of the Purchaser, on his giving sufficient Security.
N. B. These Lands are now let to Tenants at Will, at low Rents and may be advanced considerably.
PURSUANT to the Order of His Majesty's High Court of Chancery, in Ireland made in this Matter, bearing Date the 21st Day of July inst. I will, on TUESDAY the 8th day of November next, at ONE o'clock in the afternoon of said Day, at my Chambers, on the Inns Quay, Dublin, Set up and Set for Three years, or pending the Life of the Lunatic, the following Tenement and Premises, part of the said Lunatic's Estate, and now out of lease. All that TENEMENT in the Town of Lurgan, with the DISTILLERY, MALT KILNS, OFFICE, HOUSES, and FARM of LAND thereunto belonging, as formerly occupied by Joseph Hall, the elder. Esq. deceased, and lately in the actual occupation of the Lunatic, from the first Day of November next; which said Premises are situate in the Town of Lurgan, in the County of Armagh.
Dated this 28th Day of July, 1808. WILLIAM HENN.
TOLLS OF LURGAN 08 April 1820
The exactions of the Toll-farmers, and the ferocious conduct of the men employed to collect them, have become so intolerable in Lurgan, that the people have been forced to enter into a subscription to resist them. This has been done in Lurgan, and in other parts of the County of Armagh, with great spirit and liberality, and a sum fully sufficient to commence law proceedings has been already collected. A case has been submitted to Counsel, and search has been made to the Auditor General's and Roll's office, for the patent or charter under which, Mr Brownlow is authorised to hold the fairs and markets at Lurgan; and what is the fact? That the market of Lurgan is a FREE market, and of course that there never was the smallest right whatever to demand toll; the very words of the patent is it is a free market. - Carrick's Morning Post.
From a Morning Post of a subsequent date we learn, that the Gentlemen of Lurgan who so humanely volunteered to rescue their poor neighbours from illegal and oppressive exactions, laid a case, with copy of the Patents under which the Markets are held, before Councillor Finlay, for his opinion, which was, most decidedly, that the Tolls collected there were illegal. These Gentlemen had, therefore, determined to take legal proceedings; but the Tolls are nearly all given up at Lurgan, and it has now become almost what it was originally intended a free market.
WHEREAS, on the Night of Friday the 23d, or early on the Morning of Saturday the 24th day of November last, whilst PETER McCANN, of Drumcree in the County of Armagh, one of the Coast Guard party stationed at Balbriggan, in the County of Dublin, was on duty at or near Rogerstown, (between Pertrane and Rush, in said County of Dublin,) some person or persons on board a Smuggling Boat, or aiding and assisting in landing Tobacco, or other Illicit Goods, from said boat, or some other person or persons unknown, most inhumanly Murdered the said Peter McCann, by beating in the crown of his head with some large implement.
Now the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs hereby offer a Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, to be paid to any person or persons who shall, within Six Months from the date hereof, discover and prosecute to conviction any of the persons concerned in the said Murder. And the said Commissioners do hereby further offer a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS to any person or persons who shall, within the time aforesaid, give such private information as may lead to the discovery and conviction of any one or more of the persons concerned in said Murder.
By order of the Commissioners,
C. I. A. MAC LEAN, Secretary.
Custom-House, Dublin,
1st Dec. 1827.
We regret to learn that the new Chapel of the Parish of Seagoe, which had been erected at great expense and with extreme exertion on the part of the Parish Priest, the Rev. Morgan, was levelled to the ground by the late fearful hurricane. It had just been roofed and would soon have been ready for consecration. This is a lamentable occurrence. The people of Seagoe were rejoicing in the hope of having a temple for the worship of the Most High, and just when it seemed secure to them they have lost the fruit of their long and pious labours. We are sure that the case will strongly excite the sympathies of the Christian public and that any appeal which may be made by the Rev. Mr. Morgan to repair the injury which has been done in this parish will meet with a ready and generous response.
