A sum of £361. from the Constabulary fund has been awarded to
the widow of the Sub-Constable (Riddler,) who was accidentally
shot at Ballina [Co Mayo] on the 17th instant.
Heath v. Heath.
The arguments in this cause were so voluminous as to render
it utterly impossible for us to do more in a weekly journal than
state the bare facts.
On Tuesday, (as we stated in our last,) Dr. Gayer resumed
his arguments for the Impugnant, dwelling at great length on
the causes that induced Mrs. Heath to separate from her hus-
band, citing several high authorities, human and divine, on the
nature of the matrimonial contract as well as the judg-
ments of ecclesiastical courts. When Dr. Gayer had con-
cluded, the usual papers were put in, and the celebration of the
marriage having been admitted, the depositions of Frederick
Rogers and James Johnston were given as to the separation,
when Mr. Stanley, proctor for the Impugnant, read the evi-
dence of the witnesses examined as the cause of Impug-
nant’s separation. Among those were the depositions of Mr.
and Mrs. Cope and several others. To annul the testimony of
Boyle and Best, the depositions of a number of persons were
The whole of the evidence was then re-read by Mr. Barrett,
proctor for Promovent.
Ross S. Moore, Esq., one of counsel for Impugnant, then
addressed the court in a speech of considerable ability, observ-
ing on the cruelties alleged to have been practised by Promovent
to Impugnant, and citing authority which went to prove that a
separation between husband and wife, might, under certain cir-
cumstances, be voluntarily entered into.
The court was shortly after adjourned to Wednesday.
On Wednesday Sir Henry M????th, replied in a speech of
nearly four hours, commenting on the nature of the evidence
adduced. He concluded by leaving the case to the sound
judgment of his Honor.
It was then announced that judgment would be delivered on
Tuesday, the 12th of August, until which day the court was
From the First Day of November next,
THAT desirable Residence, Killeen Cottage, with 17-1/2
Acres of prime Land, within One Mile of Armagh,
on the Markethill Road.
For particulars, apply to Dr. LEEBODY, Portadown ; or Mr.
BOYLE, on the Premises.
On Wednesday, the 23d instant, sub-constable
Dooris, of Augnacloy, arrested a woman in Fintona, who had,
on the 20th November last, in company with a man, stolen from
Eleanor Hadden, of Aughnacloy, a quantity of wearing apparel.
The woman had been lodging in the house during the night, and
absconded with the articles. The sub-constable, from the de-
scription which had then been given of her, arrested her on sus-
picion, and brought her before Hugh Moore, Esq., at Aughna-
cloy, when she was identified by Hadden, and committed for
trial to our gaol on the same day.
BEGS to announce to the Citizens of Armagh and its vici-
nity, that he will open an ESTABLISHMENT in the
above line, at No. 47, MARKET-STREET, ARMAGH,
on THIS DAY, (TUESDAY,) where he hopes, by moderate
prices, and the excellence of the articles he will offer for Sale,
with attention to business, and punctuality and despatch in all
his dealings, to secure a share of patronage and support from an
enlightened and discerning public.
47, Market-street, Armagh, July 26, 1845.
The crop of flax this year in
Ireland will, it is supposed, produce about 39,000 tons, valued
at nearly £2,000,000, a sufficient quantity to afford exportation
to France, Belgium, and America.
On Thursday last an inquest was held at Armagh gaol by
GEORGE HENRY, Esq., Coroner on the body of ROBERT L.
THOMPSON, a lunatic, who was found dead in his cell that
morning. Dr. ROBINSON having fully explained the cause of his
decease; a verdict was returned to the effect that deceased came
by his death from natural causes brought on by the same dis-
ease of the brain which produced lunacy.
On Friday the 8th instant, another inquest was held by G.
HENRY, Esq., Coroner, on the body of ELLEN HOGAN, wife of
----- HOGAN of Ballytruddan, who died suddenly the evening
before. Some malicious persons had created a rumour of foul
play towards the unfortunate deceased, and FRANCIS STRINGER,
Esq., landlord of the soil, Mr. KELLY, Sub-Inspector of Police,
JOHN QUIN, Esq., Solicitor, and Dr. COLVAN attended the in-
quest, also Dr. CLARKE of Blackwatertown Dispensary. After
a full and patient investigation of all the circumstances, and a
searching post mortem examination by the Medical gentlemen,
it was found that the poor woman who had been for some time
delicate, had died of conjestion of the brain, and by no violence
BEGS to inform the Nobility and Gentry of Armagh and
surrounding counties, that he TUNES, REPAIRS, and
MODERNIZES PIANO-FORTES, making them equal to
when new ; and he hopes by attention and expedition to merit
a share of public patronage.
Seraphines and Accordions Tuned and Repaired.
Vicar’s-Hill, Armagh.
On the night of the 4th instant, some miscreants broke into
the cow-house of a man named Peter Richard, near Castleshane
[Co Monaghan],and with some sharp instrument houghed his milch-
cow, the only one he had for a large family.—Northern Standard.
