Dublin Castle, 31st January, 1845.--His Excellency the Lord
Lieutenant has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned
gentlemen to the office of High Sheriff for the following counties
and counties of cities and towns in Ireland for the year 1845 :
Antrim--John White, Esq., of Whitehall.
Armagh--T. M. Jones, Esq., of Jonesborough.
Carlow--R. S. Doyne, jun., Esq., Tullow Lodge.
Carrickfergus--Stewart Dunn, Esq., Carrickfergus.
Cavan--Anthony O'Reilly, Esq., Baltrasna.
Clare--Hugh Palliser Hickman, Esq., Fenloe.
Cork--Hon. H. St. Leger, Doneraile House.
Cork City--James Morrogh, Esq., Glanmair, Cork.
Donegal--Lord G. A. Hill, Ballygar.
Down--Hugh Montgomery, Esq., Rosemount.
Drogheda Town--William Cairnes, Esq., Drogheda.
Dublin--Hon. Edward Preston, Gormanstown Castle.
Dublin City--Thomas Crosthwaite, Esq., 9,
Fitzwilliam-square, East.
Fermanagh--Wm. Archdall, Esq., Dromard.
Galway--Denis Kirwan, Esq., Castlehacket.
Galway Town--P. M. Lynch, Esq., Renmore Lodge.
Kerry--Christopher Galwey, Esq., Killarney.
Kildare--Lord Wm. Fitzgerald, Carton.
Kilkenny--Charles Hely, Esq., Foulks Court.
Kilkenny City--John M'Craith, Esq., Kilkenney.
King's Co.--Richard Warburton, Esq., Garryhinch.
Leitrim--Edward K. Tennisson, Esq., Kilronan Castle.
Limerick--Edward C. Villiers, Esq., Kilpeacon.
Limerick City--Henry Watson, Esq., Limerick.
Londonderry City and County--Sir. H. H. Bruce, Bart.,
Longford--George Lefroy, Esq., Carrickglass.
Louth--Frederick J. Foster, Esq., Castle Ring.
Mayo--Henry W. Knox, Esq., Netley.
Meath--Lord Killeen, Killeen Castle.
Monaghan--Andie Allen Murray, Lough Owna.
Queen's County--Horace Rochfort, Esq., Clogrenan.
Roscommon--Garrett O'Moore, Esq., Cloghan Castle.
Sligo--Philip Perceval, Esq., Temple House.
Tipperary--John Bayley, Esq., Debsboro'.
Tyrone--William D'Arcy, Esq., Necairn Castle.
Waterford--John B. Gumbleton, Esq., Fortwilliam.
Waterford City--Jacob Penrose, Esq., Waterford.
Westmeath--Hon. L. H. K. Harman, Newcastle.
Wexford--Patrick W. Redmond, Esq., Newtown.
Wicklow--William W. Fitzwilliam Hume, Esq., Humewood.
The ladies of this city will be glad to learn
that Miss Jackson from Dublin, has signified her intention of
giving lessons on that ancient instrument. Miss Jackson is not
only a pupil of superior proficiency of the celbrated Bocha,
but a member of a highly respectable and talented family not
unknown in the musical world.
On Sunday evening last,
about the hour of nine o'clock, John Carty, a faithful
man in the employment of Mr. Gleeson of Shallee [Co
Tipperary], having been sent for by Mr. Gleeson on
some business, proceeded to his employer's residence,
a distance of about a quarter of a mile, when he left the
house to return home, he was met by three men, two of
whom were armed with pistols, and the third with a
large stick.
They cried "down with him." One of the
party then fired his pistol at him, the contents of which
were lodged in the upper part of his thigh, and was only
stopped from passing through by the skin. He did not
then fall, and another of them fired, which missed. The
other fellow struck him with his stick, which knocked
him down. The party then made off upon hearing
persons coming from Mr. Gleeson's, which was not
more than 100 yards from the spot.
