At the present time the Proposed Free Public Library established under the powers and provisions of the Free Public Libraries Act, passed some years ago, is the subject matter of very keen discussion among the community immediately interested in the question.
It is already evident that the project, which has been now brought before the Town Commissioners in regular and legal form by Mr. J. M'Caughey, T.C. (who at the last meeting of the Board presented a requisition to the chairman, requesting that the votes of the ratepayers be taken on the subject, as provided by the statute), will meet with some opponents, though there is reason to believe that, if the movement should prove financially practicable, the large majority of the townspeople will not vote for the establishment of the library. It seems that the rate of one penny in the £1, the highest which the law allows the Commissioners to impose for such purpose, would only produce, on the present valuation of Lurgan, which is about £20,000. a sum of between £80 and £90 a year, so that the monetary difficulty is unquestionably a very serious one. The future development of the matter is awaited with much interest.
As a result of the proceedings in the petty sessions court on Tuesday last, when a large number of summonses under the Public Health Act were brought against two well-known property owners, Messrs. A. Donnelly and John Fleming, which summonses, if sustained, would, have necessitated the closing of a considerable number of houses occupied by poor people, the question as to whether the Town Commissioners should or should not enforce the provisions of the Housing of the, Working Classes Act. 1890, in the case of the properties dealt with in the summonses, and of other properties similarly circumstanced, has for the past few days formed the most prominent topic of discussion among the townspeople of Lurgan.
During the last two or three years the Commissioners have been devoting a great deal of attention to the matter of the improvement of the sanitary condition of Lurgan, a special report made by Dr. Wodehouse, Local Government Board Inspector, which referred in terms of severe criticism to the state of certain districts being one of the chief factors in impelling the Commissioners to decided and energetic action. While the enforcement of the powers conferred by the Public Health Act made it necessary for the Commissioners to institute legal proceedings against many owners of property, satisfactory arrangements were come to in most cases; and so far it is only as regards the properties of Messrs. Donnelly and Fleming that application has been made to take advantage of the Housing of the Working Classes Act, passed last year, though it is believed that, if the Commissioners accede to the applications in these cases, they will be urged to adopt the statute in relation to other properties.
Dr. Agnew, the medical officer of health and consulting sanitary authority, makes no secret of his opinion that the act of last year is inapplicable to properties such as those of the two gentlemen referred to, and is prepared, it is understood, to take the responsibility of refusing to prepare or lay before the Board that "official representation" which is the first step towards proceedings with a view to the acquisition of the properties by the Commissioners and the carrying out of "an improvement scheme' under the act of Parliament. Among many of the ratepayers the opinion seems to prevail that the great obstacle to putting the powers of the statute in operation would be the burden entailed in paying compensation to the owners of house property purchased under the act. As against this argument, it is pointed out that the act of Parliament embodies the most precise and rigid rules for determining how the compensation is to be measured; and it is alleged that, acting in conformity with such rules and regulations the compensation payable in respect of houses liable to be closed up under the Public Health Act, would be calculated at a very moderate scale. if the Commissioners decline to adopt the act, Mr. Fleming will take steps at the next petty sessions to have it put in operation.
THE M'KINLEY ACT 02 March 1891
At the time of the passing of the M'Kinley tariff law in America very gloomy anticipations were indulged in certain quarters to the probably Injurious effects of the new legislation on particular branches of the linen trade carried on in Lurgan and other towns in Ulster. As is well known, the commercial relations between Lurgan and America have long been of a very intimate character, the quantity of goods manufactured or finished in the town which are disposed of in the markets the United States attaining to exceedingly large dimensions; and it was not unnaturally feared that the heavy protective tariff imposed on linen and cotton goods exported to America would seriously diminish the volume of trade with that country, And as a result produce a lessening of wages and of employment in towns like Lurgan which had been accustomed to depend largely on the Transatlantic market. As well as can be judged, however, the operation of the M'Kinley Act has not been detrimental to the prosperity of the linen trade in the North of Ireland as was expected; at any rate, indications of serious damage to the trade in Lurgan are not yet generally apparent at the present time, indeed, there are very cogent and satisfactory evidences that the linen business in Lurgan is in condition, a very healthy activity. In almost every department of the trade in the weaving, veining, and hemstitching branches, there is general demand for additional workers, and it is stated that several of the leading Lurgan manufacturers have lately been, and are at the present time, making energetic exertions in neighbouring counties to procure the requisite supply of labour, and are offering a rate of wages considerably higher than the ordinary standard to workers who are prepared to accept employment in Lurgan. Another evidence of the briskness of trade is shown in the fact that, following a practice, not unusual in Lurgan, well-known firms offer to pay 5s per week to young persons while learning the trade of power-loom weaving in their establishment, and they announce that a fair measure of proficiency can be attained in a few weeks, at the expiration of which time these weavers will be able to earn from 12s to £1 per week.
Lurgan, Monday. Among owners of house property in Lurgan, and, indeed, among the inhabitants generally, there is considerable comment in reference to certain proceedings of a drastic nature which reported the local municipal authorities have decided upon adopting, with the object of bringing about an improvement to the sanitary conditions of Lurgan. At the monthly meeting of the Commissioners on 2nd inst., a letter was read from the Local Government Board inviting the earnest and immediate attention of the Commissioners to a report by one of their inspectors who lately visited the town. As the result of this report, which was couched in very decided and emphatic language, the Commissioners instructed Dr. Agnew medical officer of health for the urban district, to furnish, at his earliest convenience, a detailed report setting out all the houses in Lurgan which, in his judgment, were in such an unsanitary state as to be unfit for occupation; and, it is the report presented by the doctor in compliance with this direction which has given rise the present somewhat acrimonious discussion.
It is stated that the report was presented and discussed at a late (private) meeting of the sanitary committee of the Commissioners, and that in it, the medical officer of health mentioned between 150 and 200 houses that, in his opinion, are not fit for habitation and that the Commissioners should at once take steps to have these houses closed up. It is further alleged that the sanitary committee have adopted the report of their medical officer, and contemplate to advise the Board to forthwith issue the requisite legal notices in all the cases referred to.
The bi-monthly court was held in Lurgan on Tuesday, when the magistrates on the bench were- Messrs. George Greer J.P. (chairman); Francis Watson, J.P.; James Jobnston, J.P.; Joseph Murphy, J.P.; E. Magennis, M.D., J.P.; B. M'Glynn. J.P.; and T. D. Gibson, R.M.
Crown prosecutions were instituted against a man named John Heany, who, for some years past, has affected to take a somewhat prominent part in the Nationalist movement in the district of the Montiaghs, and who, some months ago, retook, as alleged, forcible possession of a farm of land in the townland of Derrytagh South, near Lurgan, from which he was evicted for non-payment of rent by his landlord, Lord Lurgan, in the month of January, 1889. In the first summons the complaint was, "The Queen at the prosecution of District-Inspector Alex Gray," and the charge against Heany was, "That on 11th of April, 1891. the defendant, with force and arms; and with the strong hand, at Derrytagh South, in the County of Armagh, did unlawfully enter a house and premises, then in the occupation of one Christopher Stevenson, as tenant from year to year, and of James M'Aneany, as the under-tenant of the said Christopher Stevenson, and with force and arms, and the strong arm did unlawfully expel and put out the said Christopher Stevenson and James M'Aneany from possession thereof, and from thence forward and at present, by the ways and means aforesaid, unlawfully and injuriously did and does keep out the said Christopher Stevenson and James M'Aneany from such possession; and, further, that the defendants. on 1st June, 1891, at Derrytagh aforesaid, did assault the said Christopher Stevenson. In the second summons the charge against Heany was that on 13th, 14th, and 15th July, 1891, the defendant did wilfully and maliciously commit damage, injury, or spoil upon growing meadow grass, the property of one Christopher Stevenson, by cutting and carrying away the same.
Mr. S. H. Monroe, SCS. appeared to conduct the prosecution on behalf of the Crown; Mr. Hugh Hayes, solicitor, was for Christopher Stevenson and Mr. Menary, solicitor, appeared for the defendant.
Owing to the amount of feeling aroused in connection with these cases the authorities were evidently apprehensive that some riotous disturbance might follow the hearing, and an extra police force, consisting of forty men, was drafted into the town, to assist in maintaining the public peace. The evidence in support of the charge for taking forcible possession of the farm and for assaulting Christopher Stevenson was first taken. Mr. Monroe stated the case on behalf of the Crown. Mr. Claude Brownlow, J.P., in reply to Mr, Monroe, deposed that he was the estate agent for Lord Lurgan, under whom the defendant formerly held a farm of land in Derrytagh South, near. Lurgan. as tenant from year to year, under a judicial tenancy. An ejectment for non-payment of two and a half years' rent up to November, 1887, and a decree was pronounced at the Lurgan quarter sessions on 13th January, 1888. This decree was appealed from, but was affirmed on the 5th of March, 1888. On 9th January, 1889, witness attended on the lands to receive possession of the land from the Sub-Sheriff of County Armagh. There was resistance to the Sheriff taking possession, and the present defendant and others were prosecuted for that resistance. After the eviction witness applied for a police protection force, which was granted, and they remained in possession until last spring. The farm itself was in the possession of Lord Lurgan until last spring, who made use of the land as it suited him, and sold the hay grown thereon. So long as the police protection party remained his possession was undisturbed. Afterwards witness, let the farm to Mr. John Stevenson, of Derrytrasna, by an agreement dated 14th February last, made between Lord Lurgan and John Stevenson. The agreement was produced and read. It provided that Lord Lurgan "sold" the farm to Mr. Stevenson for £120 1s, subject to a rent of £21 per annum. It also contained a provision that should Heany succeed in his appeal against the decision of the Exchequer Division of the High Court of Justice, discharging the conditional order for a new trial of Heany's action against Lord Lurgan for wrongful eviction, then Lord Lurgan should repay to Stevenson the said sum of £120 1s, and Stevenson was to give up possession of the farm. In the result, Heany did not go on with the appeal, and the time for doing so had now expired. By virtue of said agreement Lord Lurgan's bailiff gave possession of the farm to Stevenson. Subsequently witness consented to receive Christopher Stevenson, the brother of John Stevenson, as tenant in place of the latter, but witness received the consideration money of £120 1s from John Stevenson. There was no written agreement between witness and John Stevenson other than the agreement already referred to and produced. Subject to Lord Lurgan's interest, Christopher Stevenson is now the owner of the farm. A civil action was instituted by Heany against Lord Lurgan and witness, on the ground the eviction of Heany was, as he alleged, illegal. The writ of summons, statement of claim, certificate of judgment for defendants, and attested copy of the order discharging the conditional order for a new trial of the action were here produced and marked, These civil proceedings were brought to a close by the order of 17th June, 1890, by which the conditional order for a new trial was discharged.
