In consequence of a wish unanimously expressed the parties frequenting the Lurgan Market, for a change of the Market-day from FRIDAY to THURSDAY, hereby give notice, that the Lurgan Market will be held on every THURSDAY in the year, commencing on Thursday, the day 2nd day of December next. We also give notice, that there will be a Fair held at Lurgan, on the Second THURSDAY in every month, in addition to the two old Fairs, held on the 5th of August and 22d of November. The first Monthly Fair to be held on THURSDAY, the 9th day of December next. N.B.—We also give notice, that arrangements are intended to be made for establishing a Flax, Pork, Butter, Fowl, and Egg Market, of which due notice will be given.
Lurgan. John Hancock, J.P. George Greer. Joseph H. Boyd. Samuel Watts. Wm. Armstrong. Joseph Wilson. James Anderson. James Malcolm. Robert liazellon. Robert Trail. Thomas Hall. Francis Watson. John Haxlett. John Johnston. Z', William Johnston. I George Ruddell. I Matthew Wells. Robert Stanley. Thomas Stanley. I Thomas Bullocke. Moses Taggart. William M'Cullougb, John Gilbert. George Neltleton. John Girdwood. John Cuppage & Co. Richard Beatty. George & Wm. Lockhart.
November 2, 1841.
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