The Irishman George Thompson, of Lurgan, who spent 29 years in bed and who has earned the distinction of being the laziest man on earth, has repented, and declares that he will sleep no more.
'He rose from his couch when his mother, his sole attendant was removed to the Lurgan Workhouse infirmary. He refused to walk to the infirmary, and had to be taken on the ambulance. He walked back, however, and the sight of the fields and the trees and the busy world completely changed his mind. He declares he will now make amends for his misspent life, and will go to bed no more. He has also received from the proprietors of a Manchester music-hall an offer of £8 a week to appear each night for a certain period. It was not stated what particular role or class of business he was expected to undertake, but Lurgan people fear that if it is of a too onerous character the music-hall proprietors will be disappointed. Certainly the offer is a lavish one, for Thompson has not been accustomed to see many notes or gold during his life. Whether or not hewill accept it. however, is not known.
So far he has shown an unusual contempt for cash. It is interesting to note that Thompson keenly resents the fame which his long sojourn in bed has thrust upon him. His whole feelings were admirably summed up in one of the very few phrases he has uttered, 'What business is it of anyone if I did stay in bed?' He is still displaying an unusual fondness for outdoor life, but he looks upon every stranger as either a journalist or photographer, and whenever one appears he hurries to the house and bolts the door against all comers.
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