A revenue policeman, named James Jennings, is under a rule of
bail to abide his trial at the ensuing assizes, for having caused the
death of a woman, the wife of David M’Hale of Killala [Co Mayo],
and her infant child, by pulling her out of bed on the floor while
pregnant, under pretence of searching the room.
Revenue police, of the Ballyconnell [Co Cavan] station, were
apprehended, and marched into the County Jail, on Saturday
last, charged with the murder of the late Mr. Gallagher, of
Ballyconnell (under-agent to Colonel Enery,) and also for being
members of the Ribbon Society, otherwise Molly Maguires. It
is rumoured, that they were arrested upon the evidence of the
two men who were sentenced to be transported, at the last
Assizes, for serving a threatening notice upon Mrs. Burke, of
SMITH, THE DISTILLERS.—This long-pending case has at
length been brought to a close. It appears that Messrs. Smith
have paid into the hands of Mr. Goodall, chief collector of the
Eastern division of the Excise department, the sum of £10,000,
with an understanding that all prosecutions pending on either
side are to be withdrawn.
The first meeting of our new commissioners was held yester-
day in the Market house. On the motion of George Barnes,
Esq., seconded by James Bennett, Esq., Thomas Dobbin,
Esq., was elected chairman. Mr. Cochrane, was re-elected
clerk, and Mr. Gardner appointed treasurer.
The commissioners resolved to meet again on yesterday fort-
night to inquire into the conduct of the watchmen and the per-
son who has the management of the pipe water, and to receive
proposals for the watching, cleansing and lighting of the town.
On the motion of Mr. Thomas M’Cann, seconded by Mr.
Curry, Mr. M’Mahon was re-appointed Cess collector.
The Chairman said there were a number of public works in
operation by the late Commissioners, he wished to know if they
were determined to carry them on ?
The Clerk enumerated the works referred to, which were
ordered to be proceeded with without delay.
Proposed by Counsellor Robinson, and seconded by Mr.
Scott, and passed unanimously :
“That the thanks of this Board are justly due, and are here-
by given to Mr. Wm. Paton, chairman, and the ohter members
of the late Board of Commissioners, for the very efficient and
satisfactory mode in which they discharged the duties of their
respective offices.
Mr. M’Cann wished to draw the attention of the Board to a
matter of incalculable benefit to the city of Armagh. He referred
to the subject of the Irish Colleges. He thought there ought
to be a petition forwarded from the Board to get one of those
Colleges erected in this city.
Counsellor Robinson said it would be of no use for them to do
any thing on the subject as that was all settled already.
The Chairman, said he had had a conversation with the Rev.
Dr. Crolly, and Mr. Paton on the subject that morning, and
they were of opinion that if the influence of the Lord Primate, and
their own as well as other influences of importance were to be
exercised, something might yet be done to make Armagh the
site for a new College.
Mr M’Cann said that the Rev. Dr. Crolly had spoken favor-
ably of the bill to his congregation on the previous Sabbath,
and he was certain, that an individual like Dr. Crolly, being
the head of the Catholic Church in this kingdom, would do a
great deal with the government.
It was finally agreed that a petition be forwarded to the
government from the board, requesting of them that they should
make Armagh the place for one of the provincial Colleges.
A number of bills were then passed, and the Board adjourned
to that day fortnight.
The number of Irish emigrants who have arrived at St. John’s
[Newfoundland] in the month of May, and up to June 27th, was
4,555. The Anne, of Donegal, with 96 passengers, was detained
at the quarantine ground, there being four emigrants ill on board.
Five vessels were expected from Cork, and one from London-
derry, containing emigrants. Letters had been received from the
government emigrant agent at Cork, stating that more emigrants
may be expected. The average passage of vessels was 43_ days
in May, and 44 in June.
A Superior Bright Bay Cob,(15
hands high,) with first-rate
action. He is trained to SAD-
DLE and HARNESS, and is
gentle in his temper—will be Sold
subject to a Veterinary opinion.
For particulars apply to Mr. WM. LILLYMAN,
Veterinary Institution Scotch-street, Armagh.
Last week we copied a paragraph from the Dublin Evening
Packet, that two men of the Revenue Police of Ballyconnell,
had been committed to Cavan Jail, accused of the murder of the
late Mr. J. Gallagher. We have now to state that, upon a full
investigation of the matter, so satisfactory is the proof of their
innocence, that upon the facts being laid before Judge Crampton,
he ordered them to be discharged on the lowest bail, two sureties
in ten pounds. The people of Ballyconnell, of all persuasions,
felt the injustice done to the Policemen, and have expressed
their high opinion of the Revenue Police party, and of its loyalty
and fidelity.—Erne Packet.
This long-pending case has at
length been brought to a close. It appears that Messrs. Smith
have paid into the hands of Mr. Goodall, chief collector of the
Eastern division of the Excise department, the sum of £10,000,
with an understanding that all prosecutions pending on either
side are to be withdrawn.