Other witnesses were examined, and the case for the Crown under the first summons closed. The case under the second summons was next proceeded with, in which the depositions already made by the various witnesses in the preceding case were accented as evidence. Mr. C. Stevenson added that, after Heany retook possession of the farm witness saw him cutting the hay about the land and also saw him removing it. The Bench decided on returning the defendant for trial to the next quarter sessions on the charges mentioned in the first summons, but admitted him; to bail-himself in £20, with two sureties in £10 each. Under the second summons the defendant, was ordered to be imprisoned for-two months with hard labour. There was also two summonses against Heany, at the suit of Christopher Stevenson, one being for: assault, and the other requiring defendant to be bound over to keep the peace. Mr. Hayes was for complainant. The cases were dismissed.
Our Portadown correspondent writes - The descrption published in yesterday's Belfast News-Letter of the ingenious swindler who visited Lurgan on Saturday evening last, tallies with the description given me of a gentleman who visited Portadown on the same day, and who succeeded in defrauding two of its shrewdest businessmen.
About twelve o'clock on the day mentioned a fashionably attired young man, of respectable appearance, entered the establishment of Mr. George Locke, in Woodhouse Street, and asked if he could have a bicycle on hire for an hour or two. He gave his name as Robertson, said he represented a well-known drapery establishment in Belfast, and that he wanted the bicycle for the purpose of visiting some friends of his who resided in the country. Mr. Locke entrusted a valuable Quinton solid-tyre machine to the young man, who left his walking stick in the shop until he would return from the country in the evening. He then mounted the bicycle, and after having a spin up the street for the purpose of testing it, proceeded to Mr. Holt M. Hewitt's pawnbroking establishment, where he pledged the machine for a sum of £3. The skilful swindler then called on Mr. Hugh Hegan (Messrs. Hegan & Co., hardware merchants) and presented a card, which set forth that he represented Thomas Hill, wholesale wine and spirit merchant, 31 and 33, May Street. Belfast. He also presented his own private card, on which was neatly lithographed, Adam Stewart, 14, Magdala Street, Belfast. He told Mr. Hegan that he desired to hire a bicycle for a short time, as he wanted to call on a customer in a neighbouring town, and Mr. Hegan lent him on the usual terms a Townsend Ecosala machine, with ball bearings and cushioned tyres. About half an hour afterwards Mr. Robertson alias Stewart called at Mr. Newton Emerson's hardware establishment in Castle Street, and asked the proprietor if he had any pneumatic tyre bicycles. Mr. Emerson replied that the pneumatic tyres were out of stock, but that he would have some in a few days. The ingenious swindler expressed his intention of disposing of the Townsend Ecossia and buying a pneumatic. He said he purchased the Ecossia machine a short time since in Mr. M'Pherson's, of York Street, Belfast, at . Holt M. Hewitt's pawnbroking establishment, where he pledged the machine for a sum of £11 10s, and produced a receipt which bore out his statement. He said his name was Charles Pollock, that he was engaged in a solicitor's office and that his address was York Road, Belfast. Eventually Mr. Emerson purchased the machine at . Holt M. Hewitt's pawnbroking establishment, where he pledged the machine for a sum of £6, and forwarded it by rail to a young man who resides in Belfast. The "commercial man," it appears, then took his departure for Lurgan, and one who professes to have seen him en route says he was singing with great glee, "Then you'll remember me."
Mr. Hegan proceeded to Belfast on Monday, and took back possession of the machine.
A special court of petty sessions was held yesterday in the Courthouse, Lurgan, for the purpose of inquiring into a case in which District-Inspector Alexander Gray is the complainant, and a man named William Monroe, now in custody, is the defendant, and in which the said William Monroe, who is a car driver, aged about 40 years, and married, is charged with having, on the 13th inst, in May's Court, Lurgan, feloniously killed a man named William Lavery. a carter by trade, aged about 68 years, married, and who resided in May's Court. Mr. George Greer, J.P., presided. District-Inspector Gray prosecuted on behalf of the Crown, and Messrs. Hugh Hayes and Thomas G. Menary, solicitors, were for the defence. Mary Anne Adams was the first witness. In reply to District-Inspector GRAY, she deposed that she was a spinster, residing in May's Court, Lurgan, and worked in a handkerchief factory. Between four and five o'clock p.m., on 13th inst. she heard the prisoner and his wife, who also resided in May's Court, quarrelling, and they had been quarrelling the most part of the day. The prisoner was at that time drunk. She saw the prisoner take off his coat in front of the deceased's house and say "he wanted fighting," In reply to that deceased said to prisoner, 'I want no fighting with you. for I am an old man," and he next asked prisoner to shake hands with him. The prisoner said he would have fighting, and would have it off somebody. After that the prisoner went into his own house.
The deceased and a man named Daniel M'Kenna who was standing by, began, to talk, and M'Kenna said to the deceased, I will stand by you, and then M'Kenna and the prisoner faced each other. and some blows were struck. Then the prisoner went into his own house, and deceased and M'Kenna went up to Mr. Fleming's public-house, and the prisoner followed them. Five or ten minutes afterwards witness saw deceased and M'Kenna come out of the public- house, followed by the prisoner, who continued to follow them as far as May's Court, taunting the deceased all the way. The three men went out into the court, and the next thing witness saw was the prisoner's coat lying on the ground, and the prisoner himself opposite to deceased's house. The deceased was then in his shirt sleeves. Deceased again said he wanted no fighting, and asked prisoner to shake hands, but the prisoner's reply to that was, Go away Lavery, and put back the bag of flour you took from David Malcolmson (a merchant in Lurgan). Prisoner then turned to go up May's Court, and deceased and M'Kenna followed him, and the fighting soon commenced again; but witness could not say who struck the first blow. The fighting at this time was between deceased and M'Kenna, I and witness did not see the prisoner strike anyone. Prisoner's wife ran between the parties to separate them, and immediately afterwards witness saw Mrs. Monroe lying on the ground. Then witness heard a shout that a man was killed, and, running forward, saw deceased on the ground. He never moved after that, and everybody said he was dead, which proved to be the case. After further evidence, the prisoner was returned for trial on the charge of manslaughter, but was admitted to bail-himself in £40, with two sureties in £20 each.
We understand that among the ratepayers of Lurgan an active controversy is at present ingress as to the precise effect of the late town vote as to the propriety of establishing a free public library in the town. Now, there can be no doubt that the decision of the majority of the ratepayers of Lurgan, as as ascertained (i. e., by the issue, collection, and scrutiny of the voting papers), was in favour of the library, though, confusedly, a majority of whole ratepayers did not so record their votes. There are 654 municipal voters in Lurgan, and that number of voting papers was distributed. Of these, 231 papers were not returned. There were 280 papers in favour of the library with a rate not above 1d in the £, 18 votes in favour with a rate not over ½d in the £, and one vote in favour of a rate not over ¼d in the £. There were just 81 directly hostile votes, and 95 papers were sent back not signed, and three papers were returned spoiled. It is evident, therefore, that a majority of the papers sent in properly signed were in favour of having a free library. The advocates of the movement have, we learn, obtained the opinion of an influential municipal official in Belfast, who holds that the result of the Lurgan vote gives the Commissioners the right and power to open a free public library; and it appears that, when the vote on this subject was taken in Belfast, the majority in favour of the library was simply a majority of the voting papers returned signed, but not of the whole body of ratepayers, the same state of affairs as in Lurgan. The town solicitor of Lurgan, while not at present expressing a final opinion, is said to incline to the view that the voting does not warrant the establishment of the contemplated institution. The whole subject will probably be discussed at the next meeting of the Town Commissioners,
A short time ago information was received in Lurgan which points to the conclusion that this evening a fatality of a singularly distressing character took place at Lough Neagh, the capsizing of a boat and the drowning of two young men, whose names are at the present time unknown, but who are stated to have been residents and employees in Lurgan. As well as can judged, the first intimation of the sad affair was brought to the town by Mr. George Douglas, linen manufacturer, William Street, who, taking a walk in the vicinity of the Lough Neagh shore, heard that a flat bottomed boat had been discovered floating bottom upwards. Suspecting that some mishap occurred, a number of the people residing in the neighbourhood decided to make search, assisted by Mr. Douglas, and the result the body of a well-dressed young man, of about twenty-four years of age, was found and conveyed to the shore.
It has been ascertained that this evening two young men, whose identity is not yet ascertained, went out to Kinnego, the Lurgan side of the lough, and hired from Mrs. M'Geown a flat-bottomed boat, in order, as they represented, to have a couple of hours’ pleasure sailing, and nothing further was heard of the boat until it was found as already stated. Mr. George Douglas took charge of the silver watch and purse which were found in one of the pockets of the clothes of the unfortunate young man. He delivered these articles to Constable A. Lynch, Edward Street Barracks, who afterwards handed them over to Head-Constable Greene, of Union Street Barracks, in whose possession they still remain. There is not yet the slightest clue to the identity of the young man whose body has been recovered, and the utmost exertions have failed to discover any trace of the remains of the second young man who is believed to be missing. A number of policemen have been sent out to the lough to assist in prosecuting the search for the body of this second man. It was reported this evening that the young man whose body had been found was an employee of Mr. J. W. Fitzsimons, T.C., Lurgan, but it appears that there is no foundation what ever for this statement.