Doctor Edward
Kittson was sent for and remained all night with Carty,
and took out a great number of the grains--but more
still remain in the thigh. This is the second attempt
made upon Carty ; about a week ago he was fired at
on going to this employer's residence, shortly before the
quarter sessions at Nenagh, but he never informed any
persons of it. At the sessions he was witness in several
cases for Mr. Gleeson, and obtained decrees against
many persons, and it is thought that this attempt on
his life is entirely owing to that circumstance. Carty is
an old man, being 72 years of age, and very little hopes
are entertained of his recovery.
FRANCIS SHERDIN, Legolagh, Blacklion [Co
Cavan], has received two threatening notices, signed
Molly Maguire and Captain Thunderbolt, one of which
was received through the Post-office here, the other
was fastened to his door on the morning of the 24th
ult. He has been threatened with death in its most
terrifying form, namely--"the tongue to be cut out of his
head, all his bones to be cut, mangled, &c.," should he
not comply with the unjust requests of these marauders.
The active and efficient Constable GIBSON, and his
party stationed here, are very much on the alert in
endeavouring to discover the miscreants.
At Swalinbar, County
Cavan, just on the borders of Fermanagh, a notice
was posted a few night since threatening the contractor
who is enlarging the church there, with death if he
did not employ more Roman Catholics. WILLIAM
H. WRAY, Esq., the active and efficient officer of
police, is making every exertion for the discovery of
the person or persons; as well as having ordered his
men to keep watch on the building.
In addition to the lucid catalogue of crime in this county,
[Tipperary,] presented in the Nenagh Guardian of 28th of
January, another has been added--namely, an attempt to
assassinate Richard Howard, Esq., of this town. He was
returning from a farm he holds at Kilkeary, within three
miles of this town, about half-past five o'clock yesterday
evening, and was fired at from behind a ditch, about one
mile from this place, but fortunately escaped.
The police were quickly dispatched in pursuit of the
assassin who has escaped. No cause can be assigned for
the attack on this respected gentleman, who appears to be
beloved by the peasantry generally. He has taken farms
upon the Norbury estate, prevously occupied by respectable
tenants who had voluntarily surrendered them. It seems to
me that the agrarian code will not admit of any person
taking land but those who are identified with its bloody
Temporary Offices at the Company, 4, Great Winchester-street,
Broad-street. London.
CAPITAL, £600,000,
In 24,000 Shares of £25 each. Deposit £1 7s. 6d. per Share.
PROSPECTUSES, with form of Application for Shares,
may be had of the Solictor to the Company, George Ogle,
Esq., 4, Great Winchester-street; Mr. Roger Mortimer, 7,
Shooters Court, Throgmorton-street, London; James Watt
and Co., Solicitors, Dublin; Messrs. Boyle, Low, Pim & Co.,
College-green, Dublin; John Cumming, Esq., Armagh; Wm.
Green, Esq., Ballymoney; Robert M'Farland, Esq.,
Coleraine; Mr. Jameson, Stock and Share Broker, Halifax;
or of the Secretaries at the temporary offices of this Company,
No. 4, Great Winchester-street, London.
(One tenth of the entire Profits of this Institution will be
applied to the relief of Distressed and Aged Clergymen,
and the Widows and Orphans of Clergymen who may be
recommended by the Bishops, or by the Clergy of their
respective Localities.)
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sinclair Captain Macdougall
Sir John Stuart Forbes, Bart. William Sloane, Esq.
Rev. William Harness, M.A. Robert Thurburn, sen., Esq.
William Sloane, Esq., Chairman.
Major Adair Rev. Tho. Robertson, M.A.
John Anderson, Esq. William Ambrose Shaw, Esq.
Rev. W. Harness, M.A. George Sloane, Esq.
Benjamin Jackson, Esq. Edward Heathcote Smith, Esq.
Rev. H. J. Knapp, D.D. John Walker, Esq.
