HAVING paid off all debts known to us that were due by
Mr. SINCLAIR ORR, of Loughgall, we hereby notify that
if any Debt be omitted or remain due, the parties to whom it
may be due will please produce the same to us at Loughgall,
and it shall be promptly paid.
All accounts due to Mr. SINCLAIR ORR, are requested to
be paid to us before the 1st of August next. Proceedings will be
taken for the recovery of any outstanding after that date.
Loughgall, June 21, 1845.
The sessions for this division commenced on Wednesday last,
before EDWARD TICKELL, Esq., Assistant Barrister.
When the proclamation was read, the following gentlemen
having answered to their names, were empanelled on the grand
jury :--
GEORGE BARNES, Esq., foreman,
Samuel Gardner,
George Armstrong,
William Christian,
Sinclair Carroll,
Robert Cochrane,
James Bennett,
Richard Vogan,
John Corrigan,
Thomas Armstrong,
Matthew Robert Bell,
Robert Barnes,
James Cuming,
Robert M’Endow,
John M’Watters,
Hugh Treanor,
Robert Gilmore,
Philip Keenan,
James Stanley,
William Gardner,
Robert Fulton,
Thomas Smith, and
John Simpson, Esqrs.
There were 331 civil bills and 30 notices for registry of
The following cases were for trial: Sally Brown, for as-
saulting Catherine Stuart ; to appear when called on.
Hugh Prior, for assaulting James Cullen, and being one of a
party who robbed him of 7s. 6d. ; not guilty.
William Hutchison, alias Culberts, for presenting a written
order, signed Wm. Murray, to James Close, for the purpose of
obtaining goods under false pretences ; no prosecution.
Sally Black, alias Mary Farrell, for stealing a silver watch
and chain ; did not appear when called on to take her trial.
Fanny Wilson, for taking from the person of Daniel Martin
the sum of £12; not guilty.
Ellen Morgan, for stealing a plaid handkerchief, the property
of John C. Adams : three months at hard labour, last week soli-
George Sheeran, for stealing a cow, the property of William
Grimeson ; imprisoned six months from date of committal.
Catherine Stuart and Anne English, for stealing from the
person of Charles Johnston the sum of 12s. 6d. ; Catherine
Stuart to be transported for 7 years; Anne English six months
at hard labour.
Mary Bennett, child stealing ; two months at hard labour.
Bell Skiffington, and Mary Skiffington, for stealing a quan-
tity of turf, the property of P. Keenan; discharged—jury could
not agree.
Wm. Lennon, jun., John Lennon, Wm. Lennon, sen., Jas.
Toner, and Peter Lennon, assault on Owen Donnelly; fined 6d.,
paid and discharged.
Benjamin Running and John Running, assaulting James
Bradshaw ; imprisoned four months.
John Kinney, assaulting Michael Power ; imprisoned one
John Preston, assaulting Lushington Dickson ; not guilty.
Eliza Campbell, stealing wearing apparel ; imprisoned nine
months from date of committal.
Mary Jane Campbell, stealing a barrow trundle and cotton
bonnet; imprisoned six months.
Eliza Kerr, stealing a cock and two hens ; imprisoned one
Alice Toal, stealing an iron back-band and a white petticoat;
imprisoned six months.
John Corrigan and Owen Clarke, assault and attempt of a
rape on Mary M’Quade ; Clarke nine months, and pay prosecutor 10s, or three months longer ; Corrigan four months, and
10s., or three months longer, and bail to keep the peace.
James Callison, forcible possession; three months imprisonment.
Eliza Liggin and Jane Liggin, forcible possession ; to be im-
prisoned one fortnight.
Wm. Armstrong, assault and rescue; to be imprisoned three
months, and pay prosecutor 10s.
Samuel Burns, same ; to be imprisoned one month.
James Gaddis, assaulting John Shields; to pay prosecutor
£2, or three months imprisonment.
It is reported to be
the intention of Government to expend £4000 in improving
the Barracks of this city so as to afford accommodation for a
depot.—We have not heard the statement from any authentic
quarter ; but we hope if such a determination has not been
come to by government, it soon may. The Barracks at
present are about as miserable as could be found in the
kingdom, and not such as a city like Armagh should have
Mr. Cherry of Loughgall, has been de-
clared contractor for the enlargement of the Gaol—his contract
was £5,179 4s 5d, but he signed a consent to take it at £5,000,
with the privilege of applying to a future Grand Jury for the
balance, and leaving it to their option to give or withhold. Mr.
Carroll’s tender was for £4,900 odd, but was rejected for infor-
From the First Day of November next,
THAT desirable Residence, Killean Cottage, with 17-1/2
Acres of prime Land, within One Mile of Armagh,
on the Markethill Road.
For particulars apply to Dr. LEEBODY, Portadown ; or
Mr. BOYLE, on the Premises.
The following gentlemen were sworn on the Petit Jury :
--Messrs. William Rainey, Henry Savage, J.H. Cardwell,
Richard Lindsey, Adam Ledlie, Sinclair Carroll, Alexander
Kinmouth, Robert Gilmore, Robert M’Endow, Simon Sinclair,
Crozier Christie, and John Moore.
Essy M’Kee and Mary Anne North, for stealing a coat, shawl
and handkerchief, the property of Patrick M’Kenna, at
Armagh, on 27th June last.
Essy M’Kee, Guilty—to be imprisoned six months and kept
at hard labour. Mary Anne North, Not Guilty.
Edward Burns was indicted for stealing a cow, the property
of Susanna Carroll, on 11th July, 1842. Not guilty.
James Hughes, for a rescue and assault on Joseph Brady and
Bernard Magennis, and also for a riot. No prosecution.
Magaret Ownes, for stealing some potatoes, the property of
John Morrison, on the 24th February last, at Tullyorier. No
Jane Rolleston, alias Campbell, for stealing a gown, the pro-
perty of Sarah Rooney, on the 28th ult., at Portadown.
In the absence of Sarah Rooney, Thomas M’Caffrey, a
Policeman, was examined. He proved to have gone to the
prisoner’s house and got part of a gown from her, and then going
to the pawnbroker’s and receiving the remainder of the pieces
by producing a ticket which he got from the prisoner.
Sarah Rooney was next called up, but could give no evidence
as to the identity of the property, it having been dyed after it
was stolen. Accordingly the prisoner was acquitted and dis-
Mary M’Gowan, for stealing a pair of trousers, on 8th July,
the property of John Dunleavy, of Armagh. Guilty—to be
imprisoned three months at hard labour.
Owen Fearon was indicted for passing a forged check on the
Armagh branch of the Belfast Banking Company, to John
Bennie, Esq., Newry.
James Burns examined—Lives in Newry, in this county; is
in the employment of Mr. Bennie, a metal founder; knows pri-
soner at the bar; saw him there on 5th May last; he was in-
quiring the price of metal spouting ; purchased some, with other
things, to the amount of £3 18s. ; gave a cheque on the Belfast
Banking Company for the sum of £8; left it on the desk
till Mr. Bennie would ocme in ; Mr. Bennie came in afterwards
and made no objection ; paid prisoner the difference ; prisoner
said, when he was selecting the pieces, that Mr. Cope lived in
Drumilly, and that he was in his employment; took the cheque
next day to the Bank of Ireland branch, in Newry, where it
was refused.
Arthur Cope, Esq., was then sworn and examined—Lives in
Drumilly, in this county ; does not know prisoner ; never em-
ployed him; the cheque produced with his name to it is a for-
gery; never gave any authority to any person to put his (wit-
ness’s) name to a cheque; does not know of any person of the
same name; has no business with the Belfast Banking Com-
pany. Guilty.
There was another case of an exactly similar nature against
the prisoner ; but in consequence of Mr. Cope not being in court
when called upon, the prisoner was acquitted.
Nancy Dogherty, for stealing a pig’s head, on 12th July, from
John Lavery, at Portadown. Guilty—three months at hard
John White, for firing a loaded gun with intent to murder
James Jamison, on the 3d of March last, also for a grievous
bodily assault.
James Jamison, the prosecutor, having entreated his Lord-
ship not to try the case, as he believed that the prisoner deeply
regretted having committed the offence, the prisoner was ac-
quitted and discharged.
Patrick Martin, for stealing some turf, the property of John
Rafferty, on 12th July last, was fined 6d., and discharged.
Edward Jones, for stealing three pigs’ heads, the property of
John M’Gowan, on 12th July, at Portadown. Pleaded guilty.
To be imprisoned three months at hard labour.
