THE BOARD OF GUARDIANS will, on Thursday,
the 21st Inst., consider proposals from competent persons,
for correcting all Errors and Omissions, and to Value
Newly Created Property on the same basis as the existing
Valuation, and to insert the proper Names of Occupiers,
Immediate Lessors at and under 4 value, and
A scale of the particular Work required to be done,
may be seen on application to me at the Workhouse, from
10 to 4 o'clock each day.
"Scaled" Tenders, for completion of Work, endorsed
"Valuation," will be received by me to 11 o'clock on the
21st Inst., at which hour the Board will meet, and personal
attendance will be required.
Clerk of Union.
Workhouse, Lurgan,
June 1st, 1849.
On Friday, the 1st inst., aged 79 years, Margaret, relict of the
late Mr. William Stevenson, of Tullyear, near Banbridge.
She died with a composure of mind suitable to the
magnanimity which distinguished her character, and with
sentiments of piety becoming that supreme respect for
religion which she manifested in every occurrence in her life.
PURSUANT to the Provisions
of an Act of Parliament passed on
the 9th year of the Reign of King
George the 4th, Cap. 82; Intituled
"An Act to make Provision for the Lighting, Cleansing,
and Watching of Cities, Towns Corporate, and Market
Towns in Ireland, in certain cases," I do hereby appoint
a Meeting to be held in the Court House, Lurgan, on
Monday, the 2nd day of July next, at the hour of Twelve
o'clock noon, for the purpose of Electing Fourteen
Commissioners to carry the Provisions of the said recited Act
into execution in the said Market Town of Lurgan, for
the Three Years succeeding the 31st of July, 1849.
All persons who occupy and who for twelve months
then next previous, shall have occupied within the limits
of the said Market Town of Lurgan, a Dwelling House
of the Annual Value of Five Pounds at the least, shall be
admitted and entitled to vote at the said Meeting.
Chairman of the Commissioners.
Dated at Lurgan this 14th day
of June, 1849.
Tea, Wine, and Spirit Store,
On Thursday, the 21st Inst., in Banbridge Church, by the Rev.
William Metge, John Taylor, Esq., M.D., eldest son of Robert
Taylor, Esq., of Shanrod House, Dromore, to Mary Anne, only
daughter of the late Samuel Bradbury, Esq., Banbridge.
At Maralin, on Saturday, the 23rd Inst., in his 19th year, Mr.
Charles Montgomery, sincerely regretted by all who knew him.
At Clerkhill, near Borrisokane, on the 12th Inst, Mrs. Margaret
Kelly, in the one hundred and fiftieth year of her age. She
had been out walking on the Sunday previously, and died after a
few hours illness retaining perfect possession of her faculties
until her last moments, leaving children to the fifth generation.
In Loughbrickland, on Thursday, 21st Inst. by the Rev. S. Sims,
Mr. John Trimble, of Ballydown, to Margaret, eldest daughter of
Mr. William Ervin, Lisnaree, near Banbridge.
A quantity of Well-Saved Italian
Of the very best quality,
In Lord Lurgan's Domain,
On Wednesday, 4th July next, Sale to commence at 11
o'clock, forenoon.
P. MAGEE, Auctioneer.
Lurgan, June 23rd, 1849.
We (Newry Telegraph) by this week's mail from America, have received,
from a friend in Quebec, the following communication relative to the
loss of the brig 'Hannah' from this port. For the perfect accuracy of
the representation of our correspondent, we can unhesitatingly vouch; and
his statement, with the explanatory list setting forth the names of the
parties saved and lost, and specifying the counties whence they had
emigrated will be read with much interest, and will have the effect of
allaying the deep and painful anxiety which the tidings of the disastrous
occurrence excited in the minds of many of the inhabitants of the rural
districts adjacent to Newry:-
Quebec, 18th May, 1849.