James Lamb, Esq. Sir William White
Captain Macdougall
William Emmens, Esq.
Detailed Prospectuses, the necessary forms for effecting
assurances, and every information, may be obtained by
application to the Secretary, or to any of the following
Armagh--George Scott, Esq. Registry Office.
Ballyshannon--David Carter, Esq. Herald Office.
Belfast--Mr. George Phillips, Bookseller.
January 25, in St. George's-place, Dublin, Lady Ernest
Bruce, of a son.
At Kilbride [Co Mayo], the Lady of the Rev. Ogle Moore, Vicar
of Blesinton, of a daughter.
On Tuesday morning, the 28th ult., the Lady of John
Stanley, jun., Esq., of a daughter.
At Dungannon, county Tyrone, the lady of Edward Sinclair,
Esq., of twins.
Jan. 27, at Fort William, county of Cavan, the Lady of T.
Coote, Esq., D.L., of a son.
On the 30th ult., at St. Patrick's Cathedral, in this city, by
the Rev. Richard Quin, Hugh Boyle, of Killeen Cottage, Esq.,
to Jane Josephine, eldest daughter of Osborne Kidd, Esq.
Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple set off for
Dublin to spend the honeymoon.
Jan. 30, in St. Thomas's, Church, Dublin, by the Venerable
Archdeacon Magee, John Baird, of Ballymena, in the county
of Antrim, merchant, to Frances, daughter of the late Alexander
Sheane, Esq., of Roscrea, in the county of Tipperary,
On the 1st inst., by the Rev. Richard O'Brien, P.P., Mr.
Bernard Branigan, merchant of this city, to Margaret, daughter
of Mr. James Salley, of Tullnickle, in this county.
In Charlemont Church, by the Rev. James Disney, Mr. John
Craig, of Cor, to Catherine, youngest daughter of Mr. Daniel
Wilson, of Legor Hill
January 30, at Fitzgibbon-street, Dublin, aged 17 years,
Katherine, second daughter of John Irvine of Rockfield, county
Fermanagh, Esq.
January 26, suddenly, at Crofton Terrace, Kingstown, aged
73 years, Martha, relict of Rev. John Alexander, of
Drumreany Glebe, in the county of Westmeath.
At Elm Cottage, Portadown, Ann, wife of Lieut. Hickland.
At Annaguinea, near Dungannon, on Friday, the 24th inst.,
aged 16 years, John, third son of James Young, Esq.
Little did
we imagine when, a few posts back, gave expression to our
admiration of the genius and power of the gifted
authoress of "Sketches from the Antique," that we would
so soon have to record the loss which literature and society
have sustained in the sudden and unexpected death of
Mrs. James Gray, which took place at her residence,
Sunday's Well, this morning.--Cork Reporter of Tuesday.
A poor woman named Anne Coalter, aged about 50 years,
was sent in from Market Hill yesterday, to the Work-house of
this Union, but died on the way. An inquest will be held on
the body this day
On Thursday evening, as Mr. Charles
O'Connell, of Fermoy [Co Cork], was reading a newspaper after
dinned [sic] and apparently in his usual health, he dropped off
the chair, and immediately expired!--Cork Constitution.
Several serious accidents have occurred in this
city by falls during the late frost--one man, of the name of
M'CREADY, got his arm broken; a young woman was thrown
down by a lad coming against her on a sliding car, and received
such injury that she has since died. The practice of the boys
pouring water on the streets while it is freezing, to make those
slides, is very censurable, and should the frost set in again we
hope the police and the inhabitants of this locality will, as far
as possible, prevent them.
On the melancholy subject of this estimable gentleman's death we give the following from among our
several correspondents:--
(From our Enniskillen Correspondent.)