The Court then adjourned to next morning.
A circumstance of a rather
singular and unpleasant nature, and which shows the strictness
of the new law, took place a short time since at Charlemont. A
couple in the act of weaving the silken chord, and when the
ceremony was half gone through, was stopped suddenly by the
officiating minister receiving a notice to the effect that the
bridegroom was a minor. Disappointed, the bridal party left the
altar, and the expiration of three weeks again returned, fully
qualified, when the remaining part of the interesting scene
was effected.
On Thursday
night last, the 24th inst., about eleven o’clock, a woman was found
lying on the street, opposite a lodging-house in Ogle-street,
near Chapel-lane, with her throat cut and mangled in a most
shocking manner. The first persons who discovered her was
a man named MICHAEL RICE and a policeman—she was taken
into the lodging-house, and Mr. KELLY, of the police, together
with Surgeons LESLIE and LAVEREY, and Dr. COLVAN, were
promptly in attendance ; the latter gentleman had her brought
up to the county infirmary, where she was most carefully at-
tended to, and her wounds properly dressed by Drs. ROBINSON,
and COLVAN. The windpipe, as well as the passage to the
stomach was divided, the bleeding, however, was not very
great, none of the larger blood vessels being wounded ; but
almost the entire of any fluid attempted to be swallowed since
has escaped at the wound in the throat. She is considered by
her medical attendant as still in great danger. She tells a
curious story about the affair, and has persisted in it all
through, attesting it in the most solemn manner. She states
that at about half past nine or ten o’clock on the night before
mentioned, she left the house she lodged at in Ogle-street,
“for a little walk” down Dobbin-street ; that at the entrance
to the lane leading to the demesne gate, she saw a man and
woman (the description of whose persons, &c., are in the hands
of the authorities) talking. They spoke to her, and she
replied ; they then began to laugh and joke, and at last
laid hold of her, and dragged her down into the lane,
she struggling to get away. The woman (or person
dressed like a woman) then laid hold of her arms behind, pi
nioning her that she could not move, the man at the same time
tied a handkerchief across her mouth behind her head, and
placing his hand on it, he set to deliberately to cut her throat
She thinks she would not have escaped with her life, had not
the Primate’s gate been opened, and a light exhibited, for what
purpose she does not know, unless closing the gate, when they
let her go—she then fell, and when she arose again, which she
did by her own aid alone, she made her way to the lodging-
house, where she had stopped the night before, and fell fainting
and exhausted at the door, where she was found. A considera-
ble quantity of blood was found where she described, next day,
and a common table knife, with some blood on it, was found as
if it had been flung over a wall which divides the lane from
premises adjoining. Fama clamosa, in other words common re-
port, loudly asserts she did it herself ; she was from the first
quite rational, and most wonderfully collected considering what
had occurred to her. She lived three years with a family in
Dobbin-street, as servant, and was well behaved and honest ;
her former master seeing her distressed situation, had given her
a little help the day before. She has friends living near Killilea,
and all who know her state her to be a woman of good charac-
ter. She had been married, but has lived for some years apart
from her husband, and is about 39 years of age. For particu-
lar reasons her name is suppressed at present.
While we have gratifying intelligence from all parts of
the country that the processions in commemoration of the battle
of the Boyne, passed off quietly ; we sincerely regret to state
that in this city a different result has to be recorded. The
lodges in the neighbourhood of Armagh assembled and marched
in procession to Drumilly, where they were met by an immense
body of orangemen, and every thing there was peaceful, as the
letter of our correspondent testifies. While passing through
the city in the morning there was nothing but peace and good
order. In the evening, however, the scene changed. On their
return home a fearful collision took place at the corner of Ogle-
street, adjoining Thomas-street ; several shots were fired, and
stones thrown, which terminated in the death of one individual
and the wounding of several others. Upon intelligence of the
riot having reached the grand jury, who were engaged at the
fiscal business, three of the magistrates left the room.—Mr.
Paton and Counsellor Robinson to the scene of riot, where
they used every exertion to make peace, while Mr. Dobbin ran
for the military, whose appearance was attended by a cessation
of hostilities. The damage done to the houses in the vicinity
of the affray is very great ; scarcely a window that has not
been broken by either bullets or stones. Innumerable are the
rumours of the origin of the row, which we need not here state,
as the whole matter is being investigated before theCorner [sic]
and Lord Gosford, Lord Lieutenant of the County, and several
magistrates. The following are the names of the sufferers :--
William Magee—Gunshot in the left should—(Serious.)
Thomas Corr do. of right shoulder.
John Boyle do. of right groin, penetrating into abdo-
men, with hemorrhage. Since dead.
William Carson—Contusion of face and body.—(Serious.)
Eliza Anderson—Gunshot wound, passing through the left
ankle joint.
Jane Carson—Contusion of the eye and body; wife of Wm.
Carson. (Serious.)
Anne Maguire—Gunshot wound in the right side of abdomen.
There were several other slighter cases, but for whom there
was not room in the hospital.
At two o’clock yesterday Boyle was interred. The funeral
was attended by Primate Crolly and a vast concourse, who went
and returned in an orderly and peaceable manner. The High
Sheriff had the precaution to order out some of the Scotch
Greys and a party of the 46th.
ANDERSON, Lewis; Captain of the police; County Inspector
of Constabulary; examined as a witness
- BALL, Judge
- BARNES, William; resident in Scotch-street, city of Armagh;
actively used his influence to keep back the crowd; also examined
as a witness; Clerk of the Petty Sessions; hit by a few stones;
bound to appear at next Assizes, and prosecute, under a penalty
of £50
- BLAIN, Alexander; engaged in riot
- BOYD, David; of Charter School-lane; observed firing a shot at
Gribbin’s corner
- BOYD, Mr.; resident in Dobbin-street
- BOYLE, John, deceased; died from gunshot wound in the right
groin; before he died, answered that he did not know who
wounded him; died in about two hours after being brought to the
Infirmary; was observed to be throwing stones in Ogle-street and
was shot after throwing a stone
- BOYLE, Mr.; father of the deceased; appeared at the end of the
first day, after the funeral for his son; stated that “he was in
humble circumstances, and could not well afford the expense” (of
hiring legal counsel), whereupon MOORE and STANLEY, counsel
and solicitor, respectively, for the orangemen, stated that they
would advise their clients to consent to their withdrawing from the
- BROWN, Charles; a hotel-keeper, in Scotch-street, Armagh
- BURLINGTON, Mr.; resident at the head of Scotch-street
- BURNS, Barney; carman; threw stones at the man on the horse
- CAMPBELL, Major; Commander of the troops stationed in
- CAMPBELL; nephew of Peter M’Shane; had stones in his hand
- CARVILL, Mr.; resident of Thomas-street, Armagh; windows were
- CASSIDY, David; examined as a witness; lives in Thomas-street,
Armagh, in Mr. CARVILL’s house; bound over in £50 to prosecute
his informations at the next Spring Assizes (as were most, if not all,
- CHERRY, Mr. L.; resident in the vicinity of the riot; walls, doors
and windows of house had marks of pistol-bullets
- COLVIN, John, M.D.; examined as a witness; in attendance at the
infirmary when four persons were brought there who had been shot
- COMBINE, John; observed throwing stones
- COOKE, Thomas; worked in the Primate’s demesne; had been a
soldier in the 15th regiment, but had got off; was a drummer in the
Orange procession; was observed firing a shot from Mrs. Gribbin’s
- COYLE, Anthony; witness; lived in Armagh; car-driver, in the
employment of Mr. WILTSHIRE, hotel-keeper; drove John KITSON
on a car to Loughgall
- CROSS; in attendance at the infirmary when four persons were
