Here are the results for the letter c

Cabry, William
Derrycor Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Caddell, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cadden, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, Daniel
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, George
Derrytagh South Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, James
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, John
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, John
Lisnamintry Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, Margaret
Derrytagh South Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, Matthew
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, Patrick
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, William
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, William
Derrytagh South Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cairns, William
Derrytrasna Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Caldwell, Robert
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Calvert, Edward
Ballymacrandal Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Calvert, Edward
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Calvert, Edward
Drumnacanvy Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Calvert, John
Ballymacrandal Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Calvert, Leonard
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Calvert, Robert
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Calvert, William J
Ballyhannon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Calvert, William John
Ballymacrandal Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cameron, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cameron, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, David
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, Ellen
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, George
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, Hugh
Derrycor Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, James
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, James
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, John
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, John
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, John
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, Nicholas
Knock Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, Patrick
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, Robert
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, Robert
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, Terence
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, William
Knock Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, William
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Campbell, Wm. John
Lylo Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cane, John
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Capper, David:
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Capper, John
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Capper, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Capper, William
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carbery, Bernard
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carey, Hugh
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carey, James
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carey, James
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carey, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carey, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index T Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carey, William
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carlile, James S
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carlile, James S
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carlile, James Stewart
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carlisle, James
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carney, Catherine
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carr, Anne
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carr, Anne
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carr, Francis
Lurgan Street Index S Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carr, James
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carr, Mary
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carrick, George R
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carroll, Andrew
Aghacommon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carroll, Daniel
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carroll, James
Derrytagh South Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carroll, Sarah
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carson, Hill
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carson, Holt
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carson, Hugh Moore
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carter, John
Lurgan Street Index S Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carter, Margaret
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carter, William
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cartmills, James
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cartwright, James
Lurgan Street Index T Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cartwright, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cartwright, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cartwright, Robert
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carvill, James
Drumnagoon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carvill, John
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carvill, Patrick, Jnr
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carvill, Patrick, Snr
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carvill, Robert
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Carvill, William
Lylo Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Casey, Alice
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Casey, John
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Casey, John
Lurgan Street Index S Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Casey, Patrick
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cassells, Edward
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cassells, Robert
Lurgan Street Index T Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cassidy, Edward
Lurgan Street Index D Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cassidy, James
Aghacommon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cassidy, William
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cassidy, William
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, Catherine
Annaloist Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, Dawson
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, Edward
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, James
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, James
Annaloist Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, Jane
Annaloist Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, John
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, Margaret
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, Richard
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, William
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, William
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Castles, William
Derrymacash Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Catney, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Caul, Daniel
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Caulfield, Bernard
Aghacommon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Caulfield, John
Derrytrasna Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Caulfield, William
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Chambers, Anne
Ballygargan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Chambers, John
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Chambers, William
Ballydonaghy Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Chambers, William
Ballymacrandal Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Chambers, William
Hacknahay Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Chapman, Charles
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Chapman, Eliza
Lurgan Street Index D Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Chapman, John
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cherry, Andrew
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cherry, Andrew
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cherry, John
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cherry, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cherry, William
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Christie, Hanna
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Chuton, John
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cinamon, Jane
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cinnamond, D Arcy
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clarke, Abraham
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clarke, Edward
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clarke, James
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clarke, James
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clarke, John
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clarke, Mary
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clarke, Rev. John G
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clarke, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clarkson, James
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clayton, David
Lisnisky Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clayton, John
Levaghery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Clendining, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cloghey, William
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Close, Daniel
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Close, William
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cochran, William H
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cochrane, John
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cochrane, Thomas
Ballydonaghy Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coll, Bernard
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coll, George
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coll, Robert
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, Francis
