Matiers Directory of Lurgan 1835
This book is the first Directory of Belfast and surrounding areas published by William Matier, at a time when the area was growing very quickly as a consequence of industrialization. The directory covers the city of Belfast and Ballymacarrett, but this part of the directory covers only the Lurgan area. The full directory gives a full trade directory, and alphabetical lists of all professions, noblemen, gentry, merchants, traders residing in the city and its neighbourhood. This is followed by a full and detailed breakdown of all the public institutions in the city, including their principal staff members, and a full list of all churches. The book also contains many advertisements by traders and merchants, but none are reproduced here.
Agnew, James – Woolen Draper, Dromore
Anderson, William – Cabinet Maker, Lurgan
Armstrong, William - Woolen Draper &c. Lurgan
Black, Joseph Esq – Marymount, Dromore
Boyd, Joseph H. Esq, Lurgan
Boyd, James – Tobacco and Snuff manufacturer. Lurgan
Boyd, James &c – Brewers. Lurgan
Brennan, Patrick – Commision Flax Merchant, Dromore
Brownlow, Charles Esq J.P. – High Sheriff of the County of Armagh. Lurgan Park.
The Brownlow Arms Inn – John Girdwood Proprietor. Lurgan
Brush, C.R – Land Agent, Dromore
Bullock, Thomas – Grocer and Spirit dealer. Lurgan
Chapman, John – Coach Maker, Lurgan
Cummins, John – Grocer and Spirit Dealer. Lurgan
Cuppage, Thomas Esq. Silverwood, Lurgan
Cuppage and Greer Esqs. – Managers of the Northern Bank, Lurgan
Cuppage, John & Co. – Yarn Factors and general agents, Lurgan
Dobbin, Rev. Hamilton. Lurgan
Douglass, William – Surgeon and Apothecary, Lurgan
Greer and Boyd Esq – Distillers, Lurgan
Greer George, Boyd Mathew, Greer Samuel, Lurgan
Hall, Thomas – Manager , Bank of Ireland, Lurgan
Hancock, William John Esq – Land Agents, Lurgan
Hanna, John – Linen Bleacher, Dromore
Hannay, Robert S. – M.D. Lurgan
Hazlitt, John – Solicitor, Lurgan and Dublin
Johnston, John – Malster and Brewer, Lurgan
Johnston William – Grocer and Ironmonger, Lurgan
Johnston, William – Tobacconist, Lurgan
Kent, Rev. Edward – Glebe House, Lurgan
Lockhart, George and William – Linen Manufactures, Lurgan
McCartney, Edward – Grocer, Glass and China, Dromore
McGarry, Rev Daniel, PP, Aughagallon
Martin, John – Kings Arms Inn, Dromore
Malcomson, James – Linen Manufacturer and Dealer, Lurgan
Miller, Joseph M.D. Lurgan
Morrison, James - accountant, Belfast Bank, Lurgan
O’Neill, Terrence Esq – Shankill Road
Paul, John – Woolen Draper and Haberdasher, Lurgan
Pentland, William - Woolen Draper, Lurgan
Richardson, Ralph – Manager, Belfast Bank, Lurgan
Robson, Elizabeth – Grocer, Lurgan
Rowan, William N. – Accountant Bank of Ireland, Lurgan
Saunderson, William – Excise Officer, Lurgan
Taggart, Moses – Linen Draper, Lurgan
Thompson, William – Haberdasher, Lurgan
Trail, Robert – Wollen Draper, Lurgan
Uprichard, Thamas, Fairview, Lurgan
Watson, Francis and Sons – Linen Merchants, Lurgan
Watson, Robert – Draper and Linen Manufacturer, Lurgan
Wilson, Joseph – Yarn Merchant, Lurgan.
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The information on this website is free and will always be so. However, there are many documents and records that we would like to show here that are only available for sale. If you would like to make a donation to the Lurgan Ancestry project, however small (or large!), to enable us to acquire these records, it would be very much appreciated.