brought there who had been shot
- CUNNINGHAM, Robert; observed throwing stones up Ogle-
- CUNNINGHAM, William; servant to Dr. Robinson, of the
Observatory; dressed in livery; engaged in riot
- DAVIDSON, Mr., resident on Ogle-street, Armagh; walls, doors
and windows of house had marks of pistol-bullets
- DOBBIN, Mr. Leonard (late), late magistrate
- DOBBIN, Mr., Magistrate
- DONNELLY, James; witness brought in by the father of the
deceased; marble-polisher; living in Armagh
- DOUGAN; residence in Charter School-lane, from which John
BOYLE was removed to the infirmary
- DUFFY, Patrick; witness; resident in Armagh; car-driver, in the
service of Charles BROWN, a hotel-keeper, in Scotch-street,
Armagh; have been thirteen years in Armagh; was employed to
drive a car in part of the Orange procession to Loughgall, and to
return to Armagh; bound in a penalty of £50 to appear at the
assizes and prosecute
- EDGAR, Moses; son of, engaged in riot
- EVANS, Thomas; observed throwing stones at the party in Ogle-
- FERGUSON, David; at the scene of riot
- GARLAND, Mr., workman at building of houses in Ogle-street;
engaged in the riot; resident of Armagh
- GILLESPIE, Thomas; observed throwing stones
- GORDON, Midley; at the scene of the riot
- GOSFORD, Lord; Governor of the county
- GRAY; resident in Thomas-street
- GRIBBIN, Pat; resident of the city of Armagh, perhaps on
- GUBBY, engaged in riot
- HAGGIN, engaged in riot
- HINEHEY, Mr., workman at building of houses in Ogle-street;
engaged in the riot; resident of Armagh
- HODGSON; in Thomas-street, Armagh
- HOLMES, Gordon, Sub-Inspector for police; examined as witness
- HUNT, John; observed throwing stones up Ogle-street
- JONES, Mr., the High-sheriff
- KEARNEY, Billy; broguemaker; of Poor School-lane; observed
throwing stones
- KELLY, William, Sub-Inspector of Constabulary; examined as
witness; stationed in Armagh city for better than three years;
got two blows on the head, a very severe blow on the ribs,
another on the right foot, “which lamed me for three or four days ;”
and two on the knee
- KING, Francis; at the scene of the riot
- KINGSTON, Mr., shoemaker
- KITSON, John (“Johnny”); commander of the Orange procession
in Armagh; in a car in a procession of Orangemen coming from the
direction of Loughgall; lived on the Barrack-hill
- LAVERY, Philip; Surgeon, in attendance at the infirmary;
corroborated Mr. COLVIN’s evidence
- LECKEY, Mr.; son of an umbrella maker; engaged in riot
- LODGE, Head-Constable
- LYNCH & LYNCH, engaged in riot
- LYONS, “Young”; engaged in riot
- M’CANN, Francis; examined as a witness; “I follow making gas”
- M’CARDEN, Alexander; at the scene of the riot
- M’CARTNEY, James; at the scene of the riot; observed
throwing stones at Mr. ROCK’s windows
- M’CONNELL, Peter; examined as a witness; nailor; lives in
Armagh; was looking for his two little boys, standing beside
John BOYLE when he was shot; Dr. ROBINSON challenged that
he was a dealer in tow rather than a nailmaker
- M’GOLRICK, Denis; examined as a witness; sub-constable,
stationed at Armagh
- M’GOWAN, Samuel; resident on Thomas-street
- M’KENNA, Margaret; married; husband is Terence
M’KENNA, a coach-spring maker; lives in Armagh
- M’SHANE, Catherine; examined as a witness; lives in Mr.
- MACAN; belongs to Mr. GARDNER; threw stones in the
direction of Gray’s corner
- MACAN; works in the Gas-house; observed throwing stones
- MAGEE, J. Esq., Coroner
- MOLYNEUX, Sir George; magistrate
- MONTGOMERY, William; a horseman in a procession of
Orangemen; lives between Lisnadill and Longmore’s bridge;
described as “aide-de-camp” to KITSON
- MOORE, Hannah; examined as a witness; lives in Ogle-street,
near Gray’s corner; testified that about seven shots were fired
when John BOYLE fell, that the shots came from both parties
- MOORE, Ross; counsel for the Orangemen, of THOMSON,
WRIGHT, KITTSON, MONTGOMERY, and others generally
- NESBIT, Robert; at the scene of the riot; observed throwing
stones at the party in Ogle-street
- PATON, Mr.; magistrate of the County Armagh; read the Riot
- POWER, Mr., a juror
- RICE, William; observed to have a pistol under the skirts of
his coat; observed to fire up among the crowd in Ogle-street
- RIDDALL, Mr.; a juror
- RIDDALL, Mr.; his mill was mentioned as a point, outside
of town, to which one Orange procession accompanied
another, before the first entered Armagh city
- ROBINSON, Dr. Rev.
- ROBINSON, Mr., Magistrate and Counsellor for the city of
- ROCK, Peter; resident in Thomas-street; walls, doors and
windows showed marks of pistol-bullets
- SCOTT, Mr., resident on Ogle-street
- SCOTT, Sam; resident in Thomas-street; walls, doors and
windows showed marks of pistol-bullets
- SHERRY, Hugh; son to Lawrence SHERRY; examined as a
witness; does business for his father
- SHERRY, Lawrence; juror; also examined as a witness;
pawnbroker; lives in Ogle-street, Armagh
- SIMPSON’S, Market-street; shoemaker?
- SLING; resident in Ogle-street, Armagh city; observed in
the procession drunk, by Sub-Inspector KELLY
- STANLEY, Mr. solicitor for the Orangemen
- STEWART, Daniel; lives in Market-place; tailor; at the
scene of the riot
- STOOPS, James; brother to Joseph; rode on the car driven
by Patrick DUFFY
- STOOPS, Joseph; brother to James; rode on the car driven
by Patrick DUFFY
- TAYLOR, Mr.; public-house keeper; located about three
miles from Armagh, on the way to Loughgall
- THOMPSON, James, jun.; at the scene of the riot; son of
James, sen.
- THOMPSON, James; at the scene of the riot; with sons,
Sam and James
- THOMPSON, Sam; at the scene of the riot; son of James,
- THOMPSON; came to Mr. CARVILL’s door, with a short
- THOMSON, John; engaged in the riot
- TIERNEY, who caught hold of MONTGOMERY’s horse
and turned it in the direction of Dobbin-street; struck, in
return, by a whip
- WADE, Mr.; of Barrack-street; broke four panes in a
shop window with his hand
- WILSON, Harris; observed throwing stones at the party
in Ogle-street
- WILSON, James; observed throwing stones at the party
in Ogle-street
- WILTSHIRE, Mr.; hotel-keeper
- WOODS, Robert; observed throwing stones at the party
in Ogle-street
- WOODS; shoemaker; lives in Armagh; had a sword
- WRIGHT, Mr.; a smith; lives at the Shambles; in the
Orange procession; a son-in-law of KITSON
The Grand Orange Lodge of Ulster has published a resolu-
tion, advising an absence of all processions in the approaching
anniversaries. In reference to the subject, Colonel VERNER
has written a letter to Mr. JOHN KITSON, recommending a
similar line of conduct.
Pursuant to 7 and 8 Victoria, chap. 110.
CAPITAL, £400,000, in 16,000 Shares of £25 each.
DEPOSIT, £1 7s. 6d. PER SHARE.
PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE. The Right Honourable the Earl of Charlemont, Lord Lieute-
nant and Custos rotulorum of the County of Tyrone.
Lord Claude Hamilton, M.P. for County of Tyrone.
Colonel Verner, M.P. for County Armagh
Sir James Bunbury, Bart., D.L., Augher Castle, County
Charles Powell Leslie, Esq., M.P., Glaslough
Robert Waring Maxwell, Esq., J.P., and Deputy Lieutenant,
County Tyrone, Killyfaldy, Clogher
The Rev. Francis Gervais, Cecil, Clogher, County Tyrone
Charles Fox, Esq., Rutland-square, Dublin, Deputy Lieute-
nant of the County Armagh
W. W. Algeo, Esq., J.P., Armagh
Colonel Cairnes, K.II., Portstewart
Rowley Miller, Esq., J.P., Moneymore
Directors of the Armagh, Coleraine, & Portrush Railway:
Colonel Nicoll, Shooters-hill, Woolwich,
Griffin Curtis Galt, Esq., Coleraine,
William Villiers Ryan, Esq., Glasslough
William Cochran, Esq., Leek, Glasslough
J. Rowley Miller, Esq., J.P., Moneymore
Edward Moore, Esq., J.P., Bawn, Aughnacloy
William Paton, Esq., J.P., Armagh
Lee M’Kinstry, Esq., J.P., Armagh
The Rev. P. S. Henry, D.D., Armagh, Commissioner of Edu-
cation and Charitable Bequests in Ireland
Thomas Eyre, Esq., J.P., Benburb, County Tyrone
Directors of the Newry and Enniskillen Railway Company:
Hugh Dalzell, Esq., Newry,
Francis Carvill, Esq., Newry,
John Hancock, Esq., Newry,
James Fiddes, Esq., Aughnacloy
John M’Morran, Esq., Newry
Robert M’Blain, Esq., Newry
Geo, Scott, Esq., Armagh, Director of the Ulster Railway
Adam Armstrong, Esq., Ballygawley, County Tyrone
David Ross, Esq., M.D., Warrenpoint
Morgan W. Jellett, Esq., Clogher
James M’Lanahan, Esq., Clogher
George Armstrong, Esq., Armagh
Samuel Gardner, Esq., Armagh
George Barnes, Esq., Armagh
Hugh Boyle, Esq., Armagh
Joseph Mathews, Esq., Armagh
Richard C. Vogan, Esq., Armagh
Robert Gilmore, Esq., Armagh
Thomas King, Esq., Newry
Thomas M’Clelland, Esq., Newry
With power to add to their number.