On Wednesday last, as the above gentleman was returning
from Mr. PERCY's of Garradice, where he had been on a visit,
and when a short distance from the house, he was fired at, and
wounded in such a manner that he died instantaneously. The
murder of this truly amiable and christian gentleman has left
a blank in society that will not be easily filled up; and the
greatest sorrow has been evinced by all who had the pleasure of
his acquaintance. Public rumour has it that the Molly Maguire's
are the party concerned in this lamentable occurrence.--
No cause of the atrocious, cold-blooded murder is known. I
hear that Mr. PERCY's sportsman has been apprehended on
suspicion. It is said that he was tracked to his house from the spot
where the deed was committed.
(From another Correspondent, Jan. 30.)
You have heard of the murder of Captain M'LEOD, who had
been for some time stationed at Ballinamore; it occurred last
night. He had been dining with a Mr. PERCY, of Garradice,
and on leaving, the car-driver got down to close the gate after
him, when he was shot through near the heart, and died before
the man could drive him back to the house. This morning, his
son, WILLIAM M'LEOD, accompanied by GEORGE WOOD, Esq.,
left Enniskillen for Ballinamore. Report says that he had been
very active there, and refused bail in some cases when the other
magistrates seemed inclined to receive it. This melancholy
occurrence, I think, indicates too clearly the anxiety which the
lower orders feel in endeavouring to overawe magistrates when
discharging their duties faithfully, and possibly they expect
thus to extort further concessions from a Government already
too liberal.. Surely the honest and patriotic pacificator, STEELE,
would not advise such things.--Oh ! no.
(From our Florencecourt Correspondent.)
Captain M'LEOD having dined on the evening of the 29th
ult., with Mr. PERCY of Garridice, and just on returning home
after coming out of the gate, in the act of the horse turning in
the car, breathed his last in a minute or two.
Dundalk, January 16, 1845.
SIR. I am surprised that amongst the great number of
persons who have written on the value of the flax-crop, I have
not seen one who stated what I have considered of great value
in it--that of making a quantity of manure for the farm, which
it is supposed to have injured by its growth ; and this I have
always done by filling up the flax hole with all the weeds
taken out from the other crops (not letting the water run off,)
and putting in old banks of earth, turf-mould, and rubbish
of every kind; and in this way, last year, I put out of but a
small hole upwards of thirty loads of fine manure on my
potato ground ; and I remarked its being the best part of the
crop as to yield and fine-sized potatoes besides turning the
weeds to great advantage. Persons who grow large
quantities of flax must have a very large place for steeping
in, and could make a vast deal of manure, have it well
rotted, and out on the land before the hold would be
wanted for next season. I stack my flax, thresh it off about
March, saving the seed, which I find as good as foreign,
and sow and sell it. I keep the flax till the weather is
warm, in or after May, and then steep it; the water is
then ready for receiving the weeds. I grass the flax on
pasture land, and it is fine manure (as oily water), as the
grass soon shows ; and have all the husks of the seed kept
and boiled by degrees for my pigs, and expect to grind it
for cattle next season. I find that the seed has been
worth £5 an acre, and do think the crop seemed injured
by saving. I have stated the chief part of this to the flax
committee, from whom I had received the directions for
managing the crop on the Courtrai system ; and I think
by a judicious management of making manure (now
considered the great secret of all farming) from the flax
hole, it would add much to the value of the crop.
I have been tempted to give this account from
reading the questions asked, and the unsatisfactory
replies at and after the last meeting at Markethill, as to
the use of the flax-water, which I grant, must be very
beneficial in itself, but nothing like what it would be,
used as I have stated.
I am induced to follow the advice of Mr. King, "that
each person should give his own name to what he states;"
yet I feel that persons disagreeing as to the principle
have an opportunity of making free with his name much
to his own annoyance.
Yours, &c.,
Mr. George Baylor of Duntaheen,
near Fermoy [Co Cork], tenant to Anthony Cliffe, Esq., has
a goose which laid and hatched three sets of eggs this
season, producing each time 14 goslings, and making in all
42 within the year.
