WE, the undersigned, request a MEETING of the Landed
Proprietors, Merchants, Traders, and others, of Armagh
and its neighbourhood, on TUESDAY, the 10th of JUNE, inst.,
(this day,) at the Market-House, at the hour of Three o'Clock,
to take into consideration the provisions of the New Bank Bill,
as regards Ireland, now about to be brought before Parliament.
George Robinson, J.P.,
Thomas Armstrong,
Joseph Matthews,
Charles Foster, jun.,
John Wilson,
James Close,
Hugh Fitzpatrick,
John N. Macartney,
John M'Watters,
John S. Riggs,
M. R. Bell,
Wm. H. Leathem,
W. Rogers,
John Williams,
John Stanley, jun.,
Hugh Trenor,
John Thompson,
Henry Dickson,
A. and A. Lyle,
Robert Riddall and Co.,
Robert Fulton,
R. Cochran, jun.,
James Cole,
William Boyd,
John Vallely,
Matthew Bell,
Samuel Gardner,
James Riddall,
Robert Gilmore,
Thomas M'Cann,
Abraham Matthews.
June 10, 1845.
On Monday last Mr. CURRAN held a commission for the discharge of Insolvent Debtors, in the Court-house of this city.
Sixteen persons were brought up, and their applications disposed of as follows:--
William Devlin.--Remanded to next commission.
Thomas Woods--No opposition. Discharged.
Ellen Connolly, Insolvent, did not appear.
James Johnston was opposed by Mr. Quin, Solicitor, who
appeared for Robert Burke and John Harrison, opposing
creditors. It appeared that Johnston held a scutch-mill, and
in order to have it repaired, he had got Harrison, one of his
own scutchers to bail him, who had paid £8, and was liable for
£9 more. The ground of opposition was, that from time to time
Johnston had been offered from £100 to £120, or £130, for his
good will of the mill and place, but chose to retain it.
Johnston pleaded he was but owner in part with his brother,
and would have willingly disposed of his interest if he could
--his brother not being present, the case was adjourned till
next commission.
Francis Markay.--Opposed by Mr. Quin, on behalf of
Elizabeth Bingham. The cause of opposition was to know if
five acres of land prisoner held had been returned in his
schedule? Discharged. Assignee to be appointed in Dublin,
on a day to be fixed by Mr. Vogan, and Mr. Quin.
Michael M'Connell.--Opposed by Mr. M'Kee, on behalf of
Alexander Arthur, on the ground of his having given over his
land to his son. It was proved the holding was at a high
rate, and that to obtain it the son had one year's arrair
of rent to pay. Discharged.
Wm. Warren, discharged. To give up possession of a house
to Andrew Halliday, agent for Wm. and Thomas Emerson,
Wm. Timmins.--Opposed by Mr. Quinn, on behalf of
Robert Pearson and John Forster, having made over his property
fraudulently for the sake of cheating his creditors. Adjourned
till next commission, when his son must either settle with the
creditors or re-assign. Mr. Vogan here made an explanation
to the Commissioner which mitigated the case. The father
was in the habit of bailing parties, and his family had suffered
much in consequence; and it was decided the son should take
the property, whereupon he noticed all persons concerned. It
was after this notice present debt had accrued.
Jane Flavell.--Opposed by Mr. Pepper, on behalf of Messrs.
Woolsey and James Bell, who inquired what had become of the
money she administered for ; amongst the rest a promissory
note of £50 by a brother of her late husband? Discharged.
Samuel M'Cullagh, a creditor, appointed assignee.
Wm. Beck, jun.--Opposed by John Walker Redmond for
overholding a house and land. Discharged. Ordered to give
up the house on 4th July, and land on 1st November.