The additional information which has been received this evening in reference to the deplorable boating catastrophe on Lough Neagh tends to accentuate the sad character of the occurrence. There appears to be now no doubt that the two young men who have lost their lives by the accident are Moses and William Cummings, sons of Mr. James Cummings, Queen Street, Lurgan, manufacturer who works for the firm of Messrs. J. L. Hardy & Co., Belfast. It appears that the capsizing of the boat in which the two ill-fated young men were seated was witnessed from the shore by a young man named Boyd, who, however, was quite unable to render assistance or succour. Beyond the fact that the deceased went out for a pleasure trip on the lough, there is nothing of a definite character yet known as to the circumstances under which the lamentable mishap occurred. The body of William Cummings has not yet been recovered. Both of the deceased were unmarried.
A fatal boating accident occurred on Lough Neagh on Monday last, whereby two respectable young men named Moses Cummings and William Cummings lost their lives. The Deceased are sons of Mr Cummings, of Queen Street, Lurgan, and aged respectively twenty-eight and twenty. They were warpers by trade. Much sympathy is felt for their afflicted parents. With little difficulty the dead body of Moses Cummings was found almost in the spot where the deceased was seen to sink by Henry Boyd, a farmer residing near the Lough, and by his son, Thomas Boyd, who literally were eyewitnesses of the death struggles of Moses Cummings. but who, not having any boat in which they could go to render any assistance, did the next best thing in their power by shouting from the beach words of hope and encouragement to Moses Cummings to stimulate him to greater exertions for his own preservation. For a considerable time Moses Cummings struggled bravely for life, and had got within less than two hundred yards of the shore when, as the witness Thomas Boyd described it, he turned on his side, then wheeled round on his face and sank, never to rise. From the time of the accident, however, not the slightest glimpse of the body of William Cummings could be obtained. though the boat in which the two brothers had been was observed floating, bottom upwards, about two hundred yards from the beach. At an early hour next morning a fisherman named John Campbell, residing at Ardnadroghall, near the Lough, took his net, and, accompanied by three gentlemen belonging to Lurgan, proceeded to renew the search for the body of William Cummings. Shortly after twelve o'clock the remains of William Cummings were found floating in the Lough, about sixty yards from where the body of his brother was discovered.
Information of the sad result was hastily despatched to Lurgan, and about an hour and a half afterwards the afflicted parents of the young men had to undertake the painful duty of sending out the second coffin to Kinnego, in which the remains of young William Cummings were at once enclosed and conveyed on a car to Lurgan. An inquest on the body of Moses Cummings was held in the premises of Mr Edward Berwick, Queen Street, before Mr W. H. Atkinson, coroner for the northern division of County Armagh. Mr James Cummings, father of the two deceased young men, who was evidently labouring under profound emotion, identified the body of his son. Ellen M'Geown proved that she let the boat. Henry Boyd and his son Thomas Boyd, who reside near the lough, and were working in a field on Monday from which they hid a view of the lough, gave evidence as to having seen the deceased in the boat. Later on they heard cries, and going down to the beach they saw the boat floating upside down, and Moses Cummings swimming towards the shore. They had no boat in which they could proceed to render assistance, but they shouted to Moses Cummings to keep up, and to encourage him. When between 200 and 100 yards from the shore Moses Cummings sank, and did not rise again, and his body was subsequently recovered by the witness.
Dr Agnew gave evidence that, from external examination of the body, he was of the opinion that death resulted from drowning. The Coroner, in charging the jury, gave expression to the universal sympathy which was felt with the parents and other relatives of the victims of this shocking catastrophe. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death. While the inquest on the body of Moses Cummings was in progress, information was received in town that the remains of his brother, William Cummings, had been recovered. The body was soon afterwards brought into town on a car and at 8.45 p.m. a second inquest was opened on the premises in regard to the cause of death of the younger of the two brothers. Evidence similar to that in the last case having been heard, The jury returned a verdict of accidental death, and expressed deep sympathy with the parents and other relatives of the deceased. On Wednesday afternoon the remains of the two brothers were interred in the New cemetery, Lurgan, in the presence of a large concourse of people who seemed deeply impressed with the untimely fate of the two young men.
The influenza epidemic, which has wrought such havoc in Lurgan and neighbourhood for some weeks past, shows as yet very little, if any sign of abatement. While in the earlier stages of the epidemic the number of cases was comparatively limited, it has been noted that of late days the instances in which death has supervened have exhibited a painful and alarming augmentation. At the present time there is hardly a street in Lurgan in which there are not a number of houses in which one or more of the residents are prostrated by the disease, and it is a subject of common observation that young and old seem to be alike subject to the visitation.
The Lurgan Town Commissioners require a Competent Man to take charge of the Lurgan Cemetery; Wages 12s per week, with Caretaker's Residence, free. Particulars as to duties can be had by applying at this Office on any day (Sunday excepted) from ELEVEN o'clock, a.m. till ONE o'clock, p.m.
Applications, enclosing reference as to character, etc.. to be lodged with me not later than TWO o'clock, p.m. on THURSDAY. the 31st Inst. Persons having a knowledge of Gardening preferred.
ROSS CAMPBELL, Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office. Town Hall, Lurgan. 22nd December. 1891.
A serious epidemic of influenza has broken out in Lurgan district, Ulster. Hundreds of people are prostrated by the malady. Large factories are deprived of 40 per cent, of their operatives, and the medical men are employed night and day. The Board of Guardians on Wednesday voted special monetary relief to the families of the sufferers. Mr Greer said that before the Relieving Officers retired he wished to mention that the dispensary doctor desired the Guardians to sanction relief to the influenza patients. They did that this time two years ago. Persons suffering from influenza generally went to work too soon, and he (Mr. Greer) suggested that they should give relief to those persons to prevent them going out until they had completely recovered.
Chairman - What do you say to that gentlemen?
Mr Orr - l think it is a very good suggestion. I had influenza, and I went out to drive too soon and I got a relapse. (Laughter.)
Relieving Officer Calvert - I believe there are hundreds of cases of influenza in Lurgan at present, and of course if we would begin to give relief we would have plenty of applicants.
Chairman - Exercise your own discretion.
Mr Calvert - lt opens a door.
Chairman - Not if you act with proper discretion.
Clerk - Mr Greer's remarks will not be applicable to Lurgan division alone.
Mr Ruddell - l think the epidemic is confined to Lurgan at present. There are very few cases in the rural districts.
Chairman - lt is a wise step to take because there is more danger when the people are recovering. The Relieving Officers were directed to exercise their discretion in giving relief.
A HARE OR A DUCK 02 January 1891
Constable Loughran charged Samuel Warren under the Prevention of Poaching Act, with being in the possession of a hare on the 20th inst. Plaintiff swore that, he suspecting the defendant was concealing something under his coat, he accosted him when he said that it was "a duck" he had. On pressing him to show it, he produced a hare, which he took possession of. Mr Townsend said that there was no proof that the defendant had not purchased the hare, and the case was dismissed.
An active man of Good Character, Competent to Take Charge of the Steam Engine and Boilers in the Workhouse, and otherwise make himself generally useful. Salary, £20 per annum, with Board and apartments. Applications with testimonials of character will be received by the undersigned up to the hour of Eleven O'Clock on Thursday 15 January 1891, when Candidates must be in attendance. The nature of the duties and any further information that may be required can be obtained by applying to the Master of the Workhouse.
BY ORDER, JAMES DONALDSON. CLERK OF UNION. Board Room. Workhouse, 1st January , 1891.
A SERIOUS ASSAULT 20 January 1891
For some days past the Lurgan police have been endeavouring to apprehend a man named John M'Cann, a factory worker, who is accused of having on last Friday night committed a brutal assault on a man named James Walls, an army pensioner, who resides in Lake Street, Lurgan. Yesterday Constables Alexander Moorhead and M'Clintock, of Union Street Barracks, succeeded in arresting M'Cann just after he had entered his own house in Ulster Street, and he was at once taken to the Police Station with a view to being brought before a magistrate. As it transpired that Walls was still too ill to be able to leave his own house with safety, Mr. B. M‘Glynn, J.P., accompanied Mr. F. W. Magahan (clerk of petty sessions), proceeded to the residence of Walls, whose deposition was taken in presence of the accused. It is alleged that in the course of a dispute, M'Cann kicked Walls violently on the forehead, thereby causing a wound of a very serious nature, for which Walls is now under treatment by Dr. Magennis, J.P, The prisoner was remanded, but was let out on bail until next Lurgan Petty Sessions.
Governors: Lord Lurgan, James Malcolm, D.L.; John Johnston. J.P.; Geo. Greer, J.P.; S W. M'Bride J.P. BOYS ARE TAUGHT at the SCHOOL for all Public Examinations, for the Universities, and for Business Life. As proofs of the quality of the Education supplied, the following samples of success within the last few years are offered:- Two Sizarships at Trinity College Dublin; Junior Exhibitions at Trinity Entrance; Exhibitions at Royal University Matriculation; at the Intermediate Examinations a larger number of Exhibitions, it is believed, than any School in Ireland in proportion to numbers, besides Medals for Excellence in special subjects. There are Special Classes, Reading for entrance Trinity and Royal University, besides all the Grades of the Intermediate. All Commercial Subjects are also taught in School. Two Resident Masters (Graduates) Supervise Studies Resident Pupils. Special Terms may be made for Weekly Boarders from the Neighbourhood of Armagh. For further information, apply to W. T. KIRKPATRICK, M A.. Head Master.
