Of all the Irish Catholic men of Lurgan who went out to the great war 124 made the supreme sacrifice and in honour of their memory 400 Catholic demobilised soldiers of the town marched in procession to St Peter's Church to attend Mass for the souls of their departed comrades. At the head of the parade marched, Father McGivern who served as military chaplain during the war, and accompanying him at the head, was former Sgt-Mjr. Heaney and ex Sgt-Mjr. Kelley formerly of the Connaught Rangers. The Silverwood War Pipers Band preceded the parade bearing a white banner with the words: “In loving memory of our comrades who fell in the great war. Eternal rest grant to them O Lord and may light perpetually shine upon them.”
From Celtic Park, where the men assembled to the church, the streets were lined with spectators of every denomination and pathetic was the scene, for there is scarcely a family in the Parish that has not suffered some irreparable loss by the late War. Addressing the ex soldiers, to some of whom he had administered in the army; Father McGivern said that their dead comrades had fought and died for the liberty of small nations and it was said that it was in vain. But said Father McGivern let them wait and see. Perhaps the sacrifice these men had made would not all be in vain. Let them all pray that the liberty for which their departed comrades fought might soon be granted to their distracted country.
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