Robert Ballentine--Opposed by Mr. M'Kee, on behalf of
Wm. Woods. The cause of opposition was--Insolvent held two
pieces of land, one of them in right of his wife, at whose
death, in May last, it reverted to Wm. Woods; insolvent was
served with an ejectment which was defended by David
Ballentine, brother to insolvent, and without the knowledge
of insolvent, David had received £1 from a son of Woods, the
opposing creditor, to defend against his own father;
insolvent gave possession to Woods, believing that had his
wife been spared time she would have given it to him, but
dying suddenly, she could not. He was also opposed for
having disposed of the other part of his property to his
brother for £45, and only accounting for £20 in his
schedule. It was proved that the day after his wife died he
had made a bargain with his brother for the sale of the
place for this sum--£20 of which he owed ; and that the
balance was to have been paid by supporting him, at the
rate of £10 per year, as he was utterly unable to help
The Commissioner in discharging the prisoner said that Mr.
Woods, the opposing creditor, had cause of complaint against
his own son, and also against David Ballentine, but none
against the prisoner.
John Taggart, John Preston, Robert Lynes, and Robert
M'Clean, were severally discharged, there being no
William Devlin.--Opposed by Mr. Quin, on behalf of Messrs.
Edward Hughes and John Matchet, for fraudulently omitting
to return his property, and pretending to hold a small part
under the authority of another, to whom he had fraudulently
assigned it. Adjourned to next commission. Henry Riddle
had settled with his detaining creditors, and on applica-
tion of Mr. Vogan, his Attorney, his petition was
dismissed. Mr. Vogan was Solicitor for all the prisoners.
JUNE 7.--Number last week, 478 ; Admitted and born, 10; total,
488; discharged and died, 18; remaining 470.
Sub-Inspector HENDERSON, for
many years stationed in Enniskillen, has been ordered to the
disturbed district of Ballinamore. A more fit or proper officer
could not be appointed, for while he was stationed in Ennsikil-
len, he was loved and respected by all who had the pleasure of
his acquaintance.
Government have offered a reward of £50 for the apprehension
and bringing to justice the writer of the threatening notice
that was served on RODERICK GRAY, Esq., County Surveyor,
of the County Fermanagh, on the 26th of May last.
A friend from Balbriggan [Co Dublin] writes :--The weather here
is most ungenial, so much so that I require a fire in my office each
day. The potato planting will not terminate for some days yet
to come. The wheat and oat crops look stunted from the effects
of the late North-East winds, which have cut up, or rather
burned every crop adjacent to the coast.
On Tuesday last a family consisting of father, mother, and
four children, residing near Maguiresbridge, took suddenly ill
after partaking of a soda cake for breakfast even the child on
the mother’s breast was not exempt ; all were affected with the
exception of the poor man himself, as if they had taken an eme-
tic. By some means the man or his wife discovered that arsenic
had been used instead of baking soda. But for the prompt and
assiduous care rendered the sufferers by Dr. T. M’NEECE the
end would have been melancholy. They are all now, I believe,
doing well.
Our fair was held on Wednesday
last; dry stock were in good demand, as also calves, and brought
good prices ; store and small pigs sold well ; flax from 5s 6d. to
6s 4d per stone; meal 13s per cwt. ; potatoes 3d to 3-1/4d per
We are happy to learn that a rich
and valuable seam of coal, much deeper seated than those
previously worked, has been discovered in the Drumglass coal
fields, county Tyrone. The coal is much superior to the former
produce of those mines; and from its yielding 30 per cent. of
good hard coal, will we trust amply remunerate the enterprizing
workers, the “Hibernian Mining Company.” We are heartily
rejoiced at this, and now that we have every prospect of having
our internal resources developed, by the intersection of the
country by railways, which will afford the much required fa-
cilities for the transit of agricultural and manufacturing pro-
duce, nothing is now wanted, but the certainty of a supply of
cheap good fuel, to stimulate our wealty [sic] citizens, to
embark their dormant capital in manufacturing enterprize. If
any doubt existed on this subject, it is now resolved. Calling to
mind the great extent of the Tyrone coal basin, ascertained to
be upwards of nine miles by three, that it is unquestionable, it
ranges as far south as Moy and Benburb seven miles more, that
no instance occurs in the great mining districts of England,
where an equal number of beds lie so thick and near each other,
that Dr. KANE has pronounced the coals as “excellent”, as
“applicable to every use in industry to which coal is applied in
England,” who can hesitate in believing, but, that this por-
tion of the north, will soon become the busy seat of more varied
arts and manufactures, that those now suffering depression
will speedily be resuscitated, that extensive employment will be
given to hands anxious for labour, and that thus the blessings
of industrial prosperity will be diffused over the land
On Wednesday even-
ing, the 4th inst., a soldier named DUFFY, belonging to Captain
WOODWARD's company, 5th Fusileers, joined his Regiment at
Charlemont, with his wife and five children, one of the latter a
little more than four years old, and fine looking little boy, who
not knowing the locality, wandered the next morning towards
the Ulster Canal, farther then [sic] which, no trace of him could
be discovered. Every search was made during the course of the
day, the bell was rung through Moy and Charlemont, and en-
quiry made through the entire neigbourhood, but all in vain.