ENGINEER—Sir John Rennie.
ACTING ENGINEER—H. L. Lindsay, Esq., C.E.
John Cuming, Esq., The Mall, Armagh, and 12, Hardwicke-
place, Dublin
Messrs. Frazer, Mitchel, and Robert Ross Todd, Newry
George Ogle, Esq., 4, Great Winchester-street, London
BANKERS—Bank of Ireland and its branches; the Provincial
Bank of Ireland and its branches; Messrs. Dennison and
Co., Lombard-street ; and the London and Westminster
Bank, London.
SECRETARIES—George Cairnes, Esq., Mall, Armagh;
Robert Medill, Esq., Sugar Island, Newry ; John Murray,
Esq., 116, Grafton-street, Dublin.
On Tuesday last a
melancholy accident occurred to a man named JOHN
ROBINSON, in Major THORNTON’s stable yard, Armagh.
A mare kicked him in the right side, immediately under the
chest, from the effects of which he died soon after. His
remains were conveyed in a chaise to Glasslough, where he
had lived in Mrs. LESLIE’s employment. The poor fellow
has left a wife and three children.
Alice Fitzpatrick, feloniously taking a moleskin jacket, the
property of Wm. Murray—imprisonment for three months
from committal.
Mary Anne Greer, feloniously taking out of the shop of
William Paul and Son, three handkerchiefs—their property—
imprisonment for three months from committall—to be kept
in Lurgan Bridewell.
Rose M’Gurk, stealing a quantity of wheaten meal, the property of Henry Mercer; three months at hard labour.
John Cooke, stealing a spade from Lurgan poor house—
imprisonment twelve months.
James Milligan, same ; imprisonment four months.
William Reynolds, assaulting Mary Stirling, and taking
from her the sum of 3s. 1d. ; imprisonment for one calendar
month, and bail to the peace for seven years.
John Jervis and Patrick Carroll—stealing a quantity of po-
tatoes, the property of John M’Connell ; imprisonment one
month at hard labour.
William Clarke—assaulting James Madole; fined 40s.
Patrick Cullen—same; fined 10s. ; and
John Mulholland—same; imprisonment for one day.
James Galwey—stealing a wooden box, containing several
articles of wearing apparel, the property of Thomas Palmer;
three months at hard labour.
A specimen of flax was left at our
office last week. It was grown by JOHN KEANE, Esq., of
Tillyglugh, and measured 52 inches in length. Another
specimen of this crop was shown us by Mr. HANNA of
Blackwatertown, which measured four feet.
Judge BALL entered the Crown Court this morning at eleven
The first case to have been gone into was that of Peter Magill,
for the murder of Christopher Jordan.
Mr. QUIN, solicitor, applied to the court to have another
case called on, that he might have a little more time to prepare
the defence.
His Lordship thought there was no trial for this assizes but
the murder.
Sir THOMAS STAPLES said that the Grand Jury had found
bills against the prisoners for the assault and rescue on Sunday
morning last, and the crown was ready.
His Lordship said he was under the impression that none
of the parties implicated in the late dreadful affray in Armagh
should be put on trial at present, but as the crown was prepared
and willing to proceed, he would not object.
PETIT JURY:--Messrs. Wolsey Atkinson, John Walker
Redmond, Hertford Montgomery, Robert M’Credy, William
Gibson, Matthew Ochiltree, John Hughes, Robert Keegan,
Averell Shillington, Samuel Byers, Thomas Walker, and
William H. Leatham.
Peter Magill, a labourer, aged 45, was indicted for the wilful
murder of Christ. Jordan, on 1st April last, at Tifferum, near
Forkhill, County of Armagh, by strangling him. Another
count charged the prisoner with striking Jordan on the eye, and
knocking him down, and afterwards throwing him into a bog-
hoie, and thereby causing his death.
NEW JURY.—Messrs. John M’Watters, William Wells,
Jacob Orr, jun., William Cross, John D. Barrett, Robert
Johnston, Barry Moore, William Jones, Arthur Keegan, John
James Langtry, George Walker, and William Orr.
Mr. JOY applied that witnesses, on both sides, should be re-
moved out of Court.
His LORDSHIP thought it quite right ; and suggested the
propriety of the Counsel on both sides exchanging lists of wit-
This suggestion was at first objected to, on the part of the
Crown, on the ground of saving time ; but was afterwards
agreed to, the Counsel for the defence not having objected to
the case being proceeded with while the lists were making out;
it being understood, that in the mean time the witnesses should
not remain in Court.
Sir THOMAS STAPLES, in stating the case for the prose-
cution, dwelt on its importance because it involved the life of a
fellow creature ; and its painfulness, because the Crown would
be obliged to produce some of the prisoner’s own children as
witnesses against him.
The Learned Gentleman then went on to detail the particulars,
as they appear in the evidence.
Owen Magill, son of the prisoner, was called and examined
by Mr. TOMB, Q.C.—Is 20 years of age ; was brought up
part of his time to the sea ; was at sea three years and five
months ; returned on the 1st of March last to this country ;
was married after his return from sea ; was married two miles
out of Dungannon, at Castlecaulfield ; came to his father’s
house at Forkhill, after his marriage ; [identifies his father ];
brought his wife with him to his father’s ; came there on Mon-
day, the 31st of March ; slept at his father’s house that night;
next day he went to Dundalk ; that is four miles from his father’s
house ; went there to get a ship, but did not succeed ; returned
on the same day to his father’s house, at about seven o’clock
in the evening ; his father was not in the house at his return;
his wife went to Dundalk and returned with him ; his father
came into the house about an hour or better after he returned ;
Christopher Jordan, the deceased man, came with him ; knew
Christopher Jordan before, he lived about 200 perches from his
father’s house ; came in, and sat down at the fire ; had some
conversation ; heard them say they were going down to the
bog, to raise a stick ; had a conversation with his father outside
of the door ; his father took him out ; told him he had got some
meal from Jordan, and that he had no means of paying him
only by giving up his land for the ensuing crop ; and that he
had done so, and was going to the bog now to raise a stick for
Jordan ; that he should put an end to Jordan’s life there ;
told him to come with him, and he refused, and said not ;
told him he must come, pulling a rope out of his pocket, and
showing it to him ; the rope was about four or five fathoms long ;
does not know the thickness, not seeing the rope ; was afraid,
and consented to go ; his father went to the end of the house,
and got a long stone, about four stones weight ; the stone was
lying on the ground, a the end of the house ; took it with him
to the bog ; he did not go with him ; the bog is about thirty
perches from the house ; he remained outside and watched his
father till he returned ; he returned in about a quarter of an
hour, and did not bring the stone along with him ; when he
came back, he went into the house, and he (witness) went in
along with him ; found Jordan in the house—in the kitchen ;
the family of the house were there also ; his mother, two bro-
thers, and three sisters, and Jordan, were there all the time his
father was out ; his brothers and sisters are younger than him-
To Mr. JOY—Went in about two minutes after his father.