The Lurgan urban Chamber of Commerce have received a report from Cologne, which states that, notwithstanding the late fine weather, nearly the whole of the growth of potatoes in the Rhenish Provinces is lost. The Chamber of Commerce at Elberfeld has sent a petition to the Minister of Finance, praying that the exportation of potatoes from the provinces of the Rhine and Westphalia may be interdicted; and the same application is expected to be made by the other Chambers of Commerce. The last accounts from Belgium confirm the reports as to the disease in the potatoes; and add, that the quantity of good potatoes this year in that country is not equal to one-sixth of
the average annual produce. The Mayor of Valenciennes has published a notice, forbidding potatoes marked with yellow or brown spots, the sign of the disease which has lately prevailed in that root, to be sold in the market of that town.
The Philadelphia Public Ledger says:- "The farmers in the Western States have sent pressing orders to New York for hiring all the European emigrants who land there. Every emigrant in health, and willing to work, is to be placed on board conveyances for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri, and the farmers say they should be glad to see a million of Emigrants this year rather then one hundred thousand." If the writer be accurate - and we cannot see why we should doubt his statement - these are cheering prospects to greet the arrival of our poor countrymen in the far West.
With sincere, but unavailing, regret, we have to record the death of one of the most estimable noblemen of the North of Ireland. One of the first victims, among the higher classes, to the awful calamity which now threatens the entire population of this country, has been the benevolent nobleman whose name heads this announcement. Lord Lurgan, whose illness our readers have been made aware of from its commencement, thirteen days ago, expired, at Brownlow House, Lurgan, at a quarter-past one on Friday morning, the 30th April, in the fifty third year of his age. The fatal malady, typhus fever, which, with in so short a period, hurried this exemplary nobleman - this excellent landlord -to his premature grave, was contracted, as is supposed, at the Lurgan Union Workhouse, where his zealous attention to the wants of the destitute and the sick exposed him to the contagion which has been long prevalent in that establishment. Lord Lurgan's demise has excited a very deep and painful sympathy among all classes of the community. Among the landlords, he was distinguished for his liberality and his efforts to promote the happiness and comfort of his tenantry; as a member of society, his manners were kind, affectionate and attractive; and, as a promoter of the various charitable institutions, in the town from which he derived his title, and in Belfast, few have more deservedly earned the gratitude and respect of the community. As soon as the melancholy event became known, the shops were shut in Lurgan, and no evidence was wanting of the extreme sorrow felt for his loss by the inhabitants, and by the whole of the surrounding population, to whom he was endeared by many public and private associations.
Lord Lurgan was born on the 17th of April, 1795; he was the second son of the Hon. Charles Brownlow, and succeeded his uncle, the Right Hon. William Brownlow, in the Lurgan estates, worth nearly twenty thousand a year. His lordship was married on the 1st June, 1822, to his cousin, Mary Bligh, second daughter of the Earl of Darnley, and by her, who died the year after her marriage, he had issue one daughter, He was again married, in 1828, to June, fourth daughter of Roderick MacNeill, Esq., of Barra, lnvernesshire, Scotland, by whom he had three children-two sons and a daughter. He is succeeded in his title and estates by the eldest of this latter union, the Hon. Charles Brownlow, who was born in April, 1831, and is now in his 17th year-a young man of the best promise, and likely to emulate the virtues of his deceased parent.
Lord Lurgan, in early life, was of ultra Conservative principles, but afterwards became partial to liberal opinions; and in 1826, he, when the Hon. Charles Brownlow, with the Hon. Henry Caulfield, contested his native county, Armagh, against James Y. Burges, Esq., and Colonel Verner, and succeeded. He was raised, in May, 1839, to the peerage, under the title of Baron Lurgan, Lord Lurgan, in the county of Armagh.