Apprehension being entertained that he had fallen into either
the Canal or Blackwater river, (from the latter of which his
mother had been carrying water), the parents were in great
distress of mind. Matters remained in this situation until Fri-
day, when information was obtained, that a child answering
the description, had been seen in company with an improper fe-
male named MARGARET BENNET, on Thursday, at the Canal
bridge, and subsequently in the direction of Loughgall. Thither
the distracted father went, and having obtained the assistance
of the police force, he was fortunate enough with the prompt
and active co-operation of Sub-Constable CAFFRY to apprehend
the unfeeling monster with the lost child in her possession. It
appears BENNET represented herself, as the wife of a stone-
cutter, by whom she and her helpless son had been deserted,
that she was pursuing her way to Belfast in quest of him, and
that she had been left without any provision, in consequence of
which she was obliged to make a most melancholy appeal to the
charitable feelings of the stone-cutters engaged in the work of
R. W. C. COPE, Esq., of Loughgall. The men were in the
very act of subscribing handsomely for her assistance, when
her apprehension by CAFFREY blew up the well planned im-
position. Information having been lodged by the proper par-
ties, before JOHN HARDY, Esq., she was committed to Armagh
gaol on the 7th inst., for trial at the ensuing Assizes. We
trust this unusual incident, will prove a salutary warning to
parents, to be more watchful about their children, and that the
inhuman wretch who committed such a detestable crime, will meet
that condign punishment she so justly deserves.
-Since our last we have had
a good deal of rain, which the farmers anxiously wished for; it
has had a most beneficial effect on the crops, which look most
This fair was held on the 6th inst., and was
well attended not withstanding the unfavourable aspect of the
morning. There was a good show of horses, and an increased
attendance of English and Scotch purchasers. The supply of
cows, &c., was remarkably large, and sold well at high
prices particularly beef cattle. Pigs in great demand at a con-
siderable advance.
On Tuesday morning, about one o’clock,
a fire broke out in the house of Mr. Daly, grocer, in Essex-
street, at the corner of Sycamore-alley. On the alarm being
given, the inmates were fortunately got out, one of whom, a fe-
male, escaped by the roof. The engines of the National, West of
England, and Sun offices were soon in attendance, but owing to
the want of water, although the main attached to the fountain
in Essex-street was broken open, could afford no assistance.
The fire, which is supposed to have originated in the shop, conti-
nued to burn with fearful rapidity, till communicating with the
spirit store underneath, the entire house presented one sheet of
flame. Up to three o’clock the engines of the different com-
panies which were in attendance were quite useless, at which
time the paving-board carts arrived with a supply of
water, and prevented the extension of the fire beyond Mr.
Daly’s house. About four o’clock the end wall in Sycamore-
alley fell outwards, doing considerable damage to the houses
opposite, and to one of the firemen of the West of England
Company. All the adjoining houses are much injured, and the
inhabitants have sustained great loss by the removal of the
furniture.—Dublin Evening Packet.
