LINEN SALE 12 November, 1736
This Week the Right Hon. the Countess of Antrim, bought a Piece of superfine Irish Linen, 24 Yards, at 40's. per Yard, from Mr. Robert Kaine, of Lurgan, in the County of Armagh. N.B. The said Piece of Linen was manufactured in Lurgan.
A MOST SINGULAR CASE 16 October 1768
Extract of a letter from Lurgan, in the county of Armagh, in Ireland, dated the 5th instant, In December last, a girl in this town, aged about 15, began to take delight in drinking water almost boiling hot, which excessively shocked her parents, who took every method to prevent her, but in vain; for boiling water was poured out of a tea kettle in a bowl to cool it for two or three minutes, she would throw it out, and filling the bowl with the hot water directly drink it, and say it gave her ease. She was then watched and the boiling water kept from her, whereupon she would rise in the night and boil a tea-kettle full of water, and drink it all before she stirred. In this course she has continued, until within this month, when, being deprived of the water, which is now four weeks and three days, left off eating any food. By desire, she has been sent a mile into the country; where, for rinsing the churns there happened be on the fire a kettle of boiling water, which she took into a private room, and drank it off. As this case is very singular, the faculty are the most capable of accounting for it
OAK TIMBER 25 March 1776
To be sold at Lurgan in the County of Armagh contigious to Loughneagh and the Newry Canal, 1084 trees of between 60 and 70 years growth. Applications to be made to Mr. Dudley Harricks, Coach Maker, Marlborough Street, Dublin; Francis Savage esq, Belfast; or Mr. Thomas Shaw, Lurgan who will shew the wood.
Published in the GAZETTE of April 28, 1778
In Consequence of a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against the House of Wakefields, Pratt, and Miers, of London, the Partnership carried on under the firm of Wakefield, Miers, Grier, and Simpson is hereby dissolved and all those who have demands on the last mentioned House, are desired to apply to John Greer, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, or to Jacob Simpson, 3, Little Britain street, Dublin. Given under our hands this 27th day of April 1778.
John Greer and Jacob Simpson.
A letter from Lurgan, dated April 20, says,
Last night a party of the Lurgan Volunteer company, under the command of Lieutenant Godfrey, turned out to assist the constable in apprehending David Kerr, of Ballygargan, about three miles from Lurgan, in the parish of Seagoe, in county of Armagh, a noted offender, against whom Bench warrants had been issued. The party marched off at eleven o’clock, and surrounded the house. The constable demanded entrance, which being denied, the door was broke open, and he, with two or three of the party, got into the house. There being no light Kerr got into an inner apartment, and fired a gun loaded with shot and slugs, the contents of which entering Mr. William Kane, above the groin, he expired about five hours after.
On Mr. Kane’s failing, the constable, and those in the house with him, were obliged to retreat to the party outside, and an express was dispatched to Lurgan for reinforcement, which arriving there about half past three on Friday morning, the drums beat to arms, and a considerable party marched off their assistance. In the mean time the party that surrounded the house, finding several shots fired at them from it, and deeming it very hazardous to attempt entering it again, were obliged to set it on fire; after the flames had raged for some time, Kerr came out with a gun and bayonet in his hand, and looking round him, as if undetermined which way to run. A number of shots were fired at him without effect; he then made off towards Gilford, when several shots were again fired at him without his receiving any injury; the party pursuing, ran about half a mile, when Mr. Edward Hudson coming up with him just as he had leaped over a drain, Kerr having leaped over first, turned, and the instant Mr. Hudson had leaped over, Kerr run a bayonet into his body, from which wound little hopes remain of his recovery. Kerr immediately after surrendered, and was safely conducted to Lurgan, from which he was escorted by a party of the company to the jail at Armagh.
Mr. Kane, who was killed, and Mr. Hudson, who it is feared cannot recover, both inhabitants of this town, were men much esteemed by the company as good Volunteers, and their neighbours, useful members of society. Since the above came to hand, it has been confidently reported that Mr. Hudson is dead.” As the season now approaches for embodying the militia of this kingdom, for the purpose of training and exercising that useful and constitutional body of national defence.
The Creditors who have proved or claimed debts under a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued against Robert Kemp, of Lurgan, in the county of Armagh, are requested to meet the Assignees of said Bankrupt Estate, at the Royal Exchange, Dublin, on Tuesday the 7th day of November next, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in order assent to or dissent from said Assignees commencing, prosecuting, or defending any suit or suits at law, or in equity, or the recovery of any part of said Bankrupt's estate and effects and also, to his compounding, submitting to arbitration, or otherwise agreeing to any matter or thing relating thereunto, and on other special affairs.
Dated this 25th day of October, 1797. LUKE MAGRATH, Agent.
PILLS AND DROPS 10 June 1761
Just Imported a Parcel of Dr. Ratcliff’s Venereal PILLS and DROPS.
