Lurgan Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

30 July, 1906  


In the weaving mills of Lurgan, Co. Armagh, 'sweating' exists in its vilest form. From inquiries made by the 'Irish Weekly,' Belfast, revelations of intense poverty are published.

A man with a wife and young family had coming to him at the end of one week the munificent sum of 3s 1d. The rent of the house was 3s. The man, the wife, and the children had to 'make ends meet' on a penny during the week. Of course, this meant indebtedness and hunger. This is not a solitary case. The average earnings of the workers are now from 4s to 5s per week and the average rent is 3s. The houses for which this rent is charged belongs to the mill-owners. It is significant that in a row of thirty houses belonging to one weaving firm twenty-four of them are vacant!


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