A COCK-LUGGED PIG 18 February 1891
Lurgan, Tuesday. At the bi-monthly Petty Sessions in this town today, Messrs W Liddel, J P. chairman; T. D. Gibson, R. M. and several other magistrates occupying seats on the bench, a great deal of amusement was afforded to a crowded court by the hearing of a case of a rather singular character in which a farmer named Francis Fanning residing near Lurgan, brought a criminal prosecution for the alleged larceny of a pig against another farmer, named Thomas Hand. Mr. Menary, solicitor was for the prosecutor. and Mr. J. C. O'Reilly defended. It appeared that Fanning and Hand, who are neighbours, came to an arrangement that on the 11th inst they should go together to the farm of a man named Uprichard, from whom each was to purchase two pigs, but it was agreed that the prosecutor should have the first pick of the animals. The arrangement was duly carried out, Fanning selecting a big pig and a wee one and Hand taking two middle-sized ones. Each man put his pig into a bag, and the two bags, with their contents, were then placed in a cart belonging to Fanning, and he and Hand started for home together in the cart. On arriving at Hand's house he (Hand) got off the cart and took into his piggery what was then supposed to be the bag containing the two middle-sized porkers. The men having parted the best of friends, Fanning continued the journey to his own farm, but on getting to his destination was horrified to discover that in some mysterious manner the big pig had been abstracted from his bag, and one of the middle-sized animals substituted for it. As Hand absolutely refused to admit that any mistake had been made or to restore the big pig to the man who claimed to be its rightful owner, Fanning now brought a prosecution for larceny against him.
Mr. Menary - You must give us back our big pig, We insist on your doing so (laughter).
Mr. O'Reilly - Never.
Prosecutor - The "cock lugged pig" that I found in my bag when I got home was never intended for me. Hand was to take it.
A Magistrate - Have you the pigs in court? (More laughter.)
Mr. Menary - No, but we'll identify "the big pig" beyond any possibility of doubt.
Mr. Hayes, solicitor - The pigs should certainly be produced in court, so that the Clerk of Petty Sessions might mark them (laughter).
Mr. Menary - There can be no doubt but that the "big pig" should be here.
Mr. O'Reilly - We're not bound to have it in court, as you served no notice on us to produce it (renewed laughter).
Mr. Hayes - This beats "Pigs in Clover" all to pieces.
In the result the Bench held that the case was one for a civil action, if any, and dismissed the case.
Mr. Menary - We'll go to the Quarter Sessions Court,
Mr. O'Reilly - And we'll be prepared to meet you there (laughter).
The case never got to the Quarter Sessions as Fanning and Hand had resumed their friendship, but the mystery was never solved!
At a largely attended meeting of the inhabitants of Lurgan, held in the Town Hall on Friday evening - Edward Magennis, Esq, M.D, J.P, in the chair - the following memorial to the Local Government Board was adopted with acclamation.
To the Local Government Board of Ireland. The Memorial of the inhabitants of Lurgan in a public meeting assembled - respectfully showeth: That Lurgan ls a rapidly progressive manufacturing town with a present (estimated) population of 14.000 persons, nine tenths of whom occupy houses rented from 1s. 6d to 4s. per week.
That a large majority of the inhabitants are entirely dependent for water upon 18 public pumps, and that the water in all of these has been declared by the medical sanitary officer to be unfit for use.
That the town is only a mile and a half from Lough Neagh, a fresh-water sea, having a nearly uniform depth of 45 feet and covering an area of nearly 100,000 acres.
That for years past the Town Commissioners (the urban sanitary authority) have been urged to avail themselves of this inexhaustible source of supply, and have been furnished by eminent authorities with satisfactory proof of the suitability the water but the Commissioners cannot, or will not, make up their minds as to what course they should adopt.
That as our population increases, the limited area from which our present water supply is obtained becomes more and more impregnated with pollution, and that the dangers and discomforts arising from this state of things require immediate preventative remedies.
That we most earnestly implore the Local Government Board to cause Inquiry to be forthwith made by one of the Boards officers as to the nature, source, and sufficiency of the present water supply, and as to the causes that render the Town Commissioners unable or unwilling, to carry out any one of the several schemes propounded.
The business of the quarter sessions for the Lurgan division of County Armagh was resumed in the Courthouse, Lurgan, yesterday, before County Court Judge W. H. Kisbey, Q.C. Mr. A. Moffett, registrar, and Mr. H. Porter, assistant registrar, were in attendance. There were only nine ejectments entered for hearing, four of which were from the estate of Lord Lurgan, and none of the cases possessed any feature of public interest or importance.
In the case of the Lurgan Town Commissioners v. Lurgan Board of Guardians, which was evidently regarded with very great interest in the district, the Town Commissioners of Lurgan, as the urban sanitary authority, suing by their clerk and executive sanitary officer, Mr. Ross Campbell, brought an action against the Guardians of the Poor of the Lurgan Union to recover the sum of he £29. 17s. l0d, "due to the plaintiffs by the defendants, for that the plaintiffs, after notice duly given to the defendants, executed certain works for the completion of part of a street in the town of Lurgan, called John Street, and settled and apportioned the amount payable by the defendants in respect of property held or occupied by them which fronted or abutted on said street, at said sum of £29. 17s. 10d, and for money laid out and expended by the plaintiffs for the defendants' use at their request, and for work and labour done by the plaintiffs for the defendants at their request."
Mr. M'Grath (instructed by Messrs. Moore & Johnston, solicitors) appeared for the plaintiffs, and Mr. Hume (instructed by Mr. Hugh Hayes, solicitor to the Lurgan Board of Guardians) was for the defendants. Mr. M'Grath, in stating the plaintiffs' case, mentioned that the town of Lurgan was under the control of, and had the privileges conferred by, the Towns Improvement Act of 1854, and, as a consequence, the Town Commissioners were the sanitary authority. By the 28th section of the Public Health Act, which was the one that specially bore on the case, it was provided that where any street within the sanitary district (not being for such purposes in charge of the sanitary authority or Grand Jury, or other public body, or where any footway or other part of such street is not sewered, metalled, or paved, in a proper manner, the sanitary authority may, by notice to the owners or occupiers of the premises fronting or abutting on the parts requiring to be sewered or paved, require them to do the necessary works. And this part of the same section provided that plans of the required works are to be prepared, and also enacts that if the notice is not complied with the sanitary authority may execute the works, and then an apportionment is to be made, of the amount payable by such owners or occupiers, to whom notice of the apportionment is to be given. The 255th section of the same statute provides for the service on the person liable of a notice of demand for payment of the sum to which, on the apportionment, such person may appear to be liable, with interest at 5 per cent. from the date of service of the demand. The present action was brought to recover the amount expended by the Commissioners in paving a portion of John Street, which runs opposite the workhouse, and to which the workhouse fronted. The notice from the Commissioners to the Guardians requesting the latter to do the work was not complied with, and, therefore, the Commissioners exercised the power given by one of the sections to which he had referred, and got the work done themselves by contract, and all the formalities prescribed by the statute were adhered to. He would prove the service of the requisite notices, the making of the " apportionment " by the town surveyor, the service of notice of demand for repayment on the Guardians, and that it was not complied with, and, having done this, he submitted that the Commissioners were entitled to a decree. Town-Sergeant Dunwoody proved the service of the various notices, including the notice of demand for repayment.
In cross-examination by Mr. Homes witness said that during the twelve or thirteen years of his residence in Lurgan the whole of John Street had not been a public thoroughfare, and a portion of it used to be under the control of the Grand Jury of Armagh. That was before the provisional order was obtained to separate Lurgan, for financial purposes, from the county. To Mr. M'Grath. The workhouse premises front towards the part of the footpath which had been paved by the Town Commissioners. Mr. H. Shillington, C. E., town surveyor, deposed that he prepared the plans and specifications for this work. When he went to examine the foot path he found portions of it kerbed and channelled, and appeared to be gravelled from time to time but, from that on, in front of the dead wall surrounding the workhouse, there was no footpath, except what might be termed a formation for one. To Mr. Hume - Since I was appointed town surveyor in January, 1889, the Commissioners did not gravel this footpath; nor do I know, as a matter of fact, that they did so before I came to Lurgan. Mr. Ross Campbell, town clerk, was examined by Mr. M'Grath, and deposed that he could not of his own knowledge tell anything in reference to whether what is now John Street was a county road, presented for at each assizes by the Grand Jury, up to the time when the provisional order was obtained separating Lurgan from the county. Soloman M'Ilwaine deposed that his tender for the paving of this footpath was accepted by the Town Commissioners, and he did the work. About a year and nine months ago Mr. W. J. O'Neill, the then town surveyor of Lurgan, and in his capacity as such, employed witness to put gravel on this road. He believed that portion of it was a county road before the provisional order was obtained, but that was not the same portion on which witness - lately did the work. His Honour - That is not the way to prove what the Grand Jury did. Mr. Hume - We will try to get the actual presentment. This closed the plaintiffs' case.
Mr. Hume (for the defendants) said that this case involved a very nice point on the construction of the 28th section of the statute to which Mr. M'Grath had referred. The plaintiffs rested their case entirely on the powers given by the Public Health Act, arguing that the plaintiffs were entitled to do the work, and to charge the expense against the persons who, as a matter of fact, were the occupiers only of the premises - namely, the Guardians. The first ground on which, he would contend, the case must be dismissed was because the 28th section did not apply to anything but a private street. This was shown by the wording of the section, which provided that where any street, "not being, for such purposes, in charge of a sanitary authority or public body or Grand Jury, is not properly sewered or metalled, or paved," then the sanitary authority may exercise the powers given by the statute that section its was incumbent on the plaintiffs to prove that this was in the nature of a private way, and that it was not in charge of the Grand Jury or other public body. As a matter of fact, he would prove that the road was under the charge of the Grand Jury until the provisional to order separating Lurgan in fiscal affairs from the county was obtained; and in the grand warrant of the Armagh Grand Jury, which he held in his hand, there was the entry of a is presentment in respect of this very road for the period between 1885 and 1883. Under these circumstances, the 28th section could not apply to a case, like the present, where the street is in working order under the Grand Jury, who had as full control of the roads before the separation scheme. There was another strong reason why the Guardians felt they should not be sued. It appeared that, while what are called "the workhouse grounds" are held in fee, there was a portion of their grounds, about two acres, held under a lease from Lord Lurgan for 1,000 years, at a rent of of £10 per annum which rent, he would prove was a rack-rent. Another important point against the Commissioners was this, that, while the notice requiring the execution of the works was, by the of 28th section, to be served on both owner and occupier, it appeared that after the Commissioners had done the work themselves, the remedy to recover the expense was against the owner, and the " owner" meant the person receiving the racked rent, whether as agent or in trust for the person who would receive same if the premises were let as a rack-rent. On this second ground alone the action against the Guardians must fail.