Examination resumed.—His father, Jordan, and the family of
the house sat down at the fire for about a quarter of an hour ;
Jordan then got up, and said it was time to go to the bog ; Jordan
had a grey frieze body-coat on him, and a darkish moleskin
waistcoat or jacket—could not say which ; had a felt hat on ;
his father got up, and said it was time to go, and the two walk-
ed out ; went after at about the distance of two perches ;
went towards the bog ; it was by the public road ; they went
to the bog off the public road ; he then stepped back, at the dis-
tance of about seven perches from where his father and
Jordan were at the stick in the bog ; could see them at
that distance ; was in the bog as well as they, and could
see them ; saw Christopher Jordan half stooped, as if mea-
suring something on the bog ; but cannot say what it was ; saw
his father coming round behind him, and catch him by the neck,
knocking him down, and clapping his foot upon his breast ; then
hear Jordan give three moans ; saw his father take the stone,
which lay about half a perch from where the deceased man lay,
and, bringing it down to the body, tying it with the rope, and
flinging it and the body into the bog-hole ; remained at the bog
all the time ; then came home and went to bed ; remained there
about an hour ; his father then returned to the house, and asked
him why he had not come; told him he fell asleep, and had not
wakened till that time ; remained in bed all the time ; got up
next morning about seven o’clock ; saw his father when he rose,
in the floor of the kitchen ; slept in the room ; remained between
his father’s and his uncle’s that day ; his uncle’s name is Hugh
Magill ; lives four or five perches from prisoner’s house ; saw
Jordan’s hat in his father’s house that morning, hanging on a pin,
and it was wet ; Jordan wore that hat the night he went to the
bog with his father ; slept at his father’s on Wednesday night ;
when at his uncle’s, his brother Michael came for him, and he
went to his father’s ; when he came to his father’s he told him he
had brought some seed oats, and that he had not time to bring
them to the house, and asked him would he help him to it into
the house; prisoner told him the bags were about thirty or
thirty-five perches from Christopher Jordan’s house ; his father
and he went for the oats ; this was on Wednesday, about half-
past seven or eight o’clock in the evening ; found two bags of
oats on the high road, and they were tied ; he took one and his
father the other, and carried them to his father’s house ; they
were leaning up against the ditch ; put them in the kitchen when
they brought them home ; on the Thursday following left his
father’s house, and has not returned there since; his wife left
him ; left his father at home when he went away ; went to
Newtownhamilton, where his wife and he remained in Mrs.
Hughes’s that night ; stopped there on Friday, and on to Tues-
day ; saw his father coming through Newtownhamilton, a
prisoner with the police ; had no conversation with his father at
that time ; on Wednesday morning, as he was going to Forkhill,
he was arrested by the police ; had left Newtownhamilton, when
he was arrested ; was arrested about twenty perches out of the
town, by two of the police, a sergeant and a private; was going
to Forkhill, back in the direction of his father’s house, but he
meant to go to the town first ; had seen none of the people that
were left in his father’s house, from the time he went to New-
townhamilton, but his father ; after he was arrested and brought
to Forkhill, he was brought before a magistrate, and examined
before him ; that was on the first day after he arrived at Fork-
hill ; his examinations were taken down in writing next day
(Friday) ; has remained in custody every since ; he and his wife
were never together since he was arrested ; had no conversation
with her ; was confined in Dublin ever since ; had no commun-
ication with his brother Michael, nor any of his brothers or
sisters since his arrest.
To the COURT—On the night of the day he was arrested, he
stopped in the Crossmaglen Constabulary barracks ; saw his
wife in the Court-house yesterday ; when he was arrested she
was prevented from going with him.
Cross-examined by Mr. JOY—His wife was not on the road
with him when he was arrested ; before he was taken by the
police, saw his father in their custody, passing through New-
townhamilton ; it was on the morning after he saw his father
that he was arrested ; was in a Court of Justice about four
years ago ; was a witness and a prosecutor ; it was not in that
Court ; the last vessel he was in was the Princess Royal,
London ; she was a merchant-man ; was four months in her ;
the next vessel was the Friends, of Liverpool ; was three
months in her; was one month in the Richard, of Whitehaven;
then went to the Capella, of Whitehaven, and was three months
in her; she sailed up the Baltic ; was very near three months in
her, long enough in a bad ship ; the next was the Lark, of
Warrenpoint ; was a month in her, at least ; was in the
Bellefleur, of Whitehaven ; could not tell how long he was on
board her ; was more than a month in her ; Captain Stoup was
the master ; landed in Derry out of his last vessel ; had no
friends at Castlecaulfield ; was dressed in the very same form
when he left the vessel in Derry as he was in then ; the clothes
he had on then, he had part on about fourteen days ago ; the
others were worn out ; had ear-rings in his ears at one time ;
swears he parted with them in July – that is the present month;
did not sell them ; left them in Dublin with his clothes ; when he
went to Castlecaulfield, was on his way home, and stopped a
week there ; Matilda Burgess was the name of the girl he was
married to ; swears he was married in his own name ;
passed under the name of Sinclair, and was married in that
name, by a Protestant minister; had been a Catholic till then,
but turned ; went to the Protestant clergyman there, and told
him his name was Sinclair; told the girl his name was Sinclair
also ; on his oath he did not known what Christian meant ;
does not know what was meant by the phrase Christian name ;
passed himself off in that name to the clergyman, and to the
girl ; told the clergyman he came from North America, and so
he did ; got no certificate ; the clergyman said he would not
marry him except he stood the “calls;” was called three suc-
cessive Sundays in church; did not remain in Castlecaulfield
during the three Sundays; does not know whether his wife is
here; saw her yesterday ; went to America in the Princess
Royal ; was there three months; was not on sea all the three
years and five months he had mentioned ; has not very nimble
fingers, unless when they are tarred ; was a witness and prose-
cutor in Dundalk before he was at sea ; boarded on shore in
London ; but was not then out of employ, as he was working
in the ship ; does not know what the meaning of stealing a
suit of clothes out of a shop ; does not know what it is to
vapour ; does not know any slang ; does not know what the
meaning of the phrase picking pockets is; don’t know what
missle means—that is some of your shore smuggling ; came
with his wife down from Castlecaulfield to the neighbourhood
of Forkhill on the 31st of March; did not go direct to his
father’s after he was married ; went to Armagh, and stopped
for some time in, he thinks, Mrs. Donnelly’s of Newry-
street ; supposed he stopped five or six days in Armagh ;
thinks he was there from Sunday to Sunday ; went to church
with Mrs. Sinclair ; the church was not in Newry-street ; left
Armagh and went to Forkhill ; went from Forkhill to
Newtownhamilton ; then went from Newtownhamilton to
Forkhill, and then from that to Dublin—a queer long journey;
went to his father’s on the 31st of March ; went then to
Dundalk to get a ship ; had more than 12s. 6d. then ; it is all
spent since (did councellor think a sailor would keep money
in his pocket?) had no money now, as he was not in the way
of earning it; returned home from Dundalk about seven
o’clock ; the moon did not show that night, for it was clouded
over with a dark mist; when he went home he found his
mother and two sisters there ; one of his sisters was in his
uncle’s; swore his three sisters were in the house the night his
father went to the bog with the stone, and so they were ; when
Jordan came in, his three sisters, and two brothers, his mother,
and his wife were there ; cannot say whether his father or
Jordan came in first ; Jordan was sitting an hour in the house
before his father called him out ; was sitting beside Jordan at
the fire ; his father did not call his brother Michael out ;
when his father went to the bog, he watched him ; carried the
stone ; went behind his uncle’s garden, and saw him drop the
stone, and return into the house ; that was an hour after
Jordan came in ; it was not a clear night—it was a misty,
foggy one ; returned to the house and Jordan got up about a
quarter of an hour after, and said it was time to go to the bog;
his father and he went out, and he followed after ; Jordan had
a light grey frieze coat on him ; saw him wear it the Monday
before ; swears he did not tell his father he would go, but
said he consented to go, as he must go, for he was afraid of
him ; went by myself, and stopped about seven perches off
from them ; Jordan was about thirty years old; thinks—he was
a middle-aged man ; he is his father’s eldest son ; saw the
stone from where he stood—seven perches off ; knows
landsmen make as sure a sailor’s knot as a sailor ; did not tie
the stone with the rope ; did all his endeavour to prevent his
father doing the deed ; saw his father and Jordan go out ;
saw his father catch Jordan by the neck, and knock him down,
and put his foot on his breast ; made no alarm ; his father
could knock Jordan down, and five more like him ; is not a
good hand at knocking a man down himself ; heard Jordan
give some moans, but never went nearer than the seven
perches ; after the moans were given, saw his father clap his
foot upon Jordan’s breast; is quite sure it was after ; his
father had coarse farm shoes on when he left the house ;
from the time he left the house, about fifteen minutes elapsed
till he saw his father throw the dead body into the bog ; his
father had no stick, club, or weapon of any kind, that he saw,
in his hand ; when he returned to the house all the family
were in bed ; went to bed, and his father came in an hour after;
was brought before the Magistrates, on the 10th of April ;
since he went before the Magistrates, he saw the story he told
them, and heard it read too ; heard it read once ; cannot say
twice ; was not brought down from Dublin, in charge of the
police ; came down in charge of the Governor of the jail ; told
neither his mother, his brothers, nor his wife, of the matter.
