Mary Kelly, a woman well advanced in years, and William M'Knight, a young fellow, were charged by Acting Constable Campbell, who, on being sworn, stated he arrested them between eleven and twelve o'clock on the previous night, at Lurgan. They were drunk, and at the same time were acting in a disorderly manner, and by their conduct they were causing much annoyance in the neighbourhood.
The prisoners pressed upon their Worships the fact that if they were allowed off they would never come back again but their previous character went against them. Kelly had been before the Court on fifty previous occasions, and M'Knight had also been frequently convicted.
Their WORSHIPS ordered Kelly to find bail for her future good behaviour -- herself in £5, and two sureties in £2 10s each, and in default of finding such bail she was to be imprisoned for three months. M'Knight was fined 20s and costs, or a fortnight's imprisonment.
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