It has been, and is the practice, of most of the Tipperary
reporters, to give as good a colouring as they can to these
almost daily murders; and the consequence is, that the
public have not a knowledge of one-half of the scenes
going on this county. Reporting honestly and properly
is the life of a newspaper; and if country gentlemen
would each report to their newspaper the outrages and
murders of their localities, it would rouse a cry of
humanity in the country, and show our title to martial
law the only thing that will ever weed the demons from
the country.
A careless notice was taken by the (I believe) Evening
Post, and copied into the Packet, of the murder of
Samuel Smith, Esq., perpetrated at Knockinroger, about
a mile and a half from Moneygall, on the 19th inst. Of
all the murders committed during the past and present
year, this we think is the most atrocious, perhaps, that
has been heard of. Mr. Samuel Smith was a fine old
gentleman, upwards of seventy years of age; his
appearance was such as never failed to command the
greatest respect; and now, when we consider the thousand
benefits that this excellent old man has, during a long
residence in his neighbourhood conferred--it will show
the utter ingratitude of the peasant character. But it was
not he alone that fed the mouths of hundreds. Families
innumerable, for more than a hundred years, were
sustained and maintained by his father and grandfather,
who were owners and leaseholders of land to a greater
extent than any individual was ever known to hold in
this county.
This is a family, then, that for many years
were beloved and respected by the people; and the good
man himself, until his fallen fortunes separated him from
among them, was their continual benefactor--and how has
he been repaid? By base, bloody, brutal murder. In the
neighbourhood of Lisduffe, his former residence and
property, there is a general and, we believe, unfeigned
sorrow amongst the whole people at this diabolical act.
We are glad to hear that two of the murderers have been
arrested and identified.--Correspondent of the Dublin
Evening Packet.
A man named John Gourley, from
near Strabane [Co Tyrone], went to Linlithgow, in Scotland,
to obtain work; and after some time scraped an acquaintance
with a "bonnie lass" named Isabella M'Beath, to whom he
tipped the blarney, wooed and won her. A day was
appointed for their marriage; and he, being aware that her
wardrobe was in Glasgow, told her he would go there for
it as she might want clothes. She consented, and gave him
5s. for his expenses. Off he started, but the deluding
youth never returned to her.
He sailed for the Green
Isle and arrived in the neighbourhood of Strabane about the
beginning of January with his booty, a large chest filled
with a variety of dresses and other articles. Mr. Watson,
Procurator Fiscal Linlithgow, having reported the matter
to Captain Lynch of the Constabulary, he set on foot an
active search and succeeded in recovering nearly all the
stolen property.
On the 8th ult., head-constable Anderson
arrested the lad at Dunamana races ; and, on the 17th, he,
chest, and all, were sent to Scotland in charge of a
superintendent of police, who come [sic] for him to
settle accounts with the disconsolate Isabella. He is a
married man, and has a wife and two children living near
Lifford.--Derry Sentinel.
SIR, Glancing over your publication of the 28th ultimo, I
have observed that a meeting was lately held in Charlemont
regarding a line of road from "Moy to Kineary;" through the
medium of your paper, I beg to inform the gentlemen who
attended that meeting, that it is fourteen years since I was
employed to project a line of road from "Moy Bridge to Portadown;"
had that plan been carried into effect as they intended,
it would have passed through "Kineary," and have accom-
plished that which sad experience has proved ought to have
been done.
But it would have done much more, it would have
avoided the hills of Ardress, East and West ; Croneygill-hill,
at Taul-bridge; Cock-hill, Roughan-hill, Richmond-hill, Legary-
hill, Soleshin-hill, and many other hills between these towns.
The distance would have been shortened 2 miles, 33 perches;
and this useful work would have been completed for a compara-
tively trifling sum! The cess-payers of this county ought to
inquire why a road of such public utility has not been made ;
and why they are obliged to trudge with loaded carts up and
down hills, the clivities of which vary from one foot in seven of
length to one foot in twelve.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient servant,
5, Lower Dominick-street, Dublin,
1st Feb., 1845.
