Here are the results for the letter i

Ilduff, Michael
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, Alexander
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, David
Seagoe Lower Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, George
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, James
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, John
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, John
Drumnagoon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, John
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, John
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, John
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, Margaret
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, Patrick
Lurgan Street Index S Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, Rep. Robert
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, Sarah Anne
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, Thomas
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, William
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Irwin, William
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Isdall, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

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