But for vigilance on the part of Mr. J. H. O'Neile, workhouse master, and the effective assistance rendered by the Lurgan Fire Brigade, a very serious fire would have developed in a large block of buildings in the Lurgan Workhouse yesterday afternoon. Nurse Dineen (night nurse) was resting in her room in the women’s quarter of the house, on which there is a double roof, when her attention was attracted to the sound of crackling wood. Investigation showed that a fire was burning in the gulley of the roof the building. The Master, assisted by Mr. Wolsey, of Portadown Foundry, broke through the ceiling and got out on to the roof and got the workhouse hose in play, confining the fire until the arrival of the brigade. Investigation showed that a large collection of dry sticks conveyed by rooks had collected in the gulley, and these, it believed, were fired by sparks from the home chimney.
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