To Mr. TOMB—He endeavoured to prevent his father
committing this murder at the time he called him out of the
house first.
To Mr. JOY—Jordan was not as strong or as able-bodied a
man as his father ; came last from Kilmainham Jail, in Dublin.
To the COURT—The deceased man made no resistance, for
he had no time; when his father called him out, witness told him
not to commit the murder—to let the man hold the land, and
he would send him what would pay him off as soon as he would
get employment ; his father told him to hold his tongue, for all
was in vain ; while his father was out with the stone he could
have returned and warned the deceased, and saved his life, but
was afraid of his own father taking his own life ; his father had
not been to bed during the night while he was awake ; the
place where the stone lay was about sixty or seventy perches
from the house, and thirty perches from the high road ; the
very same instant that his father told him of his intention to
commit the murder, he went with the stone to the bog ; on the
day before he was arrested he was going to Forkhill to swear
informations before Mr. Foxhall ; did not inquire in Newtown-
hamilton for a magistrate ; went to Forkhill because he was
better acquainted there, and because it was near that the
circumstance happened ; Major Barnett was the magistrate
before whom he swore his informations ; after his arrest had a
conversation with his wife, the police were present, and heard
all that passed ; it was after that she was prevented going with
him ; his father-in-law’s name is Burgess ; is a farmer ; cannot
say how many acres of land he holds; got an I. O. U. for £10
as a fortune with his wife ; it is payable at a particular time, but
that time is not come yet ; the reason why he took a false name
was because he thought he would not get the girl under his own
name ; cannot tell why he thought so, but did think so ; does
not know the name of the street in Newtownhamilton in which
Mr. Hughes lives, with whom he lodged ; thinks Mr. Hughes’s
Christian name is Pat ; was doing nothing at all at Newtown-
hamilton ; employed himself walking about ; employed himself in
the same way during the week he was at Armagh ; could do
nothing, for his hand was bandaged ; got it hurt at Castlecaulfield,
after his marriage ; got it dressed by his mother-in-law,
in Castlecaulfield, and three times at Dungannon, by a doctor ;
the informations were read to me, the first time, in the Head
Office, in Dublin, on the 29th April ; these were the informations
sworn before Major Barnett ; they might have been read a
second time, but does not remember ; cannot say ; his original
informations were read over to him in the Head Office in Dublin,
and he acknowledged them, and made his mark to them.
His LORDSHIP having examined the informations, said he
could find no second mark to them.
Some conversation ensued, when it was agreed that the casse
should be adjourned till next morning.
Bailiffs were then sworn to keep, and prevent any communi-
cation with the Jury. Similar officers were appointed, at nine
o’clock, to prevent access to the Jury, in the first case ; and the
Court adjourned.
On Wednesday it was rumoured through
town that a man named GRANT, while coming from Caledon
to Armagh, was shot at, and escaped providentially by the
ball coming in contact with a quantity of silver and copper in
his trousers pocket. Shortly after the news arrived, JOSEPH
and JOHN COMBINE, and ----- BOYD were arrested and
brought before the magistrates, who, after investigating the
matter, liberated them. The report we believe was groundless;
but we would suggest to the authorities the necessity of
keeping the police on the alert to prevent several youths, who
sometimes keep firing shots from small pistols. Such conduct
is only calculated to excite alarm in the minds of the country
people, and by deterring them coming to market in Armagh as
formerly, materially injure the trade of the city
-A requisition signed by Lord GOSFORD, WM. PATON,
Esq., J.P., M. SINGLETON, R.M., and Counsellor
ROBINSON, J.P. was forwarded to the Castle on Wednesday
last, from this city, praying the government to add ten men to
the police force in Armagh. The Lord Lieutenant attended to
the prayer, and accordingly augmented the force the required
number. They have been stationed in a temporary barrack in
ENDING JUNE 21.—Number last week, 485 ; admitted and
born, 8 ; total, 493; discharged, 8; remaining on the above
date, 485.
JULY 5.—Number last week, 485 ; admitted and born, 6 ;
total, 491 ; discharged, 17 ; remaining on the above date, 474.
JULY 12—Number last week, 474 ; admitted and born, 14 ;
total, 488 ; discharged, 18 ; remaining, 470.
June 24, in St. Mary’s Church, Newry, by the Rev. Dr.
Campbell, Rector of Forkhill, George Casey, Esq., of
Liverpool, to Mercy Boursequot, eldest daughter of George
Glenny, Esq., late of Moorvale, in the county of Armagh.
On Saturday last, in St. Mark’s Church, in this city, by the
Rev. Robert Haig, Mr. Edward Taylor, of North-street,
Belfast, formerly of Caledon [Co Tyrone], seedsman, to Miss
Annie, second daughter of the late Mr. George Penton, of
Thomas-street, Armagh.
At Dr. Henry’s Church, Armagh, by the Rev. Mr. Elliott,
Portadown, John Hanna, of Terryskean, county Armagh, Esq.,
to the second daughter of the late William Wilson, Esq., of
Blackwatertown, and niece of the late Sir Isaac Wilson, Knight,
Surgeon in Ordinary to the late Duke of Sussex.
On the 30th ult., at Lurgan, at an advanced age, Dorothea,
relict of the late John Hazlett, Esq., of that town.
On the 6th May last, at Ottamby, Upper Canada, Hannah,
wife of T. Shaw, Esq., the only daughter of the late William
Carlow, Esq., of Callanbridge, Armagh.
In Montreal, on the 16th April, aged 39 years, Mr. William
Addy, of that city, grocer. He was a native of Loughgall, in
the County of Armagh, but had resided at Montreal from early
youth, and was much praised by the citizens for his personal
worth and unsullied public and private character.
On Sunday the 22d ult.,
Mrs. JANE LYONS, of Cavanapole, near Tynan, died very
suddenly. She had been at the Presbyterian meeting-house
that morning, in perfect health, attended the whole service,
returned home, and dined with her husband. After reading a
little, she went into the garden ; and was but a few moments
absent when a scream was heard by her husband, who
immediately ran to see the cause. On arriving at the place he
found her lying on the ground senseless. Medical aid was
procured as soon as possible, but all to no purpose, life was
totally extinct. The deceased has left a respectable circle of
sorrowing friends.
On the
night of Friday, the 27th ult., the boiling-house of Mr.
ROBERT CORRIGAN, of Moss-Spring, near Charlemont,
one of the most extensive linen manufactories in this county,
was forcibly broken into, and upwards of 120 spangles of
yarn stolen. Part of the yarn was in the boiler, and the rest
had been only wrung out the preceding evening. The robbers
forced the lock with a crow-bar, and after having effected
their entrance, made an ineffectual attempt on the office,
which is under the same roof with Mr. CORRIGAN’S house,
and adjoining his bed-room, and where there were 600
double webs at the time. This robbery is only one of a series
perpetrated on the manufacturers of that neighbourhood,
Mr. CORRIGAN’s son, (Mr. S. CORRIGAN, of Copney [Co
Tyrone]) and Mr. R. ROLSTON, of Aghanlig [Co Armagh],
having both been robbed of linen yarn during the last 18
On Monday, the 7th
instant, GEORGE HENRY, Esq., of Tassa, held an inquest on
the body of a man named DUNN, a smith in the employment of
Mr. JAMES SCOTT, Ballymacally Cottage, Markethill. It
appeared that DUNN had drank a great quantity of ardent
spirits that day, and was put to bed in a state of intoxication.
When the other servants were retiring to rest, deceased appeared
to be sleeping easy. One of the men happening to awake in the
middle of the night thought he did not hear him breathe, and on
going to see, found him completely dead. Mr. SCOTT had
medical aid procured as soon as possible, but every exertion
was useless.—He is supposed to have died of apoplexy, from
the effects of drunkenness.
Thomas Leathem, Hugh O’Neill, Bernard M’Glone, and John
M’Cluskey, were indicted for an assault on Robert Morrow, a
Constable, at Armagh, on the 13th July, inst., while in the ex-
ecution of his duty, and rescuing from his custody one Thomas
Quin ; also, for a common assault ; and for a riot, at same time
and place.
Sir T. STAPLES stated the case for the prosecution. It arose
out of the unfortunate occurrence on the occasion of the collision
that took place on Saturday last between the Orangemen NS
Roman Catholics, the particulars of which have been fully de-
tailed The following witnesses were then called :
John Lodge, Head Constable of police, examined by Mr.