His HONOUR - Your present argument only applies to a portion of the premises.
Mr. Hume - To the entire of them.
His HONOUR - Is this footpath all in front of the in two acres?
Mr. Hume replied in the affirmative. Counsel then went on to argue that when the control of the roads with the town boundary was by the provisional order transferred to the Commissioners, the latter assumed all the obligations and rights previously exercised by the Grand Jury. He also pointed out that by the Valuation Acts these lands, being held for public purposes, were exempt from any rates whatever, except the £10 a year payable to Lord Lurgan, and the Grand Jury never had power to levy a single halfpenny on them. At the conclusion of Mr. Hume's speech, a prolonged and highly technical discussion ensued as to the object, meaning, and effect of various clauses of the Towns Improvement Act, Public Health Act, and Other statutes incorporated with them, and which had relation to, the subject matter of the action. Mr. W. J. O'Neill,.C.E., formerly town surveyor of Lurgan, proved that he got this road made by the order of Lord Lurgan. The Armagh Grand Jury had charge of the road until the provisional order was obtained. Mr. J. Donaldson, clerk of Lurgan Union, proved that the premises were valued, like all other premises used for charitable purposes, at half the rent, £5.
After a protracted hearing, the case was dismissed.
Sir, Through the medium of your valuable commercial and influential journal, I beg to draw the attention of the Manager and Directors of the Great Northern Railway Company to the neglected condition of Lurgan railway station, which is perhaps the most miserable on the entire Great Northern line in the matter of passenger accommodation and platform arrangement. The late census shows an increase of the population, and consequently the commercial importance, of Lurgan but were travellers on the line past this town to conclude to its importance from a glance at its station, they would be slow to believe the stern fact that Lurgan is one of the best (if not the best) paying stations under the entire Great Northern management from Belfast to Dublin; and yet were this statement not widely known, one would infer the Directors were losing every day by their Lurgan traffic, or else they must think that the public appreciate the accommodation provided, and are quite content with existing arrangements. But this cannot be, as frequently the Town Commissioners have appealed to them on the subject, but for so far ineffectually.
Permit me briefly to refer to the present structures, which consist of, on one side of the platform, three small waiting-rooms, or more properly two, the third class one is more of lumber room than anything else, with a so-called ladies’ and gentlemen’s one, having furniture and fittings well, not very enticing; the other side, the Belfast side is called, where waiting rooms are required most, is minus apartments of any kind whatsoever. The only provision made here for passengers is a small open shed, underneath which is erected a wooden form intended one time for footsore travellers to rest on, but which has long since been adopted and is still used by porters as a luggage stand. In a town of the importance of Lurgan, one of the first in Ulster, a state of things like this shows wanton neglect on the part of the railway authorities, but the procrastinating spirit of the Great Northern appears to be gradually vanishing, and so Lurgan may yet hope to have erected a station in keeping with the advancement, prosperity, and requirements of the town and neighbourhood. Should this letter in any way serve to arouse the indifferent spirit manifested towards Lurgan in days gone by, the writer will feel that it has not been written in vain.
THE LOUGH NEAGH SCHEME. For more than a year past the special Committee of the Lurgan Town Commissioners, appointed to carry out the details in connection with the proposed scheme for obtaining a supply of water for the town from Lough Neagh, has been devoting its attention to this important subject, with the result that it is believed the practical work in connection with the project is likely to be commenced in the course of couple of months, and it is not unlikely that the town will be in possession of a good water supply within period eighteen mouths. The want of an adequate water supply for commercial and domestic purposes has been experienced in Lurgan for more than twenty years past, and with the rapid increase of the population this want became more and more felt. For many years the idea that a gravitation scheme alone could prove suitable appeared to prevail, but investigation went to show that any such scheme would entail too great an outlay. The thought of gravitation scheme was abandoned by the present Board, which adopted the proposal to procure a supply by steam pumping from Lough Neagh. Most of the towns people look forward to the completion of the project with much satisfaction.
London, August 14.
Lord Lurgan has sold his Armagh estate to his tenants for a quarter of a million pounds sterling. Under the terms of Lord Ashbourne's Irish Holdings Act, which enables tenants to purchase their holdings under certain conditions.
Under the provisions of the Irish Land Purchase Act, recently assented to by the British Parliament, the Government have arranged for the division of Lord Lurgan's estates in the County of Armagh, between the tenants to the number of 806. The price paid for the Land was £235,000.
LINEN TRADE STRIKE 05 September 1891
On Thursday night last a public meeting of the female workers employed in the various factories of this town was held in the Museum Room of the Municipal Buildings, for the purpose of taking into consideration the expediency of establishing a branch of the Gas Workers and General Labourers Union of Great Britain, Ireland and America. For a long time past the female workers employed in the Linen Trade carried on in Lurgan have been complaining of the periodical reductions of wages enforced by the employers, and it is alleged that these reductions were generally accompanied by a demand that the workers should do an increased amount of labour for the diminished earnings. For this reason the workers of Messrs. Johnston, Allen & Co, and J.B. Hanna & Co. to the number of 200, went out on strike on Wednesday.
At the meeting held, the large hall was packed to its utmost capacity. Mr. J. Turkington, who in a brief address, introduced Mr. A. Shields, organiser in connection with the central branch of the Union, who spoke at considerable length on the advantages of combination among the workers. A resolution in favour of forming a Lurgan branch of the Union was carried by acclamation and a committee, secretary, 'cheque' secretary and also a delegate to represent the branch at the Belfast District Council was appointed.
That Farm, known as the HOME FARM, adjoining the Town of Lurgan, containing 116 acres Statute Measure, or thereabouts, with the buildings thereon, the property of Lord Lurgan, and in his occupation. The Buildings are very extensive, and include a splendid Cow house, fitted in the most improved style, with stalls for 36 Cows; also, 8 Labourers' Houses. A Corn Mill driven by water power is on the Farmyard, and may or may not be included in the Sale. There are also large grain stores in connection with the latter. The Farm will be Sold either in one Lot with the Buildings, or in Lots of not less than 10 acres, or a Lease of the entire Premises for seven years, or for such term as may be agreed upon, will be granted. Part of the purchase-money may, if desired, remain on mortgage of the Premises.
Applications made to CLAUDE BROWNLOW, Estate Office, Lurgan. And for the Terms of Lease and further particulars apply to USSHER & WATSON, Solicitors, Lurgan.
The Protestant parish church of Maralin, near Lurgan, Ireland, was the scene of a remarkable occurrence recently. A new pulpit had been erected there, surmounted by three crosses. These latter were regarded as emblematical of Ritualism, and at a mass meeting of parishioners at night their erection was denounced with considerable force. The meeting adjourned to the church and insisted upon the crosses being removed, turning a deaf ear to the remonstrances of the vicar. The throng crowded the building and declined to leave until their demand was complied with. The rector continued his appeals to their moderation, but all to no purpose, and at 10.30 workmen were summoned and the crosses were removed. Some other alleged symbols were then taken down, the work continuing until long past midnight.
Last evening a public meeting of the female workers employed in the various factories in connection with the linen trade in Lurgan was held in the Town Hall, Union Street, and it may be stated the male operatives engaged in the same branch of business, as well as the labourers of the town and district generally, took part in the demonstration. The proceedings took place under the auspices of the Lurgan Female Branch of the Gas workers' and General Labourers' Union of Great Britain and Ireland, and the special purpose of the meeting was to hear an address from Mrs. Aveling, who has taken a prominent part in recent years in the discussion of matters connected with the social and labour questions in Great Britain, and who is also a member of the executive of the union. The subject of her address was "The Labour Problem, with especial reference to the International side of the question, "There was a very large attendance. The chair was occupied by Mr. James M'Alerney, of the Lurgan Weavers' Union. After a short address by the chairman, Mrs. Aveling came forward, and was received with loud applause. She dealt with various aspects of the labour question, and her speech was listened to with much interest. A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mrs. Aveling, for her address, and the proceedings then terminated.
A sensation of deep and widespread regret was evoked throughout the town of Lurgan on Saturday evening when it became known that Mr. Robert Mathers, J.P., one of the leading as well as one of the oldest and most respected merchants in the community, had breathed his last at his residence in Market Street. The unexpected demise of this gentleman was due to disease of the heart, and while it is quite true that Mr. Mather's state of health had not of late been such as to lead his relatives and friends to believe that the end was so near, is only proper to state that for many years it was well known to the deceased that his heart was affected, and of late his general health was much impaired. Up to the last, however, he was engaged at his ordinary business. On Saturday morning he attended as usual in his shop, read his business letters, and gave instructions as several matters of detail, dined with his wife and his daughter, Mrs. Dickson, about 2.40, and after dinner reclined on the couch and began to converse with Mrs. Mathers. In a few minutes, however, be made a slight, but abrupt, movement, placed his right hand over, the region of the heart, and almost immediately afterwards expired. Dr. Bracken was at once called in, but on his arrival pronounced, life to be extinct, and the sad information was confirmed by the deceased's regular medical attendant. Dr. Agnew, who arrived a few minutes afterwards. The deceased had been actively engaged in business an extensive woollen draper for more than half a century past, and for twenty years past was proprietor of the Lurgan Steam Saw Mills. He was a Town Commissioner for twenty-six years, but resigned his office about two years ago. He was appointed a magistrate for the Lurgan Petty Sessions district some three years ago, and was an ex-officio Guardian of the Poor law Union. He was several times a churchwarden the parish of Shankill (Lurgan) and was one the parochial nominators. He was a Conservative in politics. He was though respected by all classes of his fellow townsmen.