These Pills and Drops are the most effectual cure ever discovered for the Venereal Disease in all its stages, from the slightest infection to the most inveterate degree of that poisonous distemper; fresh infections, called claps, with all its attendant symptoms, such as gleets, seminal weakness, heat of urine, runnings, ulcers, phimosis, shankers, buboes, &co ever so severe, are entirely carried off and perfectly cured in but a few days without the least confinement, or hindrance of business and so secret as to conceal it even from a bedfellow. By the author's appointment to he had at Dr. Ryan's, medical warehouse in Eustace street. Mr. John Browe, merchant in Belfast, of Mr. Thomas Steward, bookseller in Newry, Mr. Thomas Read, merchant in Lurgan, and of Mr. Robert Cockran, merchant in Armagh, Five Shillings English the box and bottle, with proper directions.
FIRE IN LURGAN 21 June 1776
On Saturday Morning the 15th inst, the Market House in Lurgan, Co. Armagh, was burnt down, and three small houses adjoining. Providentially no lives were lost, but the poor People in the Houses lost most of their Goods.
MISS MARY BELLEW 28 February 1778
Patrick Bellew, born in Lurgan, in the County Armagh, about 40 Years ago, went to the City of Dublin, married in the said City ------- Sanfriole, of a French family; he kept a public house in Church street for some time where he died; he had a Daughter by his said Wife called Mary Bellew, who between 20 and 30 Years ago went to Lurgan aforesaid to her Father’s relations. She stayed but a short time there, then returned to Dublin, and has not been heard of since. If anyone can give information of the said Mary Bellew (if living) and that if she goes to Lurgan and applies to Mrs. Jane Bellew Widow and Administratrix of Laurence Bellew, Gent, lately deceased, she will hear something to her advantage. Dated at Lurgan, 31 Jan. 1778.
BANKRUPTCY SALE 17 August, 1778
By the assignees of John Hoope a bankrupt, on the fourth day of September in the year of our Lord, 1778 at the house of the Widow Shaw in the town of Lurgan, known as The Black Bull Inn at the hour of two of the clock in the afternoon, all the Bankrupt's interests in all that and those seven tenements in Lurgan aforesaid, held for several Leases for Lives Renewable forever, under the Right Honourable William Brownlow subject to a chief rent of £19. 10s and now let to solvent tenants at a clear profit rent of £115. 0s. 1½d. Also that and those in the towns and lands of: Derrikeevan, Cannoneil, Derrenra and Timulkenny, situated in the neighbourhood of Portadown and Cockhill in the County of Armagh, held by Fee Farm Deed, at the yearly rent of £155. 12s 6d and now yield a profit rent of £25. 4s. 4½D and will at the expiration of the present leases, which are of short duration, let to solvent tenants at £250. per year advanced rent, all of which tenements, lands and premises are subject to one annuity or yearly rent charge of £80. forever. And also one other annuity of £48 during the lifetime of the Bankrupt's mother aged 60 years or thereabout.
An accurate and descriptive rent roll and map of the premises may be seen in the hands of Messrs. Tho. Prentice, Phrapper Lane, Dublin and in the hands of Messrs. Andrew Thompson and George Ogle, merchants in Newry, who can give every other information necessary to a purchaser.
Note: The Bankrupt's interest in a lease of part of the lands of Killmarrearty in said County, held under Mr. Jones of Belfast for a term of years, four of which are unexpired and which produces an annual profit rent of £11. 2s. 4d, will be sold at the same time.
Attested to this 14th day of August in the year of our Lord 1778.
ROBERT CAMDEN COPE 11 December 1794
Lurgan, Nov. 4. 1794 To the Gentlemen Clergy and Freeholders of the County of Armagh. The Death of Mr. Brownlow your late worthy representative having occasioned a vacancy in the Representation of our county, I beg leave to stand forward and offer my services in that important trust, and solicit the honour of your votes and fsupport on the occasion. Encouraged by a number of independent Gentlemen who have honoured my family with an approbation of their conduit in political affairs, I should feel myself deficient in that grateful attention to the County, which is deeply impressed on my mind, if, under such flattering circumstances, I declined to stand forward in their service.
On the commencement of my political life, it may be proper in me to make a declaration of my principles; if I shall be fortunate, under your protection and support, to have the honour of sitting in Parliament as one of the Representatives of the County of Armagh, my conduct shall be guided by the instructions of my Constituents, and directed to promote the interest and welfare of the kingdom in general, with particular attention to the County I represent; and when, on a future occasion I shall solicit a repetition of the honour I am now so ambitious of obtaining, I trust that past conduct in your service, will the strongest recommendation of me to your future confidence and support.
I have the honour to remain Gentlemen, your very faithful, and much attached Humble Servant, ROBERT CAMDEN COPE.