HANNA—Produced the warrant signed “George Robinson,” a
magistrate of this town, to arrest a person named Thomas Quin ;
in consequence of the warrant proceeded to Callan-street to the
residence of Thomas Quin, and took four policemen with him ;
was accompanied also by the County Inspector, Mr. Anderson ;
the men had their carbines ; the door was open when they ar-
rived ; observed it to be closed as they approached ; no force
was used ; told Quin when he entered that he was witness’s pri-
soner ; thinks he told him it was for an assault; brought him out,
and was proceeding to the barrack, when the mob collected and
said they should not take him that way, but some other way
they mentioned ; in hopes of avoiding a collision, did take him
the way the mob pointed out ; a number more, to the amount of
300, then collected, and shouted that they should not take the
prisoner away at all ; there was a great deal of cheering and
shouting, and stones thrown ; was struck twice, and one of the
men, named Morrow, was struck on the head with a stone ; saw
one of the mob get a very violent blow with a stone which wit-
ness supposes was intended for one of the police ; succeeded in
bringing the prisoner as far as Irish-street, when a sudden rush
was made on them, the crowd forcing themselves between wit-
ness and the prisoner, the witness lost his hold and the prisoner
was taken off ; M’Cluskey was one of the crowd ; witness
cannot say that he was him commit any particular act of violence
unless pushing and running about ; did not hear him say any
Lewis Anderson, Esq., County Inspector of police, examined
by Sir T. STAPLES—Went on Sunday morning to arrest a pri-
soner ; the arrest was made ; when prisoner came to the door
witness ordered the police to fix bayonets, and take the prisoner
between them ; when they got to the head of the street there was
a great crowd round them; the crowd shouted “ don’t let the
prisoner go with the police—they must take bail ;” begged of
the people to be quiet, as they would only take him to the police
barrack, then a magistrate could be had, and he would take
bail ; the mob wanted to force the police a different way from the
barrack; but police went their own way ; is not positive as to
the way they came home; the mob cried out again “get the
door opened and we will bring him into Mr. Quin’s office;” a
woman took hold of him by the arm, and swore that if he did not
make his men let the prisoner go she would break his face with
the stone she had in her hand ; was then in front of the police;
when he turned round saw the prisoner was gone from the po-
lice; saw M’Glone, O’Neill, and Leathem in the mob ; some of
the people said “ you would not keep the Orangemen you had
last night, but you would keep Quin.”
Cross-examined by Mr. JOY—Did not know the prisoners
before ; saw them at the police barrack on Monday, the 14th
inst. ; came from county Donegal to Armagh about fifteen or
sixteen months ago ; is stationed in Armagh at present ; cannot
positively swear that they went and came the same way ; went
the contrary way to that the mob wanted them to go ; was
about four or five yards from the police when the rescue was
To the COURT—Said to the woman who had the stone in her
hand, “keep quiet and we will get him bailed”; can identify
O’Neil as he was at his side several times ; does not think
O’Neil was at his side when the woman addressed him ; did
not look at prisoners with an intention to identify them ; the
prisoners told their names to him at the police barrack.
Robert Morrow, Constable, examined by Mr. HANNA—Is
twelve months in Armagh ; went with Head-Constablew Lodge
to arrest a person named Quin, in Callan-street ; did arrest
Quin ; when they came to the head of Callan-street a great
number of persons were shouting and throwing stones ; got a
blow on the back of the head which stunned him a good deal ;
could not say whether it was with a stone or fist he got the
blow ; knows all the prisoners ; knew them before.
Cross-examined by Mr. JOY—Was struck with three stones.
To the COURT—Got four blows—three from stones, and one
which he could not say was from a stone ; Mr. Anderson was
about two or three yards from the police at the time the rescue
was made.
Thomas Plunkett, examined by Sir T. STAPLES—Was with
the party that went to arrest Quin ; did arrest him ; brought
him up Primrose-lane ; he was rescued at the head of Castle-
street ; saw M’Clusky take hold of Constable Morrow by the
belt, and pull him about two yards from the prisoner.
In the cross-examination of this witness nothing particular
occurred, and the case for the Crown closed.
As Mr. JOY rose to open the defence for all the prisoners ex-
cept M’Clusky, he was interrupted by Head-constable Lodge
who said—“My Lord there appears to be a variance between
the witnesses, and I want to explain it.”
Judge BALL—Go down, the case has been closed.
Mr. JOY raised two law points to the effect, that from the
warrant and evidence, it did not appear that Mr. Robinson who
signed it was a Magistrate of the county : and further, that it
did not appear (?) warrant had been granted on sworn informa-
tions. He here (obscured by ink stamp) the jury for the defence;
and called
Michael R??, [obscured] examined—He stated that he and
O’Neil were in Peter R??k’s shop, on Sunday, from ten till
about a quarter of eleven. That they walked up Ogle-street
together, towards Irish-street, and as they were going up,
heard shouting at the head of Irish-street. When they got to
to [sic] the head of Irish-street, saw neither the police nor
Thomas Quin, and heard, about five minutes after they had got
up that Quin had been rescued. O’Neil was with him on the
way to the head of Ogle-street, and when they parted O’Neil
went across the street to Paddy Gubby’s door.
Bernard M’Glone, father to the prisoner of the same name,
examined by Mr. JOY—He proved that his son was in bed till
after the rescue took place.
Eliza White examined by Mr. JOY—She proved that, about
eleven o’clock on Sunday morning she was going down to
M’Glone’s, when she was told that Tommy Quin had been
rescued. On entering M’Glone’s she saw young Barney, the
prisoner, coming down stairs with only his shirt and trousers
on, as if he had just got up. She stopped a quarter of an hour,
during which time young Bernard was present.
William Keegan and Jane M’Glone fully corroborated the
preceding testimony in favor of M’Glone.
Hugh Clancy, William Menagh, and Mrs. Boylan, gave evi-
dence to prove an alibi for Leathem.
Michael Rock came forward voluntarily, as a witness for
His LORDSHIP then summed up, and the Jury retired at
about a quarter past three. At six they returned into Court,
and said they had agreed to an acquittal, as regarded three of
the prisoners ; but that as to the third they could not agree.
His LORDSHIP said, they had been but a short time in
consultation ; and if they [sic] Jury wished to hear any part
of his notes, he would be happy to read them to them.
A JUROR—Oh, no, my Lord, we have the evidence.
His LORDSHIP—Then, gentlemen, you may retire to your
room, and consider the matter more fully.
Yesterday, at twelve o’clock, the county Coroner,--MAGEE,
Esq., accompanied by Lord GOSFORD, WM. PATON, Esq.,
J.P., THOMAS DOBBIN, Esq, J.P., WM. ALGEO, Esq., J.P.,
and JOHN M’WATTY, Esq., J.P., held an inquest on view of
the body of JOHN BOYLE.
The following jury were sworn :--John M’Cartney,
Alexander Gibson, Philip Keenan, Patrick Rafferty, James
Riddall, Samuel White, Francis Hart, Patrick Devlin, Charles
Connelly, James Johnston, Francis M’Kee, William Campbell,
J. M’Kenna, Robert Anderson, Samuel Moyllart, Richard
Power, Arthur Conroy, Lawrence Sherry, Patrick Loughan.
After the jury were sworn they went to the house of the de-
ceased to view the body, and on their return to the Market-
house proceeded with the hearing of evidence.
The first witness examined was a young man named David
Cassidy, shopman to Mr. Carvell, of Thomas-street; his evi-
dence went to prove that a riot commenced in consequence of
some boys calling out for the tune of “ Garryowen” when the
Orangemen arrived at the end of Thomas-street, and were
about turning down Dobbin-street. He did not see the man
shot ; the only persons he saw fall was an Orangeman, who
came in collision with another, after he had thrown the stones
which he had in his hands ; and a Roman Catholic who
received a blow of a stone at Mr. Davidson’s door.
Mr. Wm. Barnes was under examination when our reporter
left. The inquest is not likely to terminate for some days.
The jury in this case was called and re-sworn.
