The Portadown Weekly News Portadown Coat of Arms
23rd April 1859  


This distressing event took place at the Palace, Armagh, on Monday morning last. The immediate cause of death was brain fever, brought on, it is reported, by the shock occa sioned by the sudden death of the late Marquis of Waterford. Dr. Cuming was in instant attendance upon the deceased lady, and Sir Henry Marsh had also been called in, but medical skill proved unavailing. Mrs. Dunbar was the wife of George Dunbar, Esq., of Woburn, and niece of his Grace the Lord Primate, to whom she was much attached, and with whom she and Mr. Dunbar generally resided for a good part of each year. By all who knew her, Mrs. Dunbar was much esteemed for her gentleness and amiability, and much sympathy is felt both for Mr. Dunbar and his Grace in the sad and sudden bereavement. The funeral will take place on next Wednesday, and the remains are to be interred at Woburn. The Messrs. Frizelle, of Armagh, have charge of the funeral arrangements.
Newry Telegraph.



It is said that the Rev. J. Flavelle, rector of Loughgall, and formerly tutor to the late Marquis of Waterford, is to get the parish of Mullabrack, vacant by the resignation of Lord John [sic] Beresford, now Marquis of Waterford.
Ulster Gazette.



Choice Tea, Coffee, Spice, and General Grocery Establishment, Lurgan. MOST respectfully announces to his Friends and the Public generally, that he is continuing to carry on Business in that old and well-established House in Lurgan, formerly occupied by the Messrs. ARMSTRONG ; and by giving the best possible value, Consumers will find it their interest to purchase.



TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHERN WHIG SIR, I have refrained from sooner noticing the reports in your papers of the 22d and 20th March of the proceedings at the Bluestone and Portadown meetings, in order to give ample time for the "memorials" (mentioned in the resolutions) "to be pre- sented to his Grace;" but, finding they have not yet been forwarded, I can no longer keep silent, and, therefore, request you will have the goodness to give insertion to this letter in your columns. It is not true as stated in your reports, that " the country is at present in an excited state,"--that I, " or the other officials of the duke," used any influence, directly or indirectly, to prevent those who chose from attending the meetings--or that I, "circulated the false and malicious libel on that part of the country, that I was in the habit of receiving daily, or weekly, threatening letters, for the purpose of sheltering my- self from the results of my official acts," &c. As to the case of Lavery (the only referred to) the facts are:--He paid, against arrears, &c., when he got occupation, in 1851 and 1852, the sum of £107. Legal proceedings were lately taken against him, there being two years' rent due, and on quitting pos- session he was allowed, in money and rent remitted, £137 4s., although he never made improvements in buildings or otherwise. He has since written to me, saying he omitted asking compensation for eighty- seven perches of drains he alleges he made, and for lime, most of which was put on the land seven or eight years ago. Further comment on this case I consider unnecessary. His statement that I was of- fered £15 an acre is untrue. It contains 18A. 3R. 3P., and is now being let to others at Lavery's rent, and for £5 per acre, by which his grace loses £43 9s. I beg to say I shall not reply to any further articles which may appear in your paper on this subject.-- Your obedient servant, J. S. O'BRIEN. Tandragee, 20th April, 1859.



At our fair on Saturday last, which was well attended, we had a good display of all descriptions, prices were high, especially for dry cattle. The supply of pork was large and well disposed of.



on Wednesday last, was unusually large. Black and milch cattle maintained their late high prices. Good springers and strippers were in brisk demand, and others of inferior quality met ready purchasers at their full value. Young stock were also in lively request. Of pigs there was a large market. The demand for weaned suckers and young stores was very animated. High prices were offered for some pigs nearly ready for slaughtering. This fair is now becoming an important mart for the farmers and dealers in the neighbourhood, and is likely to increase rapidly.



NOVELTIES in Cloth and Silk Mantles, Scarfs and Shawls, Flounced and Plain Muslin Dresses, New Fancy Dresses, Plain and Fancy Stuff Goods. Millinery and Straw Bonnets, French and Coventry Ribbons, Flowers and Lace Goods, Summer Hosiery and Gloves, Parasols and Umbrellas, Ladies' and Children's Leather and Gutta Percha Boots and Shoes.

