An old woman and her son, residents in the neighbourhood of Lurgan, as the
result of the death of a near relative, have been suddenly and unexpectedly
raised from a position of poverty to one of comparative wealth and independence.
Many years ago there lived at Doliingstown, near Lurgan, a Mrs. Hardy and
her two sons, James and Christopher. James worked sometimes as a weaver
and at other times as a labourer, and Christopher was by trade a maker of
vinegar. About thirty years ago Christopher Hardy went to reside in London, and did not afterwards retur to Ireland. His mother and brother James, however, still remained at Dollingstown. Their fortunes did not improve, and of late years, while James worked on at his humble avocations, the other, now a woman of more than seventy years of age, would often, have been reduced to dire straits had it not been for the assistance of kindly sympathisers.
In England, however, Christopher Hardy gradually made money as a manufacturer of vinegar. In the month of February, 1889, Christopher died, and about eight months ago the mother and brother of the deceased learned by a letter from the solicitor of the widow of Christopher that he had left a considerable amount of property. It was ultimately ascertained that the assets amounted to £5000 or £6000. As the result of tedious and difficult legal negotiations, the claim as successfully established, and Mrs. Hardy and her son James now find themselves in possession of the handsome sum of close on £3000. It is said an effort will be at once made to recover the remaining £3000 or £4000. - Dublin Freeman.
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