On the 25th ult., at the Parsonage, Moy, the Lady of the
Rev. John Leech, of a son.
In Clennanese Presbyterian Church, county Tyrone, Hamilton
Boyd, Esq., of Lynchburgh, Virginia, North America, to
Margaret, eldest daughter of the Rev. James Kinnear, of Lower
Clennanese, near Dungannon.
In Loughgall Church, by the Rev. Savage Hall, Mr. J.
Benson, of Annahue Cottage, to Ruth, eldest daughter of the
late Mr. George Palmer of Whengrove, both of this county.
On the 6th inst., in Jonesborough Church, by the Rev. R.
Henry, Mr. George Dick, of Forkhill, to Miss Eliza Carpenter,
of Jonesborough.
On the 7th inst., in the Lisburn Cathedral, by the Rev. P.
Neilly, the Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald, to Lilly Ann Maxwell,
step-daughter of William Thompson, Esq., M.D., and Physi-
cian to the County Antrim Infirmary.
At Charlemont-place, Armagh, on Tuesday, 29th ult., Miss
Jessie Paton, second daughter of James Paton, Esq., of Ayr,
Scotland, aged 22. Her remains were taken to Ayr for inter-
On the 29th ult., at Brookeborough, aged 84 years, Doctor
John West, the oldest medical practitioner in Fermanagh.
On Monday evening, 29th ult., at Willoughby-place,
Enniskillen, at an advanced age, Mrs. Betty, relict of the late
John Betty, Esq., Cappy.
On Sunday evening last, Mr. Thomas Joshua Jackson, son
of Thomas Jackson, Esq., governor of the asylum, Armagh,
aged sixteen years, sincerely and deservedly regretted.
In Enniskillen, aged 44 years, Jane, the beloved wife of Wm.
Trimble, Esq., Proprietor and Editor of the Fermanagh
Reporter. Throughout life her acts of charity to the needy and
Christian kindness to all, endeared her to an extensive circle
of friends and acquaintances. In her character shone those
superior graces which adorn the sex—she was kind, humane,
tender, affectionate, and her loss is a source of sorrow to
many who experienced her maternal care. In the more
important relations of life she acquitted herself honourably—
attached, as a wife ; loving, as a parent ; sincere, as a friend.
During the last two hears her health was delicate : and on
Saturday morning at one o’clock, that God whom she served
so steadily on earth, called her to himself in heaven. Released
from pain, she has entered upon an everlasting reward, and
happy is she that believed.
PREMISES, in Upper English-street, in the City
of Armagh, lately in the occupation of Mr. THOMAS CRAIG,
and held by Lease for ever, at the Yearly Rent of £36 18s. 5-1/2 d.
These Premises are in the most perfect order, and comprise
a most commodious Dwelling-house, Tan-yard, complete in
every respect, with extensive offices, and an excellent Garden ;
and from their immediate proximity to the intended termini of
the Belfast, Coleraine, and Omagh Railways, they afford a
most excellent opportunity for opening an Hotel, or any other
For further particulars apply to JOHN STANLEY, jun., Esq.,
Solicitor, Armagh.
WE, the undersigned Inhabitants of the City of Armagh,
request that you will, at the earliest opportunity, call a
Public Meeting of the Inhabitants, to consider the propriety of
forwarding a representation to Government of the peculiar ad-
vantages which this City presents as a site for one of the proposed
Provincial Colleges for Ireland.
THOS. DOBBIN, J. P., Chairman of Commissioners.
J. BENNET, jun.,
R. COCHRAN, jun.,
In compliance with the foregoing requisition, I hereby request
a meeting of the Inhabitants, at the Market-house, on Thursday
next, the 7th instant, at one o’Clock, p.m.
August 4, 1845.
At a meeting of the Board of Guardians on Tuesday last,
for the purpose of appointing a clerk to the union in the room of
Mr. FRAZER, who resigned the office, Mr. JOHNSTON was
elected by a majority of six.
We have to announce to day, a very melancholy
accident on the line of our Railway. It is satisfactory, however,
to know that the distressing occurrence was owing to no neglect
or fault of any party. On the side of the Railway, beside
Farm Hill, not far from Dunmurry [Co Antrim], in the direction
of Belfast, slips of the bank frequently took place, and, in
consequence, workmen have latterly been employed in removing
the projecting parts of the bank altoghether. One of these men,
named M’Cleery, we believe, a servant of Mr. J. Carmichael,
Derrycor, was employed in this work and had charge of his mas-
ter’s horse and cart. At the 9 o’clock down train, yesterday
morning, approached the place where the work is going on, the
horse made a start, and the man held him firmly to prevent his
moving. Unhappily the halter broke, as we are told, and poor
M’Cleery stumbled just as the engine was forward. He was
struck by it or one of the carriages, and was so dreadfully injured
that he survived but a few minutes. We believe he was
steady, industrious man, and has left a wife and four children.
While the accident so awfully deprived him of his life, is
greatly to be deplored, the public must feel gratified that our
Railway management is not thereby implicated.—Ibid.