By the last mail you will have heard of the melancholy loss of the ship,
Hannah, Captain Shaw, which sailed from Warrenpoint for this port, with
passengers on the 3d. of April last. Many of the passengers went down
with the vessel, or perished miserably on the ice; but the exact loss
cannot now be ascertained, as the ship's list of their number and
description was lost.- I enclose you a printed list of the persons saved,
the publication of which, in The Telegraph, will answer all the purposes
of a full list of all lost and saved - as the friends of those parties who
sailed by the Hannah, and who are not mentioned in the enclosed, will
understand, that all such are among those who perished. It would appear
that great blame is to be attached to Captain Shaw, in this melancholy
affair, whose cowardice and inhumanity are said to have been conspicuous
The Doctor's disposition, with that of Richard Irving, one of the sailors
on board the Hannah, (which corroborate each other) are both forwarded by
this mail to Mr. James Ferguson, the charterer of the vessel.
The surviving passengers arrived at Quebec, of course in a miserably
destitute and almost naked condition; but through the active and benevolent
exertions of Mr. Hyde, a sum of 50 and a large quantity of clothing, were
collected from the charitably disposed, and they were enabled to proceed
free, and with each a small supply of money, to their several destinations,
comfortably clad, and without any loss of time.
The head-money, which would have been leviable on the passengers, had the
Hannah arrived in port, was handed by Messrs. Hyde & McBlain, on account of
Mr. Ferguson, to the Emigration Agent, and by him repaid to the surviving
List of passengers per brig 'Hannah', Curry Shaw, master, from the port of
Newry, Ireland, which was wrecked by the ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, on
the 29th April, 1849, distinguishing those saved and those lost, as nearly
as can be ascertained:
James Murphy and wife; William Tadford, wife and child
(1 child lost); Michael McGill, wife and two children; Owen McCourt and
wife; Patrick McGurk, with wife and two children; Joseph Kerr, wife and 2
do.; (5 children lost); Alexander Thompson, wife and 4 children,
(father and mother, and his child lost); Peter Murphy, wife and child;
John Delaney, wife and sister; Wm. Henderson, wife and 4
children (1 child lost); John Murphy, wife and 4 children (2 children
lost); David Garvin, and wife; Ann McGinn (6 children lost); Ann McEwan
and sister (2 brothers and 2 sisters lost); Henry Grant and wife (4
children lost); Ann Lennon, daughters, 2 sons and niece; Daniel McGuigan
and brother; William Wood; Thomas Cannon, sister and 2 brothers; (father,
mother, and the children's niece lost); Eliza Blackstock; Samuel
Henderson; Edward Nugent; Charles Mulholland; Edward McElhern, wife and
child (mother, and 6 of his children lost); Patrick McGrory, wife and 3
children,(4 children lost); James Ward, wife and 4 children; Alice
McKinley and cousin; James McVerry; Peter Loughran, wife and 6 children;
Eliza Perdue and 2 daughters; Thomas Quin, brother and brother and
sister-in-law; Jane Thompson and sister, (father and mother lost); Mary
Ann Brantford; Peter McFarlane, (father, mother, and two brothers lost);
Michael Grant, mother, sister, uncle, and brother - the foregoing persons
are from the County Armagh. Patrick McGinn; John Tuft and son, (wife and
2 children lost); County Down; Andrew Kelly, County Tyrone; Joseph Murphy
and sister, children - South of Ireland. Catherine Hart -unknown.
Total number ascertained to be lost, 49, which, with 127, the number
saved, made 176, the total number supposed to be embarked.
At the Midsummer Examinations in the Lurgan
Classical, Mathematical, English, and
Mercantile Academy, the following young
Gentlemen excelled in the respective departments to
which their names are annexed.
SPELLING. 1st class. J. Cuppage, W. Cuppage, R. Bell, J.
Macoun, S. Gilbert. 2nd class. J. Scott, J. Brown, W. M'Carten,
A. Atkinson, R. Clark, H. Nettleton. 3rd class. J. Gilbert,
J. M'Loughlin, T. Ridgeway, J. M'Kernan. 4th class. R. Magee,
J. Ross, J. Hunter, H. Ross, R. Moore, A. Wells, A. Donnelly, J.
M'Corry. 5th class. T. M'Carten, R. Ruddock, T. Gilbert. 6th
class. B. Bullick, J. Simpson, J.G. Lockhart, A. Simpson, J.J.
ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 1st class. R. Bell, W. Cuppage, J.
Scott, S. Gilbert, L. Wells, Nettleton. 2nd class. J. Brown, J.
Cuppage, A. Atkinson, J. M'Cown, W. M'Carten, J. M'Kernan, J.
Gilbert, H. Macaw. 3rd class. J. M'Loughlin, A. Donnelly, R.
Moore, R. Magee, J. M'Corry, R. Clark, J. Hunter, A. Wells,
R. Ruddock. 4th class. T. M'Carten, H. Ross, J. Ross, J.G.
Lockhart, B. Bullick
1st class. W. Cuppage, R. Bell, H. Nettleton, J.
Scott, T. L. Wells, S. Gilbert. 2nd class. J. Brown, John
M'Cown, James Macoun, J. Cuppage, J. Gilbert, J. M'Donald,
T. Ridgeway, H. Macaw. 3rd class. R. Moore, J. M'Loughlin,
R. Magee, A. Wells.
GEOGRAPHY. 1st class. J. Scott, W. Cuppage, W. M'Carten,
J. Cuppage, H. Nettleton, T. L. Wells, A. Atkinson. 2nd class.
J. Brown, J. Macoun, W. Macoun, R. Clark. 3rd class. R.
Moor, J. Hunter, A. Donnelly.
James Macoun, R. Bell, W. Cuppage, J. Cuppage,
W. M'Carten, W. Macoun, J. R. Macoun, S. Gilbert, C. Coulter,
A. Armstrong, H. Nettleton.
1st class. J. Scott, R. Bell, S. Gilbert, W.
Cuppage, J. Macown, B. M'Kernan, J. Gilbert. 2nd class, T.
Ridgway, H, M'Caw, L. Wells, J. M'Kernan. 3rd class, J.
M'Loughlin, J. Brown, R. Moore.
ENGLISH HISTORY. R. Bell, W. Cuppage, J. Cuppage, W.
M'Carten, A. Atkinson, C. Coulter, J. Scott, H. Nettleton, J.
ROMAN HISTORY. W. Cuppage, R. Bell, J. Cuppage.
GRECIAN HISTORY. R. Bell, W. M'Carten, A. Atkinson.
COMPOSITION. W. Cuppage, R. Bell, J. Cuppage, J. Macoun,
W. Macoun, S. Gilbert, J. Scott, C. Coulter, L. Wells.
M'Cown, J. Cuppage, J. Scott, J. M'Donald, W. Cuppage, S.
Gilbert, W. Macoun.
Macoun, R. Bell, W. Cuppage, J. Cuppage.
ELOCUTION. R. Bell, J. Scott, W. Cuppage, J. Brown.
BOOK-KEEPING. W. Cuppage, J. Kerr.
MENSURATION. James Macoun.
LATIN. R. Bell, W. M'Carten, J. Cuppage, C. Coulter, A.
GREEK. R. Bell.
Business will be resumed July 26th.
MR. HUNTER's primary object is to prepare young gentlemen
for Business, and for College, while considerable attention is
devoted to the more interesting branches of Science and Literature.
Elementary courses of Instruction have already been given
on the Mechanics of Action, Composition, Astronomy, and Belles
Lettres. It has been found that by the system pursued, a
competent knowledge of the ordinary branches can be secured, while
a taste for literature can be imparted, such as may in after life
open up sources of pleasure, pure and inexhaustible. while
leading his pupils to engage in voluntary study, Mr. H. is
anxious to avoid all stimulants but those which reason and religion
justify. He disapproves of Premiums, because they invariably
fill the mind with false hopes, or vain fears,--with silly pride, or
unfounded shame, and turn the attention to knowledge, not as a
thing good in itself, but as a thing which we must be bribed to
June 26th, 1849.