In token of respect for the deceased the bells of the parish church, Lurgan, tolled with muffled peals yesterday (Sunday) morning. In his sermon at the morning service at 11.30 a.m., the Rev. J. J. Jones, B.A., who was the preacher, chose his text from the chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes, 14th verse, “God shall bring every man unto judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good or whether it is evil; , and also the chapter from the Prophet Amos, 12th verse - "Prepare to meet thy God." The rev. gentleman made brief but touching reference to sudden death of Mr. Mathers.
On and after 9th November, the Laundry Van will visit Portadown and District every Monday. Parties who desire the Van to call for Work at their Residence will kindly leave order with Mrs Curran, West Street, or send a Post Card to the Public Laundry, Edward Street, Lurgan. Mrs BEST. Proprietress.
STRAY DOG LAWS 12 December 1891
Mad Dogs have been found in different parts of the Union, and also Dogs straying on the highways, and not under proper control. Now it has this day been Ordered that all Dogs within the Poor-Law Union of Lurgan shall be properly muzzled or confined, except when out under the charge of their owners or otherwise under sufficient control. And further Notice is hereby given that all Dogs found straying on the highways or public thoroughfares, in violation of this Order, will be seized and detained by the Constabulary for 48 hours, and, if not claimed, will be destroyed. Any person acting contrary to this Order shall be liable, on conviction, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two months, with or without hard labour, in lieu of the pecuniary penalty to which he is liable under the above recited Acts. Any person who removes or defaces the placards posted throughout the Union will be guilty of an offence, under the A.A. This Order shall take effect from this date, and continue is force until the 1st day of July, 1892.
By Order, JAMES DONALDSON, Clerk to Local Authority. Poor Law Office, Lurgan.
It would be utterly impossible to give an adequate idea of the most gorgeous and profuse decorations arranged in the dining hall of Lurgan Workhouse. The picturesque scenery and taste displayed well repaid a visit. The numerous flags. Chinese lanterns, figures and diagrams, which covered the walls from floor to ceiling, were very much admired.
The Guardians, with their usual kindness, granted the inmates the customary extras, which consisted of a tea breakfast, roast meat and accompaniments for dinner, and fruit-cake and tea in the evening. After tea the hall commenced, which consisted of vocal and instrumental music, dancing, singing, recitations, and comic songs, which were continued for about three hours with much spirit, to the delight and admiration of the inmates and the enjoyment of a large number of ladies and gentlemen, who were present. At the conclusion the master moved a vote of thanks to the Guardians and those who contributed to the evening's enjoyment, to which the inmates responded by prolonged cheering. All departed about nine o'clock to the different departments, expressing themselves highly delighted with the good things provided during the day, and the evening's entertainment.
LURGAN, FRIDAY. This morning information was conveyed to the police at Union Street Barracks that the dead body of a man, whose name was then unknown, had been found lying on the sleepers between the rails on the Great Northern line of railway at a point distant little less than a mile from this town, the position of the body and the wounds thereon indicating, as it was stated' that the deceased had been knocked down by a train while walking along the line. Head Constable Greene and several constables at once proceeded to the scene of the accident and took charge of the body, which had by this time been identified as that of James Clarke, an army pensioner, aged 49, married, and who had resided at Kilmore, about two miles from Lurgan. The deceased, it appeared, came into Lurgan yesterday morning to receive the usual quarterly payment on foot of his pensions, and was last seen alive yesterday evening about five o'clock, when he had taken some drink, and purchased a pint of whisky in a public-house in Lurgan. The deceased's skull was completely fractured there being a frightful wound on his forehead, through which part of the brains protruded, and he had sustained other injuries of a minor character. In one of his pockets. a sum of £3 0s 1d was found, in another there was a broken pint bottle labeled whisky and, at some distance from the body, a red pocket handkerchief was discovered in which a piece of beef was rolled up. It is a singular act that, though the body was lying on the sleepers, and between the rails of the down train from Dublin to Belfast, it was in such a position that a train could pass over the line without touching the body, and, as the accident is believed to have occurred on New Year's night, no less than four trains must have gone over the line after the accident and without coming in contact with the body.
Shortly before five o'clock this evening Mr. W. H. Atkinson, coroner for North Armagh with a jury of which Mr. Joseph P. Mathers was foreman, held an inquest on the body of the deceased. Mr. Hugh Wratson of the firm of Ussher & Watson, solicitors, Lurgan, attended on behalf of the Great Northern Railway Company, and Mr. Stevenson, station-master in Lurgan was also present. Head-Constable Greene was in attendance on behalf of the Crown. Mrs. Mary Clarke, widow of the deceased, proved that her husband left his home for Lurgan about 9.30 yesterday morning being then in good health. She did not afterwards see him alive. William Long a labourer in the employment of the railway company, deposed that he knew the deceased, whose dead body he found about 7.30 this (Friday) morning lying between the rails on the down line from Dublin. He was lying on his face, lengthwise on the sleeper, with his feet towards Lurgan and his head towards Belfast, but no part of his body was actually on the the rails. His coat had been trailed up over his head so as to completely cover it, and, therefore, witness was not able to see his face. Witness met a man named John Creany and, afterwards, another man named Edward Magennis, and having told them about finding the dead body, the two men went to where it lay to take charge of it and witness went to report the matter at Lurgan station. There is a crossing over the railway line a good piece above where the deceased's body was found, but it is not a regular traffic crossing. The crossing is on the far side from where the body was, and on this the Lurgan, side there is no crossing by which the deceased, could get on to the line. The crossing referred to is called Bell's Crossing. and there is no crossing between that and where the body was found. About half a mile from the crossing there is a wooden bridge called Malone's Bridge. Witness did not touch the body to ascertain if the man was dead. He was too much scared to do so. From the position of the body, thinks the deceased must have been knocked down by one of the down trains, and, as the body lay when discovered by witness a train could have passed over the line without touching the body. Never saw deceased walking along the line.
James Higgins, in the employment of Mr. P. M'Geown, licensed victualler, Lurgan, deposed that yesterday deceased had two half-glasses of whisky in the shop about three o'clock pm. Later on either before or after five o'clock pm he was in the shop again, he then had some drink taken, but was not drunk. On this occasion he took no drink in the shop, but he bought a pint of whisky and took it away with him.
After further evidence, The Coroner charged the jury, expressing the opinion that there was no evidence to convict the railway company. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death and recommended the erection of a lamp at Bell's Crossing.
A good many of the inhabitants of Lurgan are beginning to manifest a certain degree of impatience and dissatisfaction at the apparent dilatoriness of the Town Commissioners in the carrying out of the scheme for providing the community with an adequate and pure supply of water. This question has undoubtedly become one of overwhelming importance to the people of the town, it being now generally recognised that a good water supply is absolutely essential not only for households but for manufacturing purposes. For several weeks past certain districts of Lurgan have been suffering all the inconvenience and hardships of a partial water famine, and, apart from the subject of the insufficiency of the present supply from the public pumps and wells, it is admitted that much of the water at present in use is utterly unfit for human consumption. There is much irritation and annoyance at the time taken to carry out the scheme for obtaining a supply of water from Lough Neagh, which was propounded in an exhaustive report drawn up about a year ago by Mr. W.J. Grover C.E. Of London and paid for by the community. That scheme received the formal sanction of the Municipal Board and has undoubtedly met with the approval of the majority of the ratepayers. A committee of the Board of Commissioners, constituted to oversee and direct the completion of the work have deemed it advisable to proceed with caution given the very large expenditure involved and to make full investigations before committing themselves to any contract. This course of action has led to the irritation of the populous and their belief that the Board are concerned solely with the monetary aspect and not with the sanitary requirements of the community.
However, the truth is that the Board and in particular the Chairman Mr. James Malcolm D.L., have for months past devoted an immense amount of time and anxious attention to the question, but as most of the work is done in committee, it does not come under the notice of the general body of the ratepayers, giving rise to their belief that the matter is not being prosecuted with the energy and zeal that its importance and urgency demand. Mr. Malcolm, it is understood, is at present engaged in making inquiries, the results of which will shortly be laid before the other Commissioners, and which, it is expected will have a material bearing on the course to be ultimately adopted. The next step will be the issue of advertisements for tenders, and this, it is stated, will not now be long delayed.
LURGAN, FRIDAY - One of the fiercest and most destructive fires have occurred in this town for a considerable time broke out about five o'clock p.m. this evening in the extensive business establishment of Mr. Samuel Malcolm, situate in Victoria Street, and notwithstanding the promptest and most energetic exertions of the fire brigade and of a host of volunteer assistants, the conflagration was not extinguished until the entire block of premises had been gutted. The valuable stock-in-trade in Mr. Malcolm's two shops, as well as his household furniture, had been destroyed, with the exception of certain articles removed when the alarm was first raised. The stock-in-trade was of an inflammable character, and the flames spread with astonishing rapidity, and by the time the fire brigade arrived the fire had already extended from the furniture shop into that employed in the grocery business.
Fortunately, and as rarely happens in Lurgan, there was an ample supply of water at hand. Mr George A. Crawford, who is the landlord of the premises, placing his large tank at the disposal of the firemen. For a time it was hoped that, at least, a portion of the grocery shop might be saved, but, as already mentioned, the entire premises have been gutted, and not a little damage, it is stated, has been done to part of the adjoining premises of Mr. Crawford. It is understood that Mr. Malcolm succeeded in securing his books and a sum of money which was in one of the drawers; but money in another part of the premises is not now forthcoming. We are informed that the disaster has occurred at a very unfortunate moment when Mr. Malcolm had just placed in stock a large supply of new goods for the spring and summer trade. It may be mentioned that a pony in a stable at the rear of the buildings was somewhat burned, and the poor animal on escaping from confinement plunged wildly into the street, and there was much difficulty in securing it. The stock-in-trade, household furniture, and effects were partly - it is stated very inadequately - insured in The Sun Fire and Life Assurance Office. It may be added that Mr. S. Malcolm was one of the first to commence business on the lower side of the railway gates, on the Lough Neagh Road in Lurgan - a district which both from mercantile and residential standpoint, has developed with such marked rapidity during the past four or five years.