AVERELL SHILLINGTON Respectfully announces that he is now receiving his SECOND SPRING PURCHASES, and solicits the favor of an early inspection. Portadown, 36, High-street.



On Thursday evening some members of the Masonic body assembled in Mr. Harcourt's hotel, Tandragee, where they had invited Brother Thomas M'Dermott to partake of a supper, which was served up in good style. They took this opportunity of showing their respect for, and taking their leave of, Brother M'Dermott, who is about to emigrate to America. The health of the guest of the evening was received with all the honours. Several choice songs were sung during the evening. the following Nos. were represented by several members, 79, 105, 119, and 336.



HAVING now thoroughly established themselves in these places, beg to inform the Inhabitants that they are now supplied with all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, of the best quality, which they will dispose of at the lowest remunerative profit. The subjoined list will show :-- Men's Stout Shoes, from .. 5s. 6d. to 6s. 6d. Do. Blucher Boots, from .. 6s. 0d. to 6s. 6d. Gentlemen's Short Boots, .. 10s. 0d. to 10s. 6d. Ladies' Cloth Boots, .. 5s. 0d. to 5s. 6d. Do. Leather do., .. 5s. 6d. to 6s. 0. North British Over-shoes, of the best material from 1s. 8d. up; together with Gutta Percha Soles and So- lution, accompanied with printed directions for using, are also sold on the Premises. All Repairs done on the Premises ; warranted, and executed with neatness and despatch. N.B.--A trial is respectfully solicited, as Purchasers will find that they will realize a large saving, in the Gutta Percha Goods especially ; a fact now established by their almost universal adoption throughout the principal towns in the United Kingdom.



THE CLERGY AND GENTRY of this Neighbourhood are respectfully invited to test the quality and price of Goods sold at their Establishments, with those of Belfast or Armagh.



THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE 500 Barrels Prime Picked and Extra-Picked New Riga Flaxseed, at moderate prices. ANTHONY COWDY.
Thomas-street, Portadown



PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Paper Hanger, Glazier, &c., 64, Woodhouse-street, Portadown.



BY THE PORTADOWN GAS- COMPANY, a Practical Working MANAGER, competent to superintend the Manufacture of Gas, Laying of Pipes, &c. He will also be required to survey the Meters and Collect the Rental. Present Sale of Gas about Two Million Cubic Feet per annum.
Applications, enclosing copies of testimonials, addressed to the Secretary, Mr. GEORGE KINKEAD, Portadown, will be attended to. Portadown, 11th April, 1859.



At a sheriff's sale, by Wm. Hardy Eyg. [sic], under-sheriff of this county, held on 11th inst., £300 were given for the interest in a licensed house and sixteen acres of land, situate at the Annaghmore station of the Dungannon and Portadown Railway.



TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On Tuesday, April 26, 1859, AT TANDRAGEE CASTLE, THE property of His Grace the Duke of Manchester, UPWARDS OF 200 OAK TREES, from 150 years upwards. Tandragee is within one mile of the Ulster Canal, and the Dublin and Belfast Junction Railway, to both of which there is an excellent road. The Timber will be cut and barked by the Pro- prietor, after which Purchasers will be Noticed when the Timber is ready for removal, which must be done in the course of a month.
Terms £15 and upwards, approved bills at 3 months, free of Interest. For Cash 2-1/2 per cent. discount. Purchasers to pay 5 per cent Auctioneer's fees. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. GEORGE TEDFORD, Auctioneer. April 2, 1959.



TO BE LET FOR BUILDING, in Lots to suit Customers, Sites for Houses, Mills, &c., with abundant supply of water, and frontage to the River Bann. Apply to Messrs. THOS. A. SHILLINGTON AND SON, where Maps of the ground may be seen. Portadown, April 20, 1859.



TO BE LET. ON GILFORD DEMESNE, From 12th May until 12th November next, on the following terms:
A COW, .. .. .. £3 0 0
Two Years' Old, .. .. .. £2 0 0
One Year Old, .. .. .. £1 0 0
A HORSE, .. .. .. £4 0 0
Two Years' Old, .. .. .. £3 7 0
One Year Old, .. .. .. £2 0 0
Application to be made to ROBERT MOFFATT, the Caretaker, on the Lands. Dated 16th April 1859.

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