Brownlow's Rent Rolls for 1635
A rent roll of Sir William Brownlowe's half yeares rent ending Alsaints, 1635.
Memorandum that I Sir William Brownlowe knight haue assigned and appointed and by these presents doe assigne and appoint all my tenants to pay vnto Randall Aldersey of the citty of Dublin gent. £233 sterling euerie half yeare out of the rents of such lands as are now in their possession before such time as they pay any of their said rents to me the said Sir William Brownlowe and which is for the paiment of such monies as are secured to bee paid to Alderman Parkhurst or or for his vse. In witness whereof I haue herevnto put my hand and seale the 21 of December 1635 William Brownlowe Witness herevnto Barth. Waite William Povey and Jo. Brownlowe.
These rents are supposed to bee for the lands and followeing vidzt.
Ballenemony and tenement John Davis of Lurgan £10. 05s. 00d.
Accamon part John Parker £06. 10s. 00d. Anaghlost William Smith £00. 06s. 08d.
Porters tenement Copelands old tenement Humphry Wilson £01. 00s. 00d.
Gills freehold William Ward £01. 00s. 00d.
Part of Dromnemoe William Ward and Humphry Wilson £02. 05s. 05d.
Winters tenement and Adams Thomas Thompson Junior £02. 00s. 00d.
Heaths tenement Dorothie Atkinson and Thomas [James] ** Bolton £02. 17s. 09d.
Grahams tenement James Atkinson £00. 10s. 00d.
Brownloes tenement and Knockneshane William Horner £05. 17s. 07d.
Christopher Bane £01. 18s. 00d.
mcLevyes Richard mcEnass £04. 04s. 00d.
Rebecca Shellington £00. 13s. 04d.
John Cullie £00. 16s. 08d.
George Rogers £01. 01s. 03d.
Adam Hamilton £00. 16s. 08d.
Donogh mcElindon £00. 05s. 00d.
r Lawles Phelome mcCartan £00. 15s. 03d.
£43. 02s. 07d.
George Hodgins Mathew Mathewson £01. 02s. 06d.
Taberhuney Roger Edwards £01. 01s. 03d.
Roger Edwards and Matthew Matteson £02. 11s. 04d.
John Compsie £02. 01s. 00d.
Thomas Cullie £01. 01s. 03d.
Hartlowes tenement 1/2 Peter Harland £08. 00s. 00d.
Knockneshane and part Balliblagh James Litle £05. 02s. 08d.
Richard Spence £01. 02s. 06d.
Robert For size £01. 05s. 00d.
Andersons tenement Thomas Thompson Senior £00. 16s. 00d.
Thomas and Robert Atkinson £04. 06s. 00d.
Jo. Winter £00. 05s. 00d.
Christopher Relph £00. 10s. 00d.
Allice Smith £01. 14s. 04d.
Cormicks tenement part at Accamon John Cowper £07. 00s. 00d.
Wal (?) to it waste William Linus £01. 01s. 03d.
Morrice Mullmurrie £01. 01s. 03d.
William Hathwaite £01. 15s. 02d.
Part Kilnargett Part Kilnargett Christopher Atkinson £03. 02s. 09d.
Part same John Robson £07. 08s. 11d.
Castle and demesnes Mr. Robert Ward £36. 08s. 04d.
£89. 06s. 06d.
The place of the new freehold Alexander Gill £09. 18s. 04d.
Widdow William Gourden £03. 00s. 00d.
Knockrawre Mr. Richard Palmer £06. 06s. 08d.
1/2 Tullidagon Mathew Williamson £03. 13s. 04d.
Roger Gibbs £03. 08s. 04d.
Thomas Thompson Senior and Robert Atkinson £02. 11s. 04d.
Thomas Tailor £20. 13s. 04d.
John Brownlowe £12. 13s. 04d.
Jo. Brownlowe and Robert Atkinson £42. 10s. 00d.
William Horner and James Atkinson £02. 12s. 03d.
Henry Hunter £01. 07s. 00d.
James Atkinson £01. 11s. 06d.
Catharina OHaghertie £02. 01s. 08d.
George Marshall and Christopher Lydall £02. 07s. 06d.
Owen oNeale £02. 15s. 05d.
Owen oNeale and Daniell Magoghie £02. 12s. 11d. Pat oCorr and Pat mcEtimanie £03. 00s. 00d.
Thomas Smith £00. 18s. 03d.
Part Tirmony (?) Michael Greene £05. 12s. 04d.
T Hodsons William Nicholson £03. 03s. 04d.
Balliblagh Thomas Harkley and Frances Marshall £05. 03s. 04d.
£138. 00s. 02d.
William Gill £01. 16s. 06d.
Henry and William Hunter £01. 16s. 08d.
Part Butconell Robert Gibbs £05. 03s. 04d.
Part Kilnargett Leonard Riggs £00. 17s. 06d. Anna Boomer £01. 00s. 00d.
Part Tirmoyry Robert and Leonard Pierson £03. 13s. 04d.
Montaghes and Killaghy
John and Garrett Barry £45. 00s. 00d.
Clanrolla £09. 16s. 08d.
Dromnikerney £07. 08s. 00d.
Clangillovoriff £06. 06s. 08d.
Monbreff £04. 04s. 00d.
Thomas Calvert £02. 05s. 10d.
Part [Tullegally]
Henry Calvert £00. 12s. 06d.
1/2 Tullidagon
Thomas Hooker £02. 15s. 00d.
Part Donagreighan "neare it"
John Ridgall £03. 03s. 04d.
Edward Brice £03. 03s. 04d.
Part Carricknegair
John Gregson £03. 16s. 08d.
Part Carricknegair
Widdow of Launcelott Pierson £03. 03s. 04d.
William Hooker £01. 16s. 08d.
Part Bromnikelly
John Ogell £02. 15s. 00d.
Part Bromnikelly
Edward Atkinson £01. 16s. 08d.
Tannaghmore £06. 13s. 04d.
William White £01. 10s. 00d.
£120. 14s. 00d.
William Gill £01. 16s. 06d.
Henry and William Hunter £01. 16s. 08d.
Part Butconell Robert Gibbs £05. 03s. 04d.
Part Kilnargett Leonard Riggs £00. 17s. 06d.
Anna Boomer £01. 00s. 00d.
Part Tirmoyry Robert and Leonard Pierson £03. 13s. 04d.
Montaghes and Killaghy
John and Garrett Barry £45. 00s. 00d.
Clanrolla £09. 16s. 08d.
Dromnikerney £07. 08s. 00d.
Clangillovoriff £06. 06s. 08d.
Monbreff £04. 04s. 00d.
Thomas Calvert £02. 05s. 10d.
Part [Tullegally]
Monbreif Henry Calvert £00. 12s. 06d.
1/2 Tullidagon Thomas Hooker £02. 15s. 00d.
Part Donagreighan
"neare it" John Ridgall £03. 03s. 04d.
Edward Brice £03. 03s. 04d.
Part Carricknegair John Gregson £03. 16s. 08d.
Part Carricknegair Widdow of Launcelott Pierson £03. 03s. 04d.
William Hooker £01. 16s. 08d.
Part Bromnikelly John Ogell £02. 15s. 00d.
Part Bromnikelly Edward Atkinson £01. 16s. 08d.
Tannaghmore £06. 13s. 04d.
William White £01. 10s. 00d.
£120. 14s. 00d.
The totall sum of Sir William Brownlowes half yeares rent ending Alsaints 1635
£391. 03s. 07d.
The totall sum of the whole yeares rent then was
£782. 07s. 02d.
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