Here are the results for the letter f

Fagan, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fagan, Mary
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fagan, Matthew
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fair, Alice
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fairfield, John
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fairley, John
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Falloon, Henry
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Falloon, James
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Falloon, John
Derrytrasna Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Falloon, John
Lurgan Street Index T Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Falloon, Margaret
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Falloon, Sabina
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fannin, James
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fannin, John
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fanning, William
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Faris, James
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Faris, Willaim:
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Farquhar, William
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Farr, David
Hacknahay Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Farrell, Henry
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Farrell, John, Jnr
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Farrell, John, Snr
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Farrell, Patrick
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Farrell, Patrick
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Farrell, Robert
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Farris, William
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Faulkner, John
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fay, Letitia
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fegan, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fenan, William
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Ferguson, John
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fforde, Francis
Derrymacash Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Finch, James
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Finlay, Daniel
Lurgan Street Index D Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Finlay, Hugh
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Finn, Henry
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fitzimons, Robert
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fitzpatrick, Hugh
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fitzpatrick, Terence
Lurgan Street Index D Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fitzpatrick, William
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fitzsimons, Richard
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fitzsimons, Samuel
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Flack, Ellen
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, John
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, John
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, John
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, John
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, John:
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, Thomas
Ballymacrandal Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, Thomas
Hacknahay Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, William
Lylo Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, William
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fleming, William
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fletcher, James
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fletcher, James
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fletcher, Sarah
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fletcher, William
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Follace, George
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Follis, Richard
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Forde, Francis F
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Forde, William
Drumnagoon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Forfay, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Forfay, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Forsythe, James
Derryvore Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Forsythe, William
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fowler, Joseph
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fowler, William
Ballydonaghy Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fox, John
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fox, John
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fox, John
Lurgan Street Index L Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fox, Samuel
Derrytrasna Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Foy, John
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Foy, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fred Broughton (Sec.)
Lurgan Street Index D Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fred Broughton (Sec):
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Freeburn, Dawson
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

French, John
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

French, John
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Friar, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index T Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Friars, Samuel
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Friars, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index D Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Friars, William
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Friars, William
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fullerton, Mary
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Fulton, Robert
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

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