Seagoe Lower Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, George
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, Henry
Derryvore Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, James
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, James
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, John
Seagoe Lower Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, John
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, John
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, Joseph
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Collins, William
Drumnagoon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Colville, Henry
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Colvin, James
Lurgan Street Index L Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Comberton, George
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Comberton, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Comberton, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Conn, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Conn, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Connery, Andrew
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Connolly, James
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Connolly, James
Aghacommon Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Connolly, John
Lurgan Street Index T Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Connolly, John
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Connolly, Patrick
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Conway, John
Derryloste Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Conway, John
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cook, Anne
Lurgan Street Index L Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cook, Robert
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cook, William
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cooke, John
Hacknahay Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cooke, John
Levaghery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cooke, Matthew
Levaghery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cooper, David
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cooper, Francis
Lurgan Street Index D Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cooper, John
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cooper, Robert
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Copper, John
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Anne
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Christopher
Charlestown Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Christopher
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Edward
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Jane
Derryloste Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Jane
Derrytrasna Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, John
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, John
Lurgan Street Index T Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Mary
Derryloste Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Matthew:
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Moses
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Stephen
Derryloste Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Stevenson
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, Uzziah
Derryinver Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, William
Derryloste Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cordner, William John
Derryloste Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corkan, William
Lisnamintry Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corner, Stewart
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cornfield, John
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corr, Henry
Derrymacash Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corr, Hugh
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corr, James
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corr, James
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corr, John
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corr, Margaret
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corr, Michael, Jnr
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corr, Michael, Snr
Knocknamuckly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corr, Patrick
Derryvore Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corry, John
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corry, John
Seagoe Upper Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Corville, Daniel
Ballynery Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cosby, Richard
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cosgrave, Judith Rose
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cosgrave, Michael
Derrytagh South Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cosgrave, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index A Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Costello, Patrick
Lurgan Street Index D Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, Calvert
Derrymacash Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, David
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, John
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, John
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, John, Jnr
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, John, Snr
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, Margaret
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, Richard
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, Robb
Seagoe Lower Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, Robert
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, Samuel
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, William
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Coulter, William
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Courtney, Thomas
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cousin, John
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cowan, Jane
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cowan, John
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cowan, William
Lurgan Street Index L Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cowley, Anthony
Killycomain Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cozens, James
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Craig, Charles
Drumlisnagrilly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Craig, Rev. William
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Craig, Robert
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Craig, William
Breagh Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Craig, William
Drumlisnagrilly Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Craig, William
Tarsan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Craney, John
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Craney, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Craney, William
Lurgan Street Index F Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cranny, William James
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cranston, Margaret
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crawford, Dunlop
Lurgan Street Index H Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crawford, John
Derrytrasna Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crawford, Samuel
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crawford, William
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Creahan, Henry
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Creaney, Henry
Lurgan Street Index C Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Creaney, James
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Creaney, William
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Creany, Hugh
Derrytagh North Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crew, James
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crilly, John
Derrytagh South Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crimmins, Denis
Derrymacash Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crimmins, Denis
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crone, James
Lurgan Street Index F Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crone, James
Lurgan Street Index Q Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crosby, John
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crossey, Edward
Lurgan Street Index U Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crossey, James
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Crossy, John
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cuddy, Margaret
Lisnisky Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Culbert, Thomas
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Culbert, William J
Lurgan Street Index M Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cull, Thomas
Derryadd Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cullagher, Mary
Lurgan Street Index R Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cullen, Patrick
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cully, Catherine
Lurgan Street Index J Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cully, John
Lurgan Street Index E Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cully, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index F Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cully, Joseph
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cummins, Matilda
Lurgan Street Index O Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cummins, Matthew
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cunningham, Anne
Lurgan Street Index F Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cunningham, John
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cunningham, John
Lurgan Street Index N Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Cunningham, Neill
Lurgan Street Index B Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Curran, John
Lisnamintry Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Curran, John
Lisnisky Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Curry, John
Kernan Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Curry, John
Lurgan Street Index W Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Curry, William
Lylo Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

Curry, William
Lurgan Street Index F Griffiths Land Valuations 1864

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