Matilda Magill, examined by Sir. T. STAPLES—Is wife of
Owen Magill ; was married on the 18th of March, in this year,
in Castlecaulfield ; before marriage stopped at her mother’s in
the parish of Donaghmore ; after marriage stopped there two
days ; after that went to Omagh, then to Newtownstewart, then
to her mother’s, and stopped on day ; then came to Armagh ;
her husband was with her in all the places ; did not stop any
time in Armagh ; went to a lodging-house between Armagh
and Newtownhamilton ; stopped two nights there ; went next to
within seven miles of Dundalk, and stopped there four nights ;
then went to her husband’s father’s ; arrived there on Monday,
1st of April, between two and three o’clock ; went into the
house together ; in the house there were Michael Magill, his
brother, and two other children, and her husband’s father and
mother; never knew the father before ; her husband said nothing
to his father when they went into the house ; there was a supper of
which they all partook ; it was potatoes ; she and her husband
slept there that night ; next morning they went to Dundalk ; re-
mained there till sunset that evening, when they returned ;
when they came back his father was not in the house ; she re-
mained in the house, so did her husband ; it was after night
when the father came and Christopher Jordan with him ;
when they came in they sat down and began to talk
in Irish, which she did not understand ; her husband’s father
and mother went out of the house ; Jordan sat at the fire during
the time they were absent ; witness was sitting on her husband’s
knee when they went out, and he rose, but cannot say whether
he went out or not ; after some time her husband’s father and
mother came in, when they, and Jordan, and her husband again
began to speak in Irish ; when they talked some time her
mother-in-law went to little Michael, who was in bed in the
kitchen, asked him for a line, he told her where she would get
it, and she got it herself ; she reached the line to witness’s
father-in-law, and he gave it to Jordan, when Jordan took a
rule from his pocket and measured the half of it ; he
then put up the rule in his pocket, and gave back the
line to her father-in-law ; the line was like what a ma-
son would have, about as thick as witness’s little finger ;
did not see what her father-in-law did with it ; after that
they sat a short while at the fire and talked, when Jordan
said to her father-in-law that he judged it was time for them to
be going ; her father-in-law and Jordan then went out ; and
a little after her husband went out also ; she remained in the
house till her husband came in again ; he was absent about 12
minutes ; when he came in he appeared troubled or agitated ;
his mother told witness to go to bed, and a third time saying
that her husband would not go until his father returned ; wit-
ness went out and fainted ; when she recovered from the faint
her husband came and brought her in ; she and her husband
then went to bed ; his father was not in the house at the time ;
did not see her father-in-law again till day-light ; they slept in the
kitchen, there being but one room in the house ; did not see her fa-
ther-in-law again till day-light, when he was sitting at the fire light-
ing his pipe, dressed as he had been the night before ; she and
her husband got out of bed between six and seven o’clock, and
went to his aunt’s about nine ; when she arose that morning she
went to the door, and saw a hat hanging on a tree ; they re-
turned from his aunt’s after night ; that was Wednesday ; on
Wednesday night she saw two buts of sacks of oats standing in
the floor behind the door ; her husband asked her father where
he had got them, and he replied he had bought them in Dundalk
that day ; they slept in her father-in-law’s that night ; next
morning they went away, and never returned since; recollects
her husband being in the custody of the police at Newtown-
hamilton ; she was not allowed to go with him, and did not com-
municate with him after that about the matter ; since that time
she remained five weeks in Crossmaglen, and afterwards with
her mother in the parish of Donaghmore ; in Crossmaglen she
was in the house of a policeman, and not in the barracks.
Cross-examined by Mr. O’HAGAN—Was called Mrs. Magill
and her own name while in Crossmaglen ; they began to call her
Magill when she went there ; before that Mrs. Sinclair ; when
shel left her father-in-law on Wednesday they went to a house
in the fields, and stayed there that night and Thursday night ; on
Friday night they stopped in another house in the fields near Silver-
bridge ; on Saturday went to Newtownhamilton, and stayed
there till Monday, in John M’Keon’s, a lodging-house ; did not
sleep there on Monday, but came to a lodging-house between
Newtownhamilton and Armagh, a Bernard Short’s ; stayed
there from Monday till Wednesday, and slept there every night,
and her husband with her ; was one night in Bernard’s on their
way to her father-in-law’s ; Short lives on the roadside ; she
slept in Short’s on Wednesday night, but her husband did
not, as he went to Forkhill ; from Monday till Wednesday her
husband was doing nothing but amusing himself ; he was arrest-
ed on Wednesday, going to Forkhill ; Short’s is about four miles
from Newtownhamilton, which must be passed through from
Short’s ; it was about a quarter to seven o’clock when he left the
lodging-house ; a policeman came to her and said her husband
was arrested, after which she went to Newtownhamilton and
saw him in the police barrack there ; on Tuesday, in the fore-
noon, her father-in-law went past the lodging-house to Armagh
in the custody of the police ; her husband was sitting at the fire
in the police barrack when she went in ; she did not dine with
him that day ; when she went into the barrack the guard
removed her husband into the orderly room ; he was not
a night in the barrack ; witness went back to Short’s that night
after she saw her husband off ; she bade him good bye ; went
next to Crossmaglen, and remained there five weeks ; was called
Sinclair there ; her father’s name is Richard Burgess, her
mother’s Mary Evans ; does not know exactly where her father
lives ; he is a gentleman and resides partly in England and partly
at his brother’s place in Parkenore, county Tyrone ; her
mother lives in the parish of Donaghmore, same county, about
a mile from Castlecaulfield ; was living with Mary Evans when
she was married ; first saw her husband below Pomeroy, in
Creggan ; cannot mind the day of month ; it was five weeks and
three days from she first saw him till they were married ; was
married on the 18th March ; stay [sic] two days after marriage
with her mother, then went to Omagh with her husband and
stayed one night, next to Newtownhamilton, one night, then to
Omagh again, one night, then to her mother’s and stayed two
days and one night ; came then to Armagh on a Tuesday, but
merely passed through to Short’s and stopped one night ; next
night slept in John M’Parland’s on the road side, and remained
there four nights ; after that went to her husband’s father’s ;
when they went into the hosue he did not speak to either witness
or her husband ; her father-in-law and Jordan left the house
together at about 10 o’clock at night ; witness was in the house
about an hour and a half before they went out ; it was about half-
past eight o’clock when witness and her husband came into the
house together ; her mother-in-law and father-in-law went out
for about a quarter of an hour and left Jordan inside ; her hus-
band was then sitting at the fire and witness sitting on his
knee ; about a quarter of an hour after Jordan and witness’s
father-in-law went out together, her husband left the house ;
about twelve minutes after he returned, and sat down at the
fire, seemingly troubled or agitated ; witness went out and
fainted ; her husband brought her into the house again, and
they both went to bed together.
To the COURT—She fainted from fear that her huband’s pa-
rent’s [sic] would murder her ; the reason she thought so was
because her husband told her, on the road from Dundalk, that his
mother had advised him to leave her in a house of ill-fame in
Dundalk ; said this to frighten her, as he knew she was subject
to fainting, and that if she did faint, and come to, and found
that he was away from her, she would go out of one fainting-fit
into another till she would die ; when her husband came in, and
was agitated, he said nothing to her, nor did she say any thing
to him ; asked him no question ; did not speak till she went out
and fainted ; said nothing to her husband on the day he was ar-
rested ; he told her to go home to her mother, and he would
write ; this was outside the barrack, when he was going to
Crossmaglen ; there were policemen present, who heard what
was said ; on the night Jordan and her father-in-law went out,
and her husband came in, they went to bed ; her husband fell
asleep in about a quarter of an hour ; did not sleep till near day
light next morning ; while she was awake, her father-in-law did
not come near the bed-side, and say any thing ; her husband did
not awake till she awoke him, when she saw his father sitting at
the fire..
Court adjourned.
In the Matter of THOMAS JOHNSTON, an Insolvent.
THE several Schedule Credi-
late of Magmanillen, in the County
of Armagh, are hereby informed that a meeting will be held
before the Chief Clerk, at his office, No. 3, Lower Ormond-
quay, Dublin, on Wednesday, the 6th day of August next, at
the hour of one o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of ex-
amining the Assignee’s accounts in this matter, and if necessary,
for correcting and ascertaining the list of Creditors entitled to
receive dividends in this matter, and for inquiring into all other
proper and necessary matters, in order to pay a dividend in this
matter.—Dated this 16th day of July, 1845.
JOHN SMALL, Assignee.
character, from 18 to 22 years of age, five feet eight
inches height, to fill up vacancies occasioned by pensioning
old Soldiers, who have served their time, and other casualties.
Application to be made to the Parties under the command of
Lieutenant CLARKE, Head Quarters, Lurgan, who has great
pleasure in being able to state, from the authorities at
Woolwich, that better behaved men are not in the Regiment
than those sent from his station.
Recruiting for the Corps has recommenced at Charlemont,
under the command of Captain D’ARLEY. Bounty, £5 15s 6d.