The superintendence of the Limerick engineer district is vacant by the retirement of Lieutenant-Colonel Kelsall, R.E., upon
31, Abbey-street, Armagh.
THE extensive and highly-respectable patronage which Mr.
MULHOLLAND has experienced since his Establishment
commenced, has been so universal and flattering, as to call for
his grateful acknowledgment ; and whilst he pledges himself
that no diligence or labour shall be spared, which may gived complete satisfaction to parents and guardians, he deems it necessary to state, that the course of instruction in his school
comprises--The Holy Scriptures, Writing, Arithmetic, History, Geography, Mathematics, and the Greek and Latin
Classics. The last named branches shall be taught with as much
expedition as is consistent with sound scholarship ; and on this
head, he can refer both to his own collegiate course, and the
honors obtained by his Pupils.
References of the highest order can be given, and terms for
Boarders and day-Pupils may be known by applying as above.
*** Vacation commences on the 26th inst., and will terminate
on Monday, the 14th of July.
June 10th, 1845.
A few days ago a respectable man named ARMSTRONG resid-
ing at Carranmore, near Lisnaskea, had the tongue cut out of
his horse.
was in every respect a good one. Milk cows in good demand, and sold at good prices.
June 2, at Clonervy, county Cavan, the lady of the Rev.
Thomas Fetherston, of a daughter.
On the 4th inst., in St. Anne’s Church, Dublin, Mr. John
Wilson, of Rockcorry, county of Monaghan, to Sarah Jane,
daughter of the late Mr. Patrick Shaw, of Newtownhamilton,
in this county.
On Friday, the 23d ult., in the cathedral of Derry, by the
Rev. John Kincaid, Mr. John Montgarret, printer, to Eliza-
beth, eldest daughter of Mr. William Mooney, both of Derry.
On Tuesday, the 28th ult., by license, in the Presbyterian
Church, Dundonald, by the Rev. E. T. Martin, John
Nicholson, Newcastle-on-Tyne, to Isabella Girvan, Dundonald
In this city, on Sunday the 8th inst., at the residence of her
nephew, John Stanley, jun., Esq., at an advanced age, and after a useful and well spent life, Mary, daughter of the late
Robert Crooks, Esq., of Clogher, county Tyrone. She has
left a numerous circle of sorrowing friends, who, however,
"mourn not as those without hope." Her remains will be in-
terred in St. Mark's Church-yard on to-morrow (Wednesday)
at 10 o'clock.
On Saturday, the 7th inst., at Dundrum, near Keady, Alicia,
wife of Samuel Kidd, sen., Esq., aged 55 years.
At Corn Market, Dublin, aged twenty-eight years, Mr. W. L.
Fletcher, printer. He was the author of many poems, amongst
which was one published entitled the "Frequented Village."
On the 29th ult., Doctor Oakman, of Ardross, county of
Armagh. This practitioner acquired his entire medical knowledge by inspiration. Although he preferred the mystery of
charms to the regular medical agents, and, occasionally confounded the maladies of his patients with the distempers of
cattle. Although no sepruchal structure marks the spot sacred to his repose, his fame among the surrounding peasantry
will prove, no doubt, a monument more lasting than brass, and
more enduring than sculptured marble.
On the 1st inst., at Mountpleasant-square, Dublin, of consumption, which she bore with Christian patience and meekness,
Rachel, youngest daughter of the late Doctor Currie, of
Ballyconnel, county Cavan ; sincerely regretted by all who
knew her.
-On Wednesday last, Mrs. PARK, aged 70
years, wife of Mr. PARK, of Aughnagurgan, near Keady, while
her husband and family were from home on business, was
dreadfully burned, a spark of fire having ignited her apparel.--
She died in a few hours.
