Here are the results for the letter w

Waite Greer, John
Lurgan Street Index D Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Waite, Anne
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Waite, John
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Waite, John
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wakefield, Thomas
Ballynaghy Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wakefield, Thomas
Drumnacanvy Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, ??:
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, Abraham
Levaghery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, Isaac
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, James
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, John
Charlestown Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, John
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, John
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, John
Seagoe Lower Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, John
Lurgan Street Index G Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, John
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, John (Clerk)
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, John (Clerk)
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, Joseph
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, Maria
Levaghery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, Moses, Snr
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, Robert
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walker, Stewart
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wallace, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Arthur
Aghacommon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Eliza
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Henry
Derrycor Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Henry
Lurgan Street Index L Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, James
Aghacommon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, James
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, James
Lurgan Street Index T Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, John
Lurgan Street Index L Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Mary
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Patrick
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Rev. Hugh C
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Richard
Aghacommon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Rose Anne
Derryloste Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, Rose Anne:
Derrytrasna Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Walsh, William
Aghacommon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Ward, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Ward, Michael
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Ward, Robert
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Waring, James
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Waring, Joseph
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Waring, Thomas
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Waring, Thomas
Derrymacash Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Warnock, Henry
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Warren, James
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Warren, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Waters, James
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Armstrong and Co
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, David
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Francis
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Francis
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, George
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, George
Lurgan Street Index F Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Hugh
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Hugh
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, James
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, James
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Jane
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Jane Eliza
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, John
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Joseph
Ballyhannon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Richard
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, Thomas
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, William
Bocombra Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, William
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Watson, William
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weatherall, William
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Webb, Edward
Lylo Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Webb, James
Lylo Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Webb, John
Derrymacash Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Webb, Mary
Lylo Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Webb, Watson
Lylo Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Webb, William
Lylo Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weill, James
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, Anne
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, Francis
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, Francis
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, James
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, James
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, John
Ballynaghy Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, John, Jnr
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, John, Snr
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, Joseph
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, Noble
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, Robert
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, Samuel
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Weir, William
Ballymacrandal Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wells, David
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wells, Jane
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wells, John
Lurgan Street Index F Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wells, Matthew
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

West, Henry
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wetherall, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Whaley, Eliza Jane
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Whaley, Jane
Derryvore Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Whaley, Jonathan
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

White, Andrew
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

White, David
Derryloste Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

White, David
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

White, James
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

White, Robert
Bocombra Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

White, Robert
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

White, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Whiteside, Alexander
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Whiteside, Isabella
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Whiteside, John
Lisnamintry Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Whiteside, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index G Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Whiteside, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Whitton, Robert
Levaghery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wiles, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wiles, Richard
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilkinson, Edward
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilkinson, James
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilkinson, James
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilkinson, William
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

William Baird (sec):
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

William Brannian
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

William Brown
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Williams, Robert
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Williamson, John
Drumnagoon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Williamson, William
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Willis, John
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Willis, Martha
Lurgan Street Index T Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Alexander
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Christopher
Charlestown Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Francis
Charlestown Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Francis
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, James
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, James
Ballymacrandal Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, James
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, James
Lisnisky Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, James
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Jane
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, John
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, John
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Joseph
Lisnisky Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Leonard
Lisnisky Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Mary
Lisnisky Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Mary Anne
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Meredyth
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Oliver
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Robert
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Robert
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Sarah
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Thomas
Ballymacrandal Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, Thomas
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wilson, William
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Winchester, James
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Winters, Rosanna
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wolsey, Jno (Carpenter)
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Woods, Arthur
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Woods, Mary Jane
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Woods, Peter
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Woods, William John
Drumnacanvy Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wortley, Ellen
Derrytrasna Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wray, James
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wray, James
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, Anne
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, George
Derryloste Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, George
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, John
Ballyhannon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, John
Knock Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, Mary
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, Robert
Ballyhannon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index F Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Wright, William
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

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