There was a remarkable sequel at a meeting of the Lurgan Board of Guardians
recently to an unusual incident at the previous meeting, when a female inmate of the workhouse was granted 30 shillings to purchase her trousseau, she having declared that she had fallen in love at first sight with another inmate. The bridegroom was a cripple, employed occasionally in the tailoring department (writes the London "Daily Telegraph"). The couple were conveyed in a carriage to the Roman Catholic chapel, where the nuptial ceremony was performed, and were given a hearty send-off by a crowd of a couple of hundred people. It was stated that the bride had spent the first night after her marriage in the police cells, and had been there once since. She had, it appeared, thrashed the bridegroom with his own crutches on the wedding night, and the police had to interfere and bring the husband back to the workhouse. He was in an intoxicated condition. The guardians expect to he surcharged for their charitable action and are thoroughly dissatisfied with
the result of their match-making.
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