The opening soirèe [sic] of the Loyal
Villagers’ Union Lodge of Independent Odd-Fellows took
place on Saturday evening last, in a large room of the Monkstown
Mill, which was kindly lent, for the occasion, by the worthy
proprietor, James Grimshaw, Esq., who has thus sent an ex-
ample to the gentry of Belfast, by patronizing a Society so
little known in Ireland (except among its own members); but
which, as it becomes more generally known, will be supported
and encouraged by the middle and upper classes, as it is in
England and Scotland, where many distinguished individuals
have enrolled their names as members, convinced of its im-
portance to society at large; making as it does, ample provision
for its members, in cases of sickness and distress, and securing
them from want. The Society has its funeral fund, and widows’
and orphans’ fund; by the latter of which, the widows and
orphans of deceased members are placed in such a position as to
be able, by honest industry, to support themselves. At the
appointed time, the members, accompanied by the district offi-
cers, and several other members from Belfast, proceeded to
the place of meeting, attended by the Whitehouse band, who
delighted the company by performing, in excellent style, ap-
propriate airs during the evening. The arrangements were
very good, indeed, and the tea and cakes, &c., having been
well discussed by all present, the G. M. of the district, William
Spackman, was called to preside. The following sentiments
were then given, and ably responded to, by the members pre-
sent:--“The Queen,”—National Anthem by the band; “The
Prince of Wales, Prince Albert, and the rest of the Royal
Family,”—Air by the band; “The Independent Order of Odd
Fellows,”—Grand March by the band. Responded to by bro-
ther Doctor Beck. “The Belfast District.” D. G. M. James
Mitchell returned thanks. “The Lodges in the Belfast Dis-
trict.” V. G. James Anderson replied. “Our Native Land,”
--Air, “Sprig of Shillelagh;”—received with acclamation.
“The Press.” Mr. Smith returned thanks. “Prosperity to
the Villagers’ Union Lodge” was ably responded to by the Se-
cretary, Mr. Ross. Air, “Weel may the boatie row.” “Mr.
Grimshaw, and the patrons of Odd-Fellowship,”—(loud cheers)
--Air by the band. “The Ladies,” responded to, in eloquent
terms, by brother Lewis.—Mr. Ross having been called to the
Chair, the thanks of the meeting were given to Mr. Spackman,
for his proper conduct while presiding. Mr. S. returned thanks,
and proposed “Our next merry meeting.” The entire proceed-
ings went off with great spirit and harmony; several songs
were sung during the evening; and shortly after eleven
o’clock, the company dispersed.—A Correspondent of the
Northern Whig.
Seneschal of this city, returned
to Armagh from London, on Saturday last.
ANDREW CRAIG, Esq., has left this city for Dublin, to resume
his College studies.
We have heard that the
important case of HEATH v. HEATH will be argued before the
VICAR-GENERAL, in the Court-house of this city, in the course
of a few days. Sir HENRY MEREDYTH and Dr. GAYER are the
contending advocates.
The following we received yesterday
from the writer of the excellent letter on the Flax crop, which
will be found on our fourth page, and by which it will be seen
no fear need be entertained, but that Flax will be as abundant,
or even more so, than last year :--
"Since writing my letter on the state of the Flax crops, fine
growing rain has had a beneficial effect, and I have learned
from various sources that there has been more than double the
quantity of home-saved seed sown this year than was last.--
Surely, then, there is good reason to hope that spinners will not
have to resort to a foreign market for their principal supplies.
Two stalks of Riga flax, 25 inches in length, grown in a
field of four acres belonging to Mr. M'MAGHON, of Ballybay
[Co Monaghan], were left at our office on Saturday last, and our
friend informs us that, generally speaking, the flax crops look
well in that district.
Since the rain on Saturday and Tuesday the crops present a
very favourable appearance in this district. There is no appre-
hension of a miss in the potato crop. I have been credibly
informed by a person who had experience of it, that Swedish
turnips sown by him before the 17th of June proved a better
crop than those he had sown in the month of May. Were this
tried on a small scale by farmers they could thus judge for
themselves, for it is a decided fact that Swedes are the
hardies and stand the winter best.