On Tuesday night last a fire broke out in the house of Capt.
CORRY, Eldon-place, Enniskillen, and had it not been for the
Timely arrival of Head Constable NOLAN, and a party of the
Constabulary force, the consequences would have been serious.
A [sic] some persons will naturally suppose from the
unfortunate affray near Killaloe [Co Clare], on Thursday
morning, wherein a civilian lost his life by the shot of a
policeman, that a few military were not passive
spectators in the conflict, we have since made strict
inquiry into the extrraordinary circumstance, with a view
to ascertain the precise facts of this melancholy affair,
which, in all likelihood, would not have changed from a
festive party to a scene of strife and mourning, but for the
unexpected appearance of the police, at an unseasonable
hour, upon a charge, at the farthest, of petty larceny, if
so much could be sustained by the identification of a
goose in process of cooking ! It is sad to think that
from so slight a cause a serious homicide should result,
as the inquiry at the inquest upon John Ellis elicited,
and where James H. Martin, Esq., coroner, presided.
The facts as given in evidence we subjoin, and they
must shed new light upon this very untoward occur-
rence:--About midnight of the 22d inst., a man named
Gleeson, residing on the Clare side of the Shannon,
near to Killaloe, and opposite Friar's Island, (a place
of resort for parties of pleasure) was made aware that
some persons were disturbing his poultry. On going
outside his house, he saw two or three persons running
towards the river, with some of his geese, and he at
once proceeded to the police station at Killaloe, from
whence two constables, Brophy and Callaghan,
accompanied him. When they reached the island,
the policemen stationed themselves apart, close to
the ruin, and sent Gleeson to see what was in the
pots. Seven or eight people were sitting round the
fire, and one of them knocked off Gleeson's hat. He
then ran away, leaving the policemen behind, and
almost immediately after he landed he heard two shots
fired. He identifies one man only, brother to John Ellis,
the deceased.
Sub-constable Brophy made a statement to the
following effect:--Having reached Friar's Island with
Gleeson, himself and comrade stationed themselves so
as to see all that was going on in the ruin, and then
Gleeson was sent in. There were about fifteen persons
assembled there, four or five of them soldiers. When
Gleeson retreated, Brophy called on the party to
surrender, which was responded to by a volley of
stones, and the party made a rush towards him, on
which he fired, as did also his comrade, Callaghan.
Brophy retreated, and re-loaded, but was overpowered
and beaten with poles and oars. The two constables
made a gallant resistance, and according to Brophy,
some eight or ten of their opponents must have been
severely wounded with their bayonets. One civilian,
John Ellis, was found dead on the spot, and one
soldier is wounded in three places with a bayonet ;
the other three soldiers are unhurt, and Brophy him-
self is uninjured. Callaghan, however, has been more
severely handled, and though not in danger is
confined to his bed. The four soldiers named in this
affair are men of good character, Englishmen and
Protestants, and the civilians with whom they were
associated on that occasion on a fishing excursion,
are residents of Killaloe, fishermen by occupation,
and Protestants. The night was moonlight, and the
party were assembled about a blazing fire, and but one
of them is as yet identified by the police. The
soldier, Barrone, has been committed merely because
he bears wounds on his person, but the constables
do not otherwise recognise him. The verdict of the
jury was justifiable homicide.--Limerick Chronicle.
MR. GRAY begs to announce that he has new and second-
hand PIANO-FORTES for SALE or HIRE; and he
has made arrangements to be supplied with Instruments by the
BEST MAKERS, which he will sell at the LOWEST LONDON
PRICES, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage.
Piano-Fortes carefully regulated and repaired.
A liberal allowance for old Instruments taken in exchange.
Vicar's Hill, Armagh, Feb. 3d., 1845