Lurgan Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

22 January, 1887  


A Lurgan correspondent telegraphs to the 'Pall Mall Gazette' of 8th December that the acquittal of a man named Hart who was charged with murder, and the disagreement, of the jury in the case of Mr Andrew Donnelly a Catholic merchant, charged with firing with intent to murder, were made the occasion of a' riotous demonstration, commencing late last night, kept the town in a state of uproar for several hours.

Considerable damage was done to property, and a number of people were more or less seriously injured by stones and other missiles. A torchlight procession, accompanied by bands marched through the leading thoroughfares of the town, cheering for Hart. The Protestant and Orange inhabitants were roused to frenzy, and the opposing factions quickly came to blows. Many men were armed and used their weapons, but the fight was carried, on chiefly with bludgeons, and stones. Several attempts were made to storm the residence of Samuel Sloan, spirit merchant, but the house does not seem to be damaged beyond the breaking of a few windows. Other houses, in most cases, it is said, inhabited by Protestants, were afterwards attacked, and more or less damaged.

Meanwhile the authorities had telegraphed for assistance, and reinforcements of police and military arrived by train. The disturbances, however, continued, and it wasn't until the small hour of the morning that the streets were finally cleared by two troops of dragoons assisted by the constabulary.


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