Much sympathy is expressed with him in the serious misfortune that has now overtaken him. The fire brigade were in charge of Mr. John Long, superintendent, and Deputy-Superintendent Dunwoody
The bimonthly petty sessions were held in Lurgan yesterday, when the following magistrates were on the bench:- Messrs. W. Liddell, J.P. (chairman); John Johnston, J.P.; George Greer; J.P.; B. T. F. Watson, J.P,; G. R. Carrick, J.P.. Joseph Murphy, J.P.; B. M 'Gylynn J.P.; and T D. Gibson, R.M. Considerable interest attached to the hearing of certain cases arising out of the recent reoccupation of an evicted holding by a tenant named John Hendron, who was ejected from his farm in Derrytagh South by his landlord, Lord Lurgan, upwards of a year ago. Three or four months ago an arrangement was made for the letting of Hendron's farm by the landlord to Mr. Stephen Turkington, a respectable farmer residing in the neighbouring townland of Derrytrasna. Mr. Turkington duly entered into possession, but, on 20th ult., it was discovered that Hendron had re-occupied the holding. As arising out of the retaking of possession, two criminal cases were entered for hearing yesterday. In one of these, a young man named Felix O'Neill had a summons against Malcolm Turkington, son of the said Stephen Turkington, for that, on 20th April, 1891, the defendant having a revolver pistol in his hand did present same in a threatening manner at the said Felix O'Neill, the defendant, who was thereby put in fear and alarm by the defendant at Derrytagh South in the County Armagh. In a second summons, Mary Hendron, wife of the said John Hendron, preferred a similar complaint against the same defendant. Messrs. Thomas G. Menary and J. C. O'Reilly appeared for the complainants, Mr. Hugh Hayes was for defendant.
The case of O'Neill v. Turkington was first taken up. Felix O'Neill, the complainant, was examined by Mr. MENARY, and deposed that, on the morning of Monday, 25th ult., he was in a lane which leads from the county road to the house formerly occupied by John Hendron in Derrytagh South, and from which the latter was evicted by Lord Lurgan. This was about nine o'clock a.m. There were a number of other persons, forming a small drumming party, with witness, fifteen or sixteen persons being present. The defendant followed the drumming party down the lane. Witness was playing a fife, and there was one drum in the party. When defendant got in front of the party, he took out a revolver and pointed it at witness, and swore that "'if they didn't keep back he would blow witness's brains out." The revolver was only about two or three yards from witness. Defendant was angry when he did this. Witness was so much frightened that he had to atop fifing. He had given no provocation to defendant, nor was the latter interfered with by any of the persons in the drumming party, but there was some cheering and booing by those with whom the witness was. When defendant presented the weapon he was near to-witness, and could have done harm to him if he had liked. Cross-examined by Mr. Hayes - The drumming party was out very early on this morning. We were fifing and drumming about Hendron retaking possession of his old home. Hendron had been ejected from his farm by Lord Lurgan. We were drumming in the lane which leads to Hendron's place and into the possession of which Stephen Turkington had been put simply in order to give Hendron a tune. (Laughter.) We started between four and five o'clock in the morning to give him a tune. The people had not assembled to prevent Turkington going down to labour the land. Hendron had returned to his "old home" only on that morning. I heard he had gone back that morning, and the sound of the drum gathered a good lot of the people.
Mr. HAYES - Who were there?
Mr. MENARY objected to any names being given.
Mr. HAYES - You have brought a most frivolous charge into court, and you will know more about this affair before the Crimes Act Court. Cross-examination continued - I heard no firing of guns on this morning. I saw both the defendant and his father, Stephen Turkington, and David Allen, and Joseph Hughes coming up the lane that morning and going into one of the fields, and none of our party interfered with them. I refuse to say whether I saw Ned Burns there but I did not see anyone take a grape out of Turkington's cart; but it might have fallen out. (Laughter.)
Mr. HAYES - I suppose you were quite friendly disposed towards Turkington? You needn't answer that question if you don't like. Do you refuse?
Witness - I do. Cross-examination resumed - I couldn't say at whom the crowd were shouting and booing. It might have been at Malcolm and Stephen Turkington for taking Hendron's farm. Could not say if there was anything in the revolver. I saw no stones thrown by our party. When he presented the revolver Malcolm Turkington was going to Ballynarry for the police, but the crowd didn't surround him. I swear Malcolm Turkington didn't say to me, "If you throw another stone at me I will shoot one of you." He said nothing until he pulled out the revolver.
Chas. M'Stravick gave corroborative evidence.
Mr. MENARY was about to produce a witnesses in the case at the suit of Mary Hendron, when The CHAIRMAN said the Bench would first give their decision in the case just heard. The magistrates retired to their room, and, after an absence of a couple of minutes, returned into court, when The CHAIRMAN of the Bench, by a large 'majority, dismissed the charge without calling for any evidence for the defence.
The case at suit of Mary Hendron was next investigated. The evidence of the complainant was that when she spoke to defendant on the county road about taking her husband's farm, he at once drew the revolver and presented it at her. The MAGISTRATES, by a majority, dismissed the case without requiring any evidence for the defence.
THE TIMES vs THE MAIL 04 June 1891
The case of White vs Richardson came on for hearing yesterday, before Mr Justice Holmes and a common jury. The action was brought by Mr. W. White, proprietor and editor of The Lurgan Times against Mr Louis Richardson, proprietor and editor of The Lurgan Mail, to recover £500 damages for libel. The defendant denied the publication of the libel or that it was published in the defamatory sense imputed, and also pleaded 'fair comment'. The MacDermot. Q C; Mr Dodd, QC; Mr Chambers, and Mr M'Ildowie (instructed by Mr Hugh Hayes) were for the plaintiff. Mr. M'Laughlin, Q C ; Mr O’Shaughnessy, Q C, and Mr Campbell (instructed by Mr T. G.Meneary) were for the defendant.
The MacDermot QC, stating the plaintiffs case, said both the Lurgan Times and the Lurgan Mail were in the same line of politics, but the plaintiff's paper had, on more than one occasion, come into conflict with a gentleman named Joseph Mathers, a town councillor, of Lurgan. who had developed marked religious and political proclivities, and whose cause had been championed the defendant's paper. Amongst other matters, Mr Mathers had expressed strong feelings of hostility towards his Holiness the Pope, and the plaintiff in his paper opposed his election to the Commissioners, saying that his father was quite enough there. Some time before the 31st January, Mathers when returning from a funeral, met with an accident in which his leg was broken, and an account of the occurrence appeared in the plaintiffs paper on the 31st January in which it was alleged that Mr Mathers was in the act of getting off car to 'maul' an opponent when he fell and sustained the fracture and was added, "We often heard of blessings coming to us in disguise, and if this enforced retirement will be the means of bringing him to a proper sense of his position and responsibilities as a man occupying a public position in his native town, his relatives and well wishers, and they are many, will look on the accident as a real and unadulterated blessing, for which they should be very thankful.". On the 7th February a letter containing the libel complained of was published in the Lurgan Mail. It purported to be a copy of a letter addressed by Mr. Mathers to the plaintiff's paper, and follows:-
To the Editor of the Lurgan Times. Sir - If you have no means of earning a livelihood more honest than penning vituperative and calumnious falsehoods, in order to levy blackmail for your silence. I would advise you to seek a more worthy occupation. I have read your leading article, in which you have the astounding impudence to tell your now very circumscribed number of readers (laughter), that I, after cursing the Pope, had my leg broken (laughter), while getting off a car to attack another man who had cursed his Majesty King William (laughter). Permit me to inform you that your account of the occurrence is as far from possessing one particle of truth as your contemptible purpose lacked success. You know, you grovelling personification of blustering cowardice (laughter), that I was soft enough to come down handsomely and purchase your silence with hard cash on a former occasion but when you read your lying stuff to some of my friends on last Thursday, in order that the matter might be brought under my notice that I might square you before its publication, square was your own word the last time remember, you did not deem it at all likely that the terror of your filthy black mailing rag would be despised. If the choice rests between suffering the poisoned fangs of your venomous lying, and the encouragement of your mendacious rascality sealing your foul and unmanly month, greasing your dirty fist. I prefer the former option. I am not the only victim who has felt the bitter force of your old established system of lining your pocket by the misfortune of others; but if ever there was a shred of manhood left in your mangy akin (laughter), you will publish this letter, and admit candidly that your account of my accident was just a lie, a business one with yen to be sure, but, all the same, a lie, to extort money from me, and, having cast off the mask of dissimulation, and allowed the town to see you as you are, you can go ahead. An increase of two or three dozen copies will mean a good deal to you, but another £4 from me for suppressing your fiction would have meant a good deal more. (Laughter.)
Plaintiff alleged that this meant that he was a mean, dishonest, and black mailing editor, and was in embarrassed financial circumstances. In the same publication of defendant's paper there was an article referring to Mr Mathers letter, and the report to which it related. It quoted from the letter, including the sentence, "We often hear of blessings coming to us in disguise", and added, “And now and then in the shape of hush money,'' meaning, as the plaintiff alleged, that he carried on his business in a dishonest and discreditable manner, and was actuated by corrupt motives.
Evidence was then given. The case has not concluded.
With the single exception of the Maiden City itself there is, probably, no part of Ulster where the stirring incidents of the Siege of Derry are commemorated with such enthusiasm as in the town of Lurgan. Some five years ago a number of the more active of the members of the Loyal Orange Association in this district decided that, however much the men of North Armagh might have been in sympathy with the annual commemoration of the heroic deeds of the men of Derry in the days of yore, the time had now arrived when the Loyalists of the neighbourhood should range themselves in regular and formal association with those who bear the noble title of 'The Apprentice Boys' in the beautiful city on the Foyle.