To the principles to which he had become a convert, he consistently adhered during his career in parliament, but was never an advocate of the more sweeping measures which the adherents of the liberal party proposed to carry out. Not only in his place in the House of Commons and House of Lords, but as Deputy Lieutenant of Armagh, and Justice of the Peace for Antrim, Down, and Armagh, he paid more than ordinary attention to his public duties, gained the confidence of all, and the respect and esteem of his political opponents. He contributed to the charities of all religious denominations with an equally open hand. Among the institutions in which he was more particularly interested, was the Ulster Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind.
By the death of this nobleman, many of the principal families in the counties of Down and Armagh - the Closes, the Halls, the Fordes are placed in mourning; but the truest tribute to his public and private worth must be looked for in the universal sorrow which has pervaded all classes of society and religion in Lurgan since the melancholy event became known.
WHEREAS, a Meeting of the House holders of said Town, was held pursuant to Notice, on Monday, the 2nd day of July, Inst., in the the Court-House, for the purpose of Electing Fourteen Commissioners, to serve for the Three Years next ending the 31st day of July, 1852, in pursuance of the Act of Parliament the 9th Geo. the 4th, Chapter 82, intituled "An Act to make Provision for the Lighting, Cleansing, and Watching of Cities, Towns Corporate, and Market Towns in Ireland, in certain cases.
AND WHEREAS, at said Meeting, the following Fourteen Inhabitants, being legally qualified, were duly proposed and seconded as fit and proper persons to be Elected, and no other persons having been nominated, they were accordingly duly Elected Commissioners for the Three Years next ensuing the 31st day of July, 1849:
1. Mr. James Anderson, 2. Mr. John Girdwood, 3. Mr. Joseph Murphy, 4. Mr. John Campbell, 5. Mr. John Capper, 6. Mr. Henry Cuppage, 7. Mr. Arthur Donnelly, 8. Mr. John Cuppage, Esq, 9. Mr. Henry W. Reilly, 10. Mr. John Gilbert, 11. Mr. John Douglass, 12. Mr. George Lockhart, 13. Mr. George May, 14. Mr. John M'Comb
Now I, as Chairman of the present Commissioners, presiding at said Meeting and Election, do hereby give Notice, that I have appointed Monday, the 16th day of July, Inst., at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon at the Court- House, in Lurgan, for the said Fourteen Persons so Elected Commissioners, to assemble and take the Solemn Declaration of Office prescribed by the said Act, and that of the 5th and 6th Wm. the 4th, Chap. 62.
Dated at Lurgan, this 2nd day of July, 1849.
To be sold by auction on the premisses at the hour of one of the clock on Friday the first day of August next.
That extensive and well established Inn, with all its appurtenances, known by the name of "The Black Bull", at present occupied by Mr. Charles Dobbin Esq.
The house is large and commodious with very complete Offices and Yard in good repair; adjoining are two large gardens, one of which is enclosed with an excellent brick wall, and both occupying upwards of three acres, well stocked with the choicest fruit trees, all in full bearing.
Held by Lease of Lives renewable forever at the small yearly rent of £40. The purchaser can be accommodated with a sufficiency of Town Parks, in high condition.
For further particulars, apply to the proprietor, Charles Dobbin.
Lurgan, July, 1806
TO BE SOLD 7 March 1808
A Farm of land containing 81 acres, on which are a most excellent house and offices, in thorough repair, held by a Lease of Lives held forever at a Peppercorn Fine under William Brownlow Esq at the small yearly rent of £18 15s and at present occupied by a respectable tenant. Said farm is situated in the Townland of Kinegoe, within 2 miles of Lurgan, 5 of Portadown, 14 of Armagh and 11 of Banbridge, all good Market Towns.
For further particulars applications to be made to Thomas Sloane Esq of Lisabuck near Clones who will treat for the same.
Lisabuck 10 February 1808.
Notice is hereby given to all Carriers, Drovers and others that the law for preventing travelling with cars or carts, driving cattle &c &c on Sunday, shall be strictly put in force in the Town of Lurgan and its vicinity on Sunday the 26th of May inst; and from thenceforth any person found offending against the same, shall be punished according to the law.
Signed by order of the Magistrates, Church Wardens and Parishioners of Lurgan. Holt Waring Rector of Lurgan. Lurgan, May 10, 1811.