SUICIDE 4 November 1763
We hear from Tanderagee in the County of Armagh, that last Tuesday morning one Clacktton. a soldier, went into a field near Lurgan, where, placing the but end of his gun to the ground, he shot himself through the heart. About six hours after, his body was discoverer by a girl as she was driving home the cows. The coroner's inquest brought in their verdict of Manslaughter by his own lunacy.
RIOTERS 10 April 1772
Extract of a Letter from Lurgan, Ireland, dated March 25th
I find the rioters (near us) very quiet; I am of the opinion they will soon submit; the Soldiery are in parties hunting the country every night, and each day bring in one or more Prisoner. Yesterday. Mr. Johnson, with a party, returning to this Town, founded a Horn as they rode frequently, blasting it as they entered the town, at which many Women, with joy in their countenance, ran out, supposing it to be their husbands returning in triumph, but when they saw the Troops, a groan was the consequence. One Man whose name is Reilly, at the sound of the Horn, unkennelled himself, and ran to meet (as he thought) his quondam Friends, but perceiving his mistake, he fled. Mr. Johnston seeing him, said that fellow did not fly without cause, therefore ordered a Trooper to pursue him, the Fellow took into a bog and the Trooper not being able to follow him on horseback, got on foot and pursued him to the side of a Lake, where the fellow took to swimming; the Trooper followed into the Water to his middle, then snapped his piece at him which flashed in the Pan; however Mr. Johnson rode round and met Reilly on the other side of the Lake, presented his pistol at him, and the Fellow immediately fell upon his knees and begged his life. The Brother of Reilly was committed to Gaol in the Morning just before this fellow was taken; they have both turned King's Evidences and impeached numbers. The Country around this Town is entirely thinned, unless of old Men, and young Women. Another Prisoner, one Duffy, a Taylor, is this minute taken."
Wednesday night ended the assizes in Armagh, at which was capitally convicted Alexander and James Touletron, (father and son) for the murder of John Maneely, and received sentence to be executed on Monday next at the Blue Stone near Lurgan. The above Alexander Toulerton is the person who went by the name of Captain Firebrand, and who shot the rev. Mr. Morrell, at the house of Sir Richard Johnston at that remarkable time when Sir Richard's house was attacked by the Hearts of Steel. They are to be attended to the place of execution by the different volunteer corps of Armagh, Richnill, Portadown, Lurgan, and Hamilton’s Bawn.
A POST COACH AND FOUR 24 November 1787
WILL set out for Lurgan on Monday the 6th instant, or sooner if required, and will take in Passengers for Dundalk, Newry, Armagh, or any other Part in that Neighbourhood, on reasonable Terms—inquire Pat. D’Arcy, Coach Owner, No. 20, Bishop street.
THE BELFAST CANAL 20 January 1794
By the opening of the Belfast Canal, a navigation has been effected which runs from the Bay of Belfast, in a course of 29 English miles, by the neighbourhood five towns: Belfast, Lisburn, Hillsborough, Moira, and Lurgan; through a country rich in agriculture and manufacture, and at length terminates in one of the noblest lakes in Europe, Lough Neagh; the circumference of which is 63 English miles, washing the borders five counties, viz Down, Armagh, Tyrone, Derry, and Antrim; it is within a few miles land carriage of many of the finest towns in that portion of Ulster; some of its boundaries rich in coals and other productions, as well of the vegetable as mineral kingdom, the whole forming an artificial and natural communication by water, with a circuit of 124 miles, including the navigable courses of the rivers Bann and Blackwater.
The late cut from the Union Locks to the lake is 7ft deep, 56 feet wide at the surface and 38 at the bottom, with frequesnt recesses at the sides for loading and discharging. The great dimensions of the Belfast Canal is by no means unnecessary, as besides affording a reservoir in the head level, it admits boats of sufficient magnitude to navigate the rough waves of Lough Neagh.
To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Armagh. Gentlemen, The Death of my late respected Father having made a Vacancy in Parliament in the representation of your County, I beg leave to offer myself in his place : Permit me to solicit your Vote and Interest on this occasion: If I should be so happy as meet your approbation, you may be assured that the same line of conduct pursued by him for upwards of 40 years he had the honour of representing you, will invariably that of, Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble Servant, WILLIAM BROWNLOW.
THE ORANGE BOYS 09 July 1796
It is with concern we learn, that the Outrages committed by the desperate banditti who stile themselves Orange Boys, in the county of Armagh, but more particularly of late in the neighbourhood Lurgan, continue with unremitting atrocity. The effects are already very sensibly felt by the manufactures of that county, by the numerous emigrations that have followed: one thousand inhabitants have already quit the soil. Matters of less moment we have seen create an alarm in the higher ranks; but on this occasion a more than Boeotion apathy prevails.