The result was the foundation of The Lurgan Branch of the 'Apprentice Boys of Derry Club,' which. starting on an honoured career from small beginnings, has now developed into one of the most important politico-religious organisations of North Armagh. Following the custom of past years, the members of this club, which embraces on its roll a goodly number of the more energetic Protestants, not only of Lurgan, but of Portadown, Banbridge, Dromore, and neighbouring towns and villages, accepted the invitation of the parent club in Derry to join in this year's celebration of "The Relief." Pursuant to arrangement, the brethren assembled at an early hour yesterday morning at the Orange Hall, Castle Lane, Lurgan, and, a procession having been organised, the brethren, headed by Br. Joseph Macoun, president (Donacloney), marched via Castle Lane, Church Place, and William Street to the Great Northern Railway station, where a special train was in waiting to convey them to the "Maiden City, and which started from Lurgan at seven o'clock a.m. The attendance of members of the Lurgan branch of the club fully up to, if it did not exceed, the best records of previous years; and, even at such an early hour, there was a large gathering of people on the footpaths of the street through which the procession passed, and who had manifestly come together for the sole purpose of testifying their sympathy with the political celebration of the day. The members of the club, whose honorary secretary, Mr. R. A. Waddell, was also in attendance, left Lurgan amid the joyous plaudits of many friends and sympathisers who had collected on the railway platform.
At half-past eight o'clock last evening a public meeting was held in the museum room of the Town Hall for the purpose of considering the propriety of having local arrangements entered into, whereby the shopkeepers of the town should grant to their employees the privilege of a weekly half-holiday, and shorter hours of business in the shops of the town generally.
The proceedings took place under the auspices of the Lurgan Shop Assistant's Association, and were marked by much enthusiasm. In addition to a large attendance of shop employee the following were among there present Mr. George Greer, J.P., B.L. (who presided); Dr. J. M. Moore, Rev. H. G. Austin, B.A. (Christ Church) ; Rev. C. W. Kennedy (Hill Street Presbyterian Church); Rev. Mr. Starkey (Methodist minister); and also Messrs. Hugh Hayes, solicitor W. J. Allen, P.L.O. ; J. C. O'Reilly, solicitor; Thomas Hanna, Anthony Bunting, James Campbell, jun. ; W. Anderson, Ac. Mr. A. Bunting moved that the meeting call on the shopkeepers of the town to support the movement in favour of a weekly half-holiday for their employees, and, with that view, to close their establishments at two o'clock on Tuesdays. Rev. C. W. Kennedy seconded the motion. Dr. Moore moved an amendment that, instead of requesting the shopkeepers to grant a weekly half-holiday, they should be asked to close their shops at seven o'clock on every evening of the week, except Saturday. Mr. W. J. Allen, P.L.0., seconded the amendment. Rev. Mr. Starkey expressed himself in favour of earlier hours of closing all round. Mr. Thomas Hanna thought the shops should be closed at eight o'clock on Saturday evenings. After protracted discussion, the mover and seconder of the amendment decided to alter the terms of the amendment by making it a proposal in favour of requesting the shopkeepers to close their establishments at ten p.m. on Saturdays, eight p.m. on Thursdays, and seven p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On a vote being taken, the amendment was carried.
Mr. Hugh Hayes, solicitor, moved that an independent committee, not interested in either the shopkeepers or their employees, should be appointed to call upon the shopkeepers of the town and lay before them the resolution just adopted, and ascertain whether they will consent to the proposal therein contained; and that such Committee consist of Dr. Magennis, J.P., and Messrs. W. H. Crawford, T.C., P.L.O.; A. W. Stevenson, T.C.; J. C. O'Reilly, solicitor; Thomas Hanna, A. Bunting, J. M'Caughey, T.C.; and F. Magahan, clerk of Petty Sessions; with power to add to their number. Dr. Moore seconded the motion, which was adopted. Mr. Thomas Hanna proposed the next resolution - "That we consider the time has arrived when the Legislature ought to enact law for the regulation of the hours of business in shops, and also to make provision for an annual holiday and weekly half-holiday." Mr. J. C. O'Reilly seconded the motion, which was supported by Rev. H. O. Austin, and passed unanimously. Mr. James Campbell, jr., moved that copies of the above solutions be forwarded to the members of the Cabinet, to all Irish members of Parliament, and to all other shop assistants' associations in Ireland. Rev. C. W. Kennedy seconded the motion, which was adopted. On the motion of Mr. W. White, seconded by Mr. Campbell, a vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman, and the proceedings then terminated.
TELEPHONE TO LURGAN 30 November 1891
TO THE EDITOR Sir, - Will you kindly permit me space in your valuable paper to draw attention to the insufficient means of telephonic communication between Belfast and Lurgan, and vice versa? Now, as most of our leading linen manufacturers have their works in Lurgan, but have their offices in Belfast, it is a case of necessity for such manufacturers to speak to their works several times daily; but at present this is impossible, only one wire connects both places, and sometimes an hour or even longer elapses before a desired connection can be obtained. Surely the enterprising manager of our local exchange will see his way to remedy this much felt grievance. - Yours, &c..
SHOCKING FATALITY 29 December 1891
This morning a man named Breen, in the employment of the Great Northern Railway Company, discovered, lying on the railway line, near the down platform, the dead body of Mr. Arthur Allen, a gentleman residing in Lurgan. The evidence given at the inquest, reported below, reveals all that is yet known as to how the shocking occurrence took place.
It is evident that the unfortunate gentleman was knocked down by a passing train, but as yet there is some doubt as to the particular train by which the accident was caused. The body was frightful mutilated and this evening an inquest was held on the remains of the deceased by Mr. W. H. Atkinson, coroner. Mr. H. Watson, solicitor, appeared for the railway company, and Mr. Thomas G. Menary, solicitor represented the next-of-kin. Mr. W. J. Allen. brother of the deceased was in attendance; and District-Inspector Gray and Head-Constable Green represented the Crown. Terence Breen, in the employment of the Great Northern Company at Lurgan Station deposed that on coming to his work about half-last seven o'clock on that (Monday) morning, and when passing down between the two sets of rails, he noticed a dark thing- lying on the rails, which proved to be the dead body of Mr. Arthur Allen. Deceased was lying on the broad of his back between the road and the rail which runs alongside of the platform at which trains going to Belfast pull up. When witness first noticed the " dark object" on the ground he saw it was the body of a man, but owing to the blood and the wounds he could not then say whose body it was. One of the deceased's legs was caught in the wire-work connected with the platform, and his head was turned in the direction towards Belfast. There was a great deal of blood on deceased's face, and his clothes were all torn, Witness had known the deceased for a considerable time, and had heard that be was a collector of income-tax, and he was unmarried. To Mr. Watson - I made no examination of the person of the deceased to see what he had in his possession. I was three or four perches off when I first saw the body lying on the line, but I could not rightly see what the object was until I came up to the body.
Constable Patrick M'Loughlin, Queen Street Station, Lurgan, whose duty it is to attend on the arrival and despatch of the various trains from Lurgan Railway Station deposed, in answer to the Coroner, that he saw the deceased on the railway platform at 10-45 on the previous (Sun-day) night. It was in or about that hour, for witness had looked at the clock. Thinks deceased bid witness 'A Good night" as he stood on the platform. The train had been in the station for fully ten minutes before this. Did not see deceased enter the train and after the train departed did not see him. To a Juror - Deceased appeared perfectly sober when I saw him. I couldn't notice anything wrong with him more than usual. Constable John Cowan. Queen Street station. Lurgan, deposed that last night he was at Portadown Railway Station, returning from Armagh to Lurgan, at about eleven o'clock, and he then and there saw deceased on the engine of the train coming on towards Lurgan. There were two engines attached to that train, but it was the presence of the deceased on the engine that attracted the attention of witness, whose eyes followed deceased. Did not observe on which of the engines deceased was. About twenty minutes after one o'clock a.m.-after the Derry train had come in - witness was walking on the platform at Portadown station, and be then saw deceased in a group of railway officials, talking to them. Witness at first thought it was Mr. Johnston, the station-Master, and went up to speak to him, but when he saw who it was he passed on. That was between 1-20 and 1-30 am. Does not know whether deceased came on to Lurgan by that train, and did not see him again until he saw his remains in the third-class waiting-room at Lurgan Station. Last night witness came on to Lurgan by the train which left Portadown at 1-30 am. Has no doubt that the dead body shown to him is that of Mr. Arthur Allen. To Mr. Menary - There were four or five carriages attached to the 1-30 a.m. train from Portadown last night, and witness travelled in the carriage next to the engine. To the Coroner - Deceased might have been in one of the carriages behind the one I was in and have got out at Lurgan without my seeing him, but there was no appearance of anyone getting off near the engine. The train was late leaving Portadown on this occasion.
Dr. S. Agnew deposed that he had made an external examination of the deceased's body. The skull was broken. The right side of the chest was completely crushed in, and there was a broad mark from the right armpit across the upper part of the chest and the front of the neck - such a mark as might have been produced by a wheel- the wheel of the wagon - passing over it. He had no doubt that death was due to the injuries sustained by the deceased falling between the platform and the engine, and being run over by the train. Death resulted from the injuries to the head and chest and was immediate. Constable Brien, Thomas Stoops, foreman in the employment of the Great Northern Railway Company; and James Walker, the engine driver, were also examined. The last witness deposed that he was in charge of the engine which left Lurgan at 10-48 p.m. on Sunday night, and there was no one on the engine except the stoker and witness. There were three persons on the front engine- the driver, the stoker, and a man named Crawford, an employee of the railway company. A fourth man could not readily have been on the engine without witness seeing him. Only knew deceased by sight. James M'Callum, guard, also gave evidence. The inquest was adjourned until 6-30 p.m. tomorrow evening, in order to procure the attendance of the engine driver and fireman of the second engine.
The Servant's Registry Office is now open and available to servants and masters alike.
SERVANTS of all classes wanting situations should apply at once to
MRS. M'KEOWN, Church Place, Lurgan.