ESCAPED from the GAOL at CARRICKFERGUS, in the County of ANTRIM, the 29th day of APRIL instant, at 11 o'clock in the Evening, by means of a False or Skeleton Key:
WILLIAM HAWTHORNE, under rule of transportation. He is about five feet two inches high, stout made remarkably inn kneed, fresh complexion, brown eyed, short nose, round visage, dark brown hair, about 26 years of age; had on when he escaped, short blue jacket, a brown great coat, corduroy pantaloons, shoes, and hat; was bred near Lurgan. and by trade a Flax-dresser.
Now, I will pay a REWARD of FIVE POUNDS Sterling, to any Person or Persons who shall, within Six Months from the date hereof, lodge the above named Persons in any of his Majesty's Gaols.
WILLIAM McCLAVERTY, Gaoler of the County of Antrim. CARRICKFERGUS. April 30.
MARRIAGE 22 July 1822
On Tuesday, at Bath, John Brownlow, Esq. second son of Charles Brownlow, Esq. of Lurgan, Co. Armagh, to Alicia, second daughter of the Hon. John Brown, of that city.
Whereas on Monday, the 1st instant, there was lost or dropped, between Lurgan and Monaghan, a DRAFT, drawn by William Johnston, of Lurgan, Spirit Merchant, upon, and accepted by Matthew Devlin, of Portadown, at 6 months, dated 1st April, and due 4th July next, for £110. 11s. 6d, British. As notice thereof has been given to the Drawer and Acceptor, they will not hold themselves responsible for the amount of said Draft, if negotiated subsequent to the date hereof. Whoever may have the same in their possession, will be suitably recompensed on returning it to the said William Johnston, at Lurgan, or Mr. Rogers, of the Hotel, Armagh, Dated 3rd May 1826.
On the night of 6/7 January 1839 one of the worst storms in history devastated most of Lurgan. It is still recorded as the greatest storm to hit Ireland and the worst of it seemed to be centred in the counties of Down and Armagh. Records show Lurgan saw 30% of it's housing severely damaged or totally lost. The spire of Shankill Parish Church in Lurgan was blown down and the new Methodist Chapel at Bluestone, which was almost ready for consecration, was levelled to the ground.
Factories and churches were severely damaged, hundreds of thousands of trees uprooted and thatched cottages stripped of their roofs. It is estimated that between 250 and 300 people lost their lives in the storm. Severe property damage was caused, particularly in Connacht, but also in Ulster and northern Leinster. In Moyallon 73 year old Margaret Webb did not survive the storm. Her funeral, on 8 January 1839, was to Lynastown and on its way it passed the rubble of the devastated church.
Read more about the Night of the Big Wind HERE
FEARFUL ACCIDENT 10 September 1845
On Wednesday last, 3d instant, a poor young woman named MARY McKEE, about 27 years of age, whilst attending the rollers of a flax mill, the property
of Mr. HYDE, of Ballyfuddery, near Portadown, had the misfortune to be dragged in, by which the right hand and arm were dreadfully mangled, the arm being actually torn off about midway between the elbow and hand. She was brought in this sad state to the County Infirmary, where the arm was amputated about a hand's breadth below the elbow, by Dr. COLVAN. She bore the painful operation with great fortitude, and is now, we are happy to say, as well as could be expected. She thinks it was a sudden change in the steam
power, from slow to quick, and for which she was not prepared, that caused the mischance.
On Friday night a man named McWARWICK, who resided at Bann Bridge, was on his way home from Silverwood, with a load of timber, when by some mismanagement the cart upset, and falling upon him killed him on the spot.
ANOTHER ACCIDENT 15 September 1845
On Saturday, as two men, named CALVERT and BROWN, were proceeding up the river Bann in a boat, the former was capsized into the water, where he remained for a few minutes, when a man named MACKLIN came to his relief. Surgeon McLOUGHLEN was in immediate attendance, and by his judicious treatment the poor fellow was completely revived.
THE COMMISSIONERS FOR LIGHTING for the Town of LURGAN will receive Proposals for the number of Lamp Posts required by them probable quantity, about 60. They must be similar to those used in the City of Glasgow; and a sketch of the Pattern(gratis) will be required with the Tenders, which must state the cost of each, as also its weight and the price per cwt. All to be delivered, free of extra charge, at the Gas Works here. The Proposals will be considered by the Commissioners on Monday, the 6th of June, and should be lodged with me previous to that day.
(By order), THOMAS PENTLAND, Clerk to the Commissioners. Lurgan,
10th May, 1847
The fourth annual ploughing-match of this society took place on Monday last, in a field belonging Mr. T. Cuppage. Silverwood, near Lurgun. The assemblage on the ground, three o'clock, must have numbered upwards of thousand; and the fineness the day and the animating spectacle of spectators combined, rendered the scene very agreeable. There were about five acres turned up the ploughs amounting to twenty in all of which number, eleven were in the farmers' class, and nine in the servants' class.
First Class. lst prize to Thomas Taylor, Kilfullert; 2nd John Clark, Lurgantaminy; 3rd to John Gilstain, Cianrole; 4th Henry Gihon Auuadraugliel; 5th to Anthony Clark, Drumnabreeze.
Second Class lst prize to Mr. Robert Ellis, Leansmount, plough held by D. M'Caughley ; 2nd Mr. Robert Ellis, plough held by J. Kinkead; 3d to Mr. Joseph Coulter, Legacorry, plough held John Berry; 4th to Thomas Cuppage, Esq., Silverwood, plough held Thomas McKenna; 5th to Mr. James Armstrong, Lurgan, plough held by Wm. M'Kcown.
Cutting Drains for Sewers. lst prize to John Mooney, labourer to E. Berwick, Esq., .Moira; 2d, Edward McCaughley, labourer to Francis Fiorde, Esq., Rauggalin; 3d, Pat O'Neill, do., do.; 4th. Wm. Galaray, Drumnagoon; 6th, John Hamill, labourer A. Lotion, Esq.. Moyraverty; 6th, Wm. Graham, labourer to Mr. J. Cummins, Tullygally; 7th, Breen. labourer to Mr. W. Murray, Tagnavin; 8th, E. McCaughley, labourer to Francis Fforde, Raughlin; 9th, Wm. Kearney, labourer to Charles Douglass, Esq., Gracehall.
Implements. lron ploughs lst prize to James McLenaghan, Lurganville; 2d, Archd. Clark, Moira; 3d, to John Downey,Lurgan
Grubbers lst prize Archibald Clark, Moira.
Seed harrows Prize to Hugh McMullen, Banbridge.
Turnip barrows Prize to James McNeill, Corknakinnegar.
Double trees Prize to James McNeill, Cornakinnegar.
Judges Messrs. Nathaniel Greer, Daniel Monroe, William Moore.
In the evening, the members of the society sat down to a substantial dinner in the Brownlow Arms Hotel. Francis Fforde, Esq., occupied the chair, and James Brown, Esq., Donacloney House, officiated as croupier.
WHEREAS Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen has, by Her Royal Proclamation, dated at Windsor, the 6th day of November instant, appointed and commanded that a General Thanksgiving to ALMIGHTY GOD, for His Mercies in having abated the grievous disease with which many places in this kingdom have been lately visited, should be observed on Thursday, the 15th day of November, instant; and Her Majesty has, by the said Proclamation, earnestly exhorted that the said Public Day of Thanksgiving should be reverently and devoutly observed by all her subjects: AND WHEREAS the day so appointed is the Market Day of Lurgan: I do therefore give Public Notice that the Lurgan Market, on this occasion, will be postponed until Friday, the 16th Instant.
Lurgan, 12th November, 1849.
On Tuesday morning we had some very heavy showers of rain, accompanied by A strong breeze. The improvement in the appearance of the crops, in this neighbourhood, is very great. The wheat looks strong and healthy, and promises to be more than an average crop. Barley, also, looks remarkably well; but the late sown corn, in consequence of the long continued drought, has a sickly appearance, and looks short and stunted, but the present genial weather is making a very perceptible improvement. The potatoes are extremely luxuriant, and from all we have seen or heard, there is not the slightest appearance of disease. It is to be hoped that we may have an abundant harvest, and as far as present appearances go, we may venture to predict one of the most favourable we have had for long period of years.
The progress of cholera is not in the least abated. On Friday, another death occurred; the deceased was a young woman of the name of M'Corry. A man called Douglass died on Saturday of the same disease. There are rumours concerning one or two other alleged cases, but the particulars have not reached us.
These sessions commenced on Thursday, before E. Tickle, Esq., Assistant Barrister. The following are the convictions:
John Blevins, stealing sugar, properly of James O'Hanlon; one month imprisonment.
Patrick Dougan stealing meal, from Edward Kinness; seven years transportation.
Anne Casey, stealing a pair of trousers from William Fleming; one week imprisonment.
John Kelly, stealing one shoe off Robert Ridgway; one fortnight imprisonment.
John McMahon, stealing a purse containing 5s 1½d, from Samuel Dickson; seven years transportation.
Mrs. L. CUNNINGHAM. Widow of ROBERT CUNNINGHAM returns most grateful thanks to the friends of her late Husband and the Public for their kind patronage and humbly solicits a continuance of it for Herself and Children promising, on her part, the most unremitting attention to the Accommodation of those who shall favour her by making her House their Inn. Lurgan Jan 3rd.
JOHN M'COY respectfully aquaints the Public, that in consequence of many Gentlemen having exprerssed a wish that he should run a Coach betwixt BELFAST. LURGAN, PORTADOWN, & ARMAGH. He hat given orders for having one purchased, of the best construction, elegant, and commodious. To run every day except Sunday. No time will be lost in making the necessary arangements, and in a future Advertisement he Will announce the day it will commence. Deeply impressed with gratitude for the Patronage he has experienced since he began running a Coach betwixt Belfast and Newry, he shall make his study in this other new undertaking to serve the Public with care, fidelity, and respectful attention,so as to afford them comfortable accommodation and expeditious travelling. _ April 25 1808.
Patrick Larkin and Hugh Wilson, pedlars, from Lurgan, near Armagh, have been apprehended by the Peace Officers of the Head Office of Police, armed with loaded pistols, on suspicion of robbery. Larkin had two ten pound Bank Notes, and several others of the Belfast Bank; and the horse robbed from Mr. Smith, of Richhill, Armagh, was discovered at the White Bull, Thomas-street, by the Magistrates of the above office. Those men are strongly suspected of being part of the gang who robbed Mr. Bonner, of Dorset-street, on the Naas road, Dublin a few nights ago.
JAMES JOHNSTON, Grateful for the encouragement he has experienced, begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that for their further accommodation his Coach will start from ARMAGH every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at SEVEN O'Clock in the Morning will arrive in LURGAN at TEN, leave LURGAN at half past TEN, and arrive in BELFAST at TWO. His Coach will also leave BELFAST Tuesdays, Thursdays. and Saturdays, at TEN in the Morning, and arrive in LURGAN Half-past ONE. where it changes horses, and arrives in ARMAGH at Half-past FOUR. This Arrangement to commence MONDAY the 26th inst.
LURGAN, Feb. 23, 1816.
The Honourable Henry Caulfield and Mr. Brownlow were elected Members for the County of Armagh, on the 22d instant, without opposition. To celebrate an event so gratifying, the friends of Mr. Caulfield assembled, on horseback, at his residence, Hockley, and formed a body of at least one thousand, attended by an immense number on foot; these, headed by Mr. Caulfield and his Committee, took the road to Armagh, three miles distant, which led through the elegant demesne of Sir Capel Molyneux, where that patriotic Baronet, with his respectable tenantry, all mounted, met them, and joined the cavalcade. It then approached the city, preceded by four trumpets and a kettle-drum, and passed through the main streets to the Courthouse. Mr. Brownlow and his Lurgan friends joined them at the Court-house, which was greatly thronged; a numerous body of the Gentlemen of the County were present. Mr. Caulfield was proposed by Sir Capel Molyneux, and Mr. Brownlow by Mr. Hall, of Narrow-Water.
Lurgan Day and boarding School.
The Misses Chisholm intend to re-open the school on the 29th inst. They return their sincere thanks to the respectable inhabitants of Lurgan for the liberal encouragement that has been given to their establishment. They can accommodate three boarders on moderate terms and beg to submit to parents the testimonial with which they were introduced to the people of Lurgan.
"We who have had an opportunity of ascertaining the capabilities of the Misses C. by their residence in our families, have pleasure in certifying that we consider them eminently qualified to instruct Young Ladies in the various branches of English, in French, Music, Drawing, and in plain and fancy Needle Work; and from the patience of their temper, perseverance in their exertions, steadiness of their conduct and confirmed habits of teaching, we can confidently recommend them as valuable conductors of female eduction.
Mrs. Colonel Macquarie of Ulva
Mrs. Hamilton - Tullylish House
Mrs. Law - Hazelbank
Mrs. Millar - Moneymore
Mrs. Charley - Woodburn"
For further particulars reference may be had to the Rev. H. Dobbin, Lurgan, or the Rev J. Johnston Tullylish.
Jully 25, 1833
LURGAN MARKET 23 November 1841
In consequence of a wish unanimously expressed by the parties frequenting the Lurgan Market, for a change of the Market-day from FRIDAY to THURSDAY, hereby give notice, that the Lurgan Market will be held on every THURSDAY in the year, commencing on Thursday, the 2nd day of December next. We also give notice, that there will be a Fair held at Lurgan, on the Second THURSDAY in every month, in addition to the two old Fairs, held on the 5th of August and 22d of November. The first Monthly Fair to be held on THURSDAY, the 9th day of December next. N.B.—We also give notice, that arrangements are intended to be made for establishing a Flax, Pork, Butter, Fowl, and Egg Market, of which due notice will be given.
Lurgan. John Hancock, J.P. George Greer. Joseph H. Boyd. Samuel Watts. Wm. Armstrong. Joseph Wilson. James Anderson. James Malcolm. Robert liazellon. Robert Trail. Thomas Hall. Francis Watson. John Haxlett. John Johnston. Z', William Johnston. I George Ruddell. I Matthew Wells. Robert Stanley. Thomas Stanley. I Thomas Bullocke. Moses Taggart. William M'Cullougb, John Gilbert. George Neltleton. John Girdwood. John Cuppage & Co. Richard Beatty. George & Wm. Lockhart.
November 2, 1841.
FLAX 10 September 1845
At our flax market in this town, on Tuesday last, at least six tons were shown, which sold from 9s. 6d. To 10s. 6d. per stone.
On Tuesday last an inquest was held at Portadown by G. HENRY, Esq., coroner, on the body of JOHN M'NALLY, who came by his death from the effects of a blow he received from a man named BRANKIN. It appears that BRANKIN and M'NALLY had some difference in Dungannon Street, Portadown, on the 4th instant, when the deceased received a blow which proved fatal, by his head coming in contact with a cart shaft when he was falling. Dr. BREDIN was in immediate attendance, and paid every attention to the poor fellow from Thursday till Monday night, when death put an end to his suffering.
The mortal remains of the late lamented Lord Lurgan were, on Wednesday, conveyed to their final resting place, in the family vault, in Shankill burying-ground, near Lurgan, by a sorrowing troop of his Lordship's relatives, friends, and tenantry. The funeral took place at half-past ten, a.m. precisely, at which hour the coffin was borne from his Lordship's residence by six of the most respectable tenants upon the estate, who were relieved, as occasion required, during the sad procession, by two other companies of six each, the bearers thus numbering eighteen in all, dressed in scarves and hat-bands. The chief mourners: Colonel Close, of Drumbanagher, the Honourable Mr. Bligh, John Brownlow, Esq., and Charles Douglass, Esq., of Grace Hall. After these walked the clergymen resident upon the estate, and the medical gentlemen who were in attendance upon his lordship, in mourning, also wearing scarves and hatbands. It is unnecessary to say, that the shops in the town were closed from an early hour in the morning, and that no other evidence of the sincere sorrow universally felt for the loss of a kind landlord, and faithful guardian of the interests of the locality, was wanting.
It was one of his Lordship's last wishes, that the funeral should be conducted in the most private manner consistent with propriety, and that not one of his tenantry should put himself to the least expense or inconvenience by attending it. Conscious of the thoughtfulness which dictated this request, at a season when display would appear so discordant with the general distress, and which so pathetically proved that the ruling principle of Lord Lurgan's life, an affectionate concern for the welfare of all who were connected with him, by the nearest as well as the remotest ties was strong in death, the wish was received as a command; and, consequently, the tenantry did not assemble very numerously, though a large proportion of the inhabitants of Lurgan and its vicinity were gathered in the streets as the un-ostentatious procession moved by. The melancholy ceremonial over, the mourners returned to their homes, deeply impressed with the solemnity of a scene rendered infinitely more touching by the suddenness of the late Lord's demise, and by the extent of the bereavement which deprived his afflicted relatives of so dear a friend, his tenantry of so indulgent a landlord, and the poor of so benevolent a protector.
The following poem was perhaps the fate of one who flew the famine.
Far away, Far away,
to the land of the stranger,
A young maiden hastes,
Fearless of danger;
She has crossed the wide ocean,
And braved the dread billow,
In a far foreign land,
To repose on her pillow,
And dream of the days yet to come.
In the land of the "free,"
Far away to the westward,
She seeks a fond home
With the last of her kindred.--
Still onward she wanders--
Her young heart is broken,
Ah ! see, she is gazing
On a cherished love token,
From one in her late island home.
As lonely she journeys
O'er prairie and mountain,
Her thoughts still return
To that old gushing fountain,
Whose bright waters never
From fountain came purer,
Than those sweet vows she gave
To the youth who allured her,
And thus her soul murmurs alone.
"Farewell to thee, false one--
For happier I find me,
Than e'er thou can'st be
When thy memory reminds thee.--
Though my fond heart is breaking--
Alas! 'tis so now--
Still I love--Oh ! how dearly
I cherish that vow,
Which I joyfully gave for your own.
The cypress and laurel
Weep over the tomb,
Where this dear one reposes
In death's silent gloom;
'Twas the hand of a stranger
That closed her dark eyes.--
'Twas the ear of a stranger
Received her last sighs,
Breathed for one far away, now unknown.
Some false-hearted lover
Who lured to betray,
Had won her affections
In that isle far away,--
She died without leaving
One trace of his name,
But his false heart shall wither,
In sorrow and shame,
When he thinks of the wrong he has done.
Tanaghmore, July, 1849.
On Thursday, 24th May, the board met Colonel Blacker in the chair, there were a large number of Guardians in attendance.
Mr. J. O. Woodhouse stated he had attended meeting of representatives from the Ulster unions, held in Belfast on the previous day, that the meeting principally consisted of ex-officio guardians, and that he was sorry to observe a considerable cooling down: but that be had no doubt that the elected guardians, the representatives of the people, would be firm. He had proposed that several unions should all be unanimous in refusing to become the executioners of an unjust law. Being the law, he did not desire that any one would resist it by any unlawful means; on the contrary, he would obey it, but he would not lend a hand to it:
"That in case any communication from the Commissioners be made to the Board respecting the rate in aid bill, or the levy of any money thereunder, a discussion thereon, before this board should only take place upon notice to all the guardians, put into the post office a week previously." The motion was seconded